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    Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Bas...

    Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

    John Boik
    ISBN: 978-0964828001
    Text on the principles by which anticancer agents may work, and on potential use or contraindications. Author is a licensed acupuncturist with a masters in acupuncture and oriental medicine. For oncologists or practitioners interested in traditional medicine.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Conventional Medicine vs. Holistic: A World of Di...

    Conventional Medicine vs. Holistic: A World of Difference

    Dr. Tim O'Shea
    ISBN: 978-1929487011
    This book cites references that track the historical progression leading to the present crisis we see in the health industry today.
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    Dmso Handbook: A Complete Guide to the History an...

    Dmso Handbook: A Complete Guide to the History and Use of Dmso

    Bruce W Halstead
    ISBN: 978-0933904071
    The DMSO Handbook was prepared in reply to the requests of many of our medical colleagues and patients who were forever asking, what is this DMSO stuff all about? This book was not intended to be an exhaustive, technical monograph, but rather a practical workbook for both the practitioner and patient.
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    DMSO: Nature’s Healer

    DMSO: Nature’s Healer

    Dr. Morton Walker, D.P.M.
    ISBN: 978-0895295484
    In this groundbreaking work, award-winning health science writer Dr. Morton Walker examines the powerful and compelling case for the use of DMSO in the treatment of many debilitating disease and health-related problems.
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    DMSO: The New Healing Power

    DMSO: The New Healing Power

    Morton Walker
    ISBN: 978-0815953159
    How to Relieve Pain, Diminish Swelling, Reduce Inflammation, Encourage Healing, and Restore Normal Function for a Variety of Health Problems.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer

    Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer

    Sandra Goodman
    ISBN: 978-0722516331
    The safe new health supplement with the power to strengthen the body's immune system, enrich its oxygen supplies and free it from toxic substances.
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    Natural Cancer Remedies that Work

    Natural Cancer Remedies that Work

    Morton Walker
    ISBN: 978-1599751863
    Defeat cancer without chemotherapy or surgery! Eleven chapters covering hyperthermia, DMSO, animal peptides, galvanotherapy, noni therapy, coriolus versicolor, induced remission therapy, poly-MVA, essiac, Gerson therapy and advice on early detection.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy

    Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy

    John Boik
    ISBN: 978-0964828018
    Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy is a classic reference work for patients and medical professionals interested in use of nontoxic botanical compounds in the treatment of cancer. It offers a snapshot of the field circa 2001, and its insights are still pertinent today.
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    Nature’s Answer to Cancer

    Nature’s Answer to Cancer

    Rick Simpson
    ISBN: B01M7ZGP8L
    Rick Simpson’s journey to help people heal themselves with his rediscovery of the amazing medical properties of the cannabis plant and the powerful extracts produced from the indica varieties is triggering changing attitudes towards this plant and its legal status, worldwide. Now, more than ever, this book provides an important change in perspective regarding our right to medicines already found in nature.
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    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Robert O. Young PhD
    ISBN: 978-1580540568
    SICK AND TIRED? presents the revolutionary theories of Dr. Robert Young, a scientist who has spent years studying how foods positively and negatively affect the body. This book provides a comprehensive view of Dr. Young's research on the advantages of an alkalarian diet and is a wonderful tool to help anyone get back on the road to good health.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Survival in the 21st Century: Planetary Healers M...

    Survival in the 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual

    Viktoras H. Kulvinskas
    ISBN: 978-1570672477
    Includes information on numerous alternative therapies such as physiognomy, iridology, zone and color therapy, massage, acupressure, yoga and healing herbs. Also presents information on wheatgrass therapy and water fasts for rejuvenation, healing from chronic ailments, purification, and heightened awareness.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Found...

    The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life 1st Edition

    Robert Becker
    ISBN: 978-0688069711
    The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.
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    The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers

    The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers

    Hulda Regehr Clark
    ISBN: 978-1890035587
    More advanced than standard technology, Dr. Clark uses Syncrometer resonance to make astounding discoveries. They are all repeatable by anyone trained in this new science.
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    The Cure for All Diseases: With Many Case Histories

    The Cure for All Diseases: With Many Case Histories

    Hulda Regehr Clark
    ISBN: 978-1890035013
    All diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known. Doctor Hulda Clark explains the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instruction for their cure through natural remedies and an electrical device you can build at home.
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    The Healing Code

    The Healing Code

    Alexander Loyd
    ISBN: 978-1455502004
    THE Healing Code is your kit for life. In 2001, Dr. Alexander Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that removes the source of up to 95% of all illness and disease. The neuro-immune system can then do its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body. Dr. Loyd's findings were validated by tests and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Code system to correct virtually any physical, emotional, or relational issue, as well as realize breakthroughs in career success.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    The Persecuted Drug: The Story of DMSO

    The Persecuted Drug: The Story of DMSO

    Pat McGrady Sr
    ISBN: 978-0441151011
    The inside story of what some call tomorrow's aspirin... A miraculous drug.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Wellness Secrets for Life

    Wellness Secrets for Life

    A. True Ott
    ISBN: 978-0970296108
    An owners manual for the human body.

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