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Step 2: What Causes Cancer?

OK, so Step 1 addressed what cancer is – but what causes cancer? Honestly, there is not a simple answer.

As there are many types of cancer, so are there many possible causes. You can do 99 things correctly – eat healthy foods, exercise daily, hydrate your body – and still, cancer can get a foothold. It can be that 1%.

There are cancer risks in everyday life: tobacco use, diet, the sun, even viruses, and other infections. You cannot live in a cocoon but there are ways to help prevent cancer. (We'll get to those later.)

In the meantime, it's important to get a solid foundation for what could trigger cancer. Understanding your family history and being aware of carcinogens are key to developing a preventive plan.

When talking about what causes cancer we need to talk about it at two different levels. The first level is talking about cancer at the systemic level, meaning what conditions in the body allowed cancer to grow out of control and how do we deal with this issue. The second level of talking about cancer is talking about what causes cancer at the cellular level. In other words, why does a healthy cell become cancerous?

As part of this, we will also discuss theories regarding the reversion of cancer cells into normal cells.

A cancer practitioner might research how to kill cancer cells or revert them into normal cells, but a cancer researcher might ask why the immune system was weak and why individual cells were cancerous.

A discussion about what causes cancer at the cellular level is a totally different subject than talking about what causes cancer at the systemic level.

5 Common Methods and Theories used in Alternative Cancer Treatment

  1. Kill the cancer cells with nutrients, such as laetrile or Vitamin B17.
  2. Kill the microbes inside the cancer cells with DMSO, MSM, honey, as Trojan Horses, and electromedicine or other tactics. (See associated articles for more details on these approaches.)
  3. Supercharge the immune system to create interleukin and interferon and other neuropeptides, which in turn kill the cancer cells.
  4. Kill the parasites and microbes in the organs, thereby supercharging the immune system.
  5. Supercharge the immune system with nutrients.

Theory: In many cases, the immune system can get rid of microbes, but in fact, some types of tapeworms, flukes, and fungus, etc. cannot be killed by the immune system for one reason or another (e.g. the microbes are not accessible by the immune system). By getting rid of the microbes in the organs, plus doing the normal cancer treatments, the balance (i.e. a strong immune system and a low number of cancer cells) is restored enough to keep cancer from coming back. The theory is that cancer regresses because the immune system has been restored and the number of cancer cells has been reduced. It is also claimed that cancer will not come back as long as the patient watches their diet.

Cancer Regression

The approach of some conventional oncology treatments is to severely damage both the cancer cells and the immune system with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. According to adherents of the above theory, these types of therapies make the imbalance even worse because these things damage the immune system and do a very poor job of targeting the cancer cells and do an even worse job of killing the microbes in the organs. These same treatments may also kill healthy cells as well as cause side effects such as organ and lymphatic system damage, etc. Regression of cancer (when cancer returns in a new location or begins to grow again in the original location) after these treatments are claimed to be caused by non-targeted therapies that affect the entire body and are unable to target and kill cancer cells while supporting the immune system’s normal function.

For example, how does cutting off a breast going to fix the immune system? Surgery may be one step in a complicated process of addressing the individual’s cancer and progression, but it is very rarely a stand-alone solution.

Microbial invasion as a theory of cancer incidence

Everyone has cancer cells in their body, so why does one person never get diagnosed with cancer and another person is diagnosed with cancer? Cancer is almost always caused by the same multi-step sequence of events.


  1. Microbes and parasites invade organs and utilize the resources in their host for growth and reproduction.  These microbes reportedly come from meat that was not adequately cooked but can come from other sources.
  2. Microbes intercept glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. which was headed for the cells in the organs.
  3. These microbes excrete (as waste products) mycotoxins, which are highly acidic and toxic to the host cells.
  4. The cells (in the organs) don't get the food they need (because it has been intercepted), and because they are living in a sea of filth (i.e. mycotoxins), the cells in the organ become weak.
  5. Organs are made exclusively of cells. In other words, if you took all of the cells out of an organ, there would be no organ. Thus, because the cells in the organ(s) are weak, the organ(s) are weak.
  6. Because one or more major organs are weak, the entire immune system becomes weak. Actually, the microbes weaken the immune system both directly and indirectly.
  7. Since the immune system is weak it cannot kill enough cancer cells and the cancer cells grow out of control.

Theory summary: The root cause of cancer is microbial and parasitic invasion that are in the organs or colon (or bloodstream), which weakens the immune system.

Other theories exist regarding the causes of cancer. For example, there is a theory that vaccinations can weaken the immune system due to mercury and/or toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects., thus creating an environment for cancer progression. Additionally, the theory that “autointoxication” due to a build-up of filth in the colon can also lead to a weak immune system is often discussed.

According to the above theories, the following recommendations are often listed:

  • Safely target and kill the cancer cells;
  • Kill the microbes inside the cancer cells (which will be discussed below) and the cancer cells will revert into normal cells;
  • Kill the microbes that are causing the immune system to be weak (and this includes the microbes in the organs and the microbes in the bloodstream).

There is a multitude of options suggested to accomplish the tenants of the above theories. Electromedicine reportedly targets and kills microbes and parasites. “Liver flushes” are also commonly utilized, in addition to specific diets with ingredients that are reportedly helpful for immune support.

The definition of cancer cells

So what causes an individual cell to become cancerous? Many cancer cells form by a prior cancer cell dividing and creating two cancer cells. But how does a normal cell, which is not cancerous, become cancerous?

There are many theories regarding this topic. One theory, developed by Otto Warberg and aptly termed “The Warburg Effect,” is detailed below.

In a normal cell, molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provide the energy of the cell. ATP molecules are created inside the mitochondria which are inside of every human cell. In fact, there are thousands of mitochondria inside of every human cell.

Cancer cells run on low ATP energy.

The normal process of creating ATP molecules is this (highly simplified):

  • Glucose gets inside of the cell from the bloodstream;
  • Some of the glucose is converted into pyruvate (this is a multi-step process);
  • Pyruvate gets inside of the mitochondria;
  • Once inside the mitochondria, pyruvate is at the beginning of two sequential chemical reactions (the Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle and then the Electron Transport Chain which spins off about half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle). It is these two cycles that create most of the ATP molecules in the cell.

Cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells. Thus, a person would logically expect a cancer cell to create 15 times more ATP molecules than a normal cell.

But in reality, cancer cells create a very small number of ATP molecules. Cancer cells are ATP molecule-starved and they have to revert to fermentation to create what little ATP molecules they create.

With so much glucose there should be an abundance of ATP molecules. Why do cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose and yet not be able to create a significant amount of ATP molecules?

The microbial theory of cancer incidence states that very special pleomorphic bacteria that are inside the cancer cells blocks the production of ATP molecules. The Independent Cancer Research Foundation and others believe the microbe is Helicobacter Pylori or H. pylori. In some cases, Fusobacterium may be involved as well as it is also known to get inside of cells.

According to the pH theory of bacterial growth and progression by Robert O. Young, Ph.D.,  an acidic diet can make this bacteria highly aggressive. The bacteria is said to enter the cell to escape acidity in the blood. Another way microbes reportedly enter cells is via asbestos or the chemicals in tobacco via cutting the cell membrane.

According to this theory, the bacteria block ATP production in two different ways:

  1. Bacteria eat glucose so as the bacteria proliferate inside the cell (by the way, a bacteria is roughly the same size as mitochondria) they intercept more and more glucose. This means less and less pyruvate is made because there is less glucose to be converted into pyruvate. This means less ATP is made.
  2. Microbes excrete mycotoxins, which are highly acidic and totally worthless molecules.

Both items contribute to the mitochondria not obtaining enough pyruvate and this hinders both the Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain and thus blocks the production of an adequate amount of ATP in the mitochondria.

It is theorized that microbe, in one of its smaller states, is the size of a virus and can enter inside of the cell nucleus. Like a virus, which gets inside of the nucleus, the DNA of the cancer microbe reportedly can interact with the DNA inside the cell nucleus and change the DNA structure of the cell.

Adherents to this theory reject DNA damage as a cause of cancer and claim that the DNA of the same highly pleomorphic bacteria that blocks the production of ATP molecules causes cancer.

History of the Theory of Microbial Cancer Incidence

In 1890 the pathologist William Russell (1852-1940) first reported “cancer parasites” in cancer tissue that was especially stained with carbol fuchsin, a red dye. Dr. Russell, in 1890, reported that the cancer microbes were pleomorphic.

  • The cancer microbe was reported to excrete enzymes that coat the outside of the cancer cells. This coating of enzymes is theorized to block the immune system from identifying the cancer cells as being cancer cells.
  • It was also reported in the 1950s that natural pancreatic enzymes, made in the pancreas, could dissolve this protein coating so the immune system could identify and thus kill the cancer cells.
  • This discovery, in turn, led to the advice that natural cancer treatments should prohibit the cancer patient from eating meats, dairy, refined sugar, or other foods that the pancreatic enzymes cut apart. In other words, these foods “use up” the pancreatic enzymes while in the stomach so less of them are available to expose cancer cells to the immune system.
  • Dr. Matthias Rath theorized that these microbes excrete enzymes that cut a path along with tissue so cancer can spread more easily along with the tissue.

Theory: Cancer at the systemic level is caused by an imbalance between the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells. At the systemic level, many things can cause cancer, especially things that weaken the immune system. The weak immune system is almost always caused by microbes and parasites which are inside the organs but are not necessarily inside the cancer cells.

Arguments for why cancer is not caused by DNA damage

Conventional oncology claims DNA damage may lead to cancer. Let's talk about the famous BRCA2 gene as an example. Can a defect in this gene cause cancer? It is not clear whether the BRCA2 gene is a cause of cancer or that the microbes inside the cancer cells (See theory mentioned above) cause the BRCA2 gene damage.

A DNA strand is between 3.2 billion and 3.5 billion nucleotides long. Only a very small percentage of these DNA codes for proteins, about 3 percent. And only a very small percentage of these proteins are involved in the creation of ATP energy. The proteins we are interested in are the proteins needed for the conversion of glucose to pyruvate, for example.

In other words, we are only interested in the structures inside the cells which are involved in the conversion of glucose to pyruvate.

It is possible, but highly unlikely, that DNA damage could affect one of the proteins needed for the creation of ATP energy.

As the cell with this DNA damage divides, all of the “daughter” cells” will have this same genetic damage.

So how does a bad gene create a cancer cell? In a cell, genes are the patterns used to make enzymes or proteins. If a gene is damaged then the enzymes or proteins made by this gene will be defective.

Everything that goes on in a cell is controlled by proteins. There are worker proteins, supervisor proteins, etc. If these are damaged then one or more of a large number of chemical chain reactions inside the cell may fail. This may mean the creation of ATP is damaged.

If a significant amount of ATP energy production is blocked inside the cell, then by definition the cell is cancerous.

So how exactly could the BRCA1 or BRCA2 defective genes cause cancer? In order for these defects to cause cancer, they must create defective proteins that are needed for the conversion of glucose to pyruvate.

Theory: A genetic defect may have absolutely nothing to do with the creation of pyruvate. In other words, genetic defects may be a symptom of cancer, meaning this damage may be caused by the DNA of the microbes which are actually causing cancer.

Alternative theories and methods for focusing on microbes inside cancer cells


Let's ask one more question: Have there been any cancer treatments that cured cancer by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells?

In the 1930s Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist, developed an anti-cancer treatment using “gentle electromedicine”, which had two frequencies. One frequency was reported to kill the cancer bacteria and the second frequency was a “carrier” frequency which got the other frequency through the cell membrane (and actually through the entire body) to get inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes.

Electromedicine protocols (such as Rife developed) and several cancer treatments using: DMSO, MSM, honey, maple syrup or molasses as carriers (i.e. Trojan Horses) to get microbe-killing substances inside of cancer cells are common alternative cancer treatments based on the above theories.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

Some clinics use a combination of insulin and chemotherapy. This treatment also uses low-dose chemotherapy, but it is combined with insulin, which to some degree also targets cancer cells. This is called IPT or Insulin Potentiation Therapy.

Vitamin C and D3

Vitamin C, which is touted to kill microbes, is also used as an IV for cancer patients. Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 are highly anti-microbial vitamins (in the case of Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide is also made). A combination of MSM with Vitamin C or Vitamin D3 is discussed further in the linked articles.


Turmeric is also one of the top herbalA product made from a plant that is thought to be useful in treating a disease or staying healthy. Herbal supplements are taken by mouth. treatments for cancer. It can be combined with honey according to the “carrier” theory.

Carriers or “Trojan Horses”

DMSO, MSM, and honey are all “Trojan Horses” to get microbe-killing substances inside of cancer cells. Maple syrup or molasses is commonly used with baking soda. Proponents of several protocols, such as the Kelmun method, advocate the use of these ingredients.


Ultraviolet light has also been researched over the years and is theorized to kill microbes in the bloodstream, thus supporting the immune system.

Dr. Bob Beck's contribution

The immune system creates two key anti-cancer molecules called: interleukin and interferon. These molecules are called neuropeptides or nerve proteins. There are more than 2,000 different types of neuropeptides in the body, but the cancer-fighting effects of most of them are unknown. In fact, no one knows how many different types of neuropeptides could be created by the body.

Interleukin and interferon, and likely several other neuropeptides are absolutely deadly to cancer cells.

The problem is that the human body generally does not produce an optimal amount of these neuropeptides. In fact, the body only creates a very small number of these neuropeptides.

The theory behind this deficiency is the presence of microbes, but not the same microbes that live inside of cancer cells, it is the microbes that live outside of the cancer cells.

The Bob Beck Protocol utilizes a simple electromedicine device that claims to completely clean the blood of microbes within a few months.

Theory: Removal of cancer-causing microbes in the organs and bloodstream causes the immune system to become  “supercharged”. In turn, the body makes neuropeptides in “large” amounts (this is a relative term, not an absolute term). The neuropeptides, when the immune system is supercharged by getting rid of the microbes, quickly destroy the cancer cells.

Supplements claiming to help build the immune system

Beta Glucan

From Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka, Vice Chairman and Director of Research at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Louisville: “Glucan will help protect you against cancer and many other illnesses that would normally be eradicated by a fully functioning immune system.”

  • IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate)
  • Organic Germanium
  • Zeolites (heavy metals interfere with the immune system, zeolites remove heavy metals)

Junk foods

Theory: Highly processed/junk food is claimed to put high levels of highly concentrated acidic foods in the body. Microbes love an acidic environment. Thus, junk foods create the perfect environment for the microbes that are in the bloodstream, the microbes in the organs and even the microbes inside the cancer cells. That is why cancer diets avoid highly acidic foods and focus on whole (i.e. unprocessed), alkaline foods.

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