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  • assorted spices in spoons

    A Guide To Natural and Integrative Clinics

    A Guide To Natural and Integrative Clinics

    You or a loved one has cancer — and you’re scared. But you are not alone. People have been where you are. Others have fought cancer and survived. You can, too with help from your own Cancer Tutor. This eBook is a guide. You should consider all available options and have a frank, in-depth conversation with your doctor regarding natural and orthodox treatments. There is not a “one-size-fits-all” cancer treatment — and Cancer Tutor hopes you will faithfully research longstanding options and make the best decision for you.
  • Curing cancer : the best of both worlds

    Curing cancer : the best of both worlds

    Burton Goldberg, Albert Scheller, Stefan Sargent, Do No Harm Productions.
    This break-through documentary shows medical advances which save lives. Even late stage cancer can be reversed - there is always hope. Patients given only weeks to live, can be cured. Meet patients who were given "death sentences" by mainstream oncologists but who are now free of cancer. Meet leading edge doctors, surgeons and professors - working together to create extraordinary medical advances.

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