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    Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How ...

    Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer

    Ph.D. Dr. David Derry M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1552128848
    This book is about cause, prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Breast cancer has two phases. The first one, from abnormal cells up to carcinoma in situ reverses with iodine. The second phase, invasion, is controlled by connective tissue thyroid hormone.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Breast Cancer Husband: How to Help Your Wife (and...

    Breast Cancer Husband: How to Help Your Wife (and Yourself) During Diagnosis, Treatment and Beyond

    Marc Silver
    ISBN: 978-1579548339
    A unique guide, like none other on the market-packed with medical information, practical tips, psychological insight, and coping strategies-to help men help the women they love through this trying time.
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    Breast Cancer Smoothies: 100 Delicious, Research-...

    Breast Cancer Smoothies: 100 Delicious, Research-Based Recipes for Prevention and Recovery

    Daniela Chace
    ISBN: 978-0757319396
    The statistics are staggering. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women--About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Second only to heart disease by a mere one percent, every ounce of prevention and every window of opportunity for healing is critical. In order to reduce the risk of developing this common disease, you need a targeted plan to protect yourself from common breast toxins and to strengthen your immune defenses.
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    Breast Cancer: Real Questions, Real Answers

    Breast Cancer: Real Questions, Real Answers

    David Chan, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1569243145
    Breast Cancer: Real Questions, Real Answers is an outgrowth of Dr. David Chan's more than 20 years in private oncology practice. Inspired by his patients—who courageously face their illness but often feel fearful, confused about their options, and full of questions—Dr. Chan's book is uniquely structured as a Question and Answer between patient and doctor.
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    Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way ...

    Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (Wise Woman Herbal)

    Susun S. Weed
    ISBN: 978-0961462079
    Breast Cancer? Breast Health! is for every woman interested in taking breast health into her own hands. The first third offers easy lifestyle changes, simple herbal additions, and tasty food recommendations to reduce risk and improve immune functioning. The second third helps those with possible cancer -- what to do before you call the doctor, how to explore your options -- and those diagnosed with cancer -- including alternative treatments to avoid.
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    Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor&#8217...

    Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul: Stories to Inspire, Support and Heal (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

    Jack Canfield
    ISBN: 978-1623610494
    You'll find your own strength as you read these revealing stories in which women and their loved ones talk openly about their own fights with breast cancer and how they made it through the dark times to become survivors, with a new understanding of themselves and their capabilities.
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    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Healing fo...

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Healing for Your Breast Cancer Journey: Surviving and Thriving During and After your Diagnosis and Treatment

    Dr. Julie Silver
    ISBN: 978-1935096948
    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Healing for Your Breast Cancer Journey will encourage comfort and encourage breast cancer patients and survivors with its inspiring stories and helpful medical information.
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    Dr. Joe Explains…How Breast Cancer is Like a Dand...

    Dr. Joe Explains…How Breast Cancer is Like a Dandelion

    Dr. Joseph Hofmeister and Dr. Erin Macrae
    ISBN: 978-0996512008
    Full of helpful explanations about medical terminology, procedures, and prognoses—including questions to ask your doctor—How Breast Cancer is Like a Dandelion is an important first step for any patient or caregiver in the face of this scary diagnosis.
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    Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book

    Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book

    Susan M. Love and Karen Lindsey
    ISBN: 978-0738218212
    For a woman faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer, the information available today is vast, uneven, and confusing. For more than two decades, readers have relied on Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book to guide them through this frightening thicket of research and opinion to find the best possible options for their particular situations.
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    Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps t...

    Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer

    Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
    ISBN: 978-1631619915
    One out of eight women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. One out of 3 women will experience some form of cancer in their life time. How could somebody like me develop Breast Cancer? That very question led to thousands of hours of research, study, soul-searching and prayer. It all came together as The 7 Essentials – 7 basic steps that are necessary for preventing and healing cancer, or any dis-ease for that matter.
  • On behalf of our Breasts

    On behalf of our Breasts

    Coline Tison
    Breast cancer kills. But are blanket programs that screen all women, rather than those with symptoms, doing more harm than good? Controversially, studies into the effects of these programs show they do not reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer.
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    Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Hope, Tr...

    Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Hope, Treatment, and Recovery

    Patricia Prijatel
    ISBN: 978-0199393855
    Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer delivers research-based information on the biology of TNBC; the role of genetics, family history, and race; how to navigate treatment options; understanding a pathology report; and a plethora of strategies to reduce the risk of recurrence, including diet and lifestyle changes. In clear, approachable language, Prijatel provides a fact-filled guide based on a vast array of scientific studies. Woven throughout the book are stories of women who have faced TNBC.
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    Take Charge of Your Breast Cancer

    Take Charge of Your Breast Cancer

    John Link, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0805070569
    Take Charge of Your Breast Cancer offers an important new approach that puts the power in the hands of the patient.
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    The Breast Cancer Survival Manual

    The Breast Cancer Survival Manual

    John Link, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0805094459
    The fifth edition of The Breast Cancer Survival Manual is a concise, information-packed guide that is newly revised to contain all of the latest findings to help the woman facing treatment feel informed and empowered. John Link, M.D., a pioneer developer of Breastlink Medical Group in Southern California includes the most current medical advice.
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    The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer

    The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer

    Dr. Sat Kaur ND
    ISBN: 978-0778800804
    Written in an empathetic and accessible style, The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer is an excellent resource for women seeking breast cancer information.
  • The Promise

    The Promise

    Phil Hughes
    This documentary investigates the world of routine breast screening (mammography) from its conception in 1987 to the modern day. We examine the benefits and risks associated with mammography and ask why the NHS has dismissed other available methods of medically recognised screening tests.
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    The Truth About Breast Cancer

    The Truth About Breast Cancer

    Joseph Keon, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0964897458
    The book provides a special chapter devoted to the controversial reliance upon and promotion of mammography, including suggestions for safer and effective alternatives. A bonus in this book are the truly healthful and delicious recipes and menus created in collaboration with French chef Jean-Marc Fullsack, the culinary genius behind famed cardiologist-author, Dean Ornish.
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    The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors:...

    The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Nutritional Approach to Prevent Recurrence

    Edward Baumann Med PhD
    ISBN: 978-1572249585
    The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors is an essential guide for every woman seeking to understand the effect of nutritional deficiencies and environmental factors on her overall health and wellness. Based on Edward Bauman’s groundbreaking Eating for Health model, this highly comprehensive, practical approach can help you reduce the chance of breast cancer recurrence; rebuild your immune system; and enjoy a stronger, healthier body.
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    Turning Off Breast Cancer: A Personalized Approac...

    Turning Off Breast Cancer: A Personalized Approach to Nutrition and Detoxification in Prevention and Healing

    M.S. Daniella Chace
    ISBN: 978-1632204455
    Turning Off Breast Cancer is a comprehensive and targeted program for using nutrition and detoxification to prevent and heal from breast cancer. Rooted in the science of epigenetics--how gene expression is affected by nutrients and toxins--Daniella Chace teaches readers to restore their own genes via diet, supplementation, and detoxification.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Breast C...

    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life

    John R. Lee, David Zava, Virginia Hopkins]
    ISBN: 978-0446615402
    Breakthrough Strategies to Lower Your Risk...and Increase Your Chances of Recovery Breast cancer incidence has risen by 60 percent in the last fifty years. Conventional treatment protocols are simply not working-and they may even be harmful. In this book Dr. John Lee, an internationally renowned expert in natural hormones, teams up with breast cancer researcher Dr. David Zava to present a revolutionary hormone balance program to reduce your risk of breast cancer and help eliminate a recurrence if you already have the disease.

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