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  • assorted spices in spoons

    The Calcium Bomb – The Nanobacteria Link to...

    The Calcium Bomb – The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer

    Douglas Mulhall
    ISBN: 978-1594111013
    If you've never heard of calcification or don't know what it does, you'll find crucial answers in The Calcium Bomb, including medical science's recent discovery of a particle -- a nanobacterium so small it challenges the very definition of life -- that makes otherwise good calcium go bad, and which has also been discovered in other incurable diseases. Until recently scientists didn’t know that it existed or what it did. But now they are beginning to understand what it is... and how to treat it.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    The Calcium Factor

    The Calcium Factor

    Robert R. Barefoot & Carl J. Reich, MD
    ISBN: B00JFEV23Q
    Did you know that most degenerative disease such as cancer, heart disease, allergies, and kidney stones have all been scientifically linked to mineral deficiencies in your body fluids, becoming more acidic? Did you know that scientists have found that cancer thrives in an acidic medium, but cannot survive in an alkaline medium? Did you know that with vitamin and mineral supplements, you can lower the acidity of your body fluids and become healthy?

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