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Category: Articles

While natural cancer treatments are gathering momentum, integrative medicine also continues to gain ground as patients seek options outside of full-dose chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. The demand for complementary and alternative therapies is increasing in the United States. The American Hospital Association (AHA) reported in 2011 that 42 percent of responding hospitals offer one or […]

Every once in a while, mainstream media surprises us with a tale that digs deep enough into reality to offer a true glimpse of what a patient really goes through as they undergo conventional cancer treatments. Over the past couple of years writers from Esquire magazine (yes, Esquire magazine) have compassionately and closely followed the […]

In an increasingly processed and packaged world, most of us have a decent understanding of what is “real food” and what is not. We avoid the nitrates, the additives, and the mile long list of chemicals that manufacturers try to pass off as ingredients. When we first begin attending to our health, it can be […]

There is an unseen threat to cancer patients that exists; unfortunately the correlation has been missed in the past. Recently a study was published in the journal “Heart” citing cancer as increasing heart damage. (1) The findings suggest the cancer may already be doing damage before treatment is started. The participants in the study were […]

You have made the decision to address your cancer naturally. Now, what is the next step? First off, remember everyone is different. What works for a 7-foot-tall African American basketball star will probably not work for a 5-foot-tall woman from Tibet. What works for you may not work for a family member. This is known […]

The following presentation is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. Dr. Zielinski: Hello, everyone. Dr. Eric Zielinski here from I’m excited to welcome you to this very special segment of the […]

Everyone’s journey with cancer is unique – along every step of the way – and many of those journeys involve chemotherapy. While we hate to see anyone undergo the rigors of chemo, we certainly know that sometimes it is the option that you and your family must choose. And that’s okay. On the other hand, […]

We’ve helped thousands of people since introducing Cancer Tutor to the world more than a decade ago and hope to see countless more in the decades to come. The most recent data tells us that around 14.5 million people of all ages are living with a history of cancer, and in 10 years, the number […]

You’re in shock. Maybe you’ve seen the symptoms and had an idea when you went to be checked out. Maybe you didn’t have a clue. A cancer diagnosis is a lot for anyone to process, and with it comes the fear of harsh treatments, side effects, surgeries, and so much more. I hear you and […]

Article by: Dana F. Flavin, Dr. med univ, Innsbruck, AustriaDirector, Foundation for Collaborative Medicine and Research, Direct suppression/inactivation of oxygen radicals: Oxygen radicals from various different oxidases, including xanthine oxidase (XO) and NADPH oxidase (NADPHO) in macrophages and lymphocytes, as well as the circulation in the serum of XO, are responsible for the production of […]

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