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Breaking the chain between bacteria and cancer risk begins with improving immune system, gut health

A recent paper published in Science shows that Fusobacterium nucleatum, a bacterial species, is associated with a subset of colorectal cancers. [1] Basically, bacteria and cancer risk go hand-in-hand.

Hmm, a microbe being responsible for cancer? Say it ain’t so! Cancer Tutor founder Webster Kehr has been a proponent of this fact for more than two decades.

“If a person knew the real cause of cancer — that microbes inside the cell cause low adenosine triphosphate [ATP] — they could say, ‘OK, how do I kill those microbes inside the cancer cells?’ ” Kehr said.

Webster Kehr

“You can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and revert the cancer cells into normal cells.”

Webster Kehr

“The average person on the street thinks that cancer is incurable because it’s caused by DNA damage. … They have no clue what the truth is. They have been fed lies all their lives. They believe it, of course. Anybody would believe something they are told 100 times a month.

“Except for really advanced cases where they were diagnosed very late,” Kehr added, “cancer is fairly easy to control and take care of.”

At its core, a microbe is a microscopic organism. These microorganisms are often described as single-celled, or unicellular organisms – and yes, bacteria fall into this category.

Derek Lowe writes an editorially independent blog for Science Translational Medicine. In regard to the F. nucleatum he noted, “When you look at metastatic tumors derived from such tissues, the metastases have the same bacteria as the primary tumor. What’s more, it appears that the F. nucleatum cells are actually localized inside the tumor cells themselves (which would certainly account for the stability as they break loose and form metastases).” [2]

Colorectal cancers comprise a complex mixture of malignant cells, nontransformed cells, and microorganisms. Fusobacterium nucleatum is among the most prevalent bacterial species in colorectal cancer tissues.

Studying patient samples, Susan Bullman, Ph.D., found that F. nucleatum and certain co-occurring bacteria were present in primary tumors and distant metastases. Preliminary evidence suggested that the bacteria are localized primarily within the metastatic cancer cells rather than in the stroma, the part of a tissue or organ that has a connective and structural role.

Cancer is caused by a weak immune system

As recent as the early 1990s, bacterial infections were not generally considered major causes of cancer. However, bacteria ultimately were linked to cancer by two mechanisms:

  • induction of chronic inflammation;
  • production of carcinogenic bacterial metabolites.

Helicobacter pylori were the first bacteria to be termed a definite cause of cancer in humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. H. pylori have been epidemiologically linked to adenocarcinomaCancer that begins in glandular (secretory) cells. Most cancers of the breast, pancreas, lung, prostate, and colon are adenocarcinomas. of the distal stomach by its propensity to cause lifelong inflammation. This inflammation is, in turn, thought to cause cancer by inducing cell proliferation and production of mutagenic free radicals and N-nitroso compounds.

Dr. Julie Parsonnet specializes in adult infectious diseases with a particular interest in gastrointestinal infections, including H. pylori infection. Her research discovered mutagenic bacterial metabolites also are suspected to increase the risk for cancer. This model is best exemplified in colon cancer. Bile salt metabolites increase colonic cell proliferation. Exogenous compounds such as rutin may be metabolized into mutagens by resident colonic flora. [3]

Cancer Tutor’s article on preventing cancer in the gut at the cellular level is a discussion between Dr. Eric Zielinski and Kehr regarding the gut-immune system cancer connection. “You can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and revert the cancer cells into normal cells,” Kehr said.

“There’s also the immune system, of course. Everyone has cancer cells, and everyone has an immune system. And the immune system under normal circumstances takes care of cancer cells. So, a person is not diagnosed with cancer even though they have cancer cells forming all the time. In a sense, you could say that cancer is caused by a weak immune system.

“But everything is tied together. So, there are also things to build the immune system. There’re supplements; Transfer Point beta glucan is one. There’s cleaning the blood of microbes is another. Cleaning the liver of parasites is another way. All of these things can cause a weak immune system and if you get rid of them or you have a supplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. to help rebuild the immune system.”

Bacteria are part of the root problem with cancer. Building the immune system, boosting the immune system is paramount to increased gut health and reducing the chances of cancer. As Kehr noted, everything is tied together – and you can take control of your health and cancer.

Beta Glucan for boosting your immune system


  1. Analysis of Fusobacterium persistence and antibiotic response in colorectal cancer | Bullman, Susan and Pedamallu, Chandra S. and Sicinska, Ewa and Clancy, Thomas E. and Zhang, Xiaoyang and Cai, Diana and Neuberg, Donna and Huang, Katherine and Guevara, Fatima and Nelson, Timothy and Chipashvili, Otari and Hagan, Timothy and Walker, Mark and Ramachandran, Aruna and Diosdado, Begona and Serna, Garazi and Mulet, Nuria and Landolfi, Stefania and Ramon y Cajal, Santiago and Fasani, Roberta and Aguirre, Andrew J. and Ng, Kimmie and Elez, Elena and Ogino, Shuji and Tabernero, Josep and Fuchs, Charles S. and Hahn, William C. and Nuciforo, Paolo and Meyerson, Matthew | Science 15 Dec. 2017 : 1443-1448 |
  2. Bacteria and Cancer: Another Connection | Derek Lowe | Science Translational Medicine | In the Pipeline blog 2 Jan. 2018 |
  3. Bacterial infection as a cause of cancer | Julie Parsonnet | Environmental Health Perspectives. 1995;103(Suppl 8):263-268.

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