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The Plasma-Beck Stage IV Protocol

Introduction to the Plasma-Beck Protocol

The main part of this treatment is based on “electromedicine”. When people hear the word “electromedicine” they think about radiation therapy, however, this protocol is based on the use of electrical pulsing devices.

Dr. Bob Beck, PhD was a physicist who developed two electromedicine treatments that claimed to “attenuate” microbes in the bloodstream and lymph system. What “attenuate” means is that the protein shell on the outside of the microbes is broken off and the microbe is unable to multiply. Thus, the theory was that microbes in the bloodstream simply die without being able to multiply. What Dr. Beck reported was that when the bloodstream is freed of the microbes that the immune system is supercharged and is able to effectively mount a response against cancer.

Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist,  dealt with cancer at the cellular level by using electromedicine to kill microbes which were inside of the cancer cells. Rife’s theory was that microbes were the causative agents responsible for cancer and that killing the microbes which are inside the cancer cells could revert the cells to their normal state.

Rife's theory and original equipment form the basis of the “High RF Frequency Generator” devices. The generator with the plasma ray tube amplifier is an authentic plasma “Rife Machine” (which are now called “frequency generators”) and is based on the above theory.

This protocol is a combination of treatments by cancer researchers who theorized on the causes of cancer and multiple ways to get rid of cancer. Also, unlike some of the other potent natural cancer treatments this treatment does not require coffee enemas because it includes Essiac Tea, which contains two herbs reported to clean the liver.

The theory of a microbial toxin build-up

Theory: When massive numbers of microbes are killed in the bloodstream, toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. are released by the microbes when they die, and remain in the bloodstream until flushed from the system, usually with a liquid of some kind.

A further complication is theorized due to buildup of these toxins in the brain, a phenomenon called “brain fog.” This is reportedly reversed by ingestion of liquids to “flush” the system.

The Plasma-Beck Protocol

#1) The Barefoot Calcium Protocol

Theory: This protocol is based on the theory that an alkaline environment is the enemy of cancer progression and metastasisThe spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body. In metastasis, cancer cells break away from the original (primary) tumor, travel through the blood or lymph system, and form a new tumor in other organs or tissues of the body. The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lung, the cancer cells in the lung are breast cancer cells, not lung cancer cells. (spreading). Calcium is used as the source of this alkalinity.

#2) Six Lemons a Day (Alkaline)

Theory: This protocol is based on the theory that an alkaline environment is the enemy of cancer progression and metastasis (spreading). Lemon juice is used as the source of this alkalinity.

#3) The High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier

Theory: Use of this device is based on the theory that microbial invasion and replication, along with a build up of microbial released toxins is the source for cancer. The main point of the theory is that if you can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells using electromedicine (which is claimed to penetrate the cell membrane), then the cancer cells will revert into normal cells.

#4) Dr. Bob Beck Protocol

Theory: This theory is based on the average person does not have cancer, yet they have many, many microbes in their body. The late Dr. Bob Beck, a PhD in physics, quoting others, estimated the average person has two pounds of microbes in their body. These microbes are theorized to severely inhibit the immune system and when an “overload” in the microbial population occurs, cancer is imminent.

#5) Fucoidan

Theory: Seaweed extract includes a molecule called: fucoidan. Scientific studies have identified fucoidan as having inhibitory action on cancer cells.

#6) MSM/LIPH Protocol

Theory: This homeopathic protocol is based on the theory of microbial causes of cancer. This protocol utilizes MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) as a theorized “oxygen carrier” to create an aerobic environment (increase oxygen) inside the cancer cell and thus kill the resident microbes.

#7) Asparagus

Theory: This protocol is based on the theory that an alkaline environment is the enemy of cancer progression and metastasis (spreading). Asparagus is used as the source of this alkalinity.

#8) Aloe Arborescens

Theory: Aloe Arborescens has been used in natural cancer treatments for many years. Discovered by a Catholic priest, this protocol was first utilized in Brazil. This product consists of three components: the aloe arborescens plant, honey, and a substance that reportedly causes increased integration of the ingredients into the bloodstream.  

#9) (Immune Builder) Transfer Point

Theory: Transfer Point is based on support of the immune system utilizing Beta-Glucan.  

#10) The Honey Protocols

Theory: This protocol utilizes cinnamon, honey, curcumin, and ginger as reported sources of immune support.

#11) Carrot Juice

Theory: Carrot juice is utilized in this protocol as a source of vitamins that support the immune system.

#12) Essiac Tea

Theory: Essiac tea is utilized instead of a coffee enema based on the theory of “flushing” the liver of microbial toxins.

#13) Other Inexpensive Protocols

See theories behind these protocols here: Inexpensive Cancer Treatments

#14) Deal With the “Root Cause” of the Cancer

Theory: This protocol is based on the theory that a weakened immune system, due to microbial overload in the organs, leads to cancer. In turn, it is theorized that removal of these microbes allows the immune system to effectively fight cancer.

#15) The “Cancer Diet”

The “Cancer Diet” is a list of things that you should not eat or drink during this protocol. This protocol is based on the theory that a weakened immune system, due to microbial overload in the organs, leads to cancer. In turn, it is theorized that removal of these microbes allows the immune system to effectively fight cancer. Dairy, sugar, and acidic foods are reported sources of “food” for microbes and are advised to be avoided.

The “Cancer Diet”

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