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Category: Supplemental Treatments

What if instead of reaching for your coffee maker for your morning cup o’ joe, you fired up a juicer to make a nutrient-dense drink? Juicing has gotten a lot of attention in the past decade with every other celebrity and influencer touting their juicing cleanses and their “expertise.” You can even find stores that […]

It’s 3 a.m., you’re wide awake, and counting the hours until you have to get out of bed. Your mind is racing, contemplating, tossing, turning. You’re hot and cold at the same time. You have a million and one things to do, but you just want to go back to sleep. We’ve all been there, […]

People have transformed the traditional application of coffee beans and began to use it for medical purposes. [1] The coffee enema was developed and has been practiced until the modern-day, especially as part of integrative cancer treatment. [2, 3] The concept of autointoxication maintains the colon is regarded as the human sewer, which stores partially-digested […]

As cancers are becoming more and more resistant to standard chemotherapy and other forms of treatments, different kinds of drugs have to be developed to more specifically tackle these issues. One treatment that is becoming more prevalent is targeted cancer therapy. Targeted cancer therapy blocks a specific molecular target, either by inhibiting a specific protein […]

Sauna is not a recent invention of mankind. In fact, the cradle of sauna is far from the luxurious spas from today. Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world once made use of rudimentary facilities, with the aim of raising body temperature (hyperthermia) to promote profuse sweating, aware that this powerful mechanism could activate […]

Conventional cancer treatment can be devastating to the human body. The “cut, poison, burn” techniques come with substantial risks short-term and haven’t had much success long-term with keeping patients cancer-free. Can you fight cancer with mushrooms? You can if you’re talking about the Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushroom. Native to hot and humid areas around Asia, […]

More than 50 years ago, medical therapeutic approaches focused on metabolism. With the advent of genetics, a shift toward genomics occurred that has dominated the landscape of modern medicine. This gave us vast insight into the study of medicine and the human genome, however, it has not produced the answers or solutions that we had […]

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is fast becoming a common buzzword in the world of natural healthcare. But, what is it, and what can it do for cancer patients? What is CBD? CBD, or, cannabidiol is one of many cannabinoid compounds that comes from the cannabis plant, phytocannabinoids to be exact. CBD can be found in both […]

Pop culture has many iconic films featuring cannabis/marijuana — Up in Smoke, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked (and more). And despite the grass/joint/reefer-averse nature of TV, Showtime’s Weeds averaged 3.2 million weekly viewers across all platforms during its final season. Various geographic areas around the world also have recognizable terms […]

When someone has advanced cancer, they can reach a very critical stage where they are not even able to keep down their food. Does that mean its now too late to help this person? Not according to Dr. Johanna Budwig, the famous German doctor who could pull all kinds of ‘‘tricks out of the hat’’ […]

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