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Skin cancer and vitamin c

Vitamin c treatment

It is theorized that when Vitamin C comes into contact with a skin cancer or external tumor (e.g. basal cell carcinoma), it hardens the tumor and forms a crust, such that the scab falls off in two weeks or so depending on how big the tumor is and how aggressive you get with the Vitamin C. (1)

The solution is a mix of vitamin c and water. Once mixed, it is applied topically to a tumor on the skin.

It is suggested to use a mineral ascorbate form of Vitamin C (e.g. sodium ascorbate), rather than ascorbic acid.


The Theory of Vitamin C and IV infusions and topical use

More theories about Vitamin C and skin cancer comes from a Dr. Wassell, M.D. The rest of this article is from an email we received from him.

“Topical vitamin c does kill basal cell carcinomas. It doesn't matter what cation you have coupled with the ascorbate, it is the ascorbate that does the killing. I have used ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, C-salts, and buffered C from Life Extension Foundation. They all are effective.

“The solution is saturated which means no more of the vitamin c will dissolve in the solution. 

“So we see that blood concentrations of 2+mg/ml vitamin c are tumorcidal, and we are applying a solution of 500mg/ml directly in contact with the tumor cell surface. This solution is 250X stronger than the concentration required in blood to be tumorcidal. Apparently enough gets absorbed through the surface to kill the tumor.

“Vitamin C is thought to act as a prooxidant inside the cell in high concentration, and some hydrogen peroxide is formed which is rapidly disposed of by catalase in a normal cell. Since cancer cells have a deficiency or lack entirely of catalase the peroxides kill the cell. I have never had a normal skin cell die from topical vitamin c so they must have plenty of catalase unlike their neighboring cancer cells. Too bad.

“The implications of this are that high oral doses daily of vitamin c should be preventative of the formation of oral, esophageal, stomach, and small bowel cancers. The high concentrations of vitamin c contacting the surfaces of these organs daily will make a very hostile environment for a cancer to develop. The colon may not be as well protected unless you like spending most of your day on the toilet.

Continue With Step 6


  2. Dr. Mercola – Sunlight helps prevent skin cancer

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