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Conners Clinic offers ‘House Call’ cancer program

Until last summer, people who wanted to become patients of Conners Clinic either traveled to Minnesota to participate in our 2-Day Intensive program, or they could pay for a programmed Rife machine to be shipped to their homes. The former option — coming to the clinic — is our most sought-after and successful program primarily because in-person interaction (with our capable staff and numerous alternative therapies) is vital to accurately implement these lifestyle changes once patients return home. The latter option — having a Rife sent to the patient — was created out of our desire to get powerful, frequency therapy equipment into the hands of patients who otherwise could not afford our program.

And for the most part, these two options have been sufficient. That being said, though, no clinic is exempt from stagnancy and no matter how advanced our current program is I will do anything within my power to improve our protocols/programs so we offer the best alternative care possible.

Dr. Kevin Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986 and has been studying alternative cancer care for more than 18 years.
Cancer Tutor Verified Clinic
Conners Clinic
Dr. Conners on Cancer Tutor

So when one of my employees asked if I’d help her develop and direct a legitimate distance program, I was immediately onboard. Her standpoint — and mine — is that many potential patients are passionate about the alternative therapies we provide, but they are too sick or physically incapacitated to travel long-distance. And it’s true. Travel is not only incredibly difficult for people who are sick, but sometimes it can be the reason a person’s delicate health balance takes a turn for the worse. So, was born, our Distance Program, where we bring our full cancer care program to the patient, in the comfort of their home.

Our Level 1 Distance Program is a modified 2-Day Intensive in which our DP Director travels to patients’ homes and personally teaches them our cancer or Lyme protocols. Standard DP procedures include Rife scanning, equipment training, dietary recommendations, use of supplements, EMF awareness, general health screening and testing, caregiver direction, and home therapy instruction but is very tailored to the patient’s needs.

For patients who are capable of traveling but are still interested in having at-home assistance, the Distance Program can be combined with our clinic-based 2-Day Intensive (listed on our website as our Level 1 Full Program). This option is often used for patients who would love additional services such as diet and nutrition counseling, grocery shopping and meal prep, home detoxification and protection recommendations and natural health guidance. The feedback we have received from Level 1 patients has been phenomenal. Who wouldn’t want one-on-one hand-holding from a clinic in the safety and security of their home? Who wouldn’t want a ‘good, old-fashioned’ house call from an alternative cancer specialist to help lead them through an often confusing maze of information?

Having the option of bringing our programs directly to patients’ homes has revolutionized the level of care our clinic offers. To think that many of these people might not have found sufficient care solely because of an inability to travel is heartbreaking. It makes me proud to be able to say that we are working hard to successfully bridge that gap in the alternative healthcare system.

Contact Dr. Conners by visiting or calling (800) 209-4833.

We're running 100 Miles to give away $100,000 to a cancer patient