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Why I believe in our 2-Day Cancer Intensive

I have foundational beliefs in caring for those with cancer. One is that cancer is a verb that needs constant attention. This includes lifestyle changes, which one can easily comply.

No one is cured of cancer after a stay at a clinic for 2-4 weeks. This understanding birthed our 2-Day Cancer Intensive program.

People need an at-home program with a doable plan. They need equipment to use while they sleep. They also need the proper amount of hand-holding to see success.

“What good is a clinic’s therapeutic approach if the core therapy cannot be continued when the patient returns home?”

Dr. Kevin Conners

Another core belief is that God is our healer. I have a calling to help those with cancer. But the answer to how we care for each person individually is humbly sought through His wisdom.

I don’t believe in protocols. Each person is unique and needs to be treated individually. We build a plan around the patient. We test each person for their specific needs. We recommend a specific diet and supplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. approach exclusive to them.

Genetic testing helps us be precise. The tests give us clues to what may be feeding their cancer (and what precipitated the cause). Everyone is different.

When God called me to this unique approach, I asked myself, “What would I want if I was a cancer patient?” I realized that I would want therapy that I could do constantly, at home, every night, while I sleep. This would allow me to live a normal life during the day. I also would want a program that doesn’t consume my day. After all, I want to beat this disease to live, not be possessed by an agenda that steals my time and every thought.

I do not want people to be married to their treatment. It should not expend them from sunrise to sunset and become an idol in their lives.

I also do not want people so dependent upon my clinic or upon me, as a doctor. I do want people to make wise, educated, and healthy decisions. This is for their greater good and for the greater good of their families.

I’ve had patients who — prior to coming to me — could not hold down a job or spend time with their children or grandchildren. They had to do some procedure or some form of therapy all day long. I’ve had patients who struggled to ever leave their homes. They were taking more than 150 supplements and elixirs at a specific schedule. It was devastating to witness their effort to fight cancer. These patients essentially were losing their lives. They were too busy “treating” their disease to actually live.

At Conners Clinic, the goal is for patients to come here for 2-4 days. (This depends on the specific treatment protocol or therapy package.) We develop a go-forward plan that patients take home and implement in their daily life. During their time with us, our cancer patients receive the following:

  • In-office testing to understand the cause behind their cancer.
  • Customized therapy equipment that is theirs to keep and use in their homes. (The equipment is for use at night, while sleeping.)
  • A realistic, personalized nutritional plan.
  • A minimalistic, specific, nutraceutical plan that capitalizes on the most important supplements necessary. Most our patients are on only 2-5 different things; “less is often more.”
  • Genetic testing to look at detoxification pathways, tumor suppressor genes, defects to metabolic pathways that may “feed” cancer cells, and more.
  • Suggested at-home therapy and lifestyle protocols patients can incorporate when necessary.
  • Access to weekly conference ZOOM calls and educational lecture series. The patients have constant contact with our doctors and clinic staff.
  • Membership to our cancer patient support group. Here, friendships are created and experiences are shared.

What good is a clinic’s therapeutic approach if the core therapy cannot be continued when the patient returns home? How effective is an approach that leaves little time to enjoy life? How practical is a method that requires extended stays away form home and family? While all may have merit, we believe in a better way.

We believe in a home-focused approach to therapy. Patients should not depend on our clinic to “save” them. We empower the patient to succeed by giving them the tools necessary to accomplish their goals.

Contact Dr. Conners by visiting or calling (800) 209-4833.

We're running 100 Miles to give away $100,000 to a cancer patient