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Duane Cross

A journalist for more than 30 years, Duane joined Cancer Tutor in March 2016 as executive director for digital. He spent 10 years working for newspapers before surfing the World Wide Web for 15 years with Turner. As a freelance writer and marketing business owner, Duane is uniquely qualified to cut through the "word salad" that often obscures the truth when discussing natural, integrative, and conventional treatments.

Duane's Recent Articles

In 1992, Hannibal Lecter left an indelible impression on moviegoers. While recounting the murder of a census worker to Dr. Clarice Starling, the antagonist in Silence of the Lambs noted, “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.” In real life, your liver is much more than part of a psychopath’s […]

On Oct. 21, 2014, Jen Hartney received a phone call with her breast cancer diagnosis. Thirty-five years old. Thirty-eight weeks pregnant. … That’s not the time anyone would expect cancer to swing into your life. “There was definitely a point where I felt like I was probably a little bit oblivious to the details of […]

A recent paper published in Science shows that Fusobacterium nucleatum, a bacterial species, is associated with a subset of colorectal cancers. [1] Basically, bacteria and cancer risk go hand-in-hand. Hmm, a microbe being responsible for cancer? Say it ain’t so! Cancer Tutor founder Webster Kehr has been a proponent of this fact for more than two […]

There was a group of people in the 1960s – the forerunners to the Cancer Control Society – who were like-minded in their pursuit of alternative cancer treatments. Their goal was to share the virtues and prowess of natural treatment and prevention. Yes, even 50 years ago people were skeptical of chemo, radiation, and surgery […]

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Some types can cause health problems including cancers. The results of a study released by the CDC on April 6 show that more than 1 in 5 U.S. adults are infected with cancer-causing HPV. “We tend to overlook the fact that […]

Move over, apple, and make room for another health trooper. An aspirin a day may keep cancer away. Researchers followed 86,206 women from 1980 to 2012 and 43,977 men from 1986 to 2012. Baseline aspirin use was recorded and then researchers followed up on use every two years after that. Participants with a history of cancer, […]

Canada is set to legalize marijuana by July 1, 2018, according to news reports, citing the week of April 10 for legislation to be introduced to Parliament. According to the CBC report, the country’s marijuana supply and license producers will be legislated by lawmakers in Ottawa. The national age limit to purchase the drug will be […]

David Rockefeller, the last surviving grandson of John D. Rockefeller and a man who wielded vast influence around the world, died on Monday in Pocantico Hills, New York. He was 101. From The New York Times: The youngest of six siblings, David Rockefeller was born in Manhattan on June 12, 1915. His father, John D. […]

Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells were low in oxygen due to a change in cellular respiration — from using oxygen to using fermentation of sugar. “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause,” Warburg said. “Summarized in a few words, the prime cause […]

Monsanto may be the boogeyman after all. On March 10, the chemical monolith lost a court challenge to keep glyphosate off California’s public list of cancer-causing chemicals. Now, there is physical evidence Monsanto and an Environmental Protection Agency official were in cahoots to thwart another agency’s investigation into glyphosate, the key chemical in the herbicide […]

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