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The Cancer Tutor Library contains books, eBooks, courses, and videos. This is the largest collection of natural cancer resources on the Internet, featuring respected doctors, researchers, and household names you know and trust. As we continue adding Library content we encourage you to make suggestions for additional resources (form at bottom of page).

  • Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the “Wi...

    Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the “Wireless Revolution”

    Mary Beth Brangan, Libby Kelley, James Heddle, Ecological Options Network, Council on Wireless Technology Impacts
    Public Exposure is a dramatic report on the proliferation of cell phones and cell tower microwave technology, its sobering potential effects on human health and democracy, and what citizens and responsible officials around the world are doing to respond. This film takes a cutting-edge look at the science, the economics, the politics and the potentially irreversible health effects caused by this so-called "revolution."
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Questioning Chemotherapy

    Questioning Chemotherapy

    Ralph M. Moss, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-1881025252
    A revealing critique of chemotherapy, this book looks objectively at chemo's successes and failures.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alte...

    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives

    James P. Carter
    ISBN: 978-1878901323
    Dr. Carter reveals how corruption and greed in the medical industry have resulted in the suppression of viable alternatives for health.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Radical Remission

    Radical Remission

    Kelly A. Turner
    ISBN: 978-0062268747
    In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed.
  • Raising Resistance

    Raising Resistance

    David Bernet, Bettina Borgfeld
    In telling the story of Paraguay, Raising Resistance poses the larger question of whether the global community wants to go on living with a system that allows one crop to prosper at the expense of all others.
  • Raw Food for Life

    Raw Food for Life

    Natalie and Stuart McIntosh
    Natalie and Stuart McIntosh of Raw Food for Life have teamed up Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Malcolm Mackay, Former Vice-President of CitiBank Philip Wollen OAM, World Record-holding veteran athletes Janette and Alan Murray, and others, to bring you this new documentary which shares the stories of people who have experienced profound health benefits through dietary and lifestyle changes, including overcoming cancer, illness and depression.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Raw Food Treatment of Cancer

    Raw Food Treatment of Cancer

    Kristine Nolfi
    ISBN: 978-1572580572
    This book tells of the importance of raw vegetables in the diet of healing and general good health. Dr. Nolfi was a physician in Denmark for over 50 years.
  • Raw For Life: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Ra...

    Raw For Life: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle

    Tony Robbins, Woody Harrelson, Scott Mader
    Raw For Life is an A-to-Z encyclopedia of raw food - perfect for beginners and raw food enthusiasts. This series inspires people with the raw food philosophy, the wisdom of eating a raw food diet, important medical facts and nutritional information.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Reclaiming Our Health

    Reclaiming Our Health

    John Robbins
    ISBN: 978-0915811694
    Elaborately researched and fluidly written, Reclaiming Our Health is a provocative and crystal-clear commentary on one of the most complex issues facing America today - national health care. In an epic look at the human and financial consequences of the polarization of traditional and alternative medicine, John Robbins calls for nothing short of a revolution in the basic beliefs on which traditional health care is provided.
  • Rethinking Cancer

    Rethinking Cancer

    Richard Wormser, Linda Goldman, James Oakar, F.A.C.T. Ltd.
    Created by the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT), Rethinking Cancer is a educational cancer documentary film featuring cancer survivor stories that provides a rare look into the psychological and therapeutic journeys of five men and women who used alternative cancer therapies to overcome serious illness. Their cancer survivor stories represent successes that mainstream medicine and the public ought to know about.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Cap...

    Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Capitalism in America

    E. Richard Brown
    ISBN: B00AUG4A4G
    Medicine and capitalism in America.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Saving Face: Surviving the Fight with Oral Cancer

    Saving Face: Surviving the Fight with Oral Cancer

    DJ Roff
    ISBN: 978-1546543992
    This story is neither a medical manual nor an academic treatise. It is written from an everyman perspective, as an average person experiencing everything first-hand, and learning as he goes along. The reader will likely find much of himself in these pages, and hopefully take away some inspiration for his own life.
  • Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering

    Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering

    Eric Merola
    Ralph Moss, PhD, a young and eager science writer, was hired by Sloan-Kettering's public relations department in 1974, to help brief the American public on the center's contribution to the War On Cancer. Shortly after starting his position, Moss befriended one of the center's oldest and leading research scientists, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura—an original co-founder of chemotherapy.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Severed Trust: Why American Medicine Hasn’t...

    Severed Trust: Why American Medicine Hasn’t Been Fixed

    George D. Lundberg
    ISBN: 978-0465042920
    This no-holds-barred book includes a new chapter presenting a comprehensive, politically achievable, private-public solution to the health care dilemma-one that preserves the best of the present system, eliminates the worst current problems, and represents our nation's last best chance to contain costs without a government takeover of medicine.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Should I Be Tested for Cancer

    Should I Be Tested for Cancer

    H.Gilbert Welch, M.D., M.P.H.
    ISBN: 978-0520248366
    Read this book and you will think twice about common cancer screening tests such as total body scans, mammograms, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Robert O. Young PhD
    ISBN: 978-1580540568
    SICK AND TIRED? presents the revolutionary theories of Dr. Robert Young, a scientist who has spent years studying how foods positively and negatively affect the body. This book provides a comprehensive view of Dr. Young's research on the advantages of an alkalarian diet and is a wonderful tool to help anyone get back on the road to good health.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Solved: The Riddle of Illness

    Solved: The Riddle of Illness

    Stephen E. Langer
    ISBN: 978-0071470575
    In this new edition, you will discover how to determine if you suffer from low thyroid function; how to differentiate between low thyroid function and hypoglycemia; how to use simple, inexpensive treatments; and much more.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Spontaneous Healing

    Spontaneous Healing

    Andrew Weil, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0804117944
    Drawing on fascinating case histories from his own practice as well as medical techniques he has observed in his travels around the world, Dr. Weil shows how the mechanisms of self-diagnosis and self-regeneration have worked to resolve life-threatening diseases, severe trauma, and chronic pain
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography

    Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography

    Caryle Hirschberg, Brendan O'Regan
    ISBN: 978-0943951171
    This book introduces an emerging field in the biological sciences, remission research. From the 3,500 reports of spontaneous remission reported over 10 years by physicians, this bibliography gives full citations for 1,350 and includes case reports for over 400.
  • Square One

    Square One

    Square One

    Chris Wark
  • Steak Revolution

    Steak Revolution

    Vérane Frédiani, Franck Ribière
    A global pursuit (with layovers in Japan, Argentina, Brazil, France, Spain, the U.S. and other countries) for the best steak in the world.
  • Sugar Coated

    Sugar Coated

    Michele Hozer, Janice Dawe; Roxana Spicer, Robert H Lustig, Gary Taubes, Cristin Kearns, Yoni Freedhoff, Russell Walker, Neville Ottey, Telefilm Canada
    Pulling back the curtain on the sugar-coated tactics of an industry once again under attack, this documentary will give you a chilling feeling of déjà vu. Today the industry is back sweetening the message. But this time, history comes knocking.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Super Cancer Fighters: Proven Natural Remedies th...

    Super Cancer Fighters: Proven Natural Remedies that Supplement Mainstream Cancer Treatments

    Bill Bodri
    ISBN: 978-0615880143
    Inside this book you will learn about the easiest and most inexpensive of these supplemental therapies commonly used by integrative physicians and world famous cancer clinics. All of these cancer aids are simple remedies that typically complement and supercharge mainstream therapies in a synergistic fashion, and which anyone can use with ease in their own home.
  • Super Juice Me!

    Super Juice Me!

    Jason Vale
    One summer, Jason Vale took eight people who collectively suffered from 22 different chronic diseases and put them on his ‘Juice Only’ diet for 28 days. Could these different diseases with their many different prescribed drugs be improved and even cured by one thing? Maybe it’s time to get Super Juiced.

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