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Integrating Poly-MVA into protocols for cancer, degenerative disease, and other health challenges

More than 50 years ago, medical therapeutic approaches focused on metabolism. With the advent of genetics, a shift toward genomics occurred that has dominated the landscape of modern medicine. This gave us vast insight into the study of medicine and the human genome, however, it has not produced the answers or solutions that we had hoped for. Metabolism or better phrased, metabolic medicine, is now being revisited and showing considerable promise for our health. One approach is to target the process of cellular energy — this is metabolic and cellular power.

In a simple explanation, Poly-MVA is exactly what its name says. Poly meaning multiple, the MVA meaning Minerals, Vitamins, and Amino acids. This combination of a Lipoic Acid Complex with specific co-factors of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids targets, supports, maintains and improves the integrity of our mitochondria (the powerhouses of our cells) and can rescue our cells from damage.  As a metabolic agent, it’s going to protect, correct, enhance our metabolic power to keep all cells healthy and support the body’s natural mechanisms against abnormal environments and poor health.

Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex (the unique LAMC complex inside of Poly-MVA) is what is called a redox molecule that facilitates energy charge transfer at the cellular level not only to protect and repair our DNA but more importantly to our Mitochondria, the power plant of the majority of our cells and the energy source for all cellular activity. (In basic scientific terms, a redox molecule means that it can accept an electrical charge and then donate that charge, which makes it an extremely effective cellular energy-transferring molecule.)

The power of LAMC is that it can effectively protect cells and then safely provide energy to them. Many years of research and clinical studies provide consistent and ongoing evidence that Poly-MVA can support gene repair (in genes damaged by disease and or radiation), support multiple therapies and cellular degeneration because of its mitochondrial up-regulation with an increase of oxygen.

Once inside our cells, Poly-MVA supports and increases energy production (ATP) via the Krebs cycle, its enzymes, and its normal oxygen pathways. This normal energy pathway gives all our cells a boost and increases cellular mitochondrial function while at the same time disrupting dysfunctional metabolism, particularly the metabolism of the (anaerobic) cancer cell that does not have the proper oxygen pathways. They are using glycolysis and non-oxygen pathways to create energy for survival and replication.

Quick Facts

  • LAMC/Poly-MVA is a unique compound created through an innovative process whereby the mineral palladium is bound to alpha lipoic acid and Vitamin B1 (thiamine). When alpha lipoic acid, a unique and powerful antioxidant with multiple health benefits, is connected to an electrically charged mineral (palladium) and joined with thiamin (B1), the resulting complex is both water and fat soluble, dramatically increasing the entire body's absorption of Poly-MVA at the cellular level.
  • With Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, specific trace minerals and amino acids, this unique complex and formulation create an amazing synergy, action, and function. It is designed to provide energy for the body's systems as well as protect cells from oxidation through its proprietary and patented formulation. Poly-MVA was formulated by Dr. Merrill Garnett, who has conducted research on the actions of DNA within normal and abnormal cells.
  • Multiple studies have shown Poly-MVA's effectiveness in many different cell lines, with cellular support occurring in normal cells. The benefit from the increase in oxygen and ATP is support for normal cellular function in other cells. The alpha lipoic acid, B-1, and mineral are irreversibly bound together, resulting in a molecule that is both fat and water soluble (so it travels to all parts of the body) and significantly more effective than any individual ingredient.
  • Poly-MVA has undergone extensive use and testing both orally and intravenously IV in various support roles of cancer, other degenerative diseases and as a daily preventative tonic, with a safety record of almost 20 years. Furthermore, Poly-MVA is a highly-effective free radical scavenger, yet it is more than that. Its ability to donate electrons to the mitochondria of the cell is critical to its benefits.
  • In addition to cancer support, clinical research also continues to support its benefits in various applications including neurological support, support, stroke, TBI (traumatic brain injury), ischemia, hypertension, fatigue, and cardiovascular applications. This is because; following an interruption of blood flow to any tissue, there is a deprivation of oxygen and glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms.. Providing an alternative energy source can maintain the integrity of the electron transport chain within the mitochondria and provide significant support for survival, repair, and regeneration.
  • The LAMC complex and its ability to shuttle electrons to not only support and protect oxidized DNA while also going to the mitochondria (this is critical since mitochondrial health is a major concern during myocardial and neurological support, as well as in countless other health concerns were mitochondrial dysfunction plays a role).
  • This product safely and effectively protects and supports cellular function. It is designed to provide energy for the compromised body systems by increasing cellular energy levels, thus increasing the charge density of DNA within the cell. This supports and increases normal cell function and works against cellular dysfunction.

Cancer Tutor wanted to better understand, so we could share this information with our readers and we sat down with Al Sanchez, CEO of AMARC Enterprises and a member of the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Research, to discuss all the buzz and benefits of Poly-MVA in the stand against cancer, degenerative disease, and better patient outcomes all around.

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Q: What is Poly-MVA?

Sanchez: Poly-MVA, its name is representative of what it is. Poly meaning multiple and the MVA standing for minerals, vitamins and amino acids. In the liquid solution that is Poly-MVA, you have multiple ingredients and a very unique complex, Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex (LAMC). Many think that POLY-MVA is just a mixture of certain ingredients. It is very different than just taking alpha lipoic acid and B-vitamins, for example. Taking ALA is great. Taking thiamine is great, taking B-2 and B-12 is great and fine. Even taking them together in a combination pill or mixture is great. However, taking them in Poly-MVA is vastly different. They go in as LAMC complex and they come out as that complex. They work in the body as this complex and unique bound molecule of lipoic acid and thiamin. They work at the mitochondria; the whole metabolic approach is enhanced because of this focus and target on metabolism. They can protect the cell on one side and support the cell energetically on the other side. It can protect and support at the same time because of the LAMC complex and is what is called a redox molecule, not because it's an individual ingredient.

Most supplements out there, as a matter of fact, I think almost all supplements out there, are at some level simply a mixture of ingredients or a concentration/combination of them. Let's say we're going to make a cake? You take all of the ingredients and you mix them up accordingly. The cake batter tastes really good and it tastes kind of similar to what the cake or final dessert is going to taste like when it comes out of the oven but it's not going to be exactly the same. Now all those ingredients are going to be in there once it's baked but now they're actually going to form new bonds, new connections and make something that didn't exist prior to it going in the oven. They have become complexed. All the other supplements out there are mixtures and concentrations of various ingredients; just like the batter we talked about, this is what really differentiates Poly-MVA from pretty much everything else out there. It is the cake; it is not the batter.

Q: Is this a “natural” process that all of the ingredients go through? Is it a heating process, a chemical process, or is this truly all natural?

Sanchez: It's both. It's natural in the sense of the ingredients, however, there is a bonding process just like the process of mixing the batter together and then putting that batter in the oven. Then there's a heating process that bonds all those pieces together so, yes, it's all that and more. That's what creates the complex of what we call the Poly aspect, which is the Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex. You might see that in the various research L-A-M-C. That's where alpha lipoic acid, the mineral, and the thiamine get bonded together. When you make that bond, as we all know, bonds are stronger and together they are better than single molecules by themselves.

Integrative Therapy-LAMC Overview
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Q: How is Poly-MVA going to benefit me as a cancer patient?

Sanchez: Doctor Garnett, who designed and created Poly-MVA, realized that when it comes to our cellular metabolism — how our cells work and more importantly the proper expression of our DNA — cancer cells function far differently than normal cells do and it's that fundamental process that allows them to stay alive, to adapt, and to not turn off. Conventional oncology is going to offer you either chemo, radiation, surgery or their combination as their solution and most of us know about chemo, radiation, recovering from surgery and their various side effects and complications. You think about how resilient these cells are, how difficult they are, that if you're going to use a poison like chemo/radiation, and many times it still isn't enough to kill them, it tells you the battle that the body is up against, especially those that may have advanced stage cancer and degenerative conditions.

The various clinics, the various research has gone back to basics Looking at the basic cell. Let's look at these cells. Let's look at these little cancer cells. It's just one of our single cells and how does it differentiate between a normal cell and a healthy cell. What's really going on here? After its initiation, it ultimately comes down to is metabolism, how the cell metabolizes – primarily using sugar as its fuel to simply replicate, replicate and expand. You may or may not have heard that cancer cells love sugar and if you feed cancer cells excess sugar, this can help to proliferate them. That's a true statement in itself but it's not that simple because, at the end of the day, our bodies convert everything over to sugar at some level, so our normal cells can function as well. There's this big differentiation that is going on between a cancer cell's metabolism, dysfunctional cells metabolism, and a normal cell's metabolism. Why is fatigue such a large factor any time the body is healing and or repairing itself?

Doctor Garnett studied that metabolism and the works of Otto Warburg in the early 20th century, and he realized that oxygen is a big factor in the difference of its use in metabolism. Cancer cells don't need oxygen the way our normal cells do. Similar to what any fire needs, for example, trying to build a campfire, it's going to need plenty of oxygen to burn, the hotter it burns the more oxygen you will need to supply. Your normal cells need this oxygen to burn the sugar in the metabolism (anaerobic-using oxygen). Cancer cells do not (aerobic-low oxygen/fermentation). That's their gift and it's their curse at the same time. It's called glycolysis and this is how it can utilize sugar without the use of oxygen to create its fuel (its energy in the form of ATP), it does it differently. We've learned through various researchers, scientists, their research, and applied metabolic approaches in integrative oncology to target this metabolism.

This is where Poly-MVA works. It helps support normal/proper metabolism. We just talked about how cancer cells have an abnormal/different metabolism. One approach to the body staying healthy on its own is normalized metabolism. For example, when you get a fever, the body's metabolism increases and in doing so, what's it generating? It's generating heat. What does that do? That helps the body to turn on the immune system. Also, many times, the heat can weaken the infection on its own. There's actually a lot of research out there about heating up cancer cells. If they get to a certain temperature, they don't do as well. There are various protocols that are used called hypothermia. It's a great approach in certain situations. Why? It's all about the heat, the bodies responses and/or the ‘metabolism which help the body and work against the abnormal cells.

Poly-MVA helps to create that normal/proper metabolism — that necessary metabolism that generates heat as a by-product enhancing normal cells and going against other types of cellular function.

Q: Is this something that I take in a pill form or is it a liquid? Is it an injection? How do I get the Poly into my body?

Sanchez: It is a liquid and that's one of its gifts because being in a liquid state its absorbability is direct. Its pH is neutral, so it passes through the gut and can be absorbed quickly. In some advanced cases, many clinics, doctors, and protocols allow for it to be used with their intravenous protocols based upon their experiences, these protocols allow nutrients to go directly into the bloodstream bypassing the digestive tract.

Many times, especially in cancer patients that have gone through conventional medicine — radiation, chemotherapy or both — they destroy all the fast-growing cells and where are the majority of those cells? They're in your hair, immune system, gut, intestines, and linings. This is why it's so difficult when cancer patients try to nourish themselves and they can't. Food doesn't digest. It doesn't get absorbed and most of it probably just gets passed through. Therefore, when you give something directly into an intravenous solution, you know you're absorbing much more of it and at higher concentrations. There are a lot of protocols out there that are really helpful.


Did You Know

More Poly-MVA

About Poly-MVA
Development of Poly-MVA
DCA-Poly-MVA Protocol

Q: What is the dosing amount?

Sanchez: It will depend on the goal and desire.  If it is for therapeutics, doctors have the protocols that are ramped up, typically. You can titrate up to more supportive levels s and then you maintain for a period of time. This is the basic approach and then from there, you can do what practitioners are calling a pressed pulse approach.

If we're talking a degenerative disease like cancer, research and case studies are showing that you can't just rely on one approach, which is why you press one approach and you pulse some others. Then you rotate. You keep doing this. Why? Two reasons, one, it is very similar to the way our natural bodies and immune system works. It modulates itself. When you modulate something, you go high, you go low, you go high, you go low. That's why many times, going back to our fever analogy, your body will run a fever and it breaks the fever. Then maybe a couple hours later it'll run it again and you break it again. We're talking about abnormal cells, what you're doing is keeping them off balance and supporting the body’s natural and designed ability to heal itself while providing advanced nutritional support.

The analogy I like to use here is that cancer is the 800-pound gorilla and we have to jump in the ring with it weighing in at a measly 150 pounds, let's say. What are your chances of taking out the 800-pound gorilla champion? You might get lucky. You might get one shot in there and you hit him just right and he goes down. Hey, you got him. Great. The likelihood, though, is that he's going to take you down. Now bring 10 of your friends and you tag-team. Can he block all of you at one time? You keep wearing him down, you keep rotating. You take a rest, someone else comes in. That's, metaphorically speaking, the only way I've seen patients and practitioners reverse cancer and to keep patients healthy for long-term survival.

Q: If I'm going to add this to my diet and I'm going to drink this, what is the taste of it? Does it have a pleasant taste? Is it something that you need to combine with a juice or something that will make it taste better?

Sanchez: If you are going to take it orally, I'll be honest with you; it is a liquid with a bitter, salty, B-vitamin taste. There are no preservatives. There are no sugars. We don't do anything to make this taste better, to make it more palatable. It is very medicinal tasting and for all the right reasons.

Having said that, you can easily mix it with something as simple as water. You can put it in your tea. You can put it in your coffee. You can put it in your favorite juice. You can mix and match it with whatever works for you.

Alternatively, you can take it on its own. You can put it sublingually (under your tongue). By doing this, it gets into your system faster, bypassing the digestive tract. It does have a bit of a liquid B-vitamin taste and for those that aren't used to it, they will not recognize it or really even like it, but it's definitely doable.

Q: Am I going to have to change my diet? Am I going to have to change my lifestyle?

Sanchez: The simple answer is yes, definitely and of course. It's a powerful thing to do. We are talking about metabolism. We are talking about cells burning sugar, processing fats and proteins, needing enzymes, and co-factors, etc. Where are they going to get that from? Directly from the food that you eat, right? A good healthy diet is about complex healthy vegetable carbohydrates, proper proteins, proper fats. Why is that? That good healthy food translates over to critical nutrients, enzymes and ultimately energy for your cells. If you're getting your nutrients, proteins, sugar, and fats from nothing except processed or chemical additive foods like pre-packed meals or snacks, the worst kinds are like chips and sodas, most of any pre-packaged food is chemically treated, adulterated and processed at some level, so therefore what you're feeding your body is unhealthy, nutrient deficient food.  In a competitive environment, especially with cancer cells, you're going to be giving them the simplest, easiest energy they can work with and your normal cells are struggling to survive.

Q: Is there anything that I can do to help boost Poly-MVA as I'm going through my cancer treatments?

Sanchez: Again, diet and supplementation. If you don't change your diet, you're going to hinder the process, either it's not going to be as fast to be effective, or it may not work at all. Diet is the biggest thing you can do on a daily basis because you're fueling your body. You can either feed your healthy body or you can feed your cancer cells to a certain degree. A simple analogy but that's what it's going to be doing at the end of the day.

Further, an integrative/complementary approach is critical. You can take five women all with similar breast cancer and each one will respond differently to various treatments. Now the basic treatment approach is going to be similar. It's going to be an integrative type medicine with a diet change, with supplements, with other types of therapies that you're going to integrate. That's where the magic really happens in this type of approach. There's no silver bullet. There's no one magic pill or a simple case like how antibiotics can be used for the majority. You take a pill, it takes care of it or it doesn’t and you're done. You take it for 10 days and either helps or it doesn’t and then you can move on, this isn't what this is about. Degenerative diseases don't just show up one day, they actually had many years to get initiated, settle in and take over.

Q: Do I need to go to a doctor for this?

Sanchez: No, you don't have to go see your doctor for it. It is a dietary supplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. that you can order just like you would order other supplements like Vitamin C or multivitamins. If you have a health challenge or a disease then of course working with a practitioner that has been trained and understands medicine is key to help you coordinate, test and better evaluate how you are doing.

Q: What about my oncologist?

Sanchez: If you are a cancer patient, then you should be under the care of a doctor that at least is helping you with your tests and your scans and helping direct you down this path because every patient is different. An oncologist is the only doctor that can treat a cancer patient for their cancer. The oncologist is simply focusing on cancer, which is important, but if you forget about what the rest of the body does and what that needs, many times that doesn't work out too well. You can be a cancer patient and go to any doctor and they can see you simply as their patient and maybe treat the side effects or the other aspects of what the body needs. You have to think and support your digestion and your liver and your pancreas and your kidneys and all these other aspects of it that many times get overlooked. That is what an integrative physician does.

Restrictions and safety considerations for Poly-MVA

Please note that because of the way this product operates, you need to pay close attention to the MAXIMUM doses of certain nutrients while integrating this supplement. The Alpha Lipoic Acid in the Poly-MVA is a key factor in doing the bulk of the antioxidant work, and ALA is well-known to pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) so it is no wonder this can support so many various cases, especially when it comes to the brain and neurological support.

Known restrictions Poly-MVA

  • Additional high-dose alpha lipoic acid (ALA or LA) supplementation above 400mg. (It’s ok if alpha lipoic acid is found in other multivitamins or products you’re taking, as long as it doesn’t exceed the 400mg per day. And separate throughout the day.)
  • If high-dose antioxidantsProtects cells from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules made by the process of oxidation during normal metabolism). Free radicals may play a part in cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of aging. Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, Vitamins A, C, and E, and other natural and manufactured substances. are being taken, for example, 25-50 grams of Vitamin C daily, it is recommended that you separate them by 4-6 hours from your dose of Poly-MVA.
  • If mega-doses of Vitamin C are being taken (50-150 grams per day), consult with your practitioner. This includes multivitamins and other supplements which may have high amounts of vitamins added to them. The vitamins in food is not a problem.
  • If using intravenous chelation therapy or oral chelation supplements that are designed to remove heavy metals or arterial plaque from the body, it is suggested you an interval of at least 24 hours between using them and Poly-MVA, as the chelators may minimize the effectiveness of Poly-MVA. Therefore, it is recommended you take chelators and Poly-MVA on alternating days.
  • Graviola, Zeolites, hydrazine sulfate, and Pau D’Arco may interfere with the absorption of Poly-MVA, so it is recommended that you alternate these products while using Poly-MVA or separate by 6-12 hours. If including these in a regiment is important or specifically beneficial, please call the distributor’s consultants to discuss a dosage schedule that may work best.
  • A one-month on the maximum support dosage of oral Poly-MVA costs about $1,000 (plus any practitioner fees) it can decrease pending the overall protocol and approach. This is to start for the first 3-6 months and then you taper down to a maintenance amount.

Q: Are there any natural cancer treatment doctors that you work with?

Sanchez: There are. There's not as many as we like, that's for certain, but around the country, there are various integrative physicians. This is where the doctors have developed the various protocols over the past 20 years and understanding what's the best long-term approach for various types of cancer patients, like oncologist Dr. James Forsythe in Reno Nevada.

Q: Can I easily get to one of these integrated clinics to speak with one of these doctors and begin using Poly?

Sanchez: It's going to depend on your location. They're around the country so you'll have to go to them and set up a time to see them and see if they are the right fit for your situation, ask lots of questions and don’t feel pressured into anything.

Q: What is the cost for this? Is it a daily cost?

Sanchez: That will depend on how much of it you're going to take. Like any supplement regiment, there's a daily cost. Will you be taking a half a teaspoon a day for your basic support and nutrition, just like you would a multivitamin? Are you going to be using it as an advanced support dose which is close to, let's say, eight teaspoons which are 40ML? The latter is going to be significantly more expensive because it's 16 times the amount of Poly-MVA.

Q: Will my insurance cover it?

Sanchez: Most of this is not covered by insurance.

Q: What can you do for me as a cancer patient?

Sanchez: I am not a doctor, and each person I have come to learn is different. I have been reaching and working with this for over 18 years and as I mentioned earlier, it’s a team focused approach. In all honesty, my focus is just two things; to give you hope, and let you know that you're not alone as there are many successful cases that I have come across and would like to share that with others. Most importantly it is not just the short term change it is the long-term success for so many that are struggling and trying to find answers. They are not simple and we have seen and researched how Poly-MVA has supported and helped many people. We continue to look for research opportunities to grow our understanding and help the doctors and patients make the best decisions.

If you want our help, I am happy to help you. That's why I do what I do; only if you reach out can we help. We don't know where you are unless you know where you are. It's OK if you are not ready. Maybe you want it in three months, six months, five years from now. Whenever you are ready, we will be here, like so many others.

If I can just reach one more person today than I reached yesterday, then I am okay with that. If you tell someone, and that someone reaches more people, all of a sudden we're reaching thousands of people, letting them know that they're not alone and there is hope.

We know many people are scared, and we know you have questions, but there are many people here to help you. I don't like selling anything. I enjoy sharing information and collaborating with others to help them make the best decision they feel they should do. .  Just give us a call any time.

Using Poly-MVA with other treatments

Integrative protocols have consistently been shown to work well with Poly-MVA.

CoQ10 is highly recommended, as its benefits have been shown in the laboratory and in clinical studies to work synergistically with Poly-MVA. The use of IV administration is also beneficial and can be used along with other programs.

One final mention. Poly-MVA is frequently used with other alternative cancer treatments. These other treatments may have a list of supplements that should be used with them. For example, the Calcium Protocol includes multivitamins (which generally have Vitamin C added, and perhaps alpha lipoic acid), plus extra Vitamin C.

It is perfectly OK to use Poly-MVA and the Calcium Protocol together. However, you should not take the Calcium Protocol supplements that may interfere with Poly-MVA and alternate them as required.

This same concept applies to all treatments combined with Poly-MVA. Check out the Breakthrough Booklet 

and call the distributor to talk to a consultant about your specific situation and needs.


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