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Dr. Imelda Edodollon

Dr. Imelda Edodollon, also known as Doc Meddie, is a medical doctor who completed B.S. Medical Technology (University of Santo Tomas), Clinical Internship (Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center, University of Santo Tomas), Degree in Medicine (University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center), Clinical Internship (Philippine Centers for Specialized Health Care), International Medical School of Integrative Medicine, Gerson Therapy in Gerson Institute, USA.

Dr. Imelda Edodollon's Recent Articles

Health is dynamic in its process. Health changes as we change our lifestyle, work, thoughts, stress levels, sleeping and eating habits. Fitness is defined as the state of being fit and the ability to efficiently perform functions with significant aerobic or anaerobic ability in the aspects of sports, occupation or daily activities without undue fatigue. […]

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