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Category: Articles

The choices that a cancer patient makes are the single biggest choices of their life. Nothing compares because the further they get down this road called life, the more reality sets in and they realize what they had been doing is just not working as they had expected it to. I think it’s pretty obvious […]

Our mental state — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes — can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are! Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that point to the fact that people who have a positive outlook on life, are optimistic, with healthy personal […]

Curcumin is a wonder-nutrient derived from the turmeric root. This health multi-tasker has been shown to reduce inflammation, boost brain function and it is increasingly recognized as a powerful cancer fighter. Cancer is a notoriously tricky disease to tame … but here are some of the varieties that curcumin has been shown to fight best. […]

You are a motivated patient, you have found a great doctor, and you have what you feel is a perfect protocol to treat your cancer. Motivated to do everything exactly right, you have your grocery list ready to go and your supplements organized into daily doses. This is going to be great! Just one week […]

The doctor tells you the great news. “You are cancer-free. Nothing showed up on your scans and your bloodwork looks good. See you in a year for a checkup.” So goes the scenario, all over the world, until a few years later, when that “cancer-free” person discovers another lump or bump. According to John Hopkins […]

On your healthy breast journey, you are probably seeing a naturopath, taking supplements and following a healing diet. And you may also be utilizing the expertise of an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, a life coach, a conventional oncologist … or all of the above! Let’s face it: it takes courage and commitment to be truly empowered […]

Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency. The latest studies by the United States government state that approximately […]

Amalgam fillings are composed of mercury, silver, tin, copper and other trace metals. A growing body of evidence suggests that amalgam fillings contribute to many degenerative diseases and cancers. According to a report published by The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, there is more than 1,000 tons of mercury in the mouths of […]

As you learn how to live a healthy, breast cancer-free lifestyle and begin to put many different natural healing modalities and substances into your healing toolbox, chiropractic care may not be the first thing you think of. As a veteran chiropractor for more than 35 years, I have seen the amazing healing that can occur […]

According to Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions, the beginning of spring is the ideal time to do a cleanse. Just as spring is the “season of mud,” the body must be cleansed of its own internal sludge that has accumulated during winter. In addition to the specifics for each of the three major kinds of cleanses […]

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