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Category: Articles

Natural treatments for cancer are more imperative than ever as the disease continues to destroy lives. Despite all the “modern day” medical advances, cancer kills millions annually. The medical community likes to point out that fewer people are dying from their cancers than ever before and that’s true to a point. Some common cancers have […]

We have all experienced it. Just after a lightning storm, the air is pungent with that smell and the atmosphere seems to be “alive with freshness.” What you are experiencing is the after-effects of Ozone. Nature uses ozone to cleanse the environment of contaminants ─ and health practitioners the world over since the 1800s have […]

Stress is not a friend to any individual who is on a healing journey with breast cancer. I have written about the connection between stress, immune impairment and tumor growth on many occasions and so have hundreds of other experts during the last decade. A study published in September 2015, however, presents a fascinating take […]

Since Richard Nixon declared the “War on Cancer” in 1971, billions of dollars have been devoted to cancer research. Over that time, we have learned a great deal about cancer, how it develops, and how it can be treated. According to the American Cancer Society, the death rate from cancer in the United States has […]

The natural substance Quercetin is attracting a lot of attention these days for its anti-aging and immune-boosting qualities. Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid polyphenol and a super-antioxidant that is found in a broad spectrum of vegetables and fruits, everything from red onions and green tea to grape skins, apples and tomatoes. The fact that Quercetin […]

Before his untimely death in July 2015, I worked with Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., for more than 20 years, offering a nutritionally-based therapy to patients with cancer and other degenerative diseases. We realized very quickly that patients who had not thought through their treatment choice rarely stuck with their program long enough to see if it […]

In the late 1930s, a dangerous trend in the field of medical research was beginning. Researchers were experimenting with the use of mustard gas to treat cancer. Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who had won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his discovery of Vitamin C, saw the destruction that this toxin had caused in World War […]

According to a recent study,  mammogram screenings may not lead to fewer deaths but may instead lead to over-diagnosis. The results were based on research where there were high levels of screening.  More tumors were diagnosed, but breast cancer death rates were no lower than in areas with fewer screenings. Clearly, if your goal is to adopt […]

There is a lot of emphasis on measuring thyroid function via a blood test. But just how accurate is a blood test? To measure thyroid function via a blood test, that is to assume that 100 percent or nearly 100 percent of thyroid hormone function takes place in the blood. Right? That is where it […]

“It’s the metabolism stupid” is a wry nod to President Bill Clinton’s famous 1992 campaign slogan: “The economy, stupid.” As we will see, this phrase is startling in its simplistic defining of the cancer complexity and as an overall reaching principle behind cancer. This phrase is stepping back and looking at the entire forest instead […]

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