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Germanium (organic) cancer treatment

Germanium (Organic)

This is a website about organic germanium and cancer:
Organic Germanium and Cancer

Here is Dr. Asai's book on germanium:
Dr. Asai's Book

The key researcher for germanium, as far as I know, is Dr. Sandra Goodman, PhD. Here are three relevant websites:

Dr. Goodman's website with list of books, etc.

Germanium Book

Her book used to be free online, but I am not sure it is still online. But these were the chapters (I don't know how these chapters relate to her current book):

  • Chapter 1 – The history of organic germanium.
  • Chapter 2 – The three main types of organic germanium.
  • Chapter 3 – How organic germanium builds the cancer-critical parts of the immunity system.
  • Chapter 4 – Organic germanium helps enrich the body with oxygen and is a superb anti-oxidant.
  • Chapter 5 – Chelates heavy metals from body (which is a significant aid to the immunity system).
  • Chapter 6 – Helps reduce pain, even in advanced terminal patients.
  • Chapter 7 – The entire chapter is on cancer: prevention, CAM (Complementary), antitumor, anti-metastases, case studies.
  • Chapter 9 – Can help a cancer patient's mental condition (i.e. his or her attitude) and fight depression.
  • Chapter 10 – Germanium is antifungalA drug that treats infections caused by fungi., antiyeast and antimicrobial.
  • Chapter 11 – Germanium's safety record.
  • Chapter 12 – Dealing with vendors, and other issues.
  • Chapter 13 – Treatment protocols.
  • Chapter 15 – Diet, other supplements and related issues.

It would be premature to consider organic germanium as a stand-alone treatment for cancer.  When more is known about the electric systems in the body, relative to cancer, organic germanium may increase significantly in its importance.

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