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Treating the pain of cancer

Treating the pain of cancer

There are many things that can cause pain for a cancer patient. The cancer cells themselves can cause pain. Or the cancer treatment can cause pain (e.g. radiation or chemotherapy). Other causes of pain can be a tumor on one organ, pressing against another organ.

Cesium Chloride Protocol

Cesium chloride is said to be a long proven treatment for cancer pain.

Very few things can get inside a cancer cell. The theory suggests that cesium and potassium are two of the things that can get inside a cancer cell. These products drive up the alkalinity of cancer cells very quickly and cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. It also interferes with the feeding of the cell, as cancer cells feed off sugar, glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. and fermentation.

However, you cannot just add liquid ionic cesium chloride to your cancer treatment. You must know the correct doses, how much potassium to add to the liquid ionic cesium chloride, etc. That is why you must work with an expert.

See the following important article for details.

Cesium Chloride Protocol


The Cellect-Budwig and Cesium Chloride protocols CANNOT be used together because both are highly alkaline. If you use one of these protocols, you cannot use the other.

TENS Units

TENS units are very mild electromedicine devices designed specifically to reduce pain. They have been around for many years.

List of TENS units

Moringa Oleifera

The product based on the Moringa Oleifera plant has been suggested as being effective in dealing with pain.
Here is the article on this product:
Moringa Oleifera

MSM / Colloidal Silver

This is another protocol that may start to greatly reduce pain within days. This protocol requires you to purchase colloidal silver. Both the MSM and Colloidal Silver need to be shipped.

Here is the article: MSM / Colloidal Silver Article


It is suggested that if the pain is caused by a tumor on the skin or just under the skin, DMSO will help relieve the pain quickly.

Here is one of many vendors of DMSO: Herbs Pro

Other treatments

Here is a list of other treatments suggested to be effective against pain:

1) “The Healing Codes” is an excellent way to deal with pain. This protocol should be used with a “coach” who can help you do the right procedures. One such expert is Cindy Pierre. Her email address is her name (without any spaces) followed by:

You can purchase The Healing Code Book Here.

2) Blue-Green algae. The name of the product is E3Live.

3) Also see this link on the Mercola website: Mercola EFT Protocol

4) Hydrazine Sulphate should only be used under the direction of an expert. Hydrazine Sulfate Cannot Be Combined With Morphine Or Some Other Orthodox Drugs: Cachexia Treatment Plan / Hydrazine Sulfate Article)

5) Soothanol uses DMSO to get pain-relieving chemicals to the pain.

6) Acupuncture / Licensed Acupuncturist

7) Magnet Therapy

Here are two books on this therapy:

The Body Electric – Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life,

by Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. (this is the “Bible” of magnet therapy and deals with both pain and healing bones,

Magnet Therapy – The Pain Cure Alternative – A Scientifically Proven Method That Really Works.

by Dr. Ron Lawrence, M.D., PhD and Dr. Paul J. Rosch, M.D., E.A.C.P.

8) Stem Enhance.

9) Barefoot Calcium Protocol (remember only one highly alkaline protocol per day): Barefoot Calcium Protocol

10) Aloe Immune: Other Supplements [search for: Glyconutrients]

11) PowerStrips [Product]

For pain not caused by the cancer

MSM (a cousin of DMSO) or MSM plus Vitamin C

For pain which is not caused by the cancer cells, perhaps the best natural treatment is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane or methyl sulfonyl methane). There is a classic book on MSM and pain which is highly recommended:

The Miracle of MSM – The Natural Solution for Pain by Stanley W. Jacob, MD, et. al.

Here is my article on how to buy and take MSM:

How To Make MSM Water

Here is an article on combining MSM with Vitamin C:

MSM and Vitamin C Article

I might add that Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 are a commonly suggested treatment for cancer. You might want to take all 3 while you are at it:

MSM and Vitamin C Protocol (includes Vitamin B12)


Mangosteen is also a suggested treatment for any kind of pain.

  • “Mangosteen contains a unique group of antioxidantsProtects cells from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules made by the process of oxidation during normal metabolism). Free radicals may play a part in cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of aging. Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, Vitamins A, C, and E, and other natural and manufactured substances. called xanthones. Xanthones, particularly beta and gamma mangostin, work to maintain the immune system, support cardiovascular health, optimize joint flexibility, are naturally antibiotic, antiviralAn agent that kills a virus or that suppresses its ability to replicate and inhibit its capability to multiply and reproduce., and anti-inflammatory, and are some of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature (over 14 times the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of red raspberries). In addition, recent studies have confirmed that gamma Mangostin is a potent COX inhibitor, an important factor in reducing inflammation, pain and fever.”

The only vendor I currently recommend for mangosteen is XanGo.

Xango Mangosteen Vendor

Other comments and articles

Here is an excellent article on cancer pain from Alkalize For Health:

We're running 100 Miles to give away $100,000 to a cancer patient