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Yes! There’s more than one way to beat cancer

While there are dozens of natural cancer treatments and three primary conventional cancer treatments (cut, burn, poison), most doctors in mainstream medicine tell cancer patients there is only one “proper” way to treat their disease.

Speaking as an M.D., Ph.D., as well as a doctor of alternative and holistic medicine for more than four decades, there is one thing I advise every patient I've ever had (no matter the illness):
Try anything and everything.

To me, this is common sense. Doing whatever you can to minimize the negative and whatever you can to maximize the chances of a positive. If you tip the odds even slightly in your favor, eventually you will repel cancer.

The brilliance of complementary medicine

Unfortunately, this isn't how oncologists work.

They'll wave off taking vitamins (without testing if you could be deficient in critical nutrients). They casually dismiss physical and emotional stress as a factor (when it's likely the number one cause in many cases). They tell you that diet is irrelevant (because they don't understand that most disease has a foundation in poor nutrition).


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They also argue vehemently against any natural cancer treatment or alternative protocol (even if there is nothing at all to be lost and much to possibly be gained by trying it).

Not all doctors are motivated by greed – the money to be gained from these outrageously expensive modalities (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation).

Sometimes, vanity and fear are part of it. They find themselves frightened by the chance that their cutting, burning, and poisoning may turn out to be the wrong strategy after all. That perhaps they will even be dangerous and ineffective (something that statistics prove time and time again to be the case).

Adding several healing modalities – letting them work together – will help you overcome your cancer. By that, I mean both the possibility of increased survival and also a great improvement in the quality of your remaining life.

This is considered complementary medicine – alternative and conventional therapies working together to reach the same goal: protecting and healing your patient. Natural cancer treatments must not be dismissed simply because you choose to take a conventional treatment path! That is an “all or nothing” approach that shortchanges your body's own desire (and ability) to heal!

Your body, your choices, your life

I never argue with patients who opt for chemo or radiation. This is a personal, agonizing choice and it is theirs to make. No matter who you are, it is never an easy one!

However, later I'll talk about ways to use alternative modalities to block the dreadful toxic effects of chemo. This improvement in the quality of life is a very important contribution to real health care and should not be overlooked or denied.

Just to emphasize my point about the two approaches working synergistically, I'll tell you about a significant study which shows that fasting alongside chemotherapy may improve the outcome of this conventional treatment. Fasting seems to help protect healthy cells and help them become as much as 5 times more resistant to chemo than the cancer cells.

It's an animal study but still noteworthy because it backs up everything we alternative doctors have said is critical about diet and cancer. Stressful foods help cancer and a good diet holds it back. Fasting has been shown to be beneficial for humans with cancer.

Nowadays, with our much-improved knowledge of epigenetics, we understand that we can switch off bad genes, including cancer genes, by changes in diet and lifestyle.

Indeed, it emerges more every year that this is rather easy to do. Let's talk about some fascinating ways to increase your sensitivity to chemo (in other words, make it work better).

Making cells more sensitive to chemotherapy

If you choose the chemotherapy route, don't let anyone scoff at you. People do survive with chemotherapy. It doesn't seem to do much good, according to the figures, but you might be among the lucky ones.

It is not my purpose to tell you are foolish to choose that path. It's your call!

Keith Scott-Mumby

“Still, you must remember that chemotherapy agents are known to often cause DNA mutations — leading to cancerous changes at the cellular level. It's such a contradiction!”

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Still, you must remember that chemotherapy agents are known to often cause DNA mutations — leading to cancerous changes at the cellular level. It's such a contradiction!

This is perhaps the primary reason cancer cells develop “chemoresistance.” They're able to adapt and change, developing new strains that are no longer affected by the drug.

Children who are “successfully” treated for Hodgkin's disease are 18 times more likely later to develop secondary malignant tumors. Girls face a 35 percent chance of developing breast cancer by the time they are 40 (which is 75 times greater than the average).

The risk of leukemia increased markedly four years after the ending of successful treatment and reached a plateau after 14 years, but the risk of developing solid tumors remained high and approached 30 percent at 30 years.

Let's discuss three natural cancer treatments that are able to be used alone (to help prevent cancer in the first place) and in combination with the cancer protocols you choose to follow from your oncologist. None of these modalities are harmful to the patient.

In other words, they can't hurt but they absolutely have the potential to help.

Fish oils

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) concentrated from fish oil was shown to sensitize colon cancer cells to Mitomycin C, a chemotherapy agent.

It should be noted that fish oil also suppresses the formation of prostaglandin E2, an inflammatory hormone-like substance involved in cancer cell propagation. In fact, omega-3 essential fatty acids have long been known to quench inflammation (a condition that is incredibly dangerous for cancer patients)!

In a group of dogs with lymphoma were randomized to receive either a diet supplemented with arginine and fish oil or just soybean oil. Dogs on the fish oil and arginine diet had a significantly longer disease-free survival time than dogs on the soybean oil.


Caffeine, we are slowly realizing, is an extremely healthful substance, despite the unpleasantness of its jag effect. Recently, the use of caffeine as a natural cancer treatment in combination with chemotherapy has been shown to enhance the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy drugs.

Caffeine occurs naturally in green tea and has been shown to improve the anti-cancer effects of tea polyphenols, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

When mice were fed caffeine as a sole source of drinking fluid for 18-23 weeks (they must have been pretty jumpy), it inhibited the formation and decreased the size of both nonmalignant tumors and malignant tumors.

In cancer patients, the p53 gene mutation is one of the most common genetic alterations observed. It may not be causative but is fully involved. Caffeine has been shown to help the destruction of p53 defective cells.

This unique ability of caffeine is the basis of many anti-cancer therapies, aimed at damaging tumor DNA and destroying the replicating cancer cells. Caffeine uncouples tumor cell-cycle progression by interfering with the replication and repair of DNA.


Fasting is a natural cancer treatment that you can use in conjunction with traditional protocols assigned by your oncologist to improve the effectiveness and outcome of your case.

Inducing temporary starvation increases the cells' resistance to stress, which may allow doctors to use higher doses of current cancer chemotherapy treatments to make them more effective.

In the study, researchers studied the effects of starvation on cancerous and normal cells. First, they induced a starvation-related response in yeast cells, which made them 1,000 times more protected than untreated cells.

Then, they tested the effects of fasting on human and cancer cells in a test tube and in mice. The results showed starvation produced between a two-fold and five-fold difference in stress resistance between the normal, starvation-treated cells and normal cells.

In tests with live mice, of 28 mice starved for 48-60 hours before chemotherapy, only 1 died (less than 4 percent). Of 37 mice that were not starved prior to treatment, 20 mice died from chemotherapy toxicity (more than 50 percent).

It would explain why fasting, juicing, and extreme diets could be beneficial. The cancer cells themselves are weakened.

This is critical because chemotherapy kills good cells at about the same rate as bad cells.

It's extremely toxic but if we could increase what is called the therapeutic margin (the difference between the dose which cures and the dose which kills), then it's a completely different game against cancer.

Researchers believe genetic cues prompt starved healthy cells to go into a hibernation-like mode that produces extreme resistance to stress (chemo is stress). Cancerous cells don't obey those cues and remain stuck in growth mode.

Based on my own years of research and success with my patients, I believe the primary reason that fasting is so helpful is that the patient removes stressor foods (intolerances, allergies, junk chemicals, and other poisons).

A final reminder … remember, try anything and everything! Whether you choose traditional protocols or opt to use (or include) natural cancer treatments — you must be in control of your journey.

It's your life, your fight, and you must be part of your treatment every step of the way.

8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer


  1. New Eng J Med, March 21, 1996
  2. Tsai et al. 1997
  3. Ogilvie et al. 2000
  4. Blasina et al. 1999; Ribeiro et al. 1999; Jiang et al. 2000; Valenzuela et al. 2000
  5. Raffaghello, L. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, online early edition March 31, 2008. News release, University of Southern California

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