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Black tropical salve for skin cancer

WARNING : Users of Black Salve or other escharotics should check the legality of these products in their country or political jurisdiction. Cancer Tutor does NOT currently recommend Black Salve for topical, or any other use at this time. If you decide to use Black Salve, escharotics or any other alternative protocol, they assume all risk and liability.

The information below is for informational purposes only.

Black Salve/Escharotic Ointments

The use of this type of treatment dates back at least to the time of Paracelsus, 500 years ago, and perhaps even longer into antiquity. It was the subject of  clinical studies in London in the 1850s, and a variety of U.S. patents which have been successfully filed during the past 150 years. The first version of Moh's surgery employed a “Cansema-like” topical preparation.

Theory: Most escharotics, Cansema included, contain zinc chloride (ZnCl2), an antiseptic caustic. Combined with bloodroot and/or other herbals with hydroquinones, this mixture causes an “escharotic reaction” to be initiated in the presence of malignant tissue. A properly made escharotic is touted to not react with healthy tissue; however, if serious, pre-existing systemic issues exist, a reaction to what is thought to be healthy tissue has been reported.

Bloodroot has been used historically in numerous topical preparations for the treatment of various skin cancers, and also for sores, warts, eczema, and other dermal & epidermal problems. Most skin cancer salves contain bloodroot.

Most escharotics contain one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Zinc chloride (Cl2Zn)
  • Chaparral (of which there are five species in the American hemisphere, including Larrea mexicana, Larrea tridentata, Larrea divericata, etc.) The most medicinally active compound in chaparral is believed to be NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid).
  • Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) — which contains more than 60 different alkaloids, of which the most active is thought to be sanguarene.
  • Galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale)
  • Graviola leaf (Annona muricata) — (medical properties)
  • Bitter melon seed (Momordica charantia) — (medical properties)
  • Glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist)

Note: All of the herbs above can be toxic if taken internally and in excess.

Flueggea Leucopyrus

Another herb frequently used for natural care of  skin cancer is Flueggea Leucopyrus and is touted as a drying agent.

Additional Information

Every therapeutic approach has its supporters and detractors. A representation of the contrary view as it relates to black salves would be Buyer beware: A black salve caution in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

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