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Category: Videos

Robert Carrillo is the executive director of clinics for Cancer Tutor. Robert and his wife, Pamela, have met cancer patients at many clinics in different parts of the world. They have heard the patients’ stories — the cancer thrivers and also those who have died. However, one question sticks with Robert: Why is this individual […]

A cancer diagnosis can barrel into to your life like a runaway freight train, with potentially deadly consequences. One minute you’re at the doctor getting something minor checked out and then the next moment … “You have cancer.” And then your doctor (even though well-meaning) bombards you with a whirlwind of treatments you have to […]

Our mental state — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes — can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are! Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that point to the fact that people who have a positive outlook on life, are optimistic, with healthy personal […]

While 50 percent of the population will get cancer, oncology does not address “why.” Dr. Carlos Garcia pops the bubble on genetics being a cause. He does, however, believe dental toxins are one cause. “We’re interested in providing good health care. We’re not interested in just treating the symptoms,” he said. Utopia Wellness also delves […]

Monday Morning Quarterbacks always have the answers; with hindsight, their 20/20 vision is what makes them part of the sick care problem — not the health care solution. Dr. Carlos Garcia and Utopia Wellness offer options for preventing illness. From colon therapy to liver and gall bladder cleanses, Dr. Garcia understands destressing organs to benefit […]

Pamela Carrillo was diagnosed with breast cancer — “we were in shock,” she admits — but that was not the end of the story. In fact, it was the beginning of a journey that prompted her husband, Robert, to challenge everything they had been told about orthodox medicine. He began to research conventional methods as well […]

Let’s try to get back to the Garden of Eden as much as possible,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said. It sounded simple: God provided what his people need, and we should rely on nature to meet our needs. … The reality: We have strayed. Dr. Zielinski grew up in Michigan. He graduated from Wayne State University […]

We're running 100 Miles to give away $100,000 to a cancer patient