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How much cancer do you have? How to measure your progress

Many people are not sure if they have cancer, and they want to know if they really do have cancer. Others are confident they have cancer, but they have no clue how much cancer they really have.

Other individuals know they have cancer and they want to know if their cancer treatment is effective. They want to know: “Is my treatment working?”

The good news is that people don't need an expensive and dangerous “P.E.T. Scan” (Positron Emission Tomography) to have a good feel for how much cancer they have.

Traditional medical screening can only “detect” cancer when it is roughly the size of a pea – a billion cancer cells – which they can see, scan, measure, and poke. But who wants to wait six months or more for your next scan to know whether or not your treatment is working, possibly wasting precious time and resources on something that may not be working?

Blood tests for cancer that measure traditional tumor markers are only moderately effective at best. In fact these biomarkers are only sloughed off once you have cancer. This is too late.

Cancer patients want to know how effective their cancer treatment is. So how do they measure their progress?

If you are using a cancer treatment, please consider regular and periodic testing (e.g. once every two or three months) to empower yourself to know how effective your treatment is working. If your score goes up significantly – change protocols.

Two new ultra-sensitive blood tests, which are both about 85-90 percent effective in monitoring cancer, are available directly to the consumer.

It is important to use the SAME blood test every time. The scores of the different tests cannot be compared to each other.

1) The CA Profile – This blood and urine test measures a combination of six biomarkers which when taken together have a documented correlation to the development and progression of cancer. Three of the markers are tumor markers, and the other three markers look at the downstream effects of cancer on your organs and immune system. It is recommended for detecting the amount of cancer:
You can order the CA Profile test from American Metabolic Laboratories – Their phone number to call and order is

2) Navarro Urine Test – This simple urine test is a very good way to test your cancer. While not as accurate as the other methods it can provide a very good clue as to how much cancer you are dealing with. For example, someone in remission or who is not sure if they have cancer should take this test every six months to see if there is any growth of the cancer:
Navarro Medical Clinic

How important is PSA in identifying prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men, worldwide, with 1 in 6 men, on average, diagnosed in their lifetime.

The risk factor for men developing prostate cancer rises with age. Risk rises in men over 50 and most cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 65. Men of African descent seem to have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer while men of Asian descent have the lowest. The reason for the differences in risk within ethnic populations is unclear.

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School claim to have identified a way to determine if the prostate cancer will return after treatment. The study results were published in JAMA Oncology under “Surrogate End Points for All-Cause Mortality in Men With Localized Unfavorable-Risk Prostate Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy vs Radiation Therapy Plus Androgen Deprivation Therapy.” [1]

The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of PSA in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate.

Another common screening test is a digital rectal exam. (This is usually done in addition to a PSA test.) With the digital rectal exam, the doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to reach the prostate. By feeling or pressing on the prostate, the doctor may be able to judge whether it has abnormal lumps or hard areas.

However, neither the PSA test nor the digital rectal exam provides enough information to diagnose prostate cancer. Abnormal results in these tests may lead your doctor to recommend a prostate biopsy. During this procedure, samples of tissue are removed for laboratory examination. A diagnosis of cancer is based on the biopsy results.

PSA is not a good indication of cancer, but it is a good measure of how well cancer treatment has worked. PSA should drop to very low levels after surgery or radiation treatment for cancer. But it doesn't always, and it often rebounds. But not every man whose PSA goes up after treatment dies of cancer. And not every prostate cancer patient is saved by fresh treatment once his PSA rises to a certain level, usually a reading of 10. [2]

Note that if the cancer has already spread outside of the prostate area, surgery is of little or no value. Once the cancer has spread it may become fast growing and may have spread to vital organs. By this time, the slow growing cancer in the prostate area is no longer of any concern, it is the cancer in other areas that are of concern.

For orthodox medicine, prostate cancer creates a paradox. If the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, both surgery and radiation are worthless, because the cancer in the prostate area of the body is no longer the main problem. If the cancer has not spread, then alternative cancer treatments can easily cure it because it is so slow growing.

Alternative treatments are a far superior treatment for prostate cancer whether the cancer has metastasized or not, that is one reason prostate surgery is never necessary.

Thermography (i.e. Infrared Thermography)

While the above tests tell you “how much” cancer you have, they don't tell you “where” the cancer is.

For those who need specific information about “where” their cancer is, thermographs can provide that information. These are usually available in most cities. They involve infrared cameras where cancer shows up as red blobs due to heat caused by the cancer cells.

For example, most breast cancer cases are caused by infections in the mouth. If that is the case, thermographs can show a red blob (i.e. infection) in the mouth, and a red blob (cancer) in the breast(s) and one or two thin red lines between the two blobs (the red line(s) represents the infection spreading via the lymph system from the mouth to the cancer in the breast(s)).

This website repeatedly states that cancer is caused by microbes. Thermographs can be strong visual evidence this is true.

There is a chain of 53 thermograph clinics in 8 states from Illinois to Washington D.C. for those who live east of the Mississippi River. Here is their URL:
Longevity Thermograph

Barium Enema Test

This test requires a barium enema followed by an x-ray. It should tell a patient where the cancer is and give a good idea of how much cancer there is.
Barium Enema

A Book With Many Tests

The book: Cancer Free – Are You Sure?, by Jenny Hrbacek, RN is loaded with many tests to evaluate your progress in treating your cancer. It is highly recommended, but you likely should use the same test each time to see the trend.

Other Tests

Here are a few other tests:
ANS test
Hair analysis

This article has a long list of cancer tests:
The Cancer Cure Foundation – Cancer Tests

Continue With Step 2


  1. Royce TJ, Chen M, Wu J, Loffredo M, Renshaw AA, Kantoff PW, D’Amico AV. Surrogate End Points for All-Cause Mortality in Men With Localized Unfavorable-Risk Prostate Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy vs Radiation Therapy Plus Androgen Deprivation Therapy A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol. Published online January 12, 2017.
  2. A simple test can predict who is most likely to die of prostate cancer. (2017). NBC News. Retrieved 13 January 2017

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