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Category: Other Health Conditions

It’s 3 a.m., you’re wide awake, and counting the hours until you have to get out of bed. Your mind is racing, contemplating, tossing, turning. You’re hot and cold at the same time. You have a million and one things to do, but you just want to go back to sleep. We’ve all been there, […]

On day one of the much-anticipated Heal Your Gut summit, Dr. Josh Axe said his own journey to understanding the central role of gut health (and dangers of leaky gut) in overall wellness began with his mom. “My mom, when I was growing up, was diagnosed with a number of health conditions. We were always […]

Introduction and Overview Depression and anxiety is a growing problem in America. Depression has become very big. Feelings of “helplessness, loss of hope, sadness, crying, sleep or appetite disturbances, or difficulty concentrating, for at least two straight weeks” are sufficient for the very common diagnosis of “clinical depression.” Over the past half-century, hospitalizations for depression […]

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