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Rife Frequency Generator Protocols

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife discovered one of the most groundbreaking medical tools in the last hundred years. He invented the world’s best optical microscope and subsequently discovered that the microbes in cancer cells could be totally devitalized by radio frequencies which left patients unharmed. Due to financial and political interests, his discoveries were driven underground. (1)

Today, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. is basing their research on true science instead of politics. People who are suffering from cancer and other diseases may participate in their own discovery with in-home research into the effects high radio frequencies. Cancer Tutor will introduce this simple, yet life-changing technology on this web page for those who desire to implement a complete step-by-step protocol for their particular situation.

Dr. Rife’s work culminated with The Smithsonian Institution publishing the following quote in their 1944 annual report: “Disease organisms such those of tuberculosis, cancer, sarcoma, typhoid, and others may be observed to succumb when exposed to certain lethal frequencies peculiar to each individual organism, and directed upon them by rays conveying a wide range of waves.”


Did You Know

To buy the “Research Model” High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Tube Amplifier:

Copy and paste the above website address into your web browser's address field. Go to the vendor’s website that sells the High RF Frequency Generator and oscillator plasma amplifier which can broadcast high RF frequencies using a plasma ray tube antenna.

You’ll be able to see photographs of the generator and amplifiers including full specifications and pricing at their website. They offer excellent technical support.

Overview of High RF Frequency Generators

There are two instruments used with the “High RF Frequency Protocol” which are recommended by Cancer Tutor; a frequency generator which is connected to an amplifier.

The more powerful non-contact broadcast system consists of a 20 Mhz sweep/function generator and an oscillator amplifier with a variable carrier frequency.  First is the plasma method high RF generator instrument system which consists of three main components: 1) a high RF 20 MHz sweep/function generator, 2) an RF oscillator amplifier which broadcasts multiple frequencies and sidebands via 3) a plasma ray tube antenna. It emits a continuous frequency or wave in the air, much like a small radio tower.

Second is the contact method which creates RF electrical currents by the use of a 1) high RF 20 MHz sweep/function generator and a 2) 15-watt amplifier in which electrodes are plugged in and come in contact with the body.

Microbiologist, Dr. Royal R. Rife used the standard high frequency generating equipment of his day. These two high RF frequency generator systems output the frequencies using the same method used in the original “Rife Machines” of the 1930s, which were designed by Rife. The difference today is that these devices use modern, high-tech circuits.

Both devices are so gentle that the person using one of them barely knows the device is turned on.

Warning: Almost all of the frequency generators on the market today which are called “Rife Machines” output only low audio frequencies. They cannot output the high RF frequencies which Dr. Rife used.

Dr. Rife was a microbiologist who knew that cancer was caused by unique viral microbes which were inside of cancer cells. He called them BX and BY cancer viruses. (2) It is also now known that the Helicobacter Pylori (yes, the same H. Pylori which lives in the stomach) can be another cancer-causing microaerophilic bacterium. (3)

Researchers now know that the original Rife Machines had two frequencies. One frequency was to kill the virus and the other frequency was a carrier frequency to “carry” the first frequency through the cell membrane to the inside of the cancer cells, where the cancer-causing microbes were located.

When Dr. Rife was able to kill the virus and/or bacteria which were inside of a cancer cell, the cancer cell was able to restore its metabolism and become a normal cell (i.e. “revert” into a normal cell). (4)

Let me say that again a different way: It is possible to kill the microbes which are inside of the cancer cells, which allows the cancer cells to restore their metabolism and thus revert into normal cells.

This is the ideal way to attack cancer because there are no dead cancer cells to create debris and there are no dead healthy cells which are killed in the attempt to kill the cancer cells. This method can be used more quickly than tactics that build the immune system or kill cancer cells.

All of these methods are exactly the way that Dr. Rife’s high RF frequency devices worked. Using low audio frequencies without the correct high-frequency carrier frequency that will produce the correct high frequency will not work. Like Rife's devices, the correct “carrier” frequency matched to the audio frequency should be used in order to try and revert cancer cells into normal cells. In other words, a high-frequency generator can be used in the same way Rife used his instruments for cancer treatments. They are also used to kill microbes in the bloodstream, which helps supercharge the immune system (as was shown by Dr. Bob Beck, Ph.D.). Thus, these devices treat cancer in two different ways. (5)

While there are many so called “Rife Machines” for sale on the Internet, none of them even remotely comes close to meeting the actual specifications of the original “Rife Machines” of the 1930s. This is because they use only low audio frequencies, without the correct “carrier frequency”, which produced Rife’s high RF frequencies. For this reason, we will give you a web address of a frequency generator that can output Dr. Rife’s high RF frequencies.

The plasma type high-frequency generator is a more powerful device and is at the core of two of the most potent of the “Original Rife Protocols.” The high-frequency plasma method is part of the core of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol and the Plasma-Beck Protocol. These are highly effective alternative cancer treatments.

The Cellect-Budwig was designed to quickly stop the spread of cancer, energize (i.e. protect) the non-cancerous cells and provide many nutrients to the cells. In other words, it was designed specifically for very advanced cancer patients. It is strong enough for fast-spreading cancers and for any type of cancer.

The Plasma-Beck is focused on getting rid of microbes in the bloodstream, lymph system and inside the cancer cells. Doing these things allow cancer cells to revert into normal cells and supercharge the immune system.

The Plasma-Beck was designed primarily for melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sarcomas and uterine cancer because these types of cancer spread via microbes in the bloodstream in addition to cell division. Very advanced cancer patients, who have one of these four kinds of cancer, should start with the Cellect-Budwig along with the high RF frequency generator with plasma tube.

The frequency generator and amplifier utilizing the contact method is the “little brother” of the plasma tube generator and is the primary treatment in the Rife-Beck protocol. It is also a “Complete Protocol.” The frequency generator contact electrode method can be used as both a Rife device and a Bob Beck device in this protocol.

While many people have effectively used the contact electrode method as their sole cancer treatment, I always recommend a nutritional protocol be combined with any frequency generator protocol.

Because these devices do not create electroporation, either frequency generator can be used with any nutritional protocol, including Cellect-Budwig, Cesium Chloride, Dirt Cheap Protocol, etc. etc.

Since we began cancer research in 2002, we have learned a cancer patient should use multiple effective treatments when treating their cancer and that if they use frequency generating devices they should also include nutritional protocols.

Frequency Generator Research Protocols

The High RF Frequency Research Protocols for Cancer utilized by the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. were designed by the collective efforts of many private frequency researchers over the past decade.

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation board members have interviewed a number of these researchers, compiled an extensive information database, reviewed numerous electromagnetic publications and developed an experimental protocol to investigate the effects of frequencies with cancer patients and others. The protocols were designed primarily for private in-home use. Each protocol is safe when used according to instructions.

Very gentle frequency protocols have been around since 1905. In the 1930s the most famous of these protocols was designed by Dr. Royal Rife which utilized his famous Rife Machine frequency generator. Today there are probably more than 100 different versions of frequency generators and other frequency healing, ultraviolet light, and infrared light devices.

While there are many different brands of “frequency generators” (which some refer to as “Rife Machines”), I am only aware of one brand of frequency generator that actually uses a powerful “carrier frequency” matched to the audio frequencies in the way that Dr. Rife used it.

Recapping from above, frequency generators come in two different versions or system configurations. First, there’s the frequency generator with a 15-watt linear amplifier which can be used with the contact or electrode method of delivering the frequencies.

Basically, the generator creates the specific resonant frequencies (including the 3.1 MHz carrier frequency) and the amplifier amplifies these frequencies up to 15 watts of power output.

The other more powerful device is the frequency generator with a 190-watt amplifier which uses a plasma gas ray tube for broadcasting the specific frequencies (including sidebands) which is called a plasma tube amplifier. This is by far the more powerful of the two methods, and it is also the most costly (about $4,600 for the complete system).

Because these two instruments are the only devices that can actually output the all-important “carrier frequency” that Rife used, and for other reasons, we strongly endorse this type of frequency generator, especially in combination with the plasma tube amplifier. Again, to view detailed photographs and specifications of these instruments go to

The frequency generator and plasma amplifier (together) are a complete protocol for cancer. This article will not go into details, but it would be wise to supplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. this protocol with a nutritional program such as the Cellect-Budwig protocol, Fucoidan, live whole food based juice concentrates (not freeze-dried or pasteurized), Aloe Arborescens, etc.

Introduction to frequency technology

To better understand the beginnings of this technology and the scientific principles and physics involved, take the time to watch these entire videos:
The Royal Rife Story and Royal Rife: In His Own Words

You will learn about the achievements of a remarkable San Diego, California scientist who, back in the 1930s, invented a powerful, optical microscope in order to be able to see living bacteria, viruses and fungi (pathogens) that he suspected to be causing a range of illnesses.

He found that he could see the individual pathogens better by illuminating them with a light frequency that matched their own resonant frequency causing them to glow. When he intensified the frequencies, he observed the pathogens either bursting or going inanimate.

This invention led to the development of a remarkable way of selectively destroying these bacteria and viruses by subjecting them to their own resonant frequency in a similar way to how a crystal glass is shattered when a singer hits the right musical note.

What happened to this great discovery? According to Barry Lynes in his book: The Cancer Cure That Worked, it was suppressed by the FDA and by specific individuals at the AMA in the United States at the time.

The primary protocol at the center of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation research is suggested for use in experimenting with specific resonant frequencies to attempt to reduce pain and common symptoms associated with the many forms of cancer by improving the body’s immune response and promoting full healthy cellular replication. The Independent Cancer Research Foundation makes no medical claims of a cure for any disease in this research protocol but does consider the protocol to be a contributing component for those choosing to implement it as a part of their regimen.

Microorganisms (pathogens and microbes), including viruses, bacteria, and fungi each have a specific vibration or signature to which they can be exposed, resulting in their ultimate death or deactivation.

The protocol utilizes a uniquely designed, wide-range 20 MHz frequency generator to deliver these specific resonant frequencies (the mortal oscillatory rate or MOR) to the body (human or animal).

When an unwanted microorganism is exposed to its MOR, it oscillates to the point of being damaged or killed. Again, the best image to describe this resonating effect is that it is similar to how an opera singer (or a talented vocalist) can shatter a wine glass with the right pitched note carried by audio waves.

Specific audio frequencies (sound), when matched exactly with the resonance of specific matter (object), can cause a disruption in that matter. See: Acoustics Video

It is understood that the microbes inside the cancer cells cause a cancer cell to remain cancerous. By killing the microbes inside the cancer cells; the cancer cells will revert into normal cells (as verified by numerous cancer researchers over the past 70 years). This success can be attributed to the carrier frequency and is why the original Rife Machine had a carrier frequency.

The carrier frequency matched to the correct audio frequency “carries” the high RF frequency signal, which is designed to kill and devitalize the microbes, through the cell membrane and inside the cancer cells. As just mentioned, if all of the microbes inside of a cancer cell are killed, the cancer cell will revert into a normal cell. This is the safest way to rid the body of cancer cells because there is no debris from dead cancer cells.

See the books by Dr. Alan Cantwell, MD:
Four Women Against Cancer
The Cancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer in Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immune Diseases

In the summer of 1934 in La Jolla, California, under the auspices of the University of Southern California, a group of leading American bacteriologists and physicians conducted the first successful cancer clinic. The results showed that:

  1. cancer was caused by a microorganism;
  2. the microorganism could be painlessly destroyed in terminally ill cancer patients; and
  3. the effects of the disease could be reversed.

In the decade following the 1934 clinical success, the technology and the subsequent successful treatment of cancer patients was discussed at medical conferences, disseminated in a medical journal, cautiously but professionally reported in a major newspaper, and technically explained in an annual report published by the Smithsonian Institution. (6)

Research instruments for protocol use at home

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation’s High RF Frequency Research Protocol implements the use of a specially designed frequency generator to produce specific resonant frequencies which are applied to the body via a broadcast method using a plasma ray tube (antenna) or by using a contact method using four electrodes which come in contact with the body.

Again, be advised that there are many frequency/function generators available in the marketplace, (usually advertised on the internet) but very few have the precise technical design features, a carrier frequency and power specifications to be considered for the quality research the Independent Cancer Research Foundation desires to carry out.

It is important to choose a function generator instrument that will meet all of your specific needs as a research tool.

The instruments used to implement the Independent Cancer Research Foundation protocols include the use of a 20 MHz Sweep/Function (frequency) Generator with a 3.1 MHz carrier frequency. The output from the generator is amplified by either a 190-watt oscillator amplifier (non-contact) which broadcasts the frequencies via a plasma gas tube (usually argon or helium) antenna or a 15-watt linear amplifier which uses electrode contacts/pads to deliver the frequencies. To recap:

First, the 190-watt oscillator amplifier uses the plasma tube broadcast method which uses a non-contact sideband delivery. The broadcast method also allows for a greater power output of 190 watts compared to the linear amplifier's 15-watt contact method.

Second, the oscillator amplifier, for the first time since the 1930s, allows for the use of high frequencies (in the millions of hertz) directly output through the non-contact plasma gas tube method. If you want to use the more powerful, versatile 1930s/1950s non-contact method, then the 190-watt oscillator amplifier is the instrument you'll want to use with the 20 MHz frequency generator.

Third, for certain kinds of cancer (such as bone cancer, bone marrow cancer or brain cancer), because electrical currents always follow the “path of least resistance,” it is better to use a plasma broadcast type of amplifier rather than an “electrical current” type electrode or contact method. This is because the electrical currents will follow the denser bone structure rather than the bone marrow, as an example.

If you can afford the 20 MHz frequency generator and 190-watt plasma amplifier system, in the opinion of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation and Cancer Tutor, then you’ll have the very best system on the market today which has both contact and non-contact capabilities. You’ll also have the only system that can output the 1930s/1950s frequencies.

‘Research Model' instrument specifications

Network researchers affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation’s ongoing study into the investigation of the effects of frequencies have determined that a frequency generator with electrode contact or plasma oscillator system can be effectively used with bio-resonance frequency research protocols.

All instruments proposed for their research purposes must at least match or exceed the specifications listed below:

1. Wide Frequency Range: The instrument must be able to broadcast RF (radio frequency) frequencies in the range of 0.1 to 20,000,000 Hz. (20 MHz.). A function generator used for research should be able to produce frequencies in the millions of hertz and not just harmonics (lower frequencies) of the actual frequencies.

2. RF Carrier Frequency: The instrument must have a built-in carrier frequency. This key feature allows one to modulate or piggyback chosen frequencies on a 3.1 MHz carrier frequency. The RF carrier is what gives maximum tissue penetration and also generates the rich harmonics that researchers feel are important. Scientific studies on bio-electrical impedance show that it takes 1 MHz to penetrate a cell in the body. (7)

This means that the resistance of the cell will not allow any frequency lower than 1 MHz to pass through it. The studies also show that frequencies that are lower than 1 MHz only pass through the connective tissue around the cells in the body. Research shows that the microbe which is involved in cancer, which is technically a highly pleomorphic cell wall deficient virus or bacteria, can become small enough to enter the cells in the body and make these cells cancerous. Therefore, we feel a very critical need for an RF carrier frequency that will get its output frequencies inside the cells of the body where they are needed the most.

3. Multiple Frequencies: The instrument needs to be able to generate and run at least eight frequencies simultaneously. This is important from a person’s time and compliance perspective (by keeping one motivated to continue a daily protocol). The device should be able to deliver as many frequencies in the protocols as possible in the shortest amount of time. Receiving only one single frequency at a time, in succession, for long sessions can be difficult for some people to endure. Compliance is greatly improved if thoughtful regard for one’s time spent doing a protocol is considered.

4. Frequency Sweeps: The instrument needs to be capable of doing three kinds of sweep functions, a general sweep, convergence sweep, and a channel sweep.

4.1) SWEEP: This would allow you to run any specified frequency range, one frequency at a time. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to your ending frequency.

4.2) CONVERGENCE SWEEP: This feature allows you to run two frequencies at a time over a specified frequency range of your choosing. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to the ending frequency and at the same time sweeps from the ending frequency to the beginning frequency. The result is that the two frequencies sweep towards each other, then pass each other, with one going up and the other going down and each ending where the other frequency began.

4.3) CHANNEL SWEEP: This feature allows you to sweep all the frequencies within a channel through a specific sweep range chosen by the user.

5. Adjustable Duty Cycle: The instrument’s duty cycle must be adjustable from 10 percent to 90 percent. Many frequency researchers have reported that they achieved better results using a 90 percent duty cycle on the low audio frequencies. A 90 percent duty cycle has 80 percent more resonance than a 50 percent duty cycle and controls the square wave waveform only.

6. Advanced Gating (pulse) Function: The instrument needs to have the ability to gate any frequency. Gating is basically an advanced pulsing feature. Researchers who have witnessed the desired results in the past have used some form of gating to produce the high potential spikes in the frequencies.

A square wave frequency works a lot like gating — the turning on and off of a frequency. A 50 percent duty cycle square wave is on for 50 percent of the time and off for 50 percent of the time. When using low square wave audio frequencies the gating feature is not that important, but some researchers believe it is helpful (even when using low audio frequencies).

The instrument should allow one to turn the gating on or off and to adjust the gating frequency (5 Hz. to 2200 Hz. is an acceptable range) and duty cycle (10 percent to 90 percent) of the gate. When using a sine wave frequency there is no pulsing effect. If you use the gate feature you can pulse a sine wave frequency at a chosen pulse rate you desire.

7. Sine Wave/Square Wave Output: The function generator must have the versatility of outputting multiple waveforms, especially square wave, and sine wave.

8. RF and Audio Modes: The frequency instrument should have dual frequency output modes. 1) RF, (radio frequency) which is the higher frequency mode which can use a carrier frequency for greater tissue penetration and 2) Audio, which is the lower frequency mode. Note: Nearly all other pad or contact instruments only have an Audio mode output.

9. Digital to Analog: The instrument must be able to produce digital frequencies and then convert them to analog for output. Digitally converted frequencies allow you to sweep with far more accuracy. Accuracy to a thousandth or millionth of a hertz (frequency) is possible, even though this kind of resolution is not typically needed. This precise accuracy level of digital instruments is something that a purely analog instrument cannot achieve. Digital equipment can accurately produce extremely minute details.

10. Impedance Matching: The instrument of choice would utilize impedance matching. Impedance matching makes it so more energy can penetrate. Think of impedance as resistance. When the resistance is removed then more energy can flow in the direction you want it to go.

11. Power Level: The system instrumentation must have a variable output of at least 15 watts of power (built-in or with a separate linear amplifier). If using a plasma gas tube amplifier/antenna a variable 2.1 MHz to 3.6 MHz carrier frequency oscillation with 190-watts of power would be desirable. With the use of an RF carrier, the function generator should output at least 2 watts of power. Many researchers want the maximum power available.

When using the Audio Mode the average person cannot handle much more than one fifth of one watt before the muscles in the arms begin to contract to the point of discomfort. For this reason, most people would prefer using the RF mode. (The output power in RF mode is 80 volts into a 450-ohm load. In audio mode it is 38 volts peak to peak).

12. Display: The instrument must have a built-in display monitor that shows the actual frequencies (not proprietary coded numbers) and other data being generated.

13. Programmable from a PC: Although most researchers won’t need to enter large customized programs into their instruments, there are still a few who would want the capability of being able to add custom auto channels from their Windows PC computer via a USB port.

14. Custom Memory Channels: The instrument should have at least 2,000 customizable memory channels.

15. High-Quality Construction: Instrumentation, circuitry, and all components must be made of the highest quality materials.

16. Price/Value: The ideal instrument system must be moderately priced and affordable so that more researchers can afford to participate especially when funds are limited.

Special situations

While in every cancer situation frequency generators can be an effective component of the treatment, there are special situations where it is exceptionally critical.

1) The patient cannot digest foods effectively (usually due to stomach or colon surgery), thus nutritional protocols may not be effective enough.

2) The patient cannot extract nutrients from foods, which happens when the lining of the stomach is damaged by chemotherapy.

3) The patient has a very fast growing cancer which means they need every advantage possible to stop the spreading.

4) Cancer has spread throughout the body in which case they need a strong multi-pronged attack.

5) There is cancer in their bones or bone marrow and nutritional protocols may not be able to reach the cancer cells.

6) The cancer patient would be put at risk if inflammation and swelling were experienced due to the treatment. Frequency generators, which have a carrier frequency, work better to kill microbes inside of cancer cells (which allows the cancer cells to revert into normal cells), there is no inflammation caused by dying cancer cells.

7) Their type of cancer involves massive infections (though the type of microbe must be identified).

Note: Rife’s frequencies can deal with almost every type of infection, however, when dealing with an infection a different set of frequencies is generally needed for each type of infection. The New Universal Sideband Frequency List (260-page manual) that may be ordered from a separate vendor (not the frequency generator manufacturer) has the frequency settings for many types of infections. The only information that is needed to find the right set of frequencies is the name of the microbe. The email support (address below) can help you in this area.

Can a frequency generator be effectively used with ionized water or alkaline water?

At the cellular level, the Cellect-Budwig and Cesium Chloride protocols are considered alkaline protocols (so is Baking Soda). Thus, ionized water is not necessary if the Cellect-Budwig or Cesium Chloride and frequency generator are used together, though some ionized water would not harm the protocol. However, do not be fanatical about using ionized water with the Cellect-Budwig or Cesium Chloride. Be reasonable.

When combining a frequency generator with any other protocol, ionized water or alkaline water is definitely recommended but purified water will do as well and is what most researchers use. While an ionizer is recommended, for those who cannot afford an ionizer there are several supplements which are very alkaline or a person can use an alkaline cancer diet to take the place of an ionizer. Again, be reasonable.

The Theory of Frequency Generators (aka “Rife Machines”)

Let us discuss the theory behind how frequency generators were used for cancer.

Cancer is caused by an imbalance between the immune system and the number of cancer cells which form. When the immune system is weakened or an abnormally high number of cancer cells form, the number of cancer cells can overwhelm the immune system and a person is said to “have cancer.”

However, while the balance between the immune system and the number of cancer cells which form may “cause cancer,” this imbalance is not what causes a normal cell to become cancerous.

A normal cell becomes cancerous when a highly pleomorphic “cell wall deficient” bacteria is able to get inside of a normal cell.

Once inside the cell this bacteria blocks the formation of ATP molecules inside the cell. The cell then reverts to fermentation to create ATP molecules and the cell is then defined to be “cancerous.”

While the fermentation causes a cell to be defined to be “cancerous,” the fermentation is caused by a reaction of the cell to the “cell wall deficient” bacteria.

In other words, while the balance between the immune system and the number of cancer cells can be said to “cause cancer,” AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL cancer is caused by a microbe.

Note that DNA damage does NOT cause a cell to become cancerous, rather DNA damage is the result of the DNA of the bacteria interacting with the DNA of the cell.

The important thing to understand at this point is that cancer is really a microbial disease. However, unlike most other microbial diseases, the microbes which cause cancer are inside the cancer cells, thus making it difficult to kill them.

What this means is that if you can kill the microbes inside the cancer cell, the cell will be able to restore its normal metabolism and revert into a normal cell. In fact, this is the ideal way to eliminate cancer because there are no dead cancer cells and in fact no cancer cells at all (because the cancer cells have reverted into normal cells).

Dr. Royal Rife

Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist who did much of his research in the 1930s and 1940s, fully understood all of these things. With this understanding he designed a frequency generator (now called his “Rife Machine”) to vibrate the microbes to death which were inside the cancer cells.

One of the main proofs that microbes cause cancer is that Dr. Rife's machine had no intention of killing cancer cells. His frequency device was created specifically to target and kill microbes which were inside the cancer cells.

Once these microbes are dead, the cell is able to restore its normal metabolism and revert back into a normal cell.

The point is that by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, Dr. Rife demonstrated that his frequency generator treatment could revert cancer cells into normal cells.

This means these devices create far less debris from dead cancer cells. It also means these devices do not cause any type of swelling or inflammation.

These devices can be a primary cancer treatment or a secondary cancer treatment one could choose to implement. If they are used as the primary cancer treatment the treatment needs to be supplemented with nutrients that protect the non-cancerous cells and the organs.

While frequency generators have been around since the 1930’s, they have advanced so that their accuracy has matched, and even surpassed, the original equipment of Dr. Royal Rife.

Frequency generators can be an “outside” force against your cancer cells (actually, they are an outside force against the microbes which are inside of your cancer cells; it is these microbes which keep cancer cells cancerous).

Unfortunately, there are some things you need to understand about the politics of frequency generators.

For example, why don't the specifications for using the frequency generator to treat cancer come from a frequency generator vendor? You will learn why below.

While it may appear that the next section of this article is yet another boring criticism of the FDA because they are totally corrupt, you will see below that this is not the reason for the next section. The reason for the next section is because if you don't understand what the politicians are doing, you will not know why your vendor does not tell you about the medical benefits of frequency generators. In other words, you will not understand why your vendor refuses to answer your questions.

The History of FDA Persecution of Frequency Generators

The persecution by the FDA of frequency generators for the treatment of disease goes back to Dr. Royal Rife in the 1930’s. Dr. Rife had a 100% remission rate on cancer and tuberculosis patients using the frequency generator he built. The FDA (Note: the American Medical Association was also involved) reacted to his success by shutting him completely down.

If the FDA had even a modicum of integrity (i.e. if they were concerned about doing the job the general public is told they are doing) they would have welcomed the machine Rife built and even helped him fund further testing of the machine because it had so much promise for cancer patients.

Think about that for a moment. The FDA claims to represent the general public and claims to be concerned about protecting the general health of Americans. But the facts are that when shown a device with a 100% remission rate on cancer; instead of helping Dr. Royal Rife perfect his device and helping him get his device into the hands of cancer patients, the FDA shut him down and took away his equipment.

Nothing has changed since the 1930’s. The FDA continues to persecute frequency generators built in our generation.

Because of FDA persecution, frequency generators have not been part of mainline alternative cancer treatments for over 70 years. If our own government had any integrity, cancer would have ceased to be a dreaded disease in the 1930’s.

For more information about Royal Rife and his research see this excellent website (which includes a free movie about the life of Dr. Royal Rife):
Website on Royal Rife's Life and Works

Modern Frequency Generators

New frequency generators, which have evolved due to the hard work of many individuals and companies, have been proven to be the equal of the original Rife Machine.

However, another problem has arisen for the FDA. Not only have new devices been developed but the ability of people to communicate (such as via the Internet) has also exploded.

Thus the FDA, who report to their masters in the pharmaceutical industry, not only have to deal with new devices but they also have to deal with new means of communications.

Thus, the tactics of the modern FDA have evolved to not only the persecution of devices but also the persecution of information. The FDA wants to deprive the general public of life-saving devices AND life-saving information.

While I can assure you the FDA and other corrupt organizations are trying to figure out how to completely negate freedom of speech in America, in the interim they have developed a new approach to suppressing life-saving information.

That tactic is to forbid manufacturers and vendors from making “medical claims” about their equipment. In FDA lingo, a “proven” cancer treatment is one which provides huge profits for the large pharmaceutical companies. An “unproven” cancer treatment is one which cuts into the profits of the large pharmaceutical companies. The FDA has “rigged” their regulations to make sure that nothing is “proven” or “approved” which cuts into the profits of the large pharmaceutical companies.

The FDA, with the FTC, are on a campaign to make sure that manufacturers and vendors of devices which can eliminate disease are not allowed to tell their potential customers the truth about the medical benefits of their devices.

Thus, not only is the FDA and FTC (and the corrupt federal courts which support the FDA) guilty of suppressing life-saving treatments for disease, but they have expanded their activities to include the suppression of information by not allowing vendors to tell the truth about the health benefits of their equipment.

Study this next paragraph over and over.

As a result of FDA persecution of information, you will not find any wise frequency generator manufacturer or vendor which advertises that their product treats diseases, including cancer. Nor will they likely use the term “electromedicine” in their literature. Nor will they answer your questions about using their device for the treatment or mitigation of any health condition.

This is very important for the reader to understand because cancer patients will not get “complete” answers from their manufacturers or vendors because of fear of FDA persecution. You MUST understand this when talking to a manufacturer or vendor. They have no idea who you are when you talk to them.

Because prospective customers of frequency generators will not get complete answers from their vendors (and some vendors won't even talk about using their equipment for health purposes), this website has provided the reader with viable specifications for the use of frequency generators for the treatment of a person who has cancer.

In other words, this series of three articles contains the information you won't get from your vendor because of FDA persecution.

Having said that, these three articles are specifically about frequency generators. There are other types of electromedicine devices which have been shown to be effective against cancer. There are several “coil machines,” some of which have been very effective against cancer. There are also several brands of “zappers,” some of which have had some  success against cancer. This article will not talk about these types of electromedicine devices.

In fact, there are several categories of electromedicine devices this article won't even mention. That is how bad things have gotten because the FDA has continued to persecute electromedicine and those who know how to cure cancer.

The fact that manufacturers and vendors are not allowed to make medical claims about their equipment (even if truthful and fully documented) is proof that the FDA and FTC have achieved their goal of separating information from products. In other words, truthful information about a product and the product itself are not allowed to be combined on the same website or in marketing literature or even in sales pitches.

That is why you will never see any articles such as this one on one of the manufacturer's websites or their vendor's websites.

When the Frequency Generator is the Primary Cancer Treatment

Treating cancer is done in two parts. Part one is dealing with the cancer cells, meaning killing the cancer cells or even better yet, reverting them into normal, healthy cells by killing the microbe(s) which are inside the cancer cells. Part two, which is equally important, is protecting the non-cancerous cells and the organs (e.g. liver).

Using electrical coordinative resonant frequencies the way Dr. Rife did is designed to kill microbes, especially the microbes inside the cancer cells (to revert the cancer cells into normal cells), but also the use frequencies are designed to kill the microbes in the bloodstream. Killing microbes in the bloodstream will help build the immune system.

But as far as a complete cancer treatment, using electrical frequencies generated by frequency generators is mainly concerned with getting rid of the cancer cells and is not designed to protect the non-cancerous cells. Thus, a frequency generator is not a complete treatment for cancer because it does not deal with protecting the non-cancerous cells.

For advanced cancer patients, the ideal would be to use the frequency generator as a supplemental treatment for a different potent cancer treatment. In other words, the frequency generator would help take care of the cancer cells, along with the main cancer treatment, but the main cancer treatment would also protect the non-cancerous cells and protect the organs.

However, when using the frequency generator as the primary cancer treatment, it is necessary to add other products to help the non-cancerous cells. In other words, using electrical frequencies will take care of the cancer cells, and it will help the immune system, but it will not deal with the complete immune system (which would require immune builders such as Cell Forte IP6) and it will not deal with the non-cancerous cells and organs, such as the liver or kidneys.

Whatever the patient does, make sure he or she includes a strong cancer diet and potent multi-mineral and multi-amino acid supplements, examples of which are: Cellect, the super-fruit juices (e.g. Noni juice, Mangosteen or Wolfberry).

The patient also needs strong enzymeA protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body. supplements, such as Barley Power and a proteolytic enzyme supplement, such as Univase Forte (but do not exceed the maximum daily dose on the bottle for too long because proteolytic enzymes are blood thinners).

If the patient has liver problems they need to add Quantum Liver Complex (use Google to find a vendor). If their liver is severely damaged then they may need to add the iMRS electromedicine device (Use Google).

If they have kidney problems they need to add Quantum Kidney Complex (use Google).

In fact, study the major articles on this website to get a feel for what needs to be done in your situation. Every situation will be different.

SAFETY ISSUE: Using Frequency Generators With Prescription Drugs

There is one key rule when combining frequency generators with other alternative cancer treatments or prescription drugs. That rule is to not use the frequency generating device and the other cancer treatment or prescription drug at the same time. To be more specific: starting 120 minutes before using the frequency generating device until 60 minutes after the user is finished with the frequency generating device, he or she should NOT take any portion of any other cancer treatment or any prescription drugs.

The reason for this rule is electroporation.

Electroporation is a phenomenon in which an electrical current will “open” cells that are exposed to it, such that just about anything in the bloodstream can get inside that cell. Electroporation essentially “opens the door” of the cell to anything passing by.

Since this webpage is about frequency generators, you can assume that electroporation will apply while you are on one of the protocols.

Electroporation can be good or bad, depending on what substances are in your blood.

For example, because electroporation “opens” ALL cells in an area of the body, not just the cancer cells, the frequency generator should NOT be used with chemotherapy except as described below. Electroporation is a major reason frequency generators, or any other electromedicine treatment, should not be used with chemotherapy (i.e. many, many non-cancerous cells would be killed).


Thus, when you stop taking your prescription drugs (this does not include chemotherapy, which requires different rules), or other alternative cancer treatments (see below for exceptions) you need to wait at least two hours before using a frequency generating device.

Having said that, many prescription drugs are “time-released,” meaning they do not dissolve within two hours. If you are on such a drug, check with your pharmacist or doctor to see if it could be dangerous to use such drugs with frequency generating devices.

One reason for not taking other alternative cancer treatments during the window of using a frequency generator is because these treatments may end up inside the wrong type of cell. For example, the molecules may be intended for cancer cells, but may end up inside of non-cancerous cells, or vice versa.

When you are done with the frequency generating device, you need to wait one hour before you can take any prescription drug (again, this does not include chemotherapy).

These are safety rules and should not be violated.

Note: Because this article and the “Specifications for Cancer” article were written by different people, if there are any conflicts with safety rules between the two articles, use the strictest rule.

SAFETY ISSUE: Using This Protocol After Chemotherapy

While the rules for prescription drugs are strict, the rules for using a frequency generator with chemotherapy are much more strict.

If the patient is taking chemotherapy by I.V. it is wise to not use the frequency generator for four days after completing the chemotherapy by I.V.

Here is the reason: It takes 35 hours for the chemotherapy to work out of the system (1½ days), and another day for it to do the cellular damage it inflicts on the body. It then takes two weeks for the body to recover from the damage to the cellular structure and the immune system (actually the body never fully recovers from chemotherapy). It is not necessary to wait the two weeks, but it is best to allow four days after intravenous chemo before beginning a frequency generator program.

If the patient is taking oral chemo weekly, allow one or two days off, and then hit it hard.

If the patient is still taking chemo daily, use your best judgment.

In addition, because chemotherapy destroys a person's immune system, opportunistic infections are highly likely to exist. Careful monitoring of the user is critically important to watch for early signs of opportunistic infections.

In fact, the frequency generator protocol includes frequency runs specific to several different types of parasite cleanses. Thus, when you are treating the cancer cells you will also be treating potential deadly infections. But keep checking for new infections anyway.

If the cancer patient develops a very dangerous infection, email the address at the bottom of the Introduction article with the exact name of the microbe. Most likely the frequencies for that microbe are already in a manual that comes in addition to the device, but if not the frequency of that microbe can be looked up in a book like:

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer,
by Nenah Sylver, PhD

Other books on Rife Machines:

1) Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, With Critical Evaluation of Leading Alternative Therapies,
by Bryan Rosner, Edited by Michael Huckleberry

2) Royal R. Rife, Humanitarian, Betrayed and Persecuted,
by Gerald F. Foye

If you are thinking about buying a frequency generator, remember that frequency generators can be used against Lyme Disease and many, many other microbial diseases. And it will last for many years and can be used by many people.

SAFETY ISSUE: When Electroporation is Good (e.g. Cachexia)

Just like electroporation can be bad, it can also be good.

An example would be that frequency generators have the potential to help advanced cancer patients who have cachexiaWeakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness, also known as Wasting Syndrome, is a sign of diseases, such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), AIDS, cancer, or heart failure..

Because cancer cells “steal” nutrients and glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. from non-cancerous cells (and the lactic acid created by cancer cells can also block nutrients from getting to non-cancerous cells), non-cancerous cells are frequently very, very weak. Electrical frequencies have the potential to create reversible electroporation which can “open up” all cells (not just cancer cells) in an area of the body.

If the body is then flooded with super-nutrients, such as the Brandt Grape Cure with Cellect and ASAP Plus colloidal silver mixed in, the healthy cancer cells would be able to get an extra shot of super-nutrients which normally would be “stolen” by the cancer cells. At the same time the cancer cells would get an extra shot of things that kill the microbes inside of the cells (e.g. the grape juice, Cellect and colloidal silver).

Because of this, during the electromedicine treatment the patient is allowed to take very pure colloidal silver (e.g. ASAP Plus, Angstrom Silver, Utopia Silver or MesoSilver) and/or pure grape juice (NO sugar added, plus it must be purple, red or black grapes). The patient should mix the colloidal silver and grape juice together before consuming and these can be consumed at any time.

Let us explain this in another way. The reason that colloidal silver and grape juice are allowed is that they are healthy for non-cancerous cells and deadly for the microbes that are inside the cancer cells. During a frequency generator protocol the colloidal silver and grape juice will go inside of both cancer cells and non-cancerous cells since electroporation does not target cancer cells (i.e. it does not differentiate between cancer and non-cancerous cells).

However, this is a good thing for non-cancerous cells because it will nourish the non-cancerous cells. It is a good thing for cancer cells because the mixture may kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, thus allowing them to revert into normal cells.

Thus, any substance which is very good for non-cancerous cells and very bad for cancer cells (i.e. meaning bad for the microbes inside the cancer cells) can be taken in conjunction with a frequency generator protocol.

This is the key: This technique is a good way to get good foods into the non-cancerous cells of cachexia patients. Normally, due to cancer cells stealing glucose and nutrients from non-cancerous cells (plus the lactic acid may block these thing from getting inside of non-cancerous cells) non-cancerous cells are literally starving for nutrients. This is a trick to get nutrients directly into these non-cancerous cells and at the same time do harm to the microbes inside the cancer cells.

Note: Do NOT use hydrazine sulfate during the 5 hours where other treatments (orthodox or alternative) are not allowed.

Resources for frequencies

There are many books on the Internet that provide general lists of Rife frequencies (use Google to search for: “Rife Frequencies”) or frequencies for specific health conditions (i.e. for specific microbes). Vendors will direct you to where to purchase a book containing these frequencies. For those who purchase the frequency generator system, a book listing thousands of frequencies contained in easy to enter program sets may be ordered from another company.

Where to Buy the “Research Model” High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Tube Amplifier:

Disclaimer: takes full responsibility for anything written about the frequency generators on this website and it is the sole opinion of also wants it to be known that the manufacturers of frequency generators have not written or endorsed any of the information on this site about cancer or any other modality including any protocols that have been written for use with a 20 Megahertz Sweep Function Generator, Amplifier or plasma tube Amplifier.

Manufacturers of frequency generators sell electronic test equipment and do not make any medical claims for their equipment. has not been granted a license, permission, or authority by the manufacturers of any frequency generator to make any medical claims for those companies.


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