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DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT)

DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) is patterned after Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). IPT has been around since the 1940s and is used by a significant number of cancer clinics.


The term “potentiation” means “to enhance.” DPT is designed to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy. This is based on the theory that DMSO allows very low doses of chemotherapy to be far safer and far more effective than normal doses of chemotherapy. The reason very low doses of chemotherapy can be used is because it is touted that DMSO forces the chemotherapy to target cancer cells.

This method theorizes that the following are possible:

1) Very low doses of chemotherapy can be used,
2) There are no side effects from the chemotherapy (because very few non-cancerous cells are damaged by the chemotherapy),
3) The treatment is far more effective than regular chemotherapy.

Theory: Like insulin, DMSO targets cancer cells and opens their cell membrane to allow very low doses of chemotherapy to target cancer cells.

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