Dr. David Jockers – Cancer Tutor https://www.cancertutor.com The Future of Cancer Research Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:37:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 GcMAF Immunotherapy for Cancer https://www.cancertutor.com/gcmaf-potential-cure/ Tue, 01 Nov 2016 15:38:16 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=13152 GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor) is a vitamin-D binding protein that occurs naturally in the human body and plays an important role in the health of your immune system. It has various functions including activation of immune defense cells and anticancer activities [1]. Your body produces GcMAF in order to activate macrophages, which are immune […]

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GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor) is a vitamin-D binding protein that occurs naturally in the human body and plays an important role in the health of your immune system. It has various functions including activation of immune defense cells and anticancer activities [1].

Your body produces GcMAF in order to activate macrophages, which are immune cells responsible for fighting infections, destroying cancer cells, and inhibiting tumor growth. 

However, cancer cells and tumors are known to secrete an enzyme called nagalase, which blocks the production of GcMAF in the body and prevents the immune system from attacking cancer cells [2]. As cancer develops, nagalase levels have been shown to build up in the blood of cancer patients, which results in the deactivation of macrophages, suppression of the immune system, and disease progression [3] [4].

Immunotherapy is a new strategy in the treatment of cancer and an emerging area of cancer research [1]. GcMAF was discovered in the 1980s by Nobuto Yamamoto, while the first research papers showing its immune stimulating and antitumor effects were published in the 1990s. It is a promising yet unapproved immunotherapy with the reported ability to act as a macrophage activating agent in the treatment of cancer [5].

There is scientific evidence to support its potential efficacy and safety as an immunotherapy in small-scale human studies, but there has been controversy surrounding the treatment and some researchers are skeptical [5]. Large-scale clinical research is still needed and the long-term effects are currently unknown.

Historical Perspective

The idea of stimulating the immune system to treat cancer dates back to the early 1900s, but it was not until the 1950s with the discovery of tumor-specific antigens (substances that activate an immune response against tumors) that there was a resurgence of medical interest into immune therapies [6].

To understand the origins of GcMAF as an immune therapy for cancer we have to go back to the late 1980s in Philadelphia, USA. At this time, Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto, PhD, a well respected US-based Japanese researcher, wrote a paper on blood components involved in the activation of macrophages [7].

This study would form the basis of later research papers, which proposed that GcMAF was the natural activator of macrophages in mammals and that injection of GcMAF may enhance the immune response to cancer in humans [8] [9]. Yamamoto carried out studies on GcMAF in mice with Ehrlich ascites tumor (aggressive type of cancer) and demonstrated significantly increased survival rates [10].

In 2008/2009 Yamamoto published four papers claiming successful treatment of cancer and HIV patients with GcMAF [11] [12] [13] [14]. The results appeared too good to be true. Later, in 2014, the Anticancer Fund non-profit educational and research support organization wrote a letter highlighting inconsistencies and major issues with Yamamoto’s research [15]. Three out of the four studies were retracted due to the use of unestablished metrics (such as serum nagalase levels) to define successful treatment, which could not be accepted by the scientific community.

Despite controversy and reported problems with Yamamoto’s later work, there has been ongoing research into the use of GcMAF as an immunotherapy for many different cancer types in small-scale case studies in patients [5]. Some researchers remain optimistic about the potential of medications like GcMAF, which can inhibit immunosuppressive factors such as the enzyme nagalase [5].

A 2022 review of Yamamoto’s research on GcMAF claims that his work deserves widespread renewed attention both for cancer and HIV treatment [6]. According to the reviewer, Yamamoto’s data demonstrates that GcMAF is a highly specific activator of macrophages with the therapeutic potential to reduce nagalase levels in cancer patients [6].


GcMAF has shown some promise of efficacy and safety in humans, but only in studies of questionable quality due to the use of unconventional metrics to evaluate results and with small sample sizes. There has been controversy and issues flagged with some of the scientific research on GcMAF [16]. Double-blind randomized clinical trials with larger sample sizes (in the hundreds or thousands) are still needed to determine efficacy and long-term safety.

In 2008 Dr. Yamamoto published research on successful GcMAF treatment for patients with colon, breast and prostate cancer (stage of disease not reported) [11] [12] [13]. 

These studies were with small sample sizes (8 with colon cancer, 16 with breast cancer and 16 with prostate cancer). Two of the studies were later retracted. Patients had undergone conventional treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation prior to GcMAF treatment [16]. Serum nagalase levels were used as an indicator of tumor burden. Success was claimed based on reduced nagalase levels and no tumor recurrence after many years in all patients, which was not sufficient evidence to support claims of efficacy as a primary cancer treatment [15].

A 2013 study on advanced cancer patients with diverse cancer types reported that all patients showed a significant decrease of serum nagalase activity after receiving weekly injections of GcMAF [3]. Reduced nagalase levels were associated with improved clinical conditions and no adverse effects were reported. However, the study was a non-controlled retrospective analysis and results cannot be claimed as indicative of a cause-effect relationship of GcMAF administration and improved disease outcomes [3].

A 2017 review collated results from 12 studies and case reports from 2008-2016 of GcMAF treatment for cancer patients with a range of different cancer types including colon, thyroid, lung, liver, thymus, pancreatic, bladder, ovarian and tongue [5]. The review evaluates what it deems to be credible research on the treatment. However, all studies are with very small sample sizes and many include other alternative cancer therapies, which means it is not possible to identify a single causative agent for improvement. The review states that clinical investigations have demonstrated the efficacy of GcMAF as a macrophage activating factor and calls for further research into the application of the promising new immunotherapy. The authors claim that the efficacy and safety of the drug warrants FDA approval and that there are non-scientific reasons preventing approval [5].

A 2022 critical overview of Dr. Yamamoto’s controversial studies delves deeply into his findings and calls for renewed scientific attention on research into GcMAF [6]. While Yamamoto’s claims of success and research methodology came under fire in the oncology community, his data shows direct correlation between GcMAF treatment and the activation of macrophages in cancer patients. His results also demonstrate reduction of nagalase levels after GcMAF therapy, which could indicate therapeutic potential as an immunotherapy [6].

Potential Applications

In the current scientific literature, the term ‘immunotherapy’ for cancer refers to a select group of treatments including immune checkpoint inhibitors, immune cell therapy, therapeutic antibodies, vaccines and immune-modulating agents – all of which have potentially serious adverse effects [6].

Immunotherapy with GcMAF has been shown to be free from adverse effects in the research to date and shows promise in small-scale studies for diverse applications [6]. There is some evidence to indicate that GcMAF may have therapeutic benefits for different cancer types and a wide range of other conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), endometriosis, osteoporosis, autism, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [2]. However, there is low certainty surrounding efficacy and safety due to a lack of definitive clinical evidence.

Patient selection is important when it comes to GcMAF therapy as the antitumor effects of the treatment vary depending on the type of cancer and stage [5]. Preliminary research shows potential benefits for patients with prostate, breast, colon, liver, stomach, lung (including mesothelioma), kidney, bladder, uterus, ovarian, head/neck and brain cancers, fibrosarcomas and melanomas [5].

GcMAF has been reported to have better results in the treatment of undifferentiated tumor cells (such as adenocarcinoma) than with differentiated cells (such as squamous carcinoma cells) in test tube studies and also in patients [3] [5]. Anemia and other blood disorders can confound the efficacy of GcMAF. Therefore, the treatment has been indicated for non-anemic patients only [5].

In the last decade, the existence of cancer stem cells (tumor cells that can drive new tumor growth and cause relapses) has been demonstrated and may explain why recurrence is frequently observed after conventional cancer treatments. Research into GcMAF shows that it could help in the elimination of the last residual cancer stem cells and serve to prevent disease recurrence [6].

GcMAF may also be of benefit for patients with advanced or resistant cancer where conventional treatment has not been successful. However, for the therapy to be effective it is important that the patient's immune system is still intact [6]. Furthermore, given that the immune system has a limited ability to break down and eliminate large tumors, surgery or radiation to remove the bulk tumor mass is generally required prior to GcMAF immunotherapy [6].

In summary, there is early evidence to suggest that GcMAF could be used in the treatment of cancer to modulate the immune system and prime it to eliminate cancer cells. However, any claims of a wonder molecule that is a safe and effective cancer treatment in its own right are unfounded. Preliminary research supports its potential application as an immunotherapy to help prevent recurrence after standard of care treatments. However, further clinical research is still needed.

Risks and Side Effects 

To date there have been no adverse effects reported in the scientific literature from the use of GcMAF in small studies in humans [5] [6]. Early research indicates that it may be safe, but the treatment is considered experimental at this stage. Given that GcMAF is not FDA approved there could be risks of contamination and other confounding factors. Long-term clinical studies have not been carried out to prove safety. Therefore, safety and risks of side-effects are currently unknown.


Is GcMAF an effective cancer treatment?

There is currently insufficient scientific evidence to claim that GcMAF is an effective cancer treatment. Early research shows it may be beneficial as an immunotherapy to help boost immune function and mitigate the chances of recurrence after standard of care treatments. However, the treatment is experimental. 

Is GcMAF safe?

There have not been any serious adverse effects reported in the scientific literature. However, there is limited research on GcMAF. The long-term effects and safety of the treatment are currently unknown at this stage.

How is GcMAF administered?

GcMAF is administered as an injection under the skin or into the muscle. It is normally given once or twice a week for a period of several months or longer depending on the patient's individual requirements. 


[1] Inui, T., Makita, K., Miura, H., Matsuda, A., Kuchiike, D., Kubo, K., … & Sakamoto, N. (2014). Case report: a breast cancer patient treated with GcMAF, sonodynamic therapy and hormone therapy. Anticancer research, 34(8), 4589-4593. https://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/34/8/4589  

[2] Saburi, E., Tavakol-Afshari, J., Biglari, S., & Mortazavi, Y. (2017). Is α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase the key to curing cancer? A mini-review and hypothesis. J BUON, 22(6), 1372-1377. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29332325/ 

[3] Thyer, L., Ward, E., Smith, R., Branca, J. J., Morucci, G., Gulisano, M., … & Pacini, S. (2013). GC protein-derived macrophage-activating factor decreases α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase levels in advanced cancer patients. Oncoimmunology, 2(8), e25769. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3812199/  

[4] Eric Matamoros, M. (2017). GcMAF: a polemic or a highly promising molecule?. World Scientific News, 65, 20-36. https://bibliotekanauki.pl/articles/1182805 

[5] Saburi, E., Saburi, A., & Ghanei, M. (2017). Promising role for Gc-MAF in cancer immunotherapy: from bench to bedside. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 8(4), 228. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5686300/ 

[6] Albracht, S. P. (2022). Immunotherapy with GcMAF revisited-A critical overview of the research of Nobuto Yamamoto. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications, 100537. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468294222000284/ 

[7] Yamamoto, N., Ngwenya, B. Z., Sery, T. W., & Pieringer, R. A. (1987). Activation of macrophages by ether analogues of lysophospholipids. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 25(3), 185-192. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00199146/ 

[8] Yamamoto, N. (1996). Structural definition of a potent macrophage activating factor derived from vitamin D3-binding protein with adjuvant activity for antibody production. Molecular immunology, 33(15), 1157-1164. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0161589096000818/ 

[9] Yamamoto, N., & Naraparaju, V. R. (1998). Structurally well defined macrophage activating factor derived from vitamin D3 binding protein has a potent adjuvant activity for immunization. Immunology and cell biology, 76(3), 237-244. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9682967/ 

[10] Yamamoto, N., & Naraparaju, V. R. (1997). Immunotherapy of BALB/c mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor. Cancer research, 57(11), 2187-2192. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9187119/ 

[11] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., & Yamamoto, N. (2008). Immunotherapy for prostate cancer with Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Translational oncology, 1(2), 65-72. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936523308800083/ 

[12] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., Nakazato, H., Yamamoto, N., & Koga, Y. (2008). RETRACTED ARTICLE: Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 57(7), 1007-1016. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-007-0431-z/ 

[13] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., Yamamoto, N., & Ushijima, N. (2008). Retracted: Immunotherapy of metastatic breast cancer patients with vitamin D binding protein derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF). International journal of cancer, 122(2), 461-467. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17935130/ 

[14] Yamamoto, N., Ushijima, N., & Koga, Y. (2009). Retracted: Immunotherapy of HIV infected patients with Gc protein derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF). Journal of medical virology, 81(1), 16-26. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19031451/ 

[15] Ugarte, A., Bouche, G., & Meheus, L. (2014). Inconsistencies and questionable reliability of the publication “Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophages-activating, GcMAF” by Yamamoto et al. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 63(12), 1347-1348. https://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-014-1587-y/ [16] Arney, K., (2008). “Cancer cured for good?” – Gc-MAF and the miracle cure. Cancer Research UK, [Updated 10/05/15]. https://news.cancerresearchuk.org/2008/12/03/cancer-cured-for-good-gc-maf-and-the-miracle-cure/

What do you believe would happen if researchers learned a cure for chronic diseases including cancer? Would it be broadcasted across the globe in celebratory fashion? Would there be any attempts made to cover up the discovery? Could you imagine that doctors who have used the cure successfully would be murdered over their findings?

Several doctors linked to a potential cure known as GcMAF have been found dead within the last year. Reports of their deaths are blamed on suicide, heart failure, and other mysterious links. Family, friends, and coworkers surrounding these doctors have no reports of physical or mental illness that in any way would have arisen suspicion.

Could GcMAF be the link between these doctors' sudden deaths and what is GcMAF?

Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

Five Things to Know About GcMAF

1. GcMAF is naturally occurring in healthy people but is significantly depleted in individuals with abnormally functioning immune systems. The presence of GcMAF has been studied in immunotherapy treatment to boost the immune response and possibly inhibit and prevent cancer.

2. GcMAF is responsible for activating macrophages. When GcMAF is not present, macrophages are not stimulated thus weakening the immune response. Critical neural macrophages are microglia, which supports the immune system by defending against invasive threats to the central nervous system.

3. Vitamin D defends the immune system from an attack by chronic disease. Without Vitamin D, GcMAF cannot be produced. GcMAF contains binding proteins and cellular receptors requiring Vitamin D activation. GcMAF activates macrophages which act as the body’s surveillance team against destructive agents and infection.

4. Clinical studies show that the administration of GcMAF to patients with cancer has its successes. Patients categorized as having an “incurable” cancer and disease were also administered GcMAF. These patients, even at a late stage in the progression of the disease, exhibited effective anticancer immunotherapy success.

5. Reportedly, using GcMAF treatment in children with autism has been shown to improve the endocannabinoid system and eliminate symptoms of autism. GcMAF treatment improves not only receptor activity but gene expression as well.

What Is GcMAF?

A Vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor, GcMAF is a regulatory protein that supports the immune system [4]. GcMAF is naturally occurring in healthy people but is significantly depleted in individuals with abnormally functioning immune systems. The presence of GcMAF has been studied in immunotherapy treatment to boost the immune response and possibly inhibit and prevent cancer.


Did You Know

Holistic Doctor Deaths

HealthNutNews.com's Erin Elizabeth is a long-time activist, author, and public speaker:

“Some of the biggest skeptics, those who rolled their eyes at the first few deaths, are now wondering if there isn’t a connection. There have been theories, from GcMAF to CBD oil, but I don’t think all doctors used both of these treatments. I’m not convinced either is the smoking gun, but might hold part of the answer. … I hope they are never forgotten and that others will carry on their work and not live in fear.”

Holistic Doctor Death Series

GcMAF immunotherapy success

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet presented findings of treating more than 11,000 patients with various chronic illnesses using GcMAF immunotherapy. He had an 85 percent success rate with 15 percent of patients seeing the full remission of their illness. Only 15 percent of individuals did not exhibit any response to the treatment.

Dr. Bradstreet’s death was ruled a suicide while practicing medicine in Georgia. Those close to Dr. Bradstreet say that he exhibited no suicidal behaviors or depression. He was found in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest. His death is believed by many to be a murder as a consequence of his knowledge involving GcMAF therapy.

The FDA raided Dr. Bradstreet’s clinic on June 18 seizing virals of GcMAF. Following the raid Dr. Bradstreet fled to a hotel in North Carolina near Lake Lure. The FDA would deem his practice “unethical science” and would have been indicted to face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty.

Dr. Bradstreet’s hotel room was not yet prepared for him and he never checked in. His dead body was found in Chimney Rock three miles away from the hotel hours later. Nearby police found a handgun and reported his death a suicide. Bradstreet’s family and supporters continue to conduct their own private investigations under the assumption that his death is much more than a suicide.

With such a powerful governing force mandating what scientific medical practice is ethical or not, why would Dr. Bradstreet continue to advocate for GcMAF therapy? Read on to learn how this incredible therapy can be used for treating autism, chronic illness, and cancer.

Healthy immune response depends on macrophages

GcMAF is responsible for activating macrophages. When GcMAF is not present, macrophages are not stimulated thus weakening the immune response. A lack of available macrophages causes homeostatic imbalances and the unsuccessful completion of tissue repair.

Critical neural macrophages are microglia and are found in the brain and spine. Microglia supports the immune system by defending against invasive threats to the central nervous system which create damage. Microglia is one of the central nervous system’s first lines of defense. [1]

GcMAF and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is critical to the total health of the human body and defends the immune system from an attack by chronic disease. Researchers continue to underestimate the role that Vitamin D plays in supporting biological activities. This powerful nutrient has only recently being analyzed for its role in influencing GcMAF availability and function. [4]

Without Vitamin D, GcMAF cannot be produced. GcMAF contains binding proteins and cellular receptors requiring vitamin D activation. Vitamin D3 must be converted into GcMAF by a key biological reaction in the body. A carbohydrate is bonded with Vitamin D3 through a process called glycosylation. GcMAF then activates macrophages which act as the body’s surveillance team against destructive agents and infection. [1]

GcMAF linked to improved autism symptoms

Autism is well supported in research and is primarily characterized by immune dysfunction. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in children show a significant decrease when treated with GcMAF due to improved macrophage activity. [1]

Before birth, an unborn child’s defense system is significantly influenced by genetics and environmental factors. During pregnancy, Vitamin D is a critical nutrient required to promote the development of the child and his lifelong health.

Vitamin D is critical for pregnancy

Essential biological functions require Vitamin D. The central nervous system is dependent on Vitamin D for the following processes: [1]

  • Neurogenesis: Synthesis of new brain cells
  • Neuroplasticity: Essential for emotional thought and cognitive thinking
  • Neuroprotection: Involves the preservation of the central nervous system against degeneration and disorders like multiple sclerosis

Without proper Vitamin D absorption, the development of the central nervous system and the immune system is not sufficient and linked to autism disorders. In pregnant women, Vitamin D3 has been found in studies to decrease the risk of miscarriages and infertility by inhibiting the auto-immune response of natural killer cells. [7, 1]

GcMAF stimulates the endocannabinoid system

A critical part of a person’s health is the endocannabinoid system. This system closely interacts with the immune system regulating homeostatic functions. It is found in glands, organs and immune cells located all over the body. [2] Autistic individuals have been shown to have altered endocannabinoid pathways along with abnormal macrophage defense systems. These combined problems consequently lead to an altered immune response. [1]

Reportedly, using GcMAF treatment in children with autism has been shown to improve the endocannabinoid system and eliminate symptoms of autism. GcMAF treatment improves not only receptor activity but gene expression as well. [1]

The endocannabinoid system is also responsible for regulating mood and controlling anxiety. These diseases that follow are linked to the improper functioning of the endocannabinoid system:

  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stroke
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis

Immune dysfunction associated with abnormal enzymatic activity

People with autoimmune related disorders have a high amount of the enzyme nagalase. Elevated levels are linked to autism spectrum disorders, viral infections like HIV and AIDs, cancer and lupus. [1, 3, 5]

Both researchers and physicians can use the concentration of the nagalase enzyme in cancer patients to better understand the severity of a tumor. It is possible that malignant cells stimulate nagalase activity which in turn shuts down the production of GcMAF. [3]

Nagalase inhibits macrophage activation. It reduces GcMAF activity by stimulating immunosuppression pathways and reducing active macrophage. However, research supports that nagalase does have its limitations. It is possible to strengthen the health of the immune system and repair the trauma done by nagalase activity.

Nagalase cannot block cancer detection

Fortunately, the nagalase enzyme cannot prevent an immune attack from happening when an intruder has previously been detected. Nagalase is unable to bully pre-existing GcMAF when it detects cancer cells. Nagalase can only prevent the production of GcMAF. For this reason, GcMAF can be injected into the body or intravenously administered and is biologically identical to pre-existing GcMAF. [3]

GcMAF treatment inhibits cancer growth

Clinical studies show that the administration of GcMAF to patients with cancer has its successes. These benefits include: [5, 6]

  • Improved immune response resulting from stimulated macrophages, lymphocyte activity, and elevated levels of platelet and red blood cells
  • Suppress cancer growth such as by inhibiting the use of blood vessels for tumor growth
  • A decrease in tumor receptors involved in cancer metastasis

Patients categorized as having an “incurable” cancer and disease were also administered GcMAF. These patients, even at a late stage in the progression of the disease, exhibited effective anticancer immunotherapy success. Some successes include the complete eradication of cancer following a short 6-month treatment and other patients exhibited reduced nagalase activity and tumor size. [3, 8]

Dr. Steve Hofman reports that several cancers were treated with GcMAF in clinical studies. These cancer types he includes are: [3]

  • Ovarian
  • Follicular lymphoma
  • Colorectal
  • Bladder
  • Neck and head cancers such as the larynx and tongue

GcMAF activated macrophages destroy tumor cells

The spleen holds 50 percent of both macrophages and monocytes. Following GcMAF treatment, the direction of blood flow to the spleen increases along with other biological components that stimulate a healthy immune system. [8]

Macrophage activity increases engulfing cancer cells in a process known as phagocytosis. The development of more cancer cells is also inhibited. GcMAF supports this cellular “eating” activity in the presence of tumors. [4] Simply said, activated macrophages are found in the presence of cancer cells.

GcMAF activated macrophages increase cancer cell death through another natural, healthy process called apoptosis. Cancer cell debris remains the only remnants to the malignant cell left behind. [4]

In vitro studies utilizing GcMAF treatment show the full eradication of cancer cells following only 7 days. [4] Further research must be established in order to understand how the body is naturally equipped to use GcMAF to prevent and cure cancer. Anecdotal evidence however significantly supports GcMAF immunotherapy treatment.

GcMAF functions in synergy with other compounds

Findings of GcMAF therapy after one week by the Immuno Biotech Treatment Centre show that tumor volume decreases by an average of 25 percent. This clinical data supports that the diameter and cell volume of a tumor is reduced. [6]

The Immunocentre of Europe suggests that GcMAF is an effective tool that can destroy cancer cells instantly. GcMAF treatment has been shown to rebuild an effective immune system in an individual anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months on average. [8]

Certain compounds also have shown to work in synergy boosting the anticancer treatment properties when combined with GcMAF. Together, these vital compounds and biological components repair a damaged immune system helping any individual overcome chronic disease and cancer.

Oleic Acid: When oleic acid supplementation was integrated into GcMAF therapy, several benefits occurred. The immune system improved significantly sooner and there was also evidence for a greater reduction of tumors. [6] Oleic acid is just one building block essential for optimal GcMAF structure and function. [8]

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 supplementation is recommended in doses of 10,000 to 20,000 IU per day. Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient required for immune system health and boosts the effects of GcMAF treatment.

Where to look for GcMAF immunotherapy

As you may have expected, GcMAF treatment is not available in the United States for commercial purchase. GcMAF remains an unapproved drug by the FDA and is a primary reason why this governing body interjected in Dr. Bradstreet’s practice.

Although some clinics offer this life altering therapy, many do not advertise this due to FDA restrictions. However, products from a medical organization in Japan can be purchased online. The manufacturing company Saisei Mirai has tested a serum formulation of GcMAF that can be injected into a patient and is also available in an oral bovine colostrum form.


GcMAF and colostrum

Bovine colostrum derived components have been found to activate GcMAF. Also known as a type of “first milk” produced in mammals including humans, colostrum has high concentrations of immunoglobins that function to build a newborn’s immune system. These components of colostrum have been found to stimulate GcMAF in people battling fatigue and life-threatening infections. [9]

A high-quality grade colostrum can be purchased from a capsule or powder formula produced from grass-fed cows or goats. The immunoglobin matrix makes this dairy product containing whey and casein tolerable by most individuals sensitive to dairy.

How to Supplement

To improve the efficiency of its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, it is best recommended to consume this supplement between meals. Although swishing and swallowing the powder may be the most effective approach, taking pills offers an easier alternative.

The mouth and throat contain specific immunological lymphoid tissue highly concentrated with macrophages. Mixing colostrum powder with water and swishing it around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes can activate macrophages and help you absorb immunoglobins sublingually. [10]

Following this timeframe, swallow the powder and water. Doing so helps boost macrophage activity and is recommended for individuals who suffer from immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes.

Bravo Yogurt stimulates GcMAF

Bravo Super Probiotic Yogurt is now being promoted for its health benefits on activating GcMAF. This special type of yogurt must be ordered online and is not available in stores.

The producer calls this yogurt “a harmonious natural symbiosis of active cultures and yeasts known to mankind for thousands of years. Unlike commercial fermented milk products that claim to stimulate the immune system and contain 2 to 6 microbial strains, Bravo Probiotics contains more than 40 microbial strains.” [11]

Recommended guidelines for consumption are:

  • Eat ½ cup of the yogurt in the morning or following a high fibrous meal.
  • Swish the yogurt in your mouth from 30 to 60 seconds and then gargle before proceeding to swallow. This action stimulates immunoglobulin compounds to the lymphoid tissue in the mouth and throat.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for an hour following its consumption to ensure maximum activity of the probiotics and immunoglobins throughout the digestive tract.

Lifestyle factors influence healthy GcMAF levels

Individuals viewed as healthy are presumed to synthesize about 10,000 cancer cells daily. [8] GcMAF targets these cancer cells for destruction. It is absolutely essential for you to optimize your GcMAF levels in your body in order to achieve health and the full healing potential your body can offer.

Individuals who supplement with GcMAF are further encouraged to take oleic acid through olive oil and avocados. They are also recommended to consume high doses of Vitamin D3. These individuals should drink no less than 2 liters of water daily including herbal teas each day. A low carbohydrate diet such as a ketogenic diet with healthy fats and essential proteins are shown best suitable to delay the development of cancer growth. [6]

Prevent your risk of developing cancer and chronic disease by opting to live a healthy lifestyle.

Guidelines to lower your risk of disease

The following tips will help you stimulate GcMAF synthesis and maximize your body’s natural healing and health promoting abilities. These guidelines are recommended for you to follow to build a defensive titanium immune system: [3, 4, 6, 8]

  • Receive healthy amounts of Vitamin D3 daily. This nutrient is vital to total health. Vitamin D deficiency is a leading cause of autoimmune complications and is associated with autism and cancer amongst a variety of other conditions and diseases.
  • Limit your sugar intake. Sugar promotes tremendous disadvantages and complications to human health. Avoid simple sugars like sweet treats but also complex sugars from starch and grains which are broken down into simple sugars as well. Both forms of these sugars feed cancer cells.
  • Eliminate all wheat and forms of it in your diet as well as lectins which promote cancer.
  • Eat a diet rich in optimal nutrients including a variety of vegetables, white meat and wild-caught fish. Diets deficient in essential trace minerals and amino acids cause reduced GcMAF levels and sub-optimal health.
  • Avoid soy milk as this product limits the absorption of trace minerals.
  • Avoid the additive carrageenan found in much of today’s products in stores. This additive is a thickening agent and has been shown to inhibit GcMAF activity. In comparison, carrageenan is like the previously discussed GcMAF inhibiting enzyme nagalase.
  • Eliminate all artificial sweeteners from your diet. These sugar substitutes weaken the immune response. Choose plant-based sweeteners like Stevia instead.
  • Two of the most important factors linked to cancer development are a lack of exercise and oxygen. These two life-promoting factors do more than influence your body’s figure but they reduce your risk of cancer by stimulating healthy compounds. As an example, cortisol is decreased when your body exercises thus limiting stress and anxiety. In men, high cortisol levels are associated with a reduction in testosterone and is a risk factor for heart problems.
  • When possible, avoid the need for a root canal. Unlike root canals, tooth extraction is not associated with the disruption of the immune system and is less likely to promote chronic sickness.
  • The Immunocentre of Europe offers a treatment plan to naturally promote GcMAF production in your body. To follow their guidelines avoid all immune suppressing substances like steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cortisone. The treatment plan also advises against the use of radiation therapy and experimental drugs with known adverse health effects and many other unknown health consequences.
  • Environmental contaminants increase the toxicity of your body inhibiting optimal immune functioning and should be avoided. Eliminate all toxic lifestyle habits such as smoking which increases the risk for carcinogenic abnormalities and chronic disease.
  • Reduce stress to your body at all costs to build a titanium immune system. Individuals diagnosed with disease or cancer typically recall a recent life-changing event that caused a severe shock to their bodies. Stress is like a bullet hole in your titanium defenses which provides malignant and cancerous cells the opportunity to release enzymes preventing GcMAF from exerting its full potential.


GcMAF immunotherapy treatment has shown amazing potential to treat a variety of chronic diseases as well as cancer and autism. The FDA appears to be responding to this information with increased terror towards leading experts in the field like Dr. Bradstreet.

Was Dr. Bradstreet killed for his understanding of GcMAF and its potential to cure disease? Or was the stress and threat of imprisonment enough stress to cause Dr. Bradstreet to shoot himself in the chest? Will we ever know the answer?

Regardless of investigation reports, you can reap the benefits of GcMAF therapy in your own home by benefiting from high-quality bovine colostrum and Vitamin D3 supplementation. Follow a low-carb, ketogenic diet and live a healthy lifestyle.

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How cancer therapies affect the microbiome https://www.cancertutor.com/cancer-therapies-affect-microbiome/ Wed, 26 Oct 2016 23:44:07 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=13030 The role your gut bacteria play in the response of your immune system has been most studied in the recent decade. Researchers however still have limited knowledge in understanding the full role microbes in our gut, or the gut microbiota, play on influencing the immune response. Oppositely, the health of our immune systems also impacts […]

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The role your gut bacteria play in the response of your immune system has been most studied in the recent decade. Researchers however still have limited knowledge in understanding the full role microbes in our gut, or the gut microbiota, play on influencing the immune response. Oppositely, the health of our immune systems also impacts the concentration of healthy and harmful microbes in our gut.

Immunotherapy is an even more recent topic that offers cancer patients an alternate strategy for healing. Bacteria are responsible for communicating with the immune system so intrinsically that researchers have found that bacteria can be used to possibly cure cancer in immunotherapy. [5]

Today you can optimize the health of your immune system preventing illness and cancer today but maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Influences of gut microbes on immunity

A community of microorganisms inhabits the digestive tract making up the gut microbiota. Bacteria are the primary residents that colonize the intestines amongst the one hundred trillion organisms. Other inhabitants include fungus and viruses.

The healthy co-existence in a mutual relationship within the human body inhibits cancer growth and development. Healthy bacteria help coordinate chemotherapeutic pathways regulated by the immune system.

When it comes to cancer treatment, every individual has a different immune response controlled by several influences. For example, different cancer patients may exhibit different responses and reactions from the same chemotherapeutic drug. These factors include infection, metabolism, gut dysfunction including bacterial imbalance and the environment. [3] Promoting the healthiest conditions of bacteria in your gut increases anticancer activity response of the immune system by stimulating tissue repair and detoxification. [1]

Dr. David Jockers

“Despite your genetics and the predispositions you have to develop cancer, you can avoid the risk factors which disrupt immune responses and your ability to defend against infectious and cancerous agents.”

Dr. David Jockers

Bacteroidales and Bifidobacteria

Two common bacteria species are associated with a strong immune system. Bacteroidales and Bifidobacteria are the major classifications of bacteria reflected by the body’s ability to prevent cancer growth. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that these strains of bacteria in the gut actually reduce tumor growth similar to a new chemoprevention drug currently being tested in human trials. [7]

The drug used, ipilimumab, was used in the study to analyze the advantages of bacterial strains and was approved in 2011 for the treatment of melanoma cancer. Cancerous mice with normal gut bacteria were given ipilimumab and exhibited improved healing abilities such as a decrease in abdominal inflammation. Germ-free mice or those with antibiotic-treated systems did not exhibit the same health response. [5]

The study shows that the cancer treatment drug ipilimumab destroys Bacteroidales and Bifidobacteria while stimulating the immune response to attack and treat cancer. These results support the necessity to maintain a healthy gut microbiota.

Targeting CTLA-4

The protein CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4) is a key immune system regulating protein. The drug ipilimumab functions to block the CTLA-4 response which downregulates the immune system and functions as one of the primary treatments known as immune checkpoint blockade therapy. [6]

Patients who have these antibodies which serve as an antagonist and shut off CTLA-4 have antitumor effects. Ipilimumab functions as an antibody blocking the protein’s receptors but is reliant on Bacteroides species. Germ-free mice and those with antibiotic treatments did not have the capacity to block the receptors on CTLA-4 and thus did not exhibit anti-cancer effects. [4]

Avoid risk factors for gut dysbiosis

Maintaining a healthy gut microflora is essential for supporting a healthy immune response and optimal health and healing. Gut bacteria are key players in the elimination of toxins from the body and nutrient absorption. A diverse and healthy gut microbiota promotes an external immune response exhibited from the intestines to the health of your skin.

Free radical agents destroy the immune system while stimulating carcinogenesis, or the initiation of cancer formation. Beneficial bacteria are capable of inhibiting the release of these destructive and carcinogenic agents. [2]

Despite your genetics and the predispositions you have to develop cancer, you can avoid the risk factors which disrupt immune responses and your ability to defend against infectious and cancerous agents. Major influences include smoking, diet, and antibiotic treatment. Recall, the germ-free and antibiotic-treated mice did not possess the ability to treat cancer. These same mice in the study also had zero potential for tumor invasive lymphocytes to destroy cancer cells.

10 tips for maintaining a healthy gut microbiota

Leaky gut syndrome, colitis and other infections of the gut promote carcinogenic activity from bacteria. Optimizing healthy gut bacteria within your digestive tract is as simple as supporting healthy digestion.

The following list provides strategies for you to improve the conditions of your gut microbiota and promote anti-cancer properties that benefit the whole body: [1, 3, 8, 9]

  1. Take a once daily probiotic to improve health. Probiotics increase the transmit time for foot and toxins to pass through the body, therefore, stimulating regularity.
  2. Avoid all contaminants including sugar which deplete beneficial gut bacteria. Sugar feeds harmful gut bacteria while increasing inflammatory conditions.
  3. Consume anti-inflammatory foods rich in herbs and dark leafy greens that stimulate natural detoxification pathways and stabilize intestinal pH.
  4. Eat fresh, organic or vegetables containing no synthetic sprays. Farmers markets are excellent locations to find foods yet to be cleaned. These foods have soil-based microorganisms that will help reduce harmful bacterial overgrowth in the gut while stimulating digestive function and the immune response. (Note that this is not indicative of consuming vegetables covered in dirt and rather that a limited amount of dirt won’t harm you.)
  5. Avoid medication use and especially the use of antibiotics. Ampicillin and streptomycin are broad-spectrum antibiotics which deplete bacterial colonies and extinguish their anti-cancer benefits.
  6. Consume probiotic-rich foods that stimulate healthy bacteria growth. For instance, add foods like garlic, leeks, asparagus, jicama and onions into your diet daily.
  7. Eat fermented foods regularly. Adding fermented veggies like kimchi and sauerkraut to meals as well as drinking beverages like kefir and coconut water improve the microbiome. Also, consider adding small quantities of raw apple cider vinegar to water for its benefits.
  8. Add antioxidant-rich foods like berries to your diet. Berries contain powerful phenolic compounds that are broken down in the colon and stimulate detoxification pathways. Blackcurrant powder exhibits the same responses as prebiotics and stimulates Bifidobacteria Give your smoothies a chemopreventive boost by adding them to your beverages and even desserts.
  9. Consider intermittent fasting. Fasting for a minimum of 12 hours in a day can encourage enzymatic function and stimulate chemopreventive responses. While fasting, drink plenty of herbal teas, water, and fermented drinks to promote gut function.
  10. Relax before eating. Eating on the go is not the best technique to optimize digestion. Doing so prevents adequate digestive juice secretions such as stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, and bile. These conditions stress the digestive tract causing intestinal inflammation and promoting microbial overgrowth. Improve digestion before eating by taking three relaxing deep breaths. This helps you relax and improves digestion.

Optimize gut health for long-term health

You can focus on stimulating your digestive system and maintain healthy gut bacteria to prevent and heal from cancer. Gut microbes play an endless role in our body’s ability to metabolize food, absorb nutrients and successfully respond to cancer treatments- both conventional and alternative in nature. Follow the action steps listed in this article to help you improve your gut microflora and reduce your risk for a disease.

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The gene mutation MTHFR and its role in cancer https://www.cancertutor.com/mthfr-and-its-role-in-cancer/ Fri, 21 Oct 2016 19:17:48 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=12915 A key component of methylating processes that occur within every cell of the human body is the gene MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). MTHFR acts comparable to a switch turning biological activities off and on in the body. This concept is known as epigenetics and is vastly opposite the old belief that our biological inheritance is unchangeable. […]

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A key component of methylating processes that occur within every cell of the human body is the gene MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). MTHFR acts comparable to a switch turning biological activities off and on in the body.

This concept is known as epigenetics and is vastly opposite the old belief that our biological inheritance is unchangeable. These modifications that are made to our genes has received considerable attention in the most recent decade and is associated with cancer development.

The role of methylation

Methylation pathways are stimulated trillions of times every minute within every cell. Methylation involves transferring methyl groups to amino acids, enzymes, DNA and proteins to body tissue. It is a critical metabolic process essential for living and involves a series of reactions that pass along these methyls “on / off” switches.

Genes which suppress tumors can be inactivated by DNA methylation. Under optimal methylating pathways, glutathione is produced which is a powerful antioxidant that supports our body’s healing abilities.

Proper methylation promotes the following healthy functions: (1)

  • Histamine tolerance
  • Stress management
  • Detoxification
  • Nerve protection or neurotransmitter myelination
  • Protection and repair of DNA and RNA
Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

What is the MTHFR gene mutation?
Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

MTHFR interacts with methylation

Both folate and one-carbon metabolism are reliant on the MTHFR gene. DNA synthesis is dependent on one-carbon metabolism as well as converting homocysteine into SAM (S-adenosyl methionine) (2). Optimal DNA, RNA and protein methylation is required from the methyl donating properties of SAM.

The enzyme 5, 10- methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase is folate metabolizing and is also involved in synthesizing SAM and regulating DNA synthesis.

Disruptions to MTHFR increases cancer risk

Disrupting the MTHFR gene can directly increase the likelihood of cancer development. When the levels of molecules that function as precursors to methionine conversion are above normal, the biological pathways of converting homocysteine into methionine are adversely impacted. For example, uracil may be used at exceedingly high concentrations instead of thymine. The increased risk of damage to DNA and genetic mutation occurs with this sort of continual genetic change.

SAM necessitates methylation pathways in DNA. When methionine is altered, both DNA and genetic expression may be altered. When MTHFR is less active, hypomethylation occurs resulting from low SAM levels (4). This loss of methyl groups disrupts the body’s requirement to prioritize methyl groups based on immediate concerns.

This phenomenon known as hypomethylation was first recognized in 1983. However, the negative effects on the body when the demand for methyl groups is higher than what is available has not been understood since the 21st century. Hypomethylation significantly increases carcinogenic tissue growth and cancer metastasis. We have since learned that hypomethylation is present in all forms of cancer and it increases with tumor progression further stimulating cancerous activity. (4)

Polymorphisms and cancer risks

Two genes are most commonly linked to increased cancer risk involving MTHFR. Polymorphism C677T and A1298C are dependent on every individual’s genetic makeup and their genetic prevalence within ethnic groups.

A polymorphism is a variation which naturally occurs within a genetic sequence or chromosome alteration. Both genetic predisposition and environmental influences are therefore also associated with polymorphism and cancer risks. (6)

The MTHFR C677T polymorphism is most common and occurs when the amino acid alanine is swapped instead with valine. This seemingly insignificant change produces major consequences. The result is an MTHFR enzyme with the ability to only handle 30 percent of its otherwise normal responsibilities when alanine is properly encoded in the gene.

Common cancers with polymorphism MTHFR C677T and A1298C

Breast cancer — Studies have shown that breast cancer risks reduce with increased folate consumption. When optimal levels of folate are included in one’s diet, breast cancer risk significantly reduces.

Polymorphism C677T may even be linked with the age of menstruation and the childbearing of a woman's first child. Although further studies must be conducted, some research shows that breast cancer risk increases with late childbearing and the delayed onset menarche. (3)

Breast cancer involves one million new diagnoses each year and regardless of other risk factors, abnormal MTHFR is a known precursor to breast cancer (4).

Gastric cancer — Conflicting data suggests whether C677T polymorphism is associated with the elevated risk of gastric cancer. However, some research has found that this genetic variance is higher in Asian populations when compared to Caucasian. There is a higher percentage of the abnormal allele in individuals in Korea and East Asia and there is also a higher prevalence of gastric cancer. (5)

The risk for gastric cancer applies equally to anyone with the abnormal allele, yet individuals from Asian descent have a higher risk of carrying the genetic variance.

Prostate and testicular cancer — The risk seems to vary among different populations but hypomethylation is linked to a higher risk of prostate and testicular cancers. Polymorphisms C677T and a1298C aggravate nutrient disturbance in the metabolism of both folate and Vitamin B12 serum concentrations. This risk may again be greatest in East Asian populations. (8)

Other cancers — There is still a vast amount of understanding that must be learned regarding the consequences of MTHFR gene mutations and cancer risks. However, MTHFR gene polymorphisms have been linked to childhood leukemia, and cancer of the skin, lung, head, neck and colon.

Improve your body’s methylating abilities

Reduce your risk of developing cancer by improving your body’s natural methylation processes. It is recommended to regularly detoxify all of the organs and the body. Managing stress is also critical because chronic stress depletes methyl groups from required biological functions.

Furthermore, consider:

  • Receive healthy amounts of sleep
  • Limit exposure to all environmental contaminants
  • Increase dietary antioxidants by consuming fruits and veggies rich
  • Increase consumption of dark leafy greens and lentils naturally rich in folate
  • Eliminate, if not avoid, all inflammatory foods including sugar and common inflammation-promoting allergy triggers such as dairy, gluten, and soy

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Ginger as an antioxidant and natural cancer fighter https://www.cancertutor.com/ginger-antioxidant-natural-cancer-fighter/ Wed, 24 Aug 2016 22:04:10 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=11248 Nutritionally dense foods that offer us health benefits beyond the sum of the individual nutrients they contain are called superfoods. These foods contain essential amino acids, phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, and healthy fatty acids. Ginger is the root of a vegetable that is used around the world for its many superfood health benefits. Countries […]

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Nutritionally dense foods that offer us health benefits beyond the sum of the individual nutrients they contain are called superfoods. These foods contain essential amino acids, phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, and healthy fatty acids. Ginger is the root of a vegetable that is used around the world for its many superfood health benefits.

Countries including the United States, England, India, Asia, China, Japan, Greece, and the Caribbean utilize this superfood herb and spice in teas, ales, beers, cookies, breads, and more. Historically, almost every culture has used ginger to reduce inflammation, stimulate immunity, and enhance digestion.

Ginger is listed 13th on the most impressive antioxidant list with an ORAC score of 28,811. A variety of volatile oils enhance the flavor and odor of ginger such as gingerols, shogaols, and zingerone. These oils exhibit properties that are anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. (1) These agents are capable of inhibiting carcinogenesis and can even destroy current cancer cells already present in the human body. (2, 3, 4)

Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Ginger: 10 ways this herb improves digestion
Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

Supports Digestion

The herb ginger has been traditionally used as a natural remedy to heal digestive disturbances. The gut contains serotonin receptors that can be stimulated to provide digestive relief to the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger is one of nine agents known to exhibit this effect. This results in reduced gut inflammation and improve nutrient absorption.

Ginger also is classified as a carminative herb that reduces intestinal gas as well as a spasmolytic agent that soothes the intestinal tract while provoking gut motility. It is known to many moms to aid in feelings of “morning sickness” because it reduces nausea, alleviates motion sickness, and reduces fever. It also stimulates bile production making it a useful agent in fat digestion. (5, 6, 7)

Relieves Pain

The components in ginger make it an important food to suppress inflammation and support natural pain relief processes. 6-Gingerol is a compound that has been significantly shown to inhibit the generation of nitric acid, a highly reactive nitrogen molecule that is quickly converted into a dangerous free radical known as peroxynitrite.

Ginger is also an excellent tool to defend the body’s storage supplies of glutathione. (8, 9) Glutathione is a powerhouse antioxidant that destroys free radicals. As a result of its relationship with glutathione and nitric oxide, ginger provides protection for the nervous system and the brain against degenerative stress. (10)

The potassium content of ginger provides detoxification support and promotes electric energy production. Manganese in ginger protects the lining of the heart’s blood vessels as well as the urinary tract. The silicon content in ginger provides benefits to nails, skin, hair and teeth. It further helps calcium assimilate into the body while reducing inflammation in the bone tissue and encouraging strong bone and teeth development.

Functional Uses

Ginger is recommended to individuals for regular consumption and use to support the healthy detoxification of the liver and aid in digestive function. It can be ground onto salads, meats or stews, juiced in green juice or smoothies, and brewed in hot teas. Powdered, dry ginger also can be found, and although it is pungent in taste, using it mildly will provide you will the superfood health benefits.

Ginger stimulates digestive secretions such as bile from the gall bladder and liver as well as hydrochloric acid from the stomach. For this reason, it is a useful ingredient to add to your largest meal of the day. You can find pickled ginger in prepackaged sushi packs from grocery stores.

Therapeutic Cancer Treatment Properties

In addition to chemotherapy, radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method used to destroy cancer cells using ionizing radiation. Unfortunately, the primary use of radiotherapy to treat cancer cells is also toxic to normal tissue and healthy cells.

For this reason, natural compounds can be used to protect non-tumor cells against the destructive effects of conventional cancer treatment. The plant compounds of ginger provide radio-protective effects to healthy tissue without resulting in additional toxicity concerns to patients. (11)

Gastrointestinal Cancer

One of the most common cancers around the world affects the digestive system and is gastrointestinal cancer. Natural sources of chemotherapeutic agents, such as ginger, have been analyzed more recently as a more cost effective and safer approach at treating this form of cancer.

Primarily affecting the digestive system, ginger serves several more duties in addition to stimulating digestion. The active compounds 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol exhibit anticancer properties against the gastrointestinal tract and can treat a number of infections. Part of this activity is attributed to the ability of these two components to improve signaling molecules that induce inflammation, suppress apoptotic (cell death) activity of cancer cells and stimulate cancer growth. (12)

Other compounds in ginger such as zingerone and paradols provide chemopreventive activity which prevents and slows the progression of tumor growth in the following ways: (13)

  • Scavenge free radicals
  • Stimulate antioxidant pathways
  • Increase affinity of antioxidants to cancer inducing compounds
  • Modulate gene expression
  • Induce apoptosis of cancer cells

Liver Cancer

Amongst digestive system problems, cancer of the liver is the most common type and also has the highest rate of mortality. Mounting evidence suggests that the dietary components of ginger can prevent and suppress the progression of liver cancer by: (14)

  • Inhibiting tumor cell growth
  • Suppress metastasis
  • Provide protection from carcinogenic agents in the liver
  • Support a natural immune response
  • Inhibit inflammation
  • Enhance chemotherapeutic drugs

Multiple pathways involving cell signaling are influenced by ginger’s active ingredients. Studies show that ginger is capable of reducing proteins associated with the deterioration of healthy cellular components such as the enzyme MMP-9. Furthermore, ginger increases the generation of the protein TIMP-1 responsible for decreasing MMP-9 activity. Ginger extract effectively suppresses inflammation of the liver tissue and provids protection against cancer by promoting a free radical scavenger system known as ROS (reactive oxygen species). This results in increased apoptosis in drug resistance liver cancer cells. [14]

Lung and Cervical Cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSLC) may be most associated with carcinogens found in cigarette smoke but also affects individuals who have never smoked.  This form of cancer is not readily treated using conventional chemotherapeutic mechanisms and patients are typically expected to undergo surgery.

Ginger extract has been shown to provide anti-cancer activity against both NSLC and cervical epithelial cancer. A 2010 study reveals that the aqueous extract directly disrupts cancer cell structures. Results of the study show that the polyphenols of ginger have the ability to inhibit cell division of cancer cells and increase gene p53 responsible for suppressing tumors. (15)

Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe

A health tonic produced by Europeans many years ago was a ginger ale believed to offer a wide variety of benefits to treat health ailments. However, ginger ale took on a different meaning at the turn of the 20th century when sugar and artificial flavorings were added to this once healthy beverage. Traditional European ginger ale was a fermented ginger tea. Ginger’s full nutrient properties are activated during the fermentation process and results in a probiotic and enzyme rich digestive tonic.

This de-inflaming recipe utilizes coconut water, which is low in sugar and high in electrolytes. The sugar source found in the coconut water, fructose, provides a beneficial food source for healthy microbes in the gut. The fructose is metabolized to produce organic acids and B vitamins that give this beverage a natural effervescence and unique flavor.


  • 2 Tbsp coconut water kefir (as a fermentation starter)
  • 1-2 cups coconut water
  • 2-4 oz fresh grated ginger or organic ginger powder


  1. Combine all ingredients together.
  2. Allow to sit and ferment for 24 hours at room temperature to release the full health potential of this soda alternative.
  3. After 24 hours, open it up to observe for natural effervescence (carbonation). This is a sign that it is fermented well.  It should taste slightly sour.  If extremely sour than discard and try again.  If it is slightly sour and effervescence is present upon opening, than store in the refrigerator and drink within 3 days.

Inner Eco is a brand of coconut water kefir starter that you can find at many health food stores.

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Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of cancer https://www.cancertutor.com/vitamin-d-deficiency-increases-risk-of-cancer/ Mon, 22 Aug 2016 21:44:11 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=11245 Vitamin D deficiency is too common today affecting an estimated 1 billion people worldwide or 90 percent of the world’s population. Dr. Michael Holick, a leading authority on Vitamin D research, predicts Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide. (5) Increasing concern for sunscreen use, reduced intake of Vitamin D in food […]

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Vitamin D deficiency is too common today affecting an estimated 1 billion people worldwide or 90 percent of the world’s population. Dr. Michael Holick, a leading authority on Vitamin D research, predicts Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide. (5)

Increasing concern for sunscreen use, reduced intake of Vitamin D in food and the increase in people working and playing indoors continues to contribute to the continued epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. Any insufficiency in Vitamin D absorption is hazardous to health and associated with the risk of disease, cancer, and disorders like osteoporosis. (1)

Essential for Brain Health

Research has shown that Vitamin D receptors are found throughout the central nervous system including the hippocampus region of the brain responsible for both memory and emotion (2). Vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of enzymes located in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid which aid in:

  • Nerve growth
  • Neurotransmitter production
  • Synaptic density

It also protects nervous tissue from oxidative stress, controls the immune system response and is involved in the homeostatic processes of maintaining intracellular calcium and phosphorus levels. Vitamin D deficiency, especially during neonatal development, is believed to increase the risk of schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and other diseases of the central nervous system. (2, 3)

Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

Loss of Neurological Protection

Substantial cognitive decline is an epidemic health problem and a major health concern that is evident in patients with dementia, Parkinson disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. One clinical study showed that individuals with low levels of the active form of Vitamin D showed loss of brain development and neuroprotection. The loss of Vitamin D results in reduced detoxification processes, lower levels of the antioxidant glutathione, increased nitric oxide levels in the brain and the overall lack of cellular survival abilities. (4)

A 2010 study found that individuals who were categorized as deficient had a 42 percent increased risk for cognitive impairment. Individuals categorized with a severe deficiency were at an increased risk of 394 percent to present with symptoms of cognitive decline. Another study analyzing the cognitive performance of more than 3,100 men in eight different countries throughout Europe found that men with low levels had impaired thought processing speed. (6, 4)

Vitamin D Kills Cancer Stem Cells

The body generates roughly 10,000 cancer cells every day. (7) Vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the most common factors contributing for the ability of these cancer cells to proliferate and invade new tissue. A variety of influencing concerns weaken the body’s capacity to naturally absorb Vitamin D from the sun and diet.

High dose pharmaceutical drugs interact and inhibit Vitamin D conversion. When combined with increased time spent indoors, reduced oxygen to cells, increased sugar consumption, poor nutrition lacking amino acids and trace minerals, and chronic stress cancer stem cells have a favorable environment to thrive.

Vitamin D Vital to GcMAF

Supplementing 20,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily may be an effective therapy to inhibit the progression of cancer and decrease systemic inflammation. (8) A powerful immune supporting protein that requires a steady intake of Vitamin D3 is GcMAF. GcMAF production is vital to a healthy immune response and can aid in the eradication of tumors entirely. (7)

In fact, optimal Vitamin D levels are one of the most important nutrients beneficial to the health of a baby during a woman’s pregnancy. Cancer is a multifactorial disease and Vitamin D deficiency increases autoimmune complications. During pregnancy, Vitamin D3 supplementation aids in: (9)

  • Anatomical growth and development of the fetus
  • Neurogenesis (development of new brain cells)
  • Neuroplasticity (cognitive thought and emotional pathways)
  • Neuroprotection (protection of the central nervous system)
  • Reducing inflammatory secretions by natural killer cells

GcMAF Reduces Risk of Numerous Cancers

Epidemiological studies suggest that individuals who have inadequate Vitamin D levels are at an increased likelihood to develop an immune-related disorder such as chronic infections, autoimmune diseases and metabolic complications associated with type 1 diabetes. (3)

Maintaining a steady supply of Vitamin D for the synthesis of GcMAF is a powerful strategy to inhibit tumors relating to prostate cancer cell growth. Tumor metastasis is shown to result from the presence of a receptor known as urokinase plasminogen activator (uPAR). (10) GcMAF has been evidenced to show that it reduces the receptor and therefore results in anti-cancer activity.

GcMAF is also responsible for reducing levels of nagalase. Nagalase is an enzyme produced by cancer cells that stimulates viral infections and inhibits activated macrophages from engulfing infected cells. Patients with melanoma, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), prostate, pancreatic, colorectal and breast cancer have elevated concentrations of nagalase. GcMAF increases the natural defenses of the immune system by suppressing nagalase synthesis and thereby stimulating macrophage activity. (10)

GcMAF Treatment Destroys Cancer

Not until recent years did scientists and physicians understand the role and benefits that adequate Vitamin D levels have on human physiology and pathology. Since 2007 the importance of Vitamin D to regulate GcMAF activity and its role in cancer has been reported suggesting zero evidence for toxicity concerns. To date, the effects of Vitamin D to boost GcMAF levels is associated with the following cancer prevention mechanisms: (11)

  • 25 percent reduction in tumor size in less than one week
  • Increase in lymphocytes to normal levels
  • Increased platelet and red blood cell count
  • Boost macrophage activity
  • Stimulate cancer cell apoptosis (“cell death”)

Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in North American men who have failed to respond to radiation therapy. Biologically active Vitamin D is not only important in regulating the mineral balance of calcium in bones but also exhibits anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells in glands like the prostate. Multiple studies validate that calcitriol both inhibits the growth of prostate cancer and its progression. (11)

Although all mechanisms for its anti-cancer role remain unclear, calcitriol stops cancerous cell growth, promotes apoptosis and reduces the anti-apoptotic genes and their pathways that account for the rapid generation and expression of prostate cancer cells.

Vitamin D and Colorectal Cancer

A study analyzing 1,000,000 participants concluded that the association between calcitriol and the incidence of colorectal cancer are inversely related. In other words, low Vitamin D levels are associated with the highest risk for colon and rectal cancer. Researchers found that the slight increase of 10 ng/ml of Vitamin D in an individual’s blood significantly paralleled with a decrease in risk of colorectal cancer. (12)

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer

Research that directly treats breast cancer cells has shown a 100 percent reduction in cancerous cell growth following a short 7 day incubation period. Such evidence of in vitro studies suggests that Vitamin D supports the ability of GcMAF to attack breast cancer cells in humans. Scientists suggest that there is an interaction between amino acids which allows GcMAF receptors to bind and promote the invasion of macrophages around cancer cells. This form of “cellular eating” is likely responsible for the destruction of breast cancer cells. (13)

Evidence using the Swiss Protocol for cancer therapy even shows that Vitamin D and GcMAF may be responsible for the removal of an oncogene (Her-2) that activates breast cancer (7).

Healthy Sun Exposure

Healthy sun exposure is vital to the production of Vitamin D3 in the body. Ultraviolet rays trigger a stress response on the skin’s layers to convert a molecule known as 7-dehydrocholesterol into an active Vitamin D3 form useable by the body. Calcitriol is active Vitamin D which responds more like a hormone than a vitamin. Scientists argue that calcitriol is, in fact, the most powerful hormone in the human body responsible for stimulating more than 1,000 genes or about 5 percent of the human genome. (1)

The amount of sun you should expose your skin to is dependent on the portion of body parts exposed, the color of skin and the strength of the sun’s rays. Ideally, individuals should seek to receive 10,000 to 20,000 IU of Vitamin D3 from sun exposure when 60 percent of the body is exposed. Protect your skin with antioxidants from moisturizing with coconut oil, green tea extract and aloe vera before and after sun exposure.

Consider your skin color and intentionally sunbath no less than three times weekly according to the following time recommendation.

  • Light skin = 15-20 minutes daily
  • Medium Skin = 25-30 minutes daily
  • Dark Skin = 40-45 minutes daily

Supplementation Recommendations

If you are unable to receive proper amounts of sunlight, consider taking a supplement containing 8,000 to 10,000 IU Vitamin D3 daily. Generally, practitioners recommend taking 1,000-2,000 IU’s Vitamin D3 for every 25 pounds of body weight. The optimal range for Vitamin D3 is between 80-100 ng/ml in order to prevent and slow cancer growth.

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Cancer-preventative powers of superfood kale https://www.cancertutor.com/cancer-preventative-powers-super-food-kale/ Mon, 15 Aug 2016 13:14:06 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=10705 Kale is a nutrient-dense “superfood” that has a tremendous range of health benefits that exceeds its individual nutrient properties. It is classified along with collards, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and other vegetables within the Brassica family. The Brassica vegetables are rich in phytonutrients containing sulfur and powerful antioxidants. Of all the super-food nutrients found in kale, […]

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Kale is a nutrient-dense “superfood” that has a tremendous range of health benefits that exceeds its individual nutrient properties. It is classified along with collards, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and other vegetables within the Brassica family. The Brassica vegetables are rich in phytonutrients containing sulfur and powerful antioxidants.

Of all the super-food nutrients found in kale, methyl cysteine sulfoxides and glucosinolates are two of the most critical types of compounds in supporting health. These nutrients assist in activating detoxifying liver enzymes that are responsible for neutralizing carcinogenic substances. Sulforaphane is one type of glucosinolate that is released during the process of chewing and digesting kale or through the chopping of the vegetable. Sulforaphane is a potent antioxidant which has been found to boost the detoxification activity of liver enzymes by altering genetic expression. (1, 2, 3])

Kale is dense in cancer-preventative nutrients

Isothiocyanates are a type of glucosinolates. These nutrients have been shown to stimulate apoptosis (cellular death) in cancer cells and prevent cancer formation. (4, 5]) When kale is damaged via chopping or chewing, the enzyme myrosinase helps release isothiocyanates by interacting with glucosinolates.

Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Top 24 cancer-fighting foods
Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

This process increases the bioavailability of nutrients to be absorbed by the body. You would be right to assume that this means raw kale contains more isothiocyanates capable of absorption by the body than cooked kale. Boiling this “super food” for 9 to 15 minutes shows a dramatic decrease in the total glucosinolate content to anywhere from 18 to 59 percent. (6]) Other cooking mechanisms, such as steaming or sautéing, also contributes to a reduction in nutrient density.

Kale ranks first in class in its antioxidant content compared to other vegetables. It is high in the antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids like beta-carotene. It is the hue of these nutrients that provides kale with a natural defense against solar radiation damage.

In fact, these antioxidants are so powerful at contributing to health, that the USDA has spent more than $800,000 into a four-year “Carotenoid Project.” In combined efforts, plant biologist Dr. Dean Kopsell and nutritional scientist Dr. Joanne Curran-Celentano are analyzing the effects of carotenoids and their contribution to their natural health phenomena.

Kale has UV radiation protection

Dr. Kopsell supports the evolutionary belief that plants developed carotenoids over time in order to protect against overexposure to UV radiation. “Plants use only about one or two percent of the light energy falling on the leaf surface for photosynthesis” according to Kopsell. He also states that “in plants, lutein and zeaxanthin play a role in absorbing light outside the red and blue range and funneling it away, in essence acting as a chemical ‘sun block’ that helps protect the plant from excessive radiation.” (7])

Researchers also speculate that carotenoids perform similar duties by concentrating in the region of the human eye responsible for the highest visual activity known as the macula lutea.

As part of the Carotenoid Project, Dr. Curran-Celentano gathered information concerning 23 different varieties of kale. She analyzed the environmental, genetic and geographical factors that influence the concentration of xanthophyll carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein. As part of the research, the nitrogen and sulfur content of the soil was altered resulting in a unique antioxidant complex and a stronger flavor in kale that not all people prefer. Kale varieties containing the highest amount of carotenoids had two and a half times the amount compared to kale with lower concentrations. (8])

This finding supports that soil condition greatly influences the nutritional value of kale. Soil health is different depending on the practices used by farmers regarding fertilization, composting and rotational schedules. Studies find that organic-grown kale varieties are worth the extra splurge in cost for their richer nutrient density than conventionally farmed kale. It is best recommended to consume kale from organically grown local farms and gardens.

Kale provides chemo protection

The resulting superfood powers of kale make it an excellent food source to combat the carcinogenesis of multiple cancer types. Its essential nutrients to human health complement one another and provide several anti-cancer benefits.

Colon Cancer

The compound sulforaphane is largely responsible for the chemopreventive effects of kale. Sulforaphane protects cells by binding to genes that induce antioxidant pathways in the body. This nutrient is critical for repairing tissue susceptible to oxidative damage such as the intestines. The lower digestive tract is constantly fighting to repair itself from environmental toxins we take in every day.

Inflammation in the intestines produces damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) which initiate DNA damage, reduces oxygen flow to tissue and results in the further generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and injury. (1) Sulforaphane increases the expression of detoxification enzymes and genes that code for antioxidants. These enzymes and antioxidant systems scavenge ROS and slow the carcinogenesis of colon cancer. (4])

Liver Cancer

The liver is the closest organ to the intestines and readily influenced by any injury to intestinal tissue. Detoxifying the intestines of free radicals like ROS thus inhibit the pathogenesis of disease in the liver. Clinical studies have shown that the presence of ROS in the intestines generates an inflammatory response in the liver characteristic of circulating leukocytes. (1])

Nutrients in kale support other antioxidant defense systems critical for the detoxification of ROS as well. Manganese for example supports superoxide dismutase (SOD) in neutralizing free radicals. Other studies support that the combined antioxidant activity of kale’s phenolic compounds increases the cellular levels of the super antioxidant powerhouse glutathione. SOD, glutathione, and other free radical scavengers stimulated as a result of the nutrient content in kale effectively restrain ROS from damaging liver cells and can combat the development of liver cancer. (9])

Bladder Cancer

Long-term epidemiological studies have suggested that a diet high in sulfur-containing veggies, like kale, can significantly reduce the risk of bladder cancer. The conversion of glucosinolates into isothiocyanates in kale is shown to possess chemoprotective properties. Researchers have found that isothiocyanates may be responsible for both the prevention of bladder cancer and the ability to suppress its recurrence or progression.

Although further research is needed to definitively conclude that isothiocyanates are responsible for the prevention of bladder cancer, isothiocyanate compounds in kale have the ability to: (5, 10])

  • Detoxify carcinogens
  • Inhibit DNA damage
  • Induce apoptosis in cancer cells
  • Improve the modulation of the cell cycle
  • Reduce cancer causing enzymatic pathways

Respiratory Cancers

Decades of studies analyzing diets high in vegetable consumption support the effects that nutrients contained in veggies reduce human cancers. Particularly, epithelial cancers of the respiratory tract are closely associated with this reduced cancer risk. Researchers propose that a combination of carotenoids, vitamins, fiber, and phytochemicals have a synergistic effect on inhibiting cancers pertaining to the respiratory system in the following ways: (12])

  • Increase detoxification enzymes
  • Inhibit potent carcinogens involved in tumor growth such as nitrosamines
  • Provide materials needed in cancer-fighting agents
  • Regulate hormone pathways
  • Bind and dilute carcinogens along the digestive tract
  • Exhibit antioxidant properties

Poor nutrition intake coupled with polluted environmental conditions increases the risk for respiratory cancers such as lung, tracheal and laryngeal tumors. (11]) Adding kale to your diet will not only help you reduce your risk of cancers related to the digestive tract, but the super-food nutrients it contains will promote overall health and total wellbeing.

Oral Cancer

Typically, a major transcription factor involved in the expression of detoxification genes known as Nrf2 remains in a dormant state in the body. Dietary phytochemicals release Nrf2 so that it can stimulate detoxification genes and enzymes to remove carcinogens. (13]) The phytonutrients in kale promote the expression of Nrf2 and halt the progression of cancer cells. Specifically, sulforaphane activates Nrf2, which is significantly impacted by oxidative stress associated with oral cancer.

Oral cancer affects tissues in the mouth and can also invade the sinuses and throat. Sulforaphane has been used in treating oral cancer cells taken from humans by upregulating the Nrf2 pathway and reducing signs of oxidative stress and damage. However, researchers found that sulforaphane alone was not responsible for this treatment effect. The phytonutrient complex of isothiocyanates had to be present with sulforaphane in order to exhibit cancer preventative properties. Kale contains both sulforaphane and isothiocyanates. (14])

Ways to consume kale

As you can see, kale is loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidant compounds and should be a staple in a cancer prevention or a cancer healing protocol. Steamed kale and baked kale chips are more tasty ways to consume kale but have significantly lower isothiocyanates.  They are still enjoyable ways to get kale into your body, but won’t pack the same cancer-prevention punch as raw kale.

Chewing raw kale is very tough on the digestive tract. I recommend juicing kale or blending it into smoothies. You also can make a kale salad dressing by taking kale, olive oil, lemon or lime, apple cider vinegar, and herbs and blending them together until the kale is fully broken down.

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Spirulina: Little known cancer-fighting sea algae https://www.cancertutor.com/spirulina-cancer-fighting-sea-algae/ Wed, 20 Jul 2016 15:36:56 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=10622 Superfoods are considered nutrient dense food sources with high concentrations of vitamins and minerals with benefits that far exceed their nutrient values for human health. Blue-green algae spirulina is an amazing superfood that historically was among the first life forms on the Earth. Spirulina has amazing survival adaptations and is considered one of the richest […]

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Superfoods are considered nutrient dense food sources with high concentrations of vitamins and minerals with benefits that far exceed their nutrient values for human health. Blue-green algae spirulina is an amazing superfood that historically was among the first life forms on the Earth. Spirulina has amazing survival adaptations and is considered one of the richest superfoods.

Single-celled organisms make up spirulina. These organisms rely on photosynthesis to produce energy for survival. The bluish hue of spirulina is the reason why these algae are labeled as cyanobacteria given that the Greek word for blue is “cyano.” Anthocyanins give spirulina its blue color and when combined with the green color of chlorophyll phycocyanins it also contains its overall color is blue-green.

Powerful healing properties

Spirulina is contained in natural springs, saltwater oceans and freshwater all over the world. The algae was a staple of the North African and Aztec Indian (Mexico) diets centuries ago, and was consumed for its healing properties. It is revered as a superfood and nutraceutical by health experts everywhere.

Spirulina is considered a functional whole food due to its variety of nutrients which sustain life without the added requirement of other food sources. Amino acids are found in pre-digested proteins in the algae for a high rate of utilization and efficient absorption. It also is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, which are lacking in many modern diets. Aquatic life forms, such as krill and fish, rely on spirulina for omega-3 nutrients.

Spirulina also is an excellent source of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), an essential omega-6 fatty acid. Spirulina contains DNA-benefiting nucleic acids which provide the raw materials required for the repair of our DNA. This superfood also contains rich sources of methylating B vitamins folate and B6. The phytonutrient anthocyanins give it  powerful antioxidant abilities which possess anti-carcinogenic activity.

Stimulates healthy gut flora

A healthy gut microbiome is enhanced from the anti-microbial properties of spirulina. Specifically, it assists in managing the development of pathogenic yeast and bacteria along the digestive tract. This ability is key to optimize nutritional absorption and digestion. These benefits also aid in the detoxification process of the bowels essential for total body health.

Due to its high concentration of chlorophyll, spirulina also acts as a blood cleanser. In other words, the chlorophyll aids in restoring red blood cells in the body and increases the absorption ability of magnesium into cells. This action helps oxygenate the blood stream while effectively removing toxins (1, 2). Compared to green vegetables by volume, spirulina contains approximately 10 times more chlorophyll.

Rich source of antioxidants

Spirulina is a potent source of a type of antioxidants called carotenoids. It contains 10 times more vitamin A in the form of beta carotene than do carrots by equal volume (3). Furthermore, it contains antioxidants beneficial for healthy vision and overall eye health such as zeaxanthin and lutein.

Polysaccharides are contained in spirulina, which stimulates functional productivity of spleen cells, the thymus, and bone marrow (45). Along with anthocyanins, the compounds allophycocyanin and phycocyanin help give algae its blue color and these antioxidants have been found to stimulate white blood cell production (6).

A 2003 study found that spirulina has a tremendous impact on preventing free radical damage to organs caused by lead. It was shown to scavenge these free radicals preventing organs from the damaging effects of this dangerous heavy metal. The study also detected that spirulina is able to significantly decrease the storage of lead in the brain (7).

Enhances skin and eye health

SOD (superoxide dismutase) is one of the most well-known antioxidant powerhouses which protects against damaging effects of the superoxide molecule within the body. Spirulina is one of the best sources of SOD. SOD is biologically programmed to seek and destroy superoxide radicals and prevent tissue damage. When the body is deficient in this powerful antioxidant, the body increases in the rate of tissue degeneration and consequently aging (8).

Healthy skin is dependent on SOD and carotenoids found in spirulina (9). This combination is beneficial for improving skin problems such as eczema, acne, aging spots, and rashes. As mentioned earlier, carotenoids also benefit eye health as does SOD. Individuals with skin concerns, poor vision, cataracts or glaucoma should regularly consume spirulina.

Decreases risk of cancers

In the field of nutrition, spirulina is categorized as the best discovery yet of the 21st century (10). It is the wide array of dense nutrients contained in spirulina that has been shown in several studies to provide pharmacological actions such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as cancer-preventative effects.

Today, much of the world around us can cause carcinogenic mutations from the toxins we absorb through our skin to the chemicals contained in our food. Supplementing spirulina into your diet is an effective way to combat the damaging effects of toxins accumulating in our bodies. One of the anticancer effects is attributed to its ability to act as an immunostimulatory agent or a substance which enhances the immune response to defend against abnormal and invasive cell growth (10).

  • Skin Cancer

Researchers have shown that spirulina is able to inhibit the growth and development of tumors resulting from overexposure to UVB rays from the sun. In the study, spirulina was shown to promote healthy gene function, inhibit free radical producing enzymes, reduce inflammation and limit DNA damage (11).

  • Reproductive Abnormalities and Cancer

Researchers conducted a study in 2014 testing the mutagenic effects of a common carcinogen, Benzo-alpha-pyrene (found in cigarette smoke, grilled foods, vehicle exhaust, etc.), and the effects of spirulina on the health of sex cells. This chemical negatively affects sperm cells, male reproduction, immune response, and embryonic development. Spirulina was shown in this study to promote apoptosis (cell death) of abnormal cells, prevent inflammation by reducing reactive free radical compounds, and supplement antioxidant-benefiting effects.

Supplementing spirulina into diets of animals exposed to Benzo-alpha-pyrene had a lower rate of genotoxicity and exhibited an increase in the successful implantation of a healthy embryo. Spirulina is believed to inhibit mutagenic activity by enhancing SOD and other antioxidant powerhouses relating to glutathione activity.

  • Liver Cancer

Hepatocellular carcinoma is a common form of liver cancer which may be readily influenced by another pigment compound found in spirulina, C-Phycocyanin (C-Pc). C-Pc is found to reduce the rate at which cancerous liver cells multiply. Furthermore, this anti-mutagenic compound stimulates apoptosis in developed cancer cells and may reduce tumor mass (12).

How to get spirulina

Be sure to look for a certified organic as other types can be contaminated or have nitrate compounds as additives.  You can get this in combination with other greens in a green superfood powder or with other detoxification herbs in a capsule-based supplement.

Most experts believe it is best to get it on its own and take 1-2 tablespoons daily. If fighting cancer, take 3-4 tablespoons daily.

Cautions about spirulina

Individuals with the genetic condition phenylketonuria (PKU) will have trouble digesting the amino acids in spirulina and should avoid it. Spirulina has blood-thinning properties, so it should be avoided by individuals on anticoagulant medications.

Some individuals with leaky gut, food sensitivities, and autoimmunity do not do well with spirulina.  If you notice an increase in inflammatory conditions when consuming this, then it is best to avoid.

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