Webster Kehr – Cancer Tutor https://www.cancertutor.com The Future of Cancer Research Fri, 22 May 2020 20:20:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Quotes about cancer https://www.cancertutor.com/quotes-about-cancer/ Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:50:56 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=10680 Quotes of Nobel Prize Winners About Cancer “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention […]

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Quotes of Nobel Prize Winners About Cancer
  • “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily.”
    Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966
  • Dr. James Watson won a Nobel Prize for determining the shape of DNA. During the 1970's, he served two years on the National Cancer Advisory Board. In 1975, he was asked about the National Cancer Program. He declared, “It's a bunch of shit.”
    Nobel Prize Winner James Watson
    See: http://www.altcancer.com/lysis.htm
  • “Everyone should know that the ‘war on cancer' is largely a fraud.”
    Two Time Nobel Prize Winner Linus Pauling, author of several books on Vitamin C and cancer

Other Cancer Quotes

  • “To the cancer establishment, a cancer patient is a profit center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not support the claims of the cancer industry. Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal, the best. Decades of the politics-of-cancer-as-usual have kept you from knowing this, and will continue to do so unless you wake up to their reality.”
    John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D.
  • “Chemotherapy is an incredibly lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies?..The medical establishment wants everyone to follow the same exact protocol. They don't want to see the chemotherapy industry go under, and thats the number one obstacle to any progress in oncology.”
    Dr Warner, M.D.

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Mourning Bill Henderson through an open letter from Terry Henderson https://www.cancertutor.com/mourning-bill-henderson/ Thu, 14 Jul 2016 00:03:03 +0000 http://cancertutor.com/?p=10592 I would like to thank everybody for your outpouring of support and love during this very trying time. After 21 years of marriage, I have not only lost a very dear and devoted husband, but also my best friend, my constant companion, and lifetime partner. I want to extend an invitation to all those who […]

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Bill Henderson

I would like to thank everybody for your outpouring of support and love during this very trying time. After 21 years of marriage, I have not only lost a very dear and devoted husband, but also my best friend, my constant companion, and lifetime partner.

I want to extend an invitation to all those who would like to share with us as we wish our final farewell to my loving husband, Bill Henderson, at his Celebration of Life on Thursday, July 14, and at his funeral, with full military honors, on Friday, July 15.

Although nobody can ever replace Bill’s contribution to the world of cancer patients, it is important that his legacy endures, and so it shall! I plan to continue with Bill’s work, as best I can, sharing with the world everything he taught me as we worked together side by side. With the help and support of many of our dear friends and colleagues (far too many to list here), I plan to continue with his newsletter and counseling and in the world-wide distribution of his book Cancer Free in order to spread his teachings in Beating Cancer Gently.

I also would like to make it clear that although Bill Henderson had been recently diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, he did not pass away from cancer. My dear husband passed away from other natural causes in Cancun, Mexico, at the age of 84 on July 4, 2016.

In addition to helping thousands of people in their fight against cancer, William McCoy Henderson also was a highly-decorated retired U.S. Air Force colonel.

As soon as I am able, I will post more details on Facebook, on our website www.beating-cancer-gently.com, and on his popular newsletter.

Again, I would like to thank everybody for your loving support and prayers.

Terry Henderson

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Independent Cancer Research Foundation Reference Manual https://www.cancertutor.com/reference/ Sun, 18 May 2014 14:47:16 +0000 Fighting cancer can be compared to fighting a house fire. For example, suppose you had a house fire and the fire was in three rooms and spreading quickly. Suppose you called the fire department and a single person, in a single car, arrived with a squirt gun. You would not be very happy. Like the […]

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Fighting cancer can be compared to fighting a house fire. For example, suppose you had a house fire and the fire was in three rooms and spreading quickly. Suppose you called the fire department and a single person, in a single car, arrived with a squirt gun. You would not be very happy.

Like the fire department must bring enough equipment to fight a house fire, a person treating their cancer needs to use enough protocols which collectively are powerful enough to stop the spreading of cancer and kill existing cancer cells or revert them into normal cells.

Too many cancer patients don't understand these concepts and they don't use enough, or strong enough, natural cancer treatments to deal with cancer. In fact, as this article will demonstrate, there is no limit to how powerful natural cancer treatments can become.

But it is necessary for you, the patient, or someone in your home, to do a massive amount of reading to understand what needs to be done to treat cancer. This article will help you know what you need to consider. Your consultant isn't going to have the time to spend 40 hours with you explaining what causes cancer and how to treat it.

Someone in the family is going to have to be designated as the “cancer expert” and they are going to have to do a lot of reading, such as studying the “What Causes Cancer” article.

For example, they might start with 14 items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol and add 15 items from this article (chosen from different categories).

Before reading this document read these three documents on “What Causes Cancer.” If you do not have a clear understanding of what causes cancer this Reference Manual might as well be written in Chinese:

This article is a broad overview of the power of natural cancer treatments and all the things they can do to help a cancer patient survive their cancer.

As you study these categories think about redundancy. No one is going to use ALL of the items in each category, but some might want to use 3 or 4 of the items in some categories or even 8 or 9 items in some categories (as the Dirt Cheap Protocol does to revert cancer cells into normal cells).

The items in each category are not in any particular order so do not assume the first item listed is more potent that the fifth item, for example.

The name in parenthesis is an information comment or the name of the main cancer treatment that includes that item.

Also, note that only ONE highly alkaline protocol should be used at a time. Cesium, Cellect, baking soda, high doses of barley, high pH ionized water, wheatgrass, etc. are all highly alkaline and only one should be used at a time except for short periods of time.

Also note that some protocols should not be used together (generally this is not dangerous, but one item can be neutralized by another). For example, Paw Paw will be neutralized by the DMSO / CD protocol.

Do not use this article to design your cancer treatment (let the expert who is working with you do that) but rather use it to make sure you are not missing anything in your treatment.

Always let your consultant know what you are doing so that he or she can warn you of any conflicts.

In addition to this article, it is important to study the “Common Questions” article, which answers a lot of questions we get all the time: Common Questions Article

Other comments

The very definition of a “cancer cell” is a cell that has low ATP energy. If you read the above articles you know that cancer is generally caused by microbes which are inside of the cancer cells which block the production of ATP energy by intercepting glucose. In rare cases, other things can block this ATP energy, such as DNA damage, toxins, etc. For example, toxins or radiation that gets inside of cancer cells may damage or destroy some of the mitochondria inside the cancer cells (if they were not already cancer cells, they may become cancer cells due to the mitochondrial damage) and thus lower ATP energy.

Or, in some cases, DNA damage (this is fairly rare), such as a defective BRCA2 protein (i.e. the damage is in the gene that makes this protein), can in different ways block some part of the long chemical chain-reactions which are needed in the creation of ATP energy.

But in most cancer patients, it is microbes that cause cancer. There are more than a dozen treatments that are designed to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells which are discussed below. To do this requires two things. A “microbe-killing substance” (such as baking soda, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, Aloe Arborescens – the herb, not the product) is needed to kill these microbes. There must also be a “Trojan Horse” to escort the microbe-killing substance to the cancer cells and may even help the microbe-killing substance get inside the cancer cells. The “Trojan Horse” is there to target the cancer cells and get the microbe-killing substances inside the cancer cells.

The ultimate Trojan Horse / Microbe-Killing combination is DMSO (the Trojan Horse) and Chlorine Dioxide (the DMSO / CD protocol). However, DMSO causes severe body odor so it is not used as much as it should be.

Another way to kill these microbes is to use gentle electromedicine, such as the High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier. The High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier has a “carrier wave” that gets the main frequency (which is to kill the microbes) all the way through the body. Because the main frequency passes through the body it also passes through the cancer cells and thus it can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. This technology was discovered in the 1930s but the newer equipment has a much improved technology and can even be used at home while the patient sleeps.


Cancer is caused by microbes inside the cancer cells. A weak immune system is caused by microbes and parasites in the organs and in the bloodstream. In short, dealing with cancer frequently requires killing a lot of microbes and parasites. In fact, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation continuously tries to find stronger and stronger products that can kill microbes.

When massive numbers of microbes are killed in a short amount of time, the result may be Herxheimers Reaction or just Herxheimers. The symptom of Herxheimers is typically brain fog. The patient may feel there is something wrong with their brain.

There is nothing wrong with their brain. What there is is a massive number of mycotoxins released by dead microbes. These mycotoxins, when in large amounts in the bloodstream (especially in the brain), can block brain signaling and thus cause brain fog.

Herxheimers is a good thing. It means massive numbers of microbes have been killed. Nevertheless, practitioners try to avoid Herxheimers by using a build-up when using products that kill a lot of microbes. As long as the patient understands and expects the brain fog, they will understand, not be alarmed.

So it is important to explain to the patient what brain fog is all about. It is best to AVOID brain fog because it can scare the patient, but in some cases, a person will underestimate how many microbes are in the bloodstream or how strong an anti-microbial product may be. If the patient understands what Herxheimers is, they will not be afraid if they do get some brain fog.

For those who are poor or live in foreign countries

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. has made great efforts to help those who cannot afford the expensive protocols. Time after time you will see protocols on this article which are not only very inexpensive but also can be purchased inside of any country. We are well aware that government corruption is a worldwide problem.

In addition to many items scattered around this article, item #16 is especially for those who are poor or who live in foreign countries. This section links to articles with hundreds of natural cancer treatments.

Warnings for those using blood thinners

For those using blood thinners, they should know that many natural cancer treatments are blood thinners. Many herbs are blood thinners. The Dirt Cheap Protocol is especially loaded with anti-oxidants (i.e. blood thinners).

Make sure your consultant is well aware that you are on blood thinners. For those using the Dirt Cheap Protocol, study the section on blood thinners carefully.

Warnings for those with cancer in an organ

It is frequently thought that a cancer patient will not die until they get very weak. This may be true in some cases, but it is not true for people who have cancer in their organs. If cancer shuts down an organ, that can be the end of the cancer patient.

Those with cancer in the organs need to be very aggressive in dealing with their cancer. They need to use a major protocol and perhaps even a few items from the Dirt Cheap Protocol. But they need to keep in mind to use only one highly alkaline protocol at a time. Also, do not use anti-oxidants within 3 hours of the Budwig Diet on both sides.

Rules for the Cancer Diet

It doesn't do much good to try to kill the cancer cells (or the microbes inside the cancer cells) if you are feeding the microbes with the things they love to eat. The Cancer Diet must support the cancer treatment, not sabotage it.

This only a very, very brief discussion of this topic but it has some very important general rules.

Rule 1a) ZERO processed sugar. Processed sugar is a utopia for the microbes inside the cancer cells. Cancer cells have more glucose receptors than healthy cells so they take in more sugar than healthy cells. Sugar makes the cancer microbes more active.

Rule 1b) ZERO dairy products. There is one thing that cancer microbes love even more than sugar – they love dairy products. Diary products are absolutely forbidden in a cancer diet. There are exceptions, however (e.g. the Budwig diet or Colostrum).

Rule 2) Similar to Rule #1 – Eat as few foods as possible which have processed flour in them.

Rule 3) A cancer patient can eat any whole, natural food they want to. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and even meat in most cases.

The Kelley-Metabolic protocol, also known as the Metabolic protocol, does forbid meats because of the enzymes in the meat can interfere with the protocol.

However, the meat issue is not that simple. The proteins in meat are “food” to the microbes that cause cancer (see the “What Causes Cancer” article). The book, The China Study, strongly recommends against eating meat. So the trade-off that a cancer patient faces is the need for meat for energy (especially if the patient is weak) versus the fact that the microbes inside the cancer cells love the proteins in meat.

For more information about meat see this article: FAQ About Meat

Rule #4) As much of the “cancer diet” as possible should INCLUDE foods high in oxalic acid. Carrot juice and purple grape juice are especially excellent, as these foods contain multiple molecules which can kill cancer cells.

A rule of thumb is: 50 percent of the foods a cancer patient eats should be high in oxalic acid, though this number can be higher or lower depending on the situation.

Also, see the article on the Cancer Diet.

#1) Target and kill cancer cells

While most people think killing cancer cells is the only way to deal with cancer, it is not. In fact, in some cases killing cancer cells is too dangerous. In any case, here is a list of treatments that do kill cancer cells. In some cases, these treatments are also very alkaline and thus they slow down the spreading of cancer while they kill them.

1) Cellect (Cellect-Budwig – Major Home Cancer Treatment)

2) Purple Grape Juice, at least 12 chemicals kill cancer cells (Brandt Grape Cure)

3) Fucoidan (categorized as a “food”) – anyone can add to other protocols.

4) Moringa Juice (Moringa Oleifera) (a “food” – can use with anything) – www.moringamiracle.com
Another brand of Moringa is called “Zija Moringa”

5) Carrot Juice (Cellect-Budwig / Dirt Cheap Protocol)

6) Oxalic Acid – this is in certain foods (see Dirt Cheap Protocol)
The “Cancer Diet” frequently should contain 50% or more of foods high in oxalic acid no matter
what main protocol they are on – see Buzzle link below

7) Extra-Virgin Olive Oil – The oleocanthal in extra virgin olive oil kills cancer cells. See: How Olive Oil Works

8) Salvestrol or Silvestrol – also kills cancer cells and is found in natural foods: Salvestrol Vendor

9) Kelley Metabolic (Cellect-Budwig / strips enzyme coating off of cancer cells – immune system kills cancer cells)

10) DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate) – see: www.puredca.com

11) Mangosteen (categorized as a “food”) – anyone can use

12) Tahitian Noni Juice (categorized as a “food”) – anyone can use

13) NingXia Red Wolfberry Juice

14) Goji Juice (www.gojijuiceandvitamins.com)

15) Blueberry Juice

16) Sea Cucumber (also stimulates immune system)

17) Cancer Cell Treatment (www.cancer-cell-treatment.com) – specific protocol

18) 3-bromopyruvate (3BP) – Clinic Only

19) Asparagus (not sure how it works, but it can cure cancer) (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

20) Broccoli (must use fresh broccoli sprouts)

21) Six Lemons a Day (not sure how it works, but it can cure cancer) (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

22) Essiac Tea (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

23) Stevia (may actually revert into normal cells) — a herb — see the Dirt Cheap Protocol for more information

24) Laetrile / Vitamin B17 (Used by Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. [biochemist] and Dr. Philip E. Binzel, Jr. – M.D.)

25) Wheatgrass (Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass Protocol)
Also see: Article on Wheatgrass

26) PolyMVA (frequently used at clinics by I.V.)

27) Black Cumin (Thymoquinone)

28) Bitter Melon

29) Vitamin K (Vitamin Research Products – www.vrp.com)

30) DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) – DMSO with one of 4 types of low-dose chemotherapy (excellent clinic treatment but no one is using because of the FDA)

31) Graviola (Neutralized by treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells)

32) Paw Paw (Neutralized by treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells)

33) Protocel – lowers ATP energy, causes cancer cells to fall apart (Neutralized by treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells)

34) Cantron – lowers ATP energy, causes cancer cells to fall apart (Neutralized by treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells)

35) Ancelim – lowers ATP energy, causes cancer cells to fall apart (Neutralized by treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells)

36) Modified Citrus Pectin (also chelates heavy metals)

37) Escozine (derived from Caribbean Blue Scorpion venom) – Google: Escozine “blue scorpion”

38) Dandelion Tea (Dandelion Tea)

39) Herbs That Kill Cancer Cells (see #15 below: Herbs For Cancer)

Note #1: When adding items to the Cellect-Budwig protocol, which is mentioned above, it is important to remember that many products, particularly antioxidants, can interfere with the Budwig protocol. Thus, when adding things to the Cellect-Budwig protocol, use the Budwig first thing in the morning, and then do not use any added products to the Cellect-Budwig protocol for 2 or 3 hours. This gives the Budwig Diet time to work.

Note #2: Oxalic Acid is in several of the above items (e.g. carrot juice, purple grapes and lemon peels). The “cancer diet” should be high in foods containing oxalic acid, about 50 percent – but not too many greens. For a long list of foods that contain oxalic acid see this website:
Buzzle Article On Oxalic Acid Foods

#2) Revert cancer cells into normal cells (3 categories)

To revert cancer cells into normal cells it is necessary to kill the microbes that are inside the cancer cells. There are three basic categories of doing this. In some cases several treatments within the same category can be used to enhance the treatment or items from multiple categories can be combined. The Dirt Cheap Protocol is loaded with treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells.

For more information about reverting cancer cells into normal cells and to see the three categories of treatments, along with examples of each category, click on this article:

Revert Cancer Cells Into Normal Cells (Kill Microbes inside the Cancer Cells)

#3) Kill microbes and parasites in the organs (e.g. liver, pancreas) – i.e. “Liver Flush”

Everyone on this planet has cancer cells in their body. So why are some people “diagnosed” with cancer and others are never at risk for getting diagnosed with cancer? The main reason is that those who are diagnosed with cancer have a weak immune system. The immune system is generally weakened by microbes and parasites in the organs (see the “What Causes Cancer” article). These microbes and parasites steal nutrition from the cells in the organs and excrete highly acidic waste products, such as mycotoxins. This weakens the cells in the organs and thus weakens the immune system, thus allowing the number of cancer cells to grow out of control. Thus, the patient is “diagnosed” with cancer.

The process of killing these microbes and parasites is commonly called a “liver flush,” but in fact, these protocols seek to kill all microbes and parasites in all of the organs, not just the liver.

For more information and to see the individual treatments in this category click on this article:
Liver Flush Article (Kill Microbes and Parasites in the Organs)

#4) Supplements, etc. to build the immune system and super nutrients

Don't Forget To See Item #3 Above

The importance of the immune system to a cancer patient (from Quest For The Cure): Immune System

In addition to killing the microbes and parasites in the organs (#3 above), cancer patients also need supplements which specifically help strengthen the immune system. This is the other half of building the immune system. For Cancer Patients (and other degenerative conditions), rebuilding and maintaining adequate immune response is vital to recovery and longevity.

The only product renowned for its unparalleled effects on the Immune System, without side effects, is Transfer Point's Beta Glucan Supplement. Beta Glucans have been used as an Anti-Tumor, Anti-Cancer, and Anti-Inflammatory solution for decades. For more information on this “wonder drug,” call Better Way Health at 800.746.7640 and mention “The Cancer Tutor website”

Another item which can help the immune system is the magnetic pulser device  [See Cesium Chloride protocol] . This device also helps with inflammation and pain.

For more information about building the immune system and many specific products, click on this article: Immune Building Products – Long List

#5) Highly alkaline protocols (generally use only one per day)

Alkalinity slows down the spread of cancer by slowing down the ability of the microbes inside the cancer cells to breed quickly. Thus, alkalinity slows down the spreading of cancer. In fact, alkalinity can stop the spreading of cancer indefinitely. However, if enough alkalinity gets inside the cancer cells fast enough, the alkalinity can actually kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and revert them into normal cells. See the Bob Wright Protocol article for more details and critical concepts about how to avoid a “build-up” in order to make highly alkaline protocols far more effective than they normally are.

Warning #1 — Unless working with an expert, only one highly alkaline protocol should be used each day. These protocols are generally not combined with each other.

Warning #2 — To check for the symptoms of “alkalosis” (too much alkalinity) see this website: Search: Symptoms of Alkalosis

Here is one brand of test strips (e.g. Amazon or other websites): Macherey-Nagel's SEOH pH-Fix 4.5-10.0

Here are some highly alkaline protocols (use only one per day):

1) Cellect (e.g. Cellect-Budwig Protocol — contains cesium and potassium)

2) Cesium Chloride (e.g. Cesium Chloride Protocol)

3) Barefoot Cesium Protocol

4) Barefoot Calcium Protocol

5) Kangan 11.5 High pH Ionized Water (e.g. Bob Wright Protocol)

6) High Dose Barley (Bill Henderson Protocol)

7) Wheatgrass – See: Article on Wheatgrass

8) Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cucumber, Alfalfa, Sprouts, Spinach, Tomato, etc.

9) Vitamineral Green (by Vital Healing Food)

10) Baking Soda (part of Dirt Cheap Protocol)

11) Stevia (herb)

12) Magnesium Chloride (use the oil transdermally), plus iodine

13) For a chart on the alkalinity of foods, see this excellent site: Alkalinity of Foods

You cannot believe how many times we have heard someone say they wanted their blood pH to be high. WRONG. Your blood pH must remain neutral, generally between 7.0 and 7.2. It is inside the cancer cells where the pH needs to be high.

The highly alkaline protocols are not designed to make the blood pH high, they are designed to make the ph inside the cancer cells to be high.

Study the symptoms of when the blood pH is too high: muscle twitching, nausea, vomiting, numbness in face, numbness in hands, muscle spasms, etc.

We repeat: The pH of the blood MUST remain pH neutral. This is why only ONE high pH protocol should be used each day.

#6) Kill microbes in the bloodstream, build immune system

By some estimates, the average adult has 2 pounds of microbes in their bloodstream. Dr. Bob Beck, Ph.D., who taught physics at the University of Southern California, learned that if you kill all of the microbes in the bloodstream that the immune system will be supercharged and the immune system can deal with cancer. However, his protocol is not as fast-acting or powerful a method of treating cancer as killing the microbes inside the organs, which was discussed above in item #3. While not as time-critical as other issues, eventually it would be wise to use his tactic or other tactics to get rid of these microbes.

For more information and to see the individual treatments in this category click on this article: Kill Microbes in the Bloodstream

#7) Treatments for those who cannot eat (e.g. on a liquid diet)

Many cancer patients cannot eat solid foods. This may be because of stomach cancer, colon cancer, surgery or other factors. Fortunately, there are several very powerful cancer treatments which are liquid or electromedicine and do not require the digestion of solid foods. Many of these protocols and products can be used with a feeding tube, PEG tube, etc.

Note: A ‘+' means this can also be taken without swallowing (e.g. through the skin, by breathing, electromedicine or by an I.V.).

1) Cesium Chloride Protocol, major protocol — very potent even in low doses

2) Kelmun Protocol, several of the individual treatments are liquid

3) Bob Wright Protocol (high pH ionized water) and supplements

4) Oleander

5) Brandt Grape Cure

+6) High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier Protocol

+7) High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier Protocol – 15 watts

8) Stevia (the sweetener) – a herb – see the Dirt Cheap Protocol for more information

9) DMSO/CD (an amazing TRANSDERMAL [through the skin] protocol)

10) Perfect Storm (supercharged version of DMSO/CD)

Perfect Storm Protocol

11) MSM/LIPH (liquid)

12) MSM/Vitamin C (use liquid form of Vitamin C)

13) MSM/Colloidal Silver

14) Several items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol (e.g. Ultraviolet, Aloe Arborescens)

+15) BioMat – Infrared

+16) Ozone RHP  – by I.V.

17) Essiac Tea

18) Bob Beck Protocol (supplemental protocol only)

19) Hemp Oil

20) Laetrile / B17 (liquid version)

21) Mangosteen (categorized as a “food”)

22) Noni Juice (categorized as a “food”)

23) Fucoidan (categorized as a “food”)


24) Moringa Juice (Moringa Oleifera) (a “food”)

25) Pineapple Juice

26) Carrot juice (1 quart a day) with the juice from two beets added

27) Krill Oil (http://krilloil.mercola.com/krill-oil.html)

+28) Essential Oils (e.g. Frankincense, etc. https://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/EssentialOils.html)

29) Cannabis juice

+30) Ultraviolet light (UVA) – kills microbes in bloodstream (see: Ultraviolet Light)

+31) Vitamin C by I.V.

+32) Laetrile by I.V.

(Note: each protocol requires one alkaline protocol, use #1, #2 or #3 above, but NOT two of them)

#8) Shrink tumors

In many cases, tumors do not pose any danger to a cancer patient. However, in some cases tumors may be pressing on a vital organ, causing pressure in the brain, or for some other reason need to be shrunk safely. While many treatments shrink tumors, the problem for very dangerous tumors is that they frequently return again and again. To get rid of dangerous tumors once and for all it is necessary to kill the microbes and parasites in the organs so that the immune system can keep the dangerous tumors from coming back (see item #3 above).

Another very inexpensive item to shrink tumors is – DCA (Dichloroacetate), see: www.thedcasite.com (3 milligrams a day)

The best major cancer treatments to shrink tumors are the Cellect-Budwig or Dirt Cheap Protocol (especially the Kelmun Protocol). Mike Vrentas, who supports the Cellect-Budwig, is an expert at dealing with tumors. Likewise, the Kelmun Protocol has a history of being very good at shrinking tumors quickly.

A liver flush (see #3 above) is always required to make sure the tumors don't come back. Study this article:
Liver Flush

Pau ‘d Arco, also called Lapacho or Taheebo tea also have some impressive testimonials.

The Cesium Chloride protocol is also very good, but it can cause temporary swelling before the tumor shrinks. So it is not appropriate if the tumor is in a dangerous location.

In the Dirt Cheap Protocol, the Kelmun Protocol, cannabis (e.g. medical marijuana – see the article on Hemp Oil) and DMSO/CD protocols (which can be used together) are very inexpensive ways to deal with shrinking tumors, but remember baking soda (Kelmun) is very alkaline and cannot be used at the same time as any other alkaline protocol.

The “Perfect Storm” protocol is a supercharged version of the DMSO/CD protocol:
Perfect Storm Protocol

If you do not have a High RF Frequency Protocol device I have had testimonials about the BCX Ultra (another Rife Machine) doing well at shrinking tumors.

Here is a simple protocol that may help shrink tumors:
1 liter of carrot juice a day, with the juice from 2 beets mixed in;
Garlic (from two bulbs), this has selenium in it;
2 cups of pineapple juice a day

Here is a simple protocol using cabbage leaves:
1) Role up to break branches
2) Soak in lukewarm water
3) Put on tumor daily for 2 weeks or so

Another idea is coconut oil and zinc.

There is also the “Silva Mind Control” process and the book: You the Healer. Don't underestimate your own mind.

The product Escozine (derived from Caribbean Blue Scorpion venom) is primarily used to shrink tumors. It comes from a Native American tribe and has been very successful. For a vendor Google: Escozine “blue scorpion”

This article about an herbal protocol also includes shrinking tumors: Habanero Peppers

Note about dangerous external tumors or slightly transdermal tumors: A near infra-red lamp (available at PetCo) can very quickly shrink a tumor, however, it can also be dangerous if tumor tissue ends up in the bloodstream. It can cause a heart attack. It is the family's decision whether shrinking the tumor using UVA is worth the slight risk. See also: Infra-red Vendor

Definitely, see this article: Shrink Tumors article

#9) Kill microbes inside of cancer cells

(See the “Treatments That Revert Cancer Cells Into Normal Cells” section)

#10) Treatments / supplements for weak patients

By the time many cancer patients find out about natural medicine they are already very weak from cachexia or a host of other reasons. Dealing with the weakness of these patients is frequently the biggest challenge of a natural cancer treatment. The GB 4000, Quantum Pulse (formerly “Vibe Machine”) and BioCharger are electromedicine devices to energize weak cells, whether cancerous or not. Also, there are a number of supplements that can energize cells or can bypass the lactic acid caused by cachexia. In some cases, dealing with the weakness of a cancer patient is a higher priority than dealing with the cancer cells themselves.

It was noted above that it is impossible to re-energize the cells in the organs until after the microbes and parasites in the organs are killed (see #3 above). However, this does not mean a person should not use an energizing machine until after these microbes are killed. A weak cancer patient needs all of their cells energized immediately by any means. The point is to use a cell energy device or supplements immediately, but to also immediately seek to kill the microbes and parasites in the organs.

See the Weak Cancer Patients article first: Weak Cancer Patients Article

1) High RF Frequency Protocol

2) Quantum Pulse (originally called the “Vibe Machine),”

Many Are Available at Clinics or Homes: www.thequantumpulse.com

3) BioCharger (similar to Quantum Pulse, but less expensive)

4)  Cellect-Budwig Protocol

5) D-Ribose (gets past lactic acid blockade)

6) The Wolfe Clinic

7) ASEA (Weak Patients article)

8) Iron supplements (iron deficiency anemia)

9) Sunlighten – InfraRed (www.sunlighten.com)

10) Eniva Vibe Fruit Sensation (Dirt Cheap Protocol – superb product)

11) NingXia NITRO by Young Living

12) Cellfood (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

13) Real Salt (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

14) Johanna Budwig Protocol (part of Cellect-Budwig)

15) CelltraMAX (the Budwig in a pill) – see: www.bodygenex.com

16) Vitamin C (gets past lactic acid blockade)

17) Camu-Camu (the Vitamin C plant)

18) Hydrazine Sulphate (Blocks Cachexia Cycle – contact Cesium Chloride vendor)

19) Panaseeda Organic 5-Seed Blend

20) Devita Ritm (cell energizing) and Devita AP (kill parasites) – use both (use Google)

21) See “Weak Patients” article for more ideas

#11) Inflammation and swelling

NOTE: Inflammation can be caused by many different things. If you think the inflammation is caused by a food allergy, then check out an “elimination diet” (e.g. http://www.precisionnutrition.com/elimination-diet). The rest of these items deal with inflammation caused by cancer.

1) High RF Frequency Protocol

2) Moringa Oleifera

3) Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

4) Turmeric (Curcumin) and Ginger – see Dirt Cheap Protocol

5) Coriander Oil/Herb with Vitamin D

6) Helichrysum – essential oil (Veridas Botanicals)

7) DMSO/CD – transdermal

8) DMSO/Vitamin C – only DMSO is transdermal

9) MSM/Vitamin C

10) DMSO/Colloidal Silver – only DMSO is transdermal

11) Honey and anti-oxidants (see the Dirt Cheap Protocol – honey is not for infants)

12) Ibuprofen

13) Cold red laser (Apollo)

14) Scenar (electromedicine) – also for pain.

15) DCA – The DCA Site

16) Click: Dr. Weil Chart

17) Soul and Core (greens drink): Soul and Core

18) Stinging Nettle (may also help stop bleeding)

19) Capsaicin (anti-inflammatory and anti-pain)

20) Aloe Arborescens (the commercial product also includes honey) (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

21) Nopalea (TM product)

22) Reduloxin (Advanced Bionutricals)

23) Bromelain (enzyme)

24) Quercetin (pigment in some plant foods)

25) Vitamin B3 (niacin)

26) Inflamma-bLOX

27) InflammaCORE

28) Noni Juice (anthraquinones)

29) Chickweed

30) Echinacea

31) Magnesium supplementation

32) omega-3 oils (e.g. fish oils)

33) Basal (Use Google)

34) Cardamom (related to Ginger and Turmeric – see above)

#12) Treating the pain of cancer

Treating the pain of cancer is very important to give the patient a strong “will to live.”

See also this article on pain on this website:
Cancer Pain article

1) (Major Protocol) High RF Frequency Protocol

2) (Major Protocol) Cesium Chloride Protocol AND magnetic pulse – Quantum Medicine AND/OR Fibro 3:
The Wolfe Clinic

3) (Major Protocol) Cellect-Budwig – also a major cancer treatment

4) ProloZone – Dr. Shallenberger (clinic) – Nevada Center of Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine

5) Photon Sound Beam (Mother Earth Minerals: www.meminerals.com)

6) Scenar (electromedicine) – good for pain and inflammation

7) Terra Quant Laser System

8) Dolphin Neurostim (Use on meridians)

9) Cold red laser (Apollo)

10) MLS Cold Laser (also: LLLT)

11) Photon Directed Action (PDA) – drkaslow.com

12) Echinacea (herb)

13) White Willow (herb)

14) Book: The Ultimate Guide to Natural Pain Relief by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, PhD

15) Bitter Melon

16) Comfrey Plant (also deals with inflammation)

17) L-Arginine – amino acid for nerve pain and general pain

18) Gerson Pain Triad (Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin C) – (see the Gerson Protocol below)

19) Soothanol x2 – contains DMSO to get the pain-relieving chemicals to the pain

20) Ibuprofen

21) Turmeric (Curcumin) – see Dirt Cheap Protocol

22) E3Live (Blue-Green Algae)

23) Arthritis Relief Cream

24) DMSO/CD – transdermal – see Dirt Cheap Protocol

25) MSM/Vitamin C – both of these items get past the lactic acid blockade

26) Gerson Protocol (especially the juicing)

27) “TENS Units” – inexpensive and effective

28) DCA (sodium dichloroacetate) – www.puredca.com

29) Hydrazine Sulphate (Blocks Cachexia – contact the Cesium Chloride vendor or Syracuse Clinic which specializes in H.S.)

30) Takara Foot Patches

31) Shu Li Foot Patches

32) Health Marvel Foot Patches

33) Magnet Therapy (Several books on the subject: Magnet Therapy by Philpott, MD, etc.)

34) Electromedicine (see the book: The Body Electric)

35) Capsaicin (anti-inflammatory and anti-pain), found in Sinus Buster nasal spray for example

36) Castor Oil Pack

37) Hydrotherapy

#13) Deal with high concentrations of cancer cells (including external tumors)

1) DMSO/CD – transdermal

2) Ultraviolet Light – (i.e. UVA Bulb Only – Serious Safety Rules) (Dirt Cheap Protocol)

#14) Work by lowering ATP energy

The very definition of a cancer cell is a cell with low ATP energy. Several cancer treatments lower the ATP energy even more and the cancer cells literally fall apart. However, other protocols which kill microbes inside the cancer cells can actually RAISE ATP energy because it is the microbes that cause the ATP energy of cancer cells to be low. Cancer treatments which kill the microbes will interfere with the treatments that lower ATP energy. Thus, treatments that lower ATP energy are generally used by themselves.

1) Graviola (Many Treatments Neutralize This Protocol)

2) Paw Paw (Many Treatments Neutralize This Protocol)

3) Protocel (Many Treatments Neutralize This Protocol)

4) Cantron (Many Treatments Neutralize This Protocol)

#15) Herbs for cancer

There are herbs in many of the cancer products, such as Essiac Tea. Here is a list of some of the common herbs used in treating cancer, not in any particular order. Which if them work by killing the cancer cells and which work by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells is usually not known.

Note: a (+) means there is significant evidence for this herb to treat cancer

1) Cayenne Pepper (came across the plains with the pioneers) (+)

2) Habanero Pepper (See: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/habaneropeppers-garlic-oilcure.html)
(Both a cancer treatment and for shrinking tumors)

3) Sheep Sorrel (in Essiac Tea)

4) Burdock Root (in Essiac Tea) (+)

5) Slippery Elm (in Essiac Tea)

6) Indian Rubarb (in Essiac Tea)

7) Chaparral

8) Wormwood

9) Red Clover

10) Poke Root

11) Echinacea (for immune system) (+)

12) Barberry (+)

13) Turmeric (e.g. Curcumin) (mix with honey – see Dirt Cheap Protocol) (+)

14) Ginger (mix with honey – see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

15) Cinnamon (mix with honey – see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

16) Garlic (take entire bulb, cut into small pieces and swallow like a pill)

17) Aloe Vera (plant) – (mix with honey – see Aloe Arborecens article)

18) Aloe Arborescens (plant) – mix with 50% honey

19) Green Tea leaf extract (Camellia Sinensis)

20) Bacopa (also for memory problems)

21) Ginkgo Biloba (also for memory problems)

22) Eucalyptus (plant)

23) Black Currant

24) Ashwagandha root (Winter Cherry)

25) Blushwood

26) Dong Ling Cao

27) Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis)

28) Tu Fu Ling

29) Ling Zhi

30) Ren Shen

Recommended Vendor of Organic Herbs

See Also This Outstanding Website: www.janethull.com/newsletter/0107/how_to_get_the_bugs_out_1.php

See Also: www.drweil.com/drw/u/PAG00326/Herbs-Dr-Weil.html

See Also: www.whale.to/w/orthodox_herbs.html

#16) Natural cancer treatments

Because the Independent Cancer Research Foundation works with cancer patients all over the world, it is essential for us to develop long lists of cancer treatments so cancer patients in any country can obtain cancer treatments locally and quickly.

Many of these treatments are also very inexpensive.

Also remember that some treatments are inexpensive because they replace the foods a person normally eats. The Brandt Grape Cure, using organic purple grapes or carrots, is an example. Another example is using foods high in oxalic acid as a major part of a cancer treatment.

Both purple grapes and carrots are high in oxalic acid. The “cancer diet” should be high in foods with oxalic acid: Buzzle Article On Oxalic Acid Foods

#17) Inexpensive cancer treatments

You would not believe how many cancer patients cannot afford any of the highly effective cancer treatments. Because of this, we have spent a great deal of time identifying highly effective, yet still inexpensive cancer treatments.

  • Brandt Grape Cure (replaces foods you normally eat)
  • MSM/LIPH (See #25 below)
  • DMSO/CD (the crown jewel, but cannot be used with blood thinners – see Dirt Cheap Protocol)
  • Aloe Arborescens (part of Dirt Cheap Protocol)
  • Charcoal: Charcoal Remedies
  • DCA (Dichloroacetate), see: www.thedcasite.com

The above items are only the “tip of the iceberg.” For far more inexpensive treatments see the items in these articles:

#18) Products to create stem cells (to replace damaged tissue)

1) Stem Enhance

2) Laminine (FGF)

3) Nopalae (TM product)

4) DMSO (helps regenerate nerve tissue, do not use with Chlorine Dioxide in this case)

5) Life Stem Genetics (LIFS)

6) Helichrysum essential oil – nerve regeneration (Veridas Botanicals)

#19) Dealing with brittle bones (e.g. bone cancer, bone marrow cancer)

1) Cellect-Budwig (major cancer treatment) – Cellect has the minerals needed to deal with brittle bones
2) Cesium Chloride (major cancer treatment) – The Wolfe Clinic includes minerals to deal with bones
3) Dr. True Ott, Ph.D. – Mother Earth Minerals – if not on Cellect-Budwig or Cesium Chloride
4) Product: “Bone Dense Calcium” (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite)
Bone Dense Calcium
5) Life Extension: Life Extension Mix + Super Booster
6) Silica (1 TBS/day)
7) Strontium Max (1 TBS/day)
8) Potassium Max (1 TBS/day) – needed to replenish serum Potassium if on Cesium protocol
9) Phosphorous concentrate (10 drops)
10) Indium concentrate (10 drops)
11) Selenium concentrate (10 drops)
12) Vanadium concentrate (10 drops)
13) Molybdenum concentrate (10 drops)
14) Rubidium concentrate (30 drops)
15) Germanium concentrate (30 drops)

#20) If still using chemotherapy and radiation (or recently quit)

1) Use MSM (MSM if chemo at clinic) or DMSO (DMSO if chemo at home) ONE HOUR BEFORE chemotherapy3) Avoid electromedicine while chemotherapy is in bloodstream (the High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier is OK, however)

2) Avoid electromedicine while chemotherapy is in bloodstream (the High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier is OK, however)

3) Coconut Water from young coconuts (electrolyte)

4) Search for products: Primo Defense, Defense Restore, DermoREPAIR Cream and RecovEnergy

5) Vitamin E (over 600 mg per day) is very useful

6) For radiation: add Miso and Green Clay

Study the “If Still on Chemo” article.

#21) Treatments for those on PICC lines

Patients who are fed through a PICC Line have two key criteria when choosing an alternative cancer treatment. First, it must be potent in small doses. Second, it must pass through the PICC Line, which would eliminate any protocols with honey, for example.

All of these items are mentioned on this website except as noted.

1) See this article: Article For Those on Liquid Diets

2) Cesium Chloride (powerful in low doses – pure liquid) – a major cancer treatment supported by an expert

3) Frequency Generators (the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier – “High RF Frequency Devices”) are electromedicine and nothing is taken orally – they revert cancer cells into normal cells among other things (see article on “High RF Frequency Protocol”)

4) Essiac Tea (see article)

5) Rick Simpson Hemp Oil (see article)

6) Pineapple Juice (2 cups a day) – Health Food Store

7) Asparagus (6 teaspoons a day) (see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

8) Six Lemons a Day (see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

9) Ultraviolet A light (see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

10) DMSO/CD (taken transdermally – see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

11) The fruit juices: Mangosteen, Noni, Limu, Moringa, etc. (may require 1/2 a quart a day)

12) Vitamin C by I.V. (clinic treatment)

13) Oleander (see article)

14) LIPH (without MSM) (see Dirt Cheap Protocol)

15) BioMat

16) Essential Oils (e.g. Frankincense – see Essential Oils article)

17) Krill Oil

18) Laetrile in liquid form (see article)

#22) Anti-inflammatory

1) Transfer Point Beta Glucan
2) Cloves
3) Ginger
4) Rosemary
5) Turmeric

#23) Unclog the lymph system

1) LBG-ST8

#24a) Other ideas

1) Product: F21 Natural Sugar Blocker blocks all cells from absorbing glucose

#24b) How to tell if your treatment is working

There are four tests to determine how much cancer you have. These tests are very, very important because by taking sequential tests (e.g. take a test now and once every 2 or 3 months) you can tell if your cancer is getting worse or if the treatment is working. If your cancer is getting worse then change protocols or add additional protocols.

It is important to take your chosen test NOW so that you have established a baseline for future comparisons.

1) The CA Profile – This blood and urine test measures a combination of 6 biomarkers
2) The Navarro Urine Test
3) Infrared Themographs
4) Barium Enema Test
5) Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS)

The Navarro Urine test is not as accurate as the blood tests, but it is very useful because it is so inexpensive. Their website is: www.navarromedicalclinic.com

Infrared Thermographs (i.e. infrared cameras) can tell you exactly where cancer or tumors are located.

Infrared cameras highlight the “hot spots” where cancer is located. In some cases, you can find someone who has one or you can purchase one or you can rent one (www.flir.com). This option tells you where the cancer is.

Of course, a P.E.T. scan is the best option, but it does create a lot of radiation, so it is not recommended to be used very often.

Also, note that I did not mention PSA tests. PSA tests have been shown over and over to be useless, but orthodox medicine continues to use them. See this web page: Dr. Whitaker Article on PSA Test

Regardless of which test you use you should use the same test every time. If the score goes up, change cancer protocols or talk to the consultant you are working with.

Also see the article: “How Much Cancer Do You Have“.

#24c) Devices to determine exactly how many microbes (and where) are in your body

There are three devices to do this:

1) Life Systems (contact Mike Vrentas of Cellect-Budwig protocol)

2) ZYTO (www.zyto.com)

3) Bio-Meridian (www.biomeridian.com)

#25) Prevent cancer

Just about any cancer treatment can be used to prevent cancer, but some are so simple to use, so effective and so inexpensive they stand-out at cancer prevention. These are actual cancer treatments that can be used to prevent cancer.

(Note: MSM and LIPH, and Vitamin C should not be used with blood thinners)

2) Aloe Arborescens

3) Oleander

4) ANY 6 items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol except baking soda/maple syrup and asparagus as a person should not have high levels of alkalinity, for long periods of time, unless they have cancer.

5) High Fiber Diet (but not using cereals)

6) Stop smoking (website): Drop Cigarettes Website

There is also an entire article on preventing cancer.

#26) Chelate Mercury (immune building)

Mercury / Thimerosal is a major cause of weak immune systems, brain disorders, some cases misdiagnosed as Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

Mercury is not a direct cause of cancer, but it may weaken the immune system, thus allowing a routine number of cancer cells to grow out of control. It has nothing to do with cancer at the cellular level.

There are other articles on this website which discuss Alzheimers and other brain-related issues which may be connected to mercury.

Here are treatments for mercury:

1) Find an ACAM doctor (www.acam.org)

2) EDTA Chelation – only at a clinic – use Google to find a clinic near you (e.g. “Kansas City” chelation)

3) Pure Body Extra Strength (by Touchstone Essentials)

4) Chlorella (plant, available in small pills – Kyoto brand)

5) Cilantro (use with Chlorella)

6) Lithium Orotate

7) Vitamin C

8) Modified Citrus Pectin

9) ConcenTrace Mineral Drops

10) Detox Bath with LL's Magnetic Clay (bentonite) – Called: “Mercury 2 Detox Clay Bath”
WARNING: Take large amounts of colloidal minerals before doing detoxifying soaks.

#95) Get rid of every microbe in your body (super immune building but a slow process)

It is not uncommon for us to get an email from someone whose body has been “taken over” by microbes and parasites. This section will provide some ideas for dealing with this situation.

The only PROVEN way to get rid of every microbe in your bloodstream (and hopefully everywhere) is the Bob Beck Protocol, but it can take 6 months to do it.
Bob Beck Protocol (multiple pages)

While doing this you might be able to speed things up by adding some supplements from other sources.

For example, I would start these protocols immediately: MSM/Vitamin C Protocol

Also see this: MSM/LIPH Protocol

There is no problem with taking several protocols which contain MSM, its LD-50 (“safe level”) is sky high, so you could take 10 different protocols with MSM in it and be perfectly safe.

Ultraviolet Light: Ultraviolet Light

Entire Article on Killing Microbes in the Bloodstream: Kill Microbes (Article)

I would also look at the Dirt Cheap Protocol as it is loaded with things that kill microbes, but not if you are on blood thinners (MSM is also a blood thinner): Dirt Cheap Protocol (read warnings)

Also study this Reference Manual, especially items #3 above (YES – Many microbes and PARASITES hide in the organs) and #6 (kill microbes in the bloodstream).

See also this article on liver flushes: Liver Flush article

#96) Unrelated to cancer

1) C1 Spine / Head/Neck issues – Atlas Profilex technique

#97) COPD / emphysema

1) Find a doctor who uses Lecithin

2) Dr. Weil's website: Dr. Weil

3) Google: COPD Natural

#98) The politics of cancer

1) Introduction To Alternative Cancer Treatments (14 chapters)
2) The War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine (13 chapters)
3) The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers (15 chapters)
4) Death By Doctoring The Independent Cancer Research Foundation did not write this book
5) Article: Why Everything You Know About Cancer Is Wrong (article)
6) Whale.to: World's Best Website On Cancer Politics (very massive website)

There are also Top Secret articles we cannot talk about. They were written only for court trials.

#A) Funding an expensive protocol

The financial product “Viaticle Settlement” — This financial tool allows a patient so sell a “whole life” insurance policy (on the life of the patient), or a term policy, group policy, etc. which can be converted into a whole life policy, into cash. Do not turn your policy into your insurance company as they will only give you a fraction of what it is worth. These are companies that may pay 50% of the face value of the policy now. See “How to Fund Your Treatment Without a Loan“.

This allows the cancer patient to benefit from their life insurance policy even to the point of helping to afford the most expensive treatments, such as the High RF Frequency Protocol, Cellect-Budwig with High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier Protocol, Cesium Chloride with QRS (the QRS is primarily for pain), etc.

#B) “Will to live,” addiction recovery and other psychological issues

It is hard to imagine how much damage is done to a cancer patient when they are told something like this by orthodox medicine: “you have 6 months to live.”

With natural medicine, the focus in on family and friends giving the cancer patient a strong “will to live.” Only positive things should be told to a patient and naysayers should be politely told to mind their own business.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer was the person who really pushed this concept and he made it very clear that a strong “will to live” was a major part of the healing process. It is called the “German New Medicine.”

Family and friends should not be allowed to say negative things about the patient's survival. All communication must be positive and upbeat.

Is addition, things like Yoga and other exercises will take the mind off of cancer and will help develop a positive mental attitude.

Specific To Cancer – Law of Attraction
Trauma Prevention Website
Emotions & Cancer Healing
Dr. Moses Nasser – Emotional healing, relaxation, and comfort
Addiction Recovery – Lenair

#C) Other major natural medicine websites

http://www.mykidhascancer.com/ (“My Kid Has Cancer” Website)
www.jonbarron.org (Jon Barron)
www.healthranger.com (Mike Adams)

Note #1: Zappers, Pulsers, and Rife Machines

The Cullen Zapper is a 1 Hz square wave zapper. This is very effective at killing microbes, but you cannot buy one. Mr. Cullen died in 2012, but the Independent Cancer Research Foundation had someone make a schematic of his device if you can find someone to build it. Just contact us.

However, it is possible that 4 Hz square wave zappers may be more effective. The Bob Beck “Blood Purifier” is a 4 Hz Zapper, but it is not as powerful as the Cullen Zapper. We do not know of a vendor of a 4 Hz Zapper which is as powerful as the Cullen Zapper. The Cullen Zapper has proven it is excellent at killing microbes in the bloodstream in actual use.

However, these devices do not have carrier waves so they are very similar to a Bob Beck Blood Purifier and only kill or attenuate microbes as they are passing through the bloodstream or are in other parts of the body.

The High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier and High RF Frequency Generator with Linear Amplifier do have a carrier wave and can be programmed to run at 4 Hz or any other frequency. These devices can kill microbes anywhere in the body, including inside the cancer cells (which allows the cancer cells to revert into normal cells).

While there are more than 100 brands of “Rife Machines” mentioned on the Internet, the two High RF Frequency Generator devices are the only ones the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is aware of that have the powerful carrier wave to pass through the body and kill microbes inside the cancer cells to revert them into normal cells.

When the Independent Cancer Research Foundation gets more funding, we will do more research on these technologies at the university level with an approved IRB study.

Where to Buy the Independent Cancer Research Foundation “Research Model” High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Tube Amplifier:


Go to the vendor’s website that sells the High RF Frequency Generator and oscillator amplifier which can broadcast high RF frequencies using a plasma ray tube antenna. You’ll be able to see photographs of the generator and amplifiers including full specifications and pricing at their website.

Note #2: Running the 4 Hz Bob Beck Frequency on either High RF Frequency Generator device

For those who want to run the 4Hz Bob Beck Frequency on either High RF Frequency Generator device (and it is strongly recommended for the High RF Frequency Generator with linear amplifier), enter these commands:

Press 120 (DURATION MIN.)

Press ENTER (key)

Press 4 (key)

Press RUN (key)

This will run this frequency for 2 hours (i.e. 120 minutes). You can adjust the time as desired. Using the High RF Frequency Generator with a linear amplifier should be far more effective than the Bob Beck Blood Purifier. It should also be effective with the High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier.

Note #3: DMSO / CD

We cannot say this often enough, in the DMSO / CD protocol the “CD” stands for chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is a gas, NOT a liquid. It only stays as a gas for about half-an-hour because it quickly evaporates. Because the DMSO / CD uses chlorine dioxide once an hour, the chlorine dioxide must be made fresh every hour.

EVERY cancer patient should use the DMSO / CD protocol transdermally unless they are on blood thinners or other prescription drugs which are not recommended to be used with DMSO. The “dose” can be increased to 2x or 3x the recommended dose and can even be increased to 5x in some cases. If there was only one cancer treatment on earth, this would be it.

Note #4: Cleaning the colon

Exactly how much benefit cancer patients get from cleaning out their colon is unknown. We have not seen enough clear-cut examples of curing cancer by cleaning the colon, though it could help build the immune system.

In any case, here is a list four very good resources for cleaning out the colon, and there are likely much more:

1) Alpha Omega's Liver / Colon Cleansing Program (site: www.altcancer.net/cleanse0.htm)

2) Stevia (the sweetener) – a herb – see the Dirt Cheap Protocol for more information

3) Fire In the Belly (a book by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, M.D.)

4) Homozone (a combination of magnesium and oxygen)

5) Diatomaceous Earth (i.e. Diatomaceous Clay)

Note #5: Websites with many references

Here is a website that has key information about FDA recalls, warnings, hazardous interactions, and other important information about your prescriptions and medications. Recall Guide constantly monitors over 68,000 over-the-counter prescriptions and medications to keep its users safe and conscious about their drugs. Recall Guide

Another website that offers not only recall information but also information on side effects and dangerous drugs is Recall Report.

This is a website in a foreign country, but most of it is in English. It has hundreds of references to articles about natural cancer treatments: Scientific Studies

Note #6: Should you design your own cancer protocol? No!

We have received many emails from cancer patients who designed their own cancer treatment based on information from this website. This is not a good idea.

The biggest mistake we see is people who do not have enough individual treatments in their overall protocol. For example, they may use only 6 or 7 (or less) items from the Dirt Cheap Protocol. While it is true that many of the items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol have cured cancer by themselves, these cures were generally on cancer patients who had a slow growing cancer, had not had any orthodox cancer treatments, etc. The patients we deal with generally need more than a dozen of the items.

Another common error is including too many alkaline protocols. A cancer treatment should only include ONE highly alkaline protocol per day. For the first week, more than one is fine, but that is only for one week. Cellect, Cesium Chloride, Baking Soda, Asparagus (and just about any green vegetable), Coral Calcium, etc. are all highly alkaline. Patients should be aware of the symptoms of alkalosis.

As is mentioned elsewhere in this article, someone in the family should be designed the “researcher” and should actually study the relevant articles.

If you use the Dirt Cheap Protocol or any other protocol, follow the instructions carefully. The Dirt Cheap Protocol requires at least 14 items. Our protocols (e.g. Cellect-Budwig, Dirt Cheap Protocol, etc.) have been designed by people with many years of natural medicine cancer research and who have worked with many, many cancer patients.

Note #7: Odd items

We have heard that migraines (i.e. migraine headaches) can be caused by parasites in the brain. Hopefully, a liver flush (discussed above) can deal with them. The herbs, etc. in a liver flush are designed to kill parasites anywhere in the body.

The post Independent Cancer Research Foundation Reference Manual appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Kelley Metabolic Protocol https://www.cancertutor.com/metabolic/ Sun, 22 Dec 2013 14:55:52 +0000 Dr. William Donald Kelley contended this cancer protocol had a 93 percent cure rate on cancer patients, even including pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. The Kelley theory is that enzymes strip the unique protein coating off of cancer cells so the immune system can identify and kill the cancer cells. Dr. Kelley and his practitioners […]

The post Kelley Metabolic Protocol appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Dr. William Donald Kelley contended this cancer protocol had a 93 percent cure rate on cancer patients, even including pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. The Kelley theory is that enzymes strip the unique protein coating off of cancer cells so the immune system can identify and kill the cancer cells.

Dr. Kelley and his practitioners treated more 33,000 patients, claiming a 93 percent success rate for those who came to him before — not after — chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. For those with a predicted life expectancy of about three months, he said that a well-designed nutritional program would yield “slightly better than a 50-50 chance of survival.” For those with a very advanced disease, given less than three months to live, he claimed a success rate between 25 and 35 percent.

Dr. Kelley highlighted the pancreas as one of the main organs in defense of cancer. Why would he say that? The pancreas works with the liver to regulate insulin (a hormone) and it produces many enzymes (more than 30) and some of them dissolve protein, such as those on the outside of cancer cells. Dr. Kelley learned this perspective from the famous embryologist John Beard, who worked at the University of Edinburgh at the turn of the 20th century. He first proposed in 1906 that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in addition to their well-known digestive function, represent the body’s main defense against cancer.

Dr. Kelley, and Beard before him, believed to defeat cancer you don’t create some new method of defense that does not mimic the human body, you create a method of defense that acts like the human body, and the body uses pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the natural fight against cancer. What makes enzymes function well in the body are trace minerals and hormone balance, so Dr. Kelley designed his protocol to support both. Dr. Kelley always focused on the process of regaining homeostasis; that does not entail large dosages of strange items being put into the body. What does he mean by that?

High-dose Vitamin C can reportedly disrupt enzyme function. That is why Dr. Kelley did not use high dose Vitamin C in his protocol. He did believe the body needed to harness plant-based enzymatic function, so he endorsed and recommended high-dose juicing of specific vegetable combinations, and he worked to rebuild the glandular function of the body with glandular supplements, until the body could provide its own glandular support.

Dr. Kelley saw a close correlation between diabetes and cancer and treated both in a similar fashion. Dr. Kelley believed you had to detox the body very aggressively. He believed you could not aggressively kill cancer cells in a body already full of toxins or you contributed to a state of cachexia.

So part of his program was an aggressive detox program, done in sequence, very carefully. He said you should wait six months before doing a gallbladder flush or you may put a patient into a healing crisis they cannot handle.

Important Warning

The Kelley Protocol is not just taking enzymes but is a complete program. It should be combined with a major cancer treatment.

Why would it be important to combine the enzymes with another cancer treatment protocol? It should be clearly understood that the touted success the Kelley Metabolic Protocol had was with cancer patients who were newly diagnosed. Typically, cancer patients who have had significant chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery have had fewer successes, according to Dr. Kelley.

‘One Man Alone'

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez covers many of the worst Stage IV cancer patients Dr. Kelley treated with his program. The five years of study of the Dr. Kelley program convinced Dr. Gonzalez to follow the lead of Dr. Kelley, who died on Jan. 30, 2005. His Metabolic Nutrition Group is still active, however.

Dr. Gonzalez received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a post graduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of immunology, he completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer.

In private practice in New York City from 1987, Dr. Gonzalez treated patients diagnosed with cancer and other serious degenerative illnesses. His Gonzalez protocol is based on the belief that pancreatic enzymes are the body's main defense against cancer and can be used as a treatment.

Dr. Gonzalez's nutritional research received substantial financial support from Proctor and Gamble and Nestlé. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described promising results for treatment of late stage pancreatic cancer. He died July 21, 2015.

Summary Comments

Dr. Kelley, and the current Kelley-trained doctors are fond of saying, “If you have the will to live, the faith to survive, and the intelligence to think on your own, you have a good chance of survival with the Kelley program. Healing is not for the weak of heart or those with a lack of faith.”

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Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D. diet treatment https://www.cancertutor.com/lorraineday/ Wed, 16 Oct 2013 21:11:37 +0000 How It Works This treatment is one of the raw food diets. It works by building the immune system or as she puts it “rebuilding the immune system.” By using a complete change in diet, coupled with a long list of “dos” and “don'ts,” she has put together a complete treatment program that consists of […]

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How It Works

This treatment is one of the raw food diets. It works by building the immune system or as she puts it “rebuilding the immune system.” By using a complete change in diet, coupled with a long list of “dos” and “don'ts,” she has put together a complete treatment program that consists of 10 commandments that range from a highly nutritious diet all the way to having benevolence for others.

This article will discuss all three of her cancer-related video tapes.

Review of Tape #1: Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore

Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. When she developed breast cancer she had to decide between orthodox treatments and alternative treatments. She did have some surgery, but refused chemotherapy and radiation and turned to alternative medicine. Ultimately she developed a protocol for her own advanced cancer, used it on herself, and completely recovered.

Her journey through the study of the maze of alternative cancer treatments (Tape #2) taught her a great many things, but in the end she developed her own protocol (Tape #3).

In this tape she discusses the massive number of problems with orthodox cancer treatments. Since she is a medical doctor herself she is somewhat gentle on the people in orthodox medicine, but she is not gentle on the treatments they use.

If you, or someone you know, needs to be convinced that alternative medicine is the superior way to go for those who are diagnosed with cancer, this is a tremendous tape. Some people want to hear it from a “real doctor.” Some women who have breast cancer want to hear it from a woman who has had breast cancer. And as a bonus, this was a medical doctor who had breast cancer.

Dr. Day details many of the side-effects of chemotherapy and in the tape she holds up a medical text book which she explains has many pages that detail many more complications of chemotherapy.

She also discusses some of the bad things about radiation treatments, certain types of surgery, certain types of biopsies, the removal of lymph nodes, and many other things.

All in all, this is a superb primer for someone who is not yet fully convinced of the worthlessness of orthodox treatments. It is also a very good introduction to alternative medicine. Yes, she does mention the generally accepted low cure rate of orthodox medicine. She also goes into some of the deceptive statistical tricks used by orthodox medicine.

Her tape would actually be an excellent preparation for my article “Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments,” which goes into many of the things she discusses in much greater detail.
“Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments”

Dr. Day's web site is at:
Dr Day's Website

Review of Tape #2: Sorting Through the Maze of Alternative Medicine

While I like and strongly recommend her first and third tapes (as I number them in this article), I don't like this one. Before I watched this tape, by looking at the title of the tape I was expecting her to end up with a list of alternative cancer treatments that worked and a list of alternative cancer treatments that didn't work.

What the tape actually does is explain the major flaws in every alternative cancer treatment she discusses. While she does find some very good aspects of some of these treatments, in general the conclusion of the tape is that her treatment is far better than any of the others. I suppose we all feel this way (including yours truly), but I didn't like her general approach.

Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of good information in this tape, and she does point out a lot of valid weaknesses in the treatments she discusses, it is the fact that she ends up dismissing all of the treatments that disturbed me.

The other thing that disturbed me about this tape is that there are a lot of very potent alternative cancer treatments, such as the Calcium Protocol, that she does not even mention. In other words, she mentions the older protocols that have been around for quite some time, but not the newer ones, which she may not have known about at the time.

Here is a list of some of the cancer diets/treatments she discusses:
1) Macrobiotic Diet,
2) Ann Frahm,
3) Hallelujah Acres,
4) Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass (she liked this one the best, and her diet is somewhat similar),
5) Budwig,
6) Essiac Tea,
7) Hoxsey Tea,
8) Jason Winters,
9) Pau d' Arco,
10) Chaparral,
11) Shark Cartilage,
12) and many others.

In fact, she tried many of these cancer treatments on herself so she knew first hand that they didn't work in her situation. To be honest, though, I do not think she gave some of the ones she tried on herself a complete enough evaluation.

But above everything else, the biggest problem I had with this tape is her strong condemnation of using supplements with a cancer treatment. I personally do not sell any alternative cancer treatment substances, so I have no bias in saying this: supplements can be absolutely critical in treating many cases of cancer. Perhaps there are a lot of supplements she does not know about, or did not exist when she made her tape, but to strongly condemn the use of any and all supplements is not the right way to do things.

She states that “you can't improve on God,” which I agree with, but God also gave us brains to use. I could give many examples of supplements that simply cannot be replicated with diet, no matter how much you eat.

Review of Tape #3: You Can't Improve on God (her treatment protocol)

This is an absolutely superb tape and an absolutely superb treatment protocol, with one major exception. She lists “Ten Commandments” to follow for her treatment and goes into minute detail about some of these items. If you want to go on her diet/treatment, it is essential to buy her tape and watch it several times, taking copious notes each time.

One thing many people want out of an alternative cancer treatment is a pill they can take and cure their cancer. While there may be a pill that can kill the cancer cells, the cancer cells are really a symptom of a poor diet or some other problem. To “cure” your cancer you must change your diet.

I will go through the “Ten Commandments,” which she also calls the “Garden of Eden” diet.

1) Nutrition

This is the main section of her tape. In it she goes into great detail about what a cancer patient should and should not eat. She also goes into specific drinks (e.g. carrot juice) that should be partaken of.

She pays a lot of attention explaining why a person should not eat meat or poultry or fish. She also provides detailed instructions, such as not to eat fruits and vegetables in the same meal, and why. For copyright reasons, I cannot go into a lot of detail on this item, but rest assured she does go into detail. The two drinks I do want to mention, so people don't think her treatment is nothing but a diet, is 8 glasses of carrot juice a day, with barley green powder mixed in with it.

She also has many warning, such as to not microwave your foods, don't have dental amalgam put in your mouth, don't consume too much protein, etc.

The main thing I don't like about her diet, which is the major exception to its value, is that she has no restrictions on fruits. Most fruits do not contain any major cancer-killing nutrients, but do contain a lot of glucose. Because yeast in the body can convert complex sugars into simple sugars, fruits will feed cancer cells. By comparison, the Robert O. Young diet does not allow ANY fruits except unsweetened lemon juice and unsweetened lime juice.

But even the fruits which do contain a lot of cancer-killing substances, such as purple grapes, are not effective at killing cancer cells in the presence of other high glucose foods. Purple grapes, in order to be effective in treating cancer, must not be consumed with ANY OTHER food. The Brandt Grape Cure is a “juice fast,” meaning no foods are consumed except certain types of grapes.

2) Exercise

She gives a lot of good reasons to exercise, such as reducing stress, reducing blood pressure, etc. In later items she also gives very good reasons to exercise outdoors.

3) Water

In this section she discusses all the physical and emotional problems that can result from not drinking enough water. To compound these problems, the symptoms of dehydration (i.e. not drinking enough water) frequently lead a person to misdiagnose their problem.

4) Sunlight

She does a good job explaining why sunlight prevents cancer rather than causes cancer. The importance of sunlight is far more significant than most people realize. An item below is fresh air, thus she mentions that three items can be accomplished at the same time if you exercise outdoors (exercise, sunlight and fresh air).

5) Temperance (i.e. Abstinence)

In this section she gives a long list of things to avoid. These include coffee, sugar (she has a lot to say about sugar), alcohol, caffeine in general, etc. She notes that 70 cups of coffee is a fatal dose of coffee.

6) Air (i.e. Being Outdoors)

While this item is more than just being outdoors, the general direction is to get people outdoors or at least to open windows when you can. Her main discussion is about positive and negative ions.

7) Rest (i.e. Sleep)

She makes some good points that a person should go to bed with the sun. While this might be impossible in some cases, her point is to not stay up too late because the body follows the sun's cycles.

8) Trust in God

This discussion is in trusting God's wisdom (i.e. his foods) rather than man's wisdom. She also discusses prayer and its importance.

9) An Attitude of Gratitude

In this section she talks about the problems of being exposed to negative situations, such as watching the always depressing T.V. news. She talks about giving up anger, thinking good thoughts, and so on.

10) Benevolence

She talks about helping others and praying for others.

Supercharging This Treatment

This is a superb treatment she has put together. I would rank it as a “strong” Stage III treatment. However, I do not think it works fast enough for someone who has had orthodox treatments and has been sent home to die. These people have virtually zero immune system, may have cachexia, etc. and need a lot of potent and fast acting supplements to get them over the hump of the damage done by orthodox medicine.

I also do not think it works fast enough for those with certain types of cancer (e.g. pancreatic), fast growing cancers and some brain cancers.

However, her treatment can be supercharged, even for those who do use it. For example, her carrot juice could be supercharged with beet juice and cabbage juice, which also contain strong anti-cancer nutrients. Other vegetables could also be added. But the juice should remain dominated by carrot juice.

There are many supplements that could be added to this treatment, such as the Calcium Protocol, Protocel, Vibe, etc. In short, I would not hesitate to have this treatment replace the “cancer diet” discussed on this web site and to be considered one of the “strong” Stage III treatments. See:
Treatment For Stage III Cancer Patients

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Noni Juice Treatment https://www.cancertutor.com/noni/ Wed, 16 Oct 2013 19:39:11 +0000 Important Warning: Due to the fact that many cancer patients have liver damage, frequently due to chemotherapy, this product may contribute to liver damage. Those who already have liver damage should avoid this product. Two Words of Warning: First, while no Noni Juice captures all of the cancer-fighting nutrients in the Noni Tree, understand that there […]

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Important Warning: Due to the fact that many cancer patients have liver damage, frequently due to chemotherapy, this product may contribute to liver damage. Those who already have liver damage should avoid this product.

Two Words of Warning: First, while no Noni Juice captures all of the cancer-fighting nutrients in the Noni Tree, understand that there is a vast, vast difference in the quality and cancer-fighting abilities between different brands of Noni Juice. It is a “buyer beware” market. The “standard” is Tahitian Noni Juice. Second, some of the testimonials for some brands of Noni Juice were actually of people who took a different brand of Noni Juice than the one being advertised.


Like grape juice, Noni juice is said to contain a whole slew of cancer fighting nutrients. It is also said to kill cancer cells (the anthraquinone damnacanthal and the trace element selenium), stop the spread of cancer (beta sitosterol, noni-ppt and limonene), stimulate the white blood cells and other parts of the immune system (polysaccharides), and take part in a process that enlarges cell membranes so they can better absorb nutrients (proxeronine aids in creating xeronine).

Noni Juice Treatment

As you read Noni testimonials you will note that frequently Noni is used in conjunction with some form of chemotherapy and/or radiation. This is not the preferred way of taking Noni juice. Frequently, it is taken after orthodox medicine has given up on a patient.


Consider this quote:

“… we discovered that liquid Noni must be pasteurized (heat processed) before it can be shipped from Hawaii, and that sugars and juices are added to make it more palatable (people walking by a Noni plant ripe with the fruit claim it smells like doggy-doo). Its taste and smell are so terrible that even researchers refused to drink it, thus the addition of sugar. Noni must be taken on an empty stomach because stomach acid destroys its properties. When sugar is added to Noni, the digestive process stimulated by the sugar destroys its properties. In other words, most of the Noni available is worthless.”

~ Minnesota Wellness

In addition to these problems, I should note that the nutrients in a Noni treatment plan should come from multiple parts of the Noni tree, not just the fruit. If possible, make sure the Noni juice you buy has a wide variety of the fruit and tree parts.

One product, Enhance (Simply Natural Products, see the links), meets several of the criteria (cold-processed, no sugar added, not reconstituted, no preservatives), but it discards the seeds before processing (I suspect it is bad based on my experience with grape seeds and berry seeds), plus I see no evidence they include anything but the fruit.

There several studies that explore the individual nutrients that are well known to be in Noni (not always researched as part of a study of Noni, but frequently researched relative to other plants). There is a lack of studies on using Noni Juice as a complete product in the treatment for cancer.

Some suggest that Noni Juice is effective as a cancer treatment due to it stimulating the production of Nitric Oxide:

  • “Recently, researchers found that the main reason Noni juice provides so many benefits is that it stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide in the body. The 1998 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to three researchers for the discovery of Nitric Oxide. They found it to be a signaling molecule involved in controlling the circulation of blood, regulating activities of the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs. In addition they found that it effected a “seemingly limitless” range of functions in the body. They found that Nitric Oxide reduces tumor growth, and increases the immune response against the radical replication of cells.”

There are at least 3 books on Noni juice:

The Noni Phenomenon, by Neil Solomon

Tahitian Noni Juice : How Much, How Often, For What, also by Neil Solomon

101 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice, by Isa Navarre

How Noni Juice Works

Dr. Ralph Heinicke, a noted American biochemist, had a potentially ground-breaking revelation while studying pineapple enzymes. He realized that a certain alkaloid he called Xeronine may play a key role in encouraging proper cell function and growth in the human body. Xeronine is formed in the large intestine, where a chemical reaction occurs between Proxeronine and Proxeronase. Dr. Heinicke realized that these two substances exist in abundance in the Noni fruit.


Morinda Citrifolia fruit grows larger and more lush in Tahiti than in other location in the world.

Noni juice may boost the immune system, helping promote wellness.

Xeronine, which is formed in the large intestines, may encourage proper cell function and growth in the human body.

According to Dr. Heinicke's research, Xeronine may help enlarge the pores in the walls of human cells and enable nutrients to enter the cells more easily. TAHITIAN NONI® may improve the body's ability to make use of the nutrients.

While Proxeronine and Proxeronaise are generally regarded as the key effective ingredients in Noni, there are actually dozens of other neutraceuticals (natural properties) found in Noni fruit. Following is a list of some of the better known ones along with their function and how they react with the body.

This information is in no way intended to replace any medical advice or medications or to act as a prescription. It is designed for education purposes only. Noni is a natural fruit which supports the body’s natural functions.

Some of the biological activity of anthraquinones includes fighting inflammation, bacteria, parasites and tumors. Some of these compounds are also considered analgesic (pain relievers).

Anthraquinones are also used to fight fungal infections in addition to improving the immunity of the body. These compounds aid in metabolism, cellular respiration and growth. Damnacanthal, one of these groups of compounds, inhibits the formation of tumors by interfering with the growth of RAS cells. It is believed that some anthraquinones cut off the blood supply to tumors, depriving them of their nutrients slowing the growth of tumors by inhibiting important enzymes needed to form them.

Alizarin, another anthraquinone, also slows tumor growth as well as fighting leukemia and inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus as found in (HIV).

Some also were found to significantly “tie-up” the mineral calcium and reduce the growth rate of urinary crystals, which benefits those afflicted with gout and kidney stones.

These substances, once called “glucosides” are found in abundance in the plant kingdom. These simple sugars are glucose, xylose, fructose, or any other sugar. Some glycosides are valuable heart treatments, and include derivatives of digitalis for the treatment of heart ailments.

One important glycoside found in Noni juice is Asperuloside, and is used for the treatment of diuresis (reducing water retention), inflammation, varicose veins and phlebitis. It also helps in preventing chromosome breakage and mutation.

Sterols include cholesterol found in animals and ergosterol found in plants. The plant sterols, called phytosterols alleviate problems associated with high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in our bodies, and can cause cardiovascular disease. Noni slows down the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and lowers total plasma and LDL cholesterol levels.

Noni juice is an important source of (beta-) sitosterols, stigmasterol and campesterol—the three most nutritionally important phytosterols. These are also high in dietary fiber, and contribute to the healthy function of the prostrate.

Beta sitosterols has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and lowers fever, helping to balance the immune system. A balanced immune system will help improve rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and chronic viral infections.

Stigmasterol and sitosterols are anti-inflammatory when applied topically.

These compounds also reduces the tendency of blood clotting conditions (thrombosis) and helps to repair slightly damaged blood vessels.

Terpenes are the major components in the oils of citrus fruits and they include the bioflavanoids and carotenoids. These substances combat fungal and bacterial infections, and are helpful in the treatment of glaucoma, spastic symptoms of multiple sclerosis, spinal lesions and in reducing the severity and side effects of chemotherapy.

Eugenol, a terpene, acts as an active germicide as well as induces anesthesia of the trigeminal nerve associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia or Tic Doulureax. Eugenol relaxes smooth muscle by interfering with the muscle’s contraction, and is found in a variety of aromatherapy oils, which are used for their soothing, calming and comforting effect.

Beta-carotene, another terpene, is associated with a reduced rate of cancers of the cells of the lung, skin, cervix, respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. This is attributed to the compound’s ability to “mop up” free radicals, thus reducing the oxidative damage.

The thymus gland, which helps distribute T cells that destroy invading microbes, gradually deteriorates with age and stress, mostly from oxidative damage. Supplementing the diet with beta-carotene will offer anti-oxidizing benefits to the immune system and offers protection to the large bacteria-eating immune cells called phagocytes and other immune cells.

It also significantly reduces cholesterol levels, and supplies about two-thirds of the vitamin A needed for our bodies. Vitamin A helps our night sight and contributes to healthy skin and mucous membranes—the body’s first defense against infection and injury. This important vitamin also cares for our gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and the genito-urinary tract. Daily intake of Noni juice is a good source of this vitamin.

Limonene, another terpene, has been found to limit tumor formation and antimicrobial activity and is involved in Alzheimer studies.

Ursolic Acid, also known as urson and prunol, has medicinal value when applied topically or taken internally for relieving symptoms of inflammatory and fungal infections of the skin. Taken internally it inhibits the formation and growth of tumors of the skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also has alopecia-(loss of hair) and dandruff-preventing properties.

Noni Juice Vendor

Other Components

This fiber is a non-cellulose complex sugar and performs important functions within the gastrointestinal tract. It absorbs water and slows the emptying of the stomach contents into the small intestine. It also binds bile acids and cholesterol and regulates glucose absorption through the gut wall, helping those with blood sugar conditions.

Pectin in the diet will increase the volume of material moving through the bowel, reducing concentration of feces and carcinogenic substances in the bowel.


Scopoletin belongs to a group of compounds called coumarins, which cares for the liver, inhibits the growth of E. coli in the gut and is antibacterial against many other agents that cause viruses. It has also shown to be five times more effective as aspirin as an anti-inflammatory effect for bronchial illnesses and asthma.

Xeronine is a small alkaloid that is required in picrogram (trillionth of gram) amounts and is essential to the correct functioning of the body. Large amounts are used in times of physical or mental stress. xeronine is produced in the body from proxeronine and the enzyme proxeronase in the small intestine. All healthy cells require xeronine to function correctly.

Xeronine and protein
Xeronine is required to regulate the shape and rigidity of certain proteins. Noni juice, the richest source of this nutrient, appears to improve the function and structure of hormones, antibodies, connective tissue, enzymes and neurotransmitters.

Conditions directly involved with proteins may include PMT, menopausal symptoms, acne, arthritis, lupus, sleeplessness, depression, digestive disorders, poor liver metabolism as well as poor immune function.

Xeronine and burns
Xeronine stimulates the production of a specific protease (an enzyme which dissolves protein) and quickly removes dead tissue from burns and promotes quick healing.

Xeronine and addiction
Other proteins in the central nervous system become potential receptor sites and bind with endorphins that allow the individual to have the normal feeling of well-being. Once xeronine floods the body’s systems then the xeronine displaces the chemicals and addictions to these other alkaloids is overcome with no physical withdrawal symptoms.

Xeronine and nutritional supplements and medications
Vitamins also require xeronine to properly function within the body. It allows the formation of pores through membranes in blood vessels, body organs and in the gastrointestinal tract. This facilitates digestion and improves the action of other medicines and herbs.

Amino Acids
Of the twenty amino acids, including the nine essential for our health, seventeen are found in Noni juice. If an individual does not get a complete protein balance, then production and maintenance of muscles, connective tissue, blood-clotting factors, blood transport systems, visual pigments and the protein matrix inside bones would be at risk.

Alanine carries ammonia (a poisonous by-product of amino acid breakdown in the muscles) in a non-toxic to the liver to be removed from the body as urea. It is also glucogenic amino acid and is necessary in the formation of blood glucose of liver glycogen—without which our bodies would starve. Alanine also contributes to thymus growth and increases lymphocyte division, a vital component of the nucleic acids in defense against disease.

Arginine is made by the liver as a step in producing urea in order to rid the body of the toxic build up of ammonia in the muscles.

Arginine and high energy requirements
A high-energy compound called creatine phosphate is important in keeping energy stores high in the muscle, brain and nerve. Arginine and Methionine are both required to make this compound. arginine is also involved in immune system processes and the synthesis of collagen, insulin, elastin, glucagon and hemoglobin.

Arginine and reproduction
Sperm count and motility improve when taking arginine as a food supplement.

This amino acid is a neurotransmitter involved in brain metabolism. It also acts like arginine and alanine in urea production and glucose synthesis, and helps potassium and magnesium be more easily absorbed by the body.

Cystine aids in the production of insulin and antibodies, and is an important antioxidant. It acts as an agent to bring up phlegm and can help with cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis and bronchiecstasis. It is also an important detoxifying agent and aids in glucose manufacture.

This amino acid is involved in the formation of nucleic acids, which is the basis of our genetic makeup. It is also a component of collagen, bile acids and many hormones, and is involved in liver detoxification.

Glycine and gout
Glycine increases growth hormone and aids in the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can cause painful bouts of gout.

Histidine and the brain

This amino acid is required for the manufacture of histamine, which is concentrated in the pituitary gland in the brain and in some brain nerves. This promotes resistance to stress and anxiety. A histamine imbalance is associated with anxiety, schizophrenia, lethargy, poor appetite and nausea.

Histidine and the nerves
Histidine is involved in making collagen and the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves. The destruction of this sheath is the major cause of multiple sclerosis. It also aids in the manufacture of hemoglobin (the red substance in our blood that carries oxygen around the body), and in the dilation of blood vessels to lower blood pressure.

Histidine and acidity
Histidine maintains the pH levels in the blood and body fluids, preventing excessive acidity in those fluids.

Histidine and rheumatoid arthritis
Therapeutic levels of histidine have shown to relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Isoleucine is involved in glucose production, and is used in treatment of liver disease or kidney failure.

This amino acid plays a role in energy production, muscle metabolism and stress management. When there is starvation or physical trauma, this amino acid are required in higher amounts

Leucine and Olivoponto Parkinson’s Disease
5% of the Parkinson’s patients respond well to high doses of leucine, which lowers the brain levels of dopamine. The 95% who require an increase in dopamine levels, taking Noni juice shows an improvement in ease of movement and speech as well as other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Leucine also aids growing children and for wound healing.

Lysine is a major amino acid required for production of elastin and collagen, connective tissue. It is also a component of hormones and acts as a link for vitamin B_ on enzymes, and is an important component of genetic material in the cell. It can help with cold sores and other herpes infections.

Methionine [and liver detoxification]
Methionine supports detoxification of the liver, and is often used in liver support therapies. It is required for nucleic acid, protein, collagen, lecithin and antibody manufacture within the body, Methionine is an antioxidant agent and is significant in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and the hormone adrenalin.

Acetylcholine is the substance that the nerves use to transmit impulses to one another. Adrenalin is the most potent stimulant of the body and acts to increase heart rate, respiration and a number of other body functions in response to sudden stress.

Phenylalanine and hormones
Phenylalanine is required to make dopamine, noradrenalin, thyroxine and melanin. With decreased levels of noradrenaline in the brain, then depression and fatigue will be the result. Melanin is a pigment produced by the body to help screen out harmful ultra-violet rays.

Phenylalanine and pain
Phenylalanine is known as an analgesic, which is a pain reliever, and digestion is greatly enhanced by gastric acid secretions.

This major amino acid aids it the production of connective tissue. Connective tissue makes up the dermis of the skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone matrix.

Serine is a neurotransmitter, which reduces the excitability of the nerves of the spine and is a major component of important brain substances.

Serine and cell membranes
Serine encloses and protects the contents of the cell, and is important to cell membrane structure. It regulates the entry and exit of the various chemicals the cell needs or excretes. It allows the cell membrane’s structure, flexibility and integrity to be intact.

This amino acid acts as a building block for Glycine and Serine., and is required to keep the immune system functioning normally.

Tryptophan and depression

This amino acid is commonly used for treating depression, particularly where insomnia is a factor.

Tryptophan and sleep
Tryptophan is required to manufacture vitamin B_ and the hormones melatonin and serotonin, as well as stimulating protein synthesis. Serotonin regulates appetites and sleep. A deficiency of this neurotransmitter is associated with aggression, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Melatonin regulates our sleep cycles.

Like Tryptophan and pheylalanine, tyrosine is used to control depression. It makes thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, dopamine, noradrenalin and melanin. It helps with the pigmentation of the skin, regulating blood pressure and aiding concentration.

This amino acid helps maintain the myelin sheath around the nerves and is one of the amino acids vital to energy production and repair in the muscles.

Many important fatty acids found in Noni are said to be important to the overall complex metabolic processes of the body.

Acetic acid is the main acid that all fatty acids are made from.

Caprylic acid another fatty acid, inhibits yeast and fungal overgrowth in the body.

Linoleic acid which cannot be manufactured in the body, serves these important functions:

Strengthens capillary and cell membranes and increases skin strength Combines with cholesterol to form important compounds Helps lower serum cholesterol levels, and aids in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol Builds essential compounds that regulate bodily function.

Other Acids

  • Benzoic Acid
  • Butanoic Acid
  • Decanoic Acid
  • Elaidic Acid
  • Heptanoic Acid
  • Hexanedioic Acid
  • Hexanoic Acid
  • Isobutyric Acid
  • Isocaproic Acid
  • Isolavenic Acid
  • Lauric Acid
  • Linoleic Acid
  • Mystiric Acid
  • n-butyric Acid
  • Nonanoic Acid
  • Octaduenoic Acid
  • Oleic Acid
  • Palmitic Acid
  • Ricinoleic Acid
  • Stearic Acid
  • Undecanoic Acid
  • Unolic Acid
  • Valeric Acid

Vitamins and Minerals

  • A,
  • C,
  • E,
  • B1,
  • B2,
  • B6,
  • B12,
  • Niacin
  • Biotin,
  • Pantothenic Acid (B5),
  • Folic Acid,
  • Calcium,
  • Iron,
  • Phosphorus,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Copper,
  • Chromium,
  • Manganese,
  • Molybdenum,
  • Sodium Potassium.


  • Fructose,
  • Glucose,
  • Hexose,
  • Rhamnose,
  • Pentose

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Bill Henderson Protocol https://www.cancertutor.com/henderson/ Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:20:52 +0000 With most alternative cancer treatments the cancer diet (meaning the things a cancer patient can eat and should not eat) is designed to avoid feeding the cancer cells. Not with this protocol. With this protocol, the cancer diet is an active part of the treatment. The purpose of the diet is to create a highly […]

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With most alternative cancer treatments the cancer diet (meaning the things a cancer patient can eat and should not eat) is designed to avoid feeding the cancer cells. Not with this protocol. With this protocol, the cancer diet is an active part of the treatment.

The purpose of the diet is to create a highly alkaline inner terrain in which microbes cannot thrive. Because the theory microbial involvement in cancer development is supported by a growing body of scientific evidence, the cancer diet is a component of establishing an unfavorable environment for disease progression.

The Henderson Protocol is not concerned about the sophisticated aspects of the Budwig Protocol because the base part, the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, are theorized as sufficient to energize the very weak cancer cells. It uses other things than Johanna Budwig used to accomplish the other tasks the protocol needs to accomplish. His book has a wealth of information about the Budwig protocol.

There are several superb immune-building products in the protocol from which the patient can choose.  Beta Glucan is suggested as a helpful supplement to support immune function.

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Chlorine Dioxide as a cancer treatment https://www.cancertutor.com/chlorine_dioxide/ Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:06:39 +0000 WARNING #1: Do not take high doses of Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), which is used to make chlorine dioxide, if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner. WARNING #2: IN ADDITION to this protocol, as distilled water leeches minerals out of the body. Introduction This article is about MMS […]

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Do not take high doses of Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), which is used to make chlorine dioxide, if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner.

IN ADDITION to this protocol, as distilled water leeches minerals out of the body.


This article is about MMS or Master Mineral Solution also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement, which is combined with citric acid to create chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is a molecule which is being suggested for use against infections and cancer which are associated with microbes. This includes melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and breast cancer. There are many articles on this and other websites on the use of MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement, activated sodium chlorite and/or chlorine dioxide.

MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement is a supplement which contains 28 percent sodium chlorite (which is NOT the same thing as common table salt which is sodium chloride). Sodium chlorite has been used in alternative medicine to prevent colds and the flu and to treat a wide variety of microbial conditions.

Jim Humble discovered that if you “activate” sodium chlorite to make chlorine dioxide that the product is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite.

Making Chlorine Dioxide

There are some websites that offer instructions on making chlorine dioxide. However, we do not recommend doing this.

About Killing Microbes

Microbes are the cause of an enormous number of health conditions. Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, most other brain disorders, cancer, AIDS, malaria, and even sexual deficiencies, can be caused by microbes or their “mycotoxins” (e.g. highly acidic waste products). In may cases it is the mycotoxins and in many cases it is the microbes themselves that cause the problems.

Mycotoxins are highly acidic and block many types of electrical signaling in the body.

Chlorine Dioxide (CD) is being discussed as a possible way to get rid of microbes in the body.

Some people believe that DMSO and chlorine dioxide bind together and use it for for external tumors, toenail fungus, cancer, etc.

Another comment to make is that some people believe that microbes “hide” in the liver. The liver is seen as a safe haven for microbes, parasites, flukes, etc. Some people believe a “liver flush” can get rid of these microbes.

Mercury and other heavy metals can also interfere with neurological “signaling” in the body, so they too can contribute to many health conditions. Chelation (e.g. with Zeolites) is suggested as best way to deal with heavy metals (and aluminum if you do not consider aluminum to be a heavy metal).

Here is a vendor of Pure Body Extra Strength (spray), to chelate the blood, and Pure Body (liquid), to chelate the the colon:
My Touchstone Essentials

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen. The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called: Master Mineral Solution (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been suggested as an alternative medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.

Chlorine Dioxide is currently made by mixing MMS (Master Mineral Solution) with an “activator,” which is usually citric acid. Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.

MMS, “sodium chlorite” and “stabilized oxygen” all refer to the same thing. Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 7% sodium chlorite. This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.

Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar. This is old technology. DO NOT USE VINEGAR WITH MMS. Vinegar has been suggested to feed yeast infections.

Some activators that have been used with MMS are:

1) citric acid

2) hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)

3) lemon juice

4) lime juice

It has been suggested that these four items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create chlorine dioxide. Citric acid is seen as the preferred item to use as an activator because it is very easy to work with. It must be said that you must be very cautious when using hydrochloric acid because it is caustic. Lemon juice and lime juice are less efficient activators.

Note: MSM is Methyl Sulphonal Methane and is also called “organic sulphur.” MSM is not used in this protocol, it is used only by cancer patients. Do not confuse MSM with MMS, they are totally unrelated products. This protocol uses MMS or Master Mineral Solution.

Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide

The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative. You should not use it along with antioxidants. MMS can easily be neutralized by supplements that are high in anti-oxidants. Vitamin C, herbs, Transfer Point (beta glucans), Protocel, and Cantron, are examples of antioxidants. Even Cellect includes immune builders which could neutralizeMMS.

What foods should you not eat when using MMS

Since you are trying to kill microbes it is not good to eat or drink things that feed microbes. It is suggested to avoid all dairy products and as many sugar products as you can. See this article for more information about a “cancer diet: The “Cancer Diet”

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DMSO https://www.cancertutor.com/dmso/ Mon, 30 Sep 2013 22:02:43 +0000 DMSO is: Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It is said to be used for many different reasons in alternative medicine, including as a carrier, meaning transport. DMSO is said to bind to many different kinds of molecules and carry them through the skin (transdermal). DMSO is said to be important for treatments which are destroyed by the digestive […]

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DMSO is: Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It is said to be used for many different reasons in alternative medicine, including as a carrier, meaning transport. DMSO is said to bind to many different kinds of molecules and carry them through the skin (transdermal).

DMSO is said to be important for treatments which are destroyed by the digestive tract. DMSO may carry some of these treatments through the skin and avoid being destroyed by the digestive tract.

The idea behind DMSO is similar to prep for a PET scan. When using a PET Scan a technician will give a cancer patient a solution of radioactive glucose (i.e. a radioactive tracer or tagged glucose). Since cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells, the cancer cells will absorb 15 times more of this radioactive glucose than normal cells. This is the same principle in which DMSO is said to work.

DMSO is said to be beneficial for cancer patients who cannot eat food, as certain nutrients can be carried though the skin. It is also purported that, when taken orally, DMSO may be able to carry certain molecules through the lining of the digestive tract before they can be destroyed by the stomach acids.

DMSO is said to bind to a substance on the surface of your skin, carry it through the skin, target cancer cells, and then drag the substance inside the cancer cells.

DMSO is also used as a solvent to dissolve clumps of molecules.

A Brief Introduction to DMSO

The orthodox medical community is looking for a “magic bullet” that helps chemotherapy target cancer cells. Why is finding a “magic bullet” so important? If a substance could be found that helps chemotherapy target cancer cells, the idea is that far less chemotherapy would be needed and the patient would have fewer side effects from chemotherapy. This is both because less chemotherapy would be needed and because only the cancer cells would be affected by the chemotherapy, meaning normal cells would not be damaged and killed by chemotherapy.

No later than 1968, it was discovered that there was potentially another product that could target cancer cells, but this product actually bound to the chemotherapy. In this article :

  • Haematoxylon [a dye] Dissolved in Dimethylsulfoxide [DMSO] Used in Recurrent Neoplasms [i.e. cancer cells or tumor cells],” by E. J. Tucker, M.D., F.A.C.S., and A. Carrizo, M.D. in International Surgery, June 1968, Vol 49, No. 6, page 516-527

it was suggested that DMSO targeted cancer cells. Is it any wonder that the referee of the article stated:

  • “In spite of my criticisms, there are some parts of this study which do interest me very much. The fact that the Haematoxylon [a color die, which allowed the researchers to see which cells absorbed the DMSO and haematoxylon] and D.M.S.O. solution had a particular affinity for neoplasms [i.e. cancerous cells], and did not stain other tissues in animals could be most significant.”

In other words, these researchers felt they had discovered something that could potentially bind to chemotherapy and then target cancer cells. The combination of DMSO and Haematoxylon was being used as a cure for cancer in this study. However, it was unfortunate that chemotherapy was used in many of the cases. Since DMSO binds to some types of chemotherapy (which was probably not known at the time), it is not known whether the success of the treatment was caused by the DMSO/chemotherapy combination or the DMSO/haematoxylon combination.

In any case, even though both DMSO and haematoxylon are natural (both come from trees), this is not a treatment that should be used at home. It can cause severe internal bleeding in some cases. It is far beyond the scope of this article to get into the use of this treatment.

Further research using DMSO and chemotherapy, or DMSO and haematoxylon, needs to happen.

The complete article discussing DMSO and Haematoxylon is below:

Haematoxylon Dissolved in Dimethylsulfoxide
Haematoxylon Information
DMSO for Tumors
Administering D.M.S.O.
Clinical Examples of Tumor Retardation
Patient Trials
Effect of Haematoxylon and DMSO
DMSO Solution Results
Seedlings of Adenocarcinoma
Testing with Demerol
Chemotherapeutic Agents

It would be better for medical doctors to treat cancer patients with the right treatment than to have patients treat themselves at home. Medical doctors can diagnose better, treat better, watch for developing problems better, etc. Unfortunately, doctors are using treatments that have been chosen solely on the basis of their profitability rather than their effectiveness.

DMSO is said to have the ability to blast through the blood-brain barrier.

DMSO has been combined with hydrogen peroxide (e.g. see Donsbach), cesium chloride, MSM (though it may not bind to MSM), and other products.

(Note: The issue has come up several times whether it would be a good idea to mix DMSO with full-strength chemotherapy. This question generally comes up when someone wants to take cesium chloride and DMSO with their chemotherapy. The theory would lean against such advice. Whether the DMSO binds to the chemotherapy would depend on which chemotherapy was being used. DMSO does not bind to every type of chemotherapy, only certain kinds.

Here is an article on DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT): DMSO Potentiation Protocol


DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) is generally not used by itself. When it is used, it is used in combination with Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). These two treatments are said to be very synergistic because the DMSO binds to chemotherapy and the insulin opens up the membranes of the cancer cells.

The result of combining these two treatments is that there is said to be a double effect on the chemotherapy targeting the cancer cells and getting inside the cancer cells.

The book Treating Cancer With Insulin Potentiation Therapy, mentioned above, discusses which kinds of chemotherapy bind to DMSO and it talks about which kinds of chemotherapy work best with insulin.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy

For example, in the 1940s it was said that cancer can be treated with insulin. Insulin  is said to help certain kinds of chemotherapy target the cancer cells by making it much easier for the chemotherapy to get inside of cancer cells. This led to the development of Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT).

  • “Beyond these metabolic effects of insulin here, what is further considered to be operative is that at least some of the ten thousand fold increase in the cytotoxic effect of methotrexate [a chemotherapy drug] is due to an increased intracellular concentration of the drug due to insulin's physiological action in altering cell membrane permeability. It is thought that this effect exists on account of the insulin receptors on the cancer cell membranes and that these facilitate the transmembrane transport of the chemotherapeutic drug into the intracellular compartment of these breast cancer cells.”http://weeksmd.com/articles/cancer/Insulin_potentiation_therapy.html

In the early days of IPT, a person had to be put into an insulin coma in order for IPT to be effective. This is no longer the case.

The book: Treating Cancer With Insulin Potentiation Therapy, by Ross A Hauser, M.D. and Marion A Hauser, M.S. provides more information about DMSO (e.g. pages 152-153).

Article on IPT


DMSO and MSM, when used together, have been shown to cause cancer cells in vitro to revert back to being normal cells.  However, the only treatment designed to take advantage of this discovery is still an experimental treatment. It is experimental in the sense that no one knows yet how to convert what was discovered in the lab into an actual cancer treatment.

It is also not known whether MSM actually helps the DMSO revert cancer cells into normal cells. DMSO, by itself, is said to revert many types of cancer cells into normal cells.

DMSO / Cesium Chloride

DMSO is said to help cesium chloride get inside of cancer cells, though cesium chloride is known to do this by itself. What DMSO is used for is to get the cesium chloride through the skin, into the bloodstream. Neither cesium chloride or DMSO should be taken orally.

DMSO is usually used as a topical application to the skin. DMSO is said to penetrate the skin and help get the cesium chloride, and many other alternative cancer treatments, into the cancer cells.

DMSO should not be taken orally. Even when taken with enough liquids it will cause stomach problems.

It is highly advised that the Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol be used under the direction of an expert, either by telephone or in a clinic setting. For all practical purposes, the FDA and AMA have shut down the use of cesium chloride and DMSO in a clinic setting inside the U.S. Thus, in the U.S. there is no choice but to use a vendor who is an expert in safely using the protocol. The Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol goes into this issue in more depth, but keep this critical issue in mind.

Note: Vendors of DMSO cannot sell it for medical reasons. Thus, you will notice that DMSO is sold as a “solvent.” 

Here is a link to an article on the Cesium Chloride Protocol (with DMSO). This article, in turn, links to a vendor who sells cesium chloride.

Cesium Chloride Protocol (i.e. pH Therapy)

DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide (DMSO/CD)

DMSO has also been used with chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, Vitamin D3, and other substances which are said to kill microbes.

Here is the article on DMSO/CD:

DMSO/CD Protocol

DMSO and Vitamin C

Conflicts With Other Treatments

Do NOT take this protocol if you are the Budwig Diet.
Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Protocel(R), Entlev(R), Paw Paw, or graviola (including Amazon Factor Protocol).

This treatment uses Vitamin C, in the form of mineral ascorbates.

It is believed that cancer cells can't distinguish the difference between Vitamin C and glucose because they are almost identical. It's said that when sugar levels in the blood are low, Vitamin C is more effective. It is recommended that when taking this treatment stay on a strict, very low glucose cancer diet.

Warning: Taking too high of a dose of Vitamin C can cause kidney damage. Do not take doses higher than triple the recommended doses in this article without consulting a health professional.

DMSO / Colloidal Silver Protocol

Colloidal silver is said to help keep microbes out of the bloodstream by killing them. Several types of cancer are said to spread by releasing microbes into the bloodstream. In addition, the MSM is said to help some of the colloidal silver get inside of the cancer cells because part of the MSM is converted into DMSO in the body. This may convert some of the cancer cells into normal cells.

DMSO Protocol and Safety Warnings

Critical Warnings

*Children under the age of 12 should also not use this treatment.
*Do NOT Use This Treatment With Prescription Drugs – The MSM and DMSO in this treatment may enhance the effectiveness of prescription drugs, thus the cancer patient may effectively overdose on their prescription drugs. Use this treatment with prescription drugs only with your doctor's permission.
*Warning For Women Who Are, or Who Might Be, or Who Might Become Pregnant – Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, might become pregnant, or are nursing, should NOT take this treatment. The high doses of DMSO in this treatment, combined with the extremely low weight of the fetus, may allow high doses of colloidal silver to enter into fetal cells. While DMSO by itself is totally safe, as is colloidal silver (which is a nutrient), the effect of high doses of colloidal silver on a fetus is unclear. To be on the safe side, do not use this protocol if you fit in this category.

More Warnings

Do NOT let it come into contact with your eyes. Again, there is no evidence this will cause problems, but it is better to err on the side of caution.

Do NOT use plastic, latex or rubber gloves, or any other kind of gloves, when handling DMSO. The DMSO may bind to the gloves and take the substance into your cells causing severe illness. A technician who was working with the scientists who originally discovered DMSO became very sick from handling the newly discovered DMSO with lab gloves. While some surgical gloves may be of such quality that they can be used to handle DMSO, if you use any type of gloves you do so at your own risk.

However, these rules create a problem. It is highly advised to use gloves when administering DMSO on the skin or else the hands will become very wrinkled. Fortunately, there are simple tests to see if the DMSO is binding to the gloves and creating a danger.

Do NOT let the DMSO come into contact with any type of clothing or anything else.

The post DMSO appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

MSM for cancer https://www.cancertutor.com/msm/ Sat, 14 Sep 2013 01:12:02 +0000 Safety Notice #1: Do not take organic sulfur if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner. If you are on any other type of prescription drug, do NOT use organic sulfur until after you talk to your pharmacist and physician. Safety Notice #2: A small percentage of people will […]

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Safety Notice #1: Do not take organic sulfur if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner. If you are on any other type of prescription drug, do NOT use organic sulfur until after you talk to your pharmacist and physician.

Safety Notice #2: A small percentage of people will get a skin rash if they take MSM internally. The skin rash can itch and may indicate the person has an allergy to MSM.

MSM Overview

The MSM / Vitamin C Treatment For Cancer

The MSM / Vitamin C Treatment For Cancer

MSM (METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE) is chemical found in both plants and animals, including humans.  MSM is known by the following names:

  • MSM
  • methylsulfonylmethane
  • methyl-sulfonyl-methane
  • DMSO2 and other names

MSM is a natural product found throughout nature. It is used for a wide array of health issues. It is mainly claimed to be an oxygen transport agent, to remove lactic acid from the bloodstream, as a painkiller and as a product to increase circulation.

You will hear people say they are allergic to sulfur, and they are, “chemical sulfurs” found in sulfas, sulfides and sulfates. Note that chemical sulfurs and nutritional sulfurs are different things.

Like its cousin DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), it is said that it can penetrate the skin, but unlike DMSO is claimed to do, it will not carry other substances through the skin.

MSM and Cancer Theory

Theory: MSM is purported to treat cancer in the following ways:

  1. As an oxygen transport,
  2. To kill microbes in the bloodstream,
  3. To help sweep lactic acid out of the bloodstream to prevent cachexia,
  4. To get microbe-killing substances (such as Vitamin C) inside of cancer cells to help revert cancer cells into normal cells,
  5. To reduce swelling and inflammation (e.g. for brain cancer) and
  6. To help reduce pain (via removing lactic acid from the blood).

Possible extra benefits of MSM:

  • Relief of constipation
  • Lessening of scar tissue
  • Softer skin
  • Stronger thicker hair that grows faster and stops split ends
  • Fingernails grow twice as fast and are less brittle
  • More energy

MSM Protocols

MSM has been theorized to work synergistically alongside the following products:

These MSM protocols commonly include other items such as:

  • drinking enough non-chlorinated water
  • daily sun exposure
  • epsom salt baths
  • baking soda baths
  • Real Salt
  • Iodine

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