Veronique Desaulniers, DC – Cancer Tutor The Future of Cancer Research Fri, 22 May 2020 20:05:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Coffee enemas are a must in a toxic world Wed, 21 Mar 2018 15:36:16 +0000 Mention the word “enema” and the person you are speaking with will either get it or they won’t. If they don’t, you’ll know it right away. A red face, a hand to the mouth and perhaps a suppressed giggle will more than likely be the reaction. For the growing number of individuals who are in […]

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Mention the word “enema” and the person you are speaking with will either get it or they won’t. If they don’t, you’ll know it right away. A red face, a hand to the mouth and perhaps a suppressed giggle will more than likely be the reaction.

For the growing number of individuals who are in the know about the health benefits of enemas, however (and you may be one of them), the procedure has become an integral part of their regular health routine. Experts and those who practice it regularly both agree that for vibrant health, increased energy, the elimination of toxins and a multitude of other reasons, enemas are vital for overall health maintenance.

And in many parts of the world, it is a practice that is as common as brushing one’s teeth. In India, of course, bowel cleansing with Ayurvedic herbs has been practiced for thousands of years. In Egypt, the pharaohs had doctors who specialized in keeping the royal bowels clean. During the Renaissance in France, the practice was considered common as well.

Why Coffee?

An enema can be administered using a mixture of clean, fresh water and many healing substances, such as lemon juice, green tea, aloe vera, or various herbs. The special properties of coffee, however, make it the most effective of all.

Coffee’s healing properties were discovered at the turn of the 20th century in Germany. Researchers there noticed that in laboratory animals, caffeine had the effect of opening bile ducts and stimulated the production of bile. Perhaps this is why coffee enemas were listed in the Merck Manual, traditional medicine’s “bible”,  until the early 1970s.

Later it was discovered that the benefits of coffee for enema had more to do with its ability to detoxify the liver versus simply cleaning the lower bowel. While the coffee sits in the bowels, it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and through the liver’s “portal” vein. The caffeine in the coffee then stimulates the gallbladder as well. A mere 15-20 minute coffee enema can have a profound detoxification effect since blood flows through the liver at a rate of every 3 minutes. This is why an enema with specialized organic coffee is part of many well-known natural cancer healing and wellness protocols.

Aside from its effect on the liver, coffee enemas also provide the body with phytochemicals, namely kahweol and cafestol, which activates glutathione and cellular detoxification.

Kahweol, in particular, has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in laboratory studies and has shown to stop the growth of early tumors by restricting their blood flow.

These phytochemicals have been shown to stimulate phase II detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes. Kahweol and cafestol also decrease the activity of enzymes that promote cancer cell growth, thus they help prevent carcinogenesis.

They have also been shown to stimulate cancer cell death in malignant lung cancers by affecting certain pathways. Perhaps this is an indication of how it could be affecting breast cancer cells?

Tips for performing a Coffee Enema

A coffee enema can easily be administered in the privacy of your home using an enema kit, preferably one that has a stainless steel bucket. The most important thing to remember is to use fresh, chemical-free water (either distilled, spring or well) and certified organic, pesticide-free coffee.

After years of doing my own enemas as well as counseling others on the procedure, the coffee that I recommend hands down is from SA Wilson. SA Wilson is the coffee supplier for many alternative health centers around the world, including the Gerson Therapy centers and Dr. William D. Kelley’s College Health.

Make your enema a time of relaxation and quiet time. Light a candle, listen to relaxing music or do a meditation as you cleanse your body.

Adding coffee enema to your healthy breast and healthy lifestyle protocol is more important now than it has ever been. Every day, we all are exposed to dozens of chemicals in our air, water, food and overall environment. If you are on a healing journey and killing off unhealthy cells every day, it is very important to support your liver’s detoxification pathways.  It goes without saying that without coffee enemas and other ways to detoxify the liver, our bodies will inevitably become overloaded and this can have dire consequences on your health.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Can frequencies kill cancer cells? Tue, 20 Mar 2018 15:51:30 +0000 Essential No. 3 of the 7 Essentials System is about healing your body through balancing your energy. This can be accomplished in so many ways: Chiropractic, acupuncture, Bach Flower remedies, balancing your hormones, restful sleep and moving your body. But what if frequency itself could be the means through which actual cancer cells are destroyed and tumors […]

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Essential No. 3 of the 7 Essentials System is about healing your body through balancing your energy. This can be accomplished in so many ways: Chiropractic, acupuncture, Bach Flower remedies, balancing your hormones, restful sleep and moving your body. But what if frequency itself could be the means through which actual cancer cells are destroyed and tumors evaporated? Sounds like science fiction? In fact, the means to do this has existed for almost 100 years.

Who was Royal Rife?

In the 1920s, inventor Royal Rife was known for his work in “high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography,” which is just a fancy way of saying “new and improved microscope technology.” By the 1930s, however, Rife had taken the same basic technology he used to improve upon microscopes and focused it on the substances he had been looking at cancer cells. Rife conducted dozens of research projects using frequency waves and wrote thousands of pages on the subject during his lifetime. He is most famous, however, for a project was where he injected cancer into 400 rats. He then created an “electromagnetic energy field” of a specific frequency which he immersed the rats in. Unbelievably, after a set amount of time in that “field,” the cancers in the rats began to diminish.

New generation of frequency science

Of course, this response is completely believable once you understand the power of resonant frequencies.

Anthony Holland is Associate Professor and Director of Music at Skidmore College in New York. He also is a researcher who uses the power of frequency to heal cancer.

How resonant frequency works for removing the cancer is based on the same principle that says that a piece of glass will shatter when it is exposed to a noise that is the right “pitch.” To actually break the glass, the vibration (coming from a person’s voice or another source) would have to match the vibration o the glass. By “amping up” the volume of that particular vibration, the glass will eventually break.

Similar to Rife, Holland and his team decided to direct this basic principle to living micro-organisms, i.e. cancer cells. Their hypothesis was also based on the work of pioneering Chinese geneticist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, who believed that living cells had many properties in common with liquid crystals.

If Ho was right, thought Holland, then matching the particular resonant frequency of living cancer cells and turning up the volume should, in essence, shatter those cells. Holland and his colleagues used a device created by New Mexico physician Dr. James Bare which uses a “plasma antenna that pulses on and off” to provide a rhythmic stream of electric signals.

After over a year of searching, Holland found the exact frequency that would shatter the cancer cells. Interestingly, two frequencies, one high and one low but both in “harmonic resonance” with each other, seemed to do the trick.

Holland and his team tested the procedure called Oscillating Pulsed Electric Field (OPEF) on pancreatic cancer cells and then later with leukemia cells. The results were amazing. Pancreatic cancer cells were destroyed at between 100,000 and 300,000 Hz. The results for the leukemia cells were even more impressive. The procedure was able to destroy the cells before they had a chance to divide, killing an average of 25 to 40 percent of leukemia cells on average, and up to 60 percent in some cases. The team also tested the technology on ovarian cancer cells as well as the MRSA “superbug.”

These are indeed exciting times as science is now able to effect healing on the subtlest levels with vibration. After all, as Nobel Prize-winning physicist Carlo Rubbia says, we are only 1 billionth physical matter. The rest is pure energy which can be affected by vibration. This includes all the systems in your body and cancer cells as well.

There are many companies out there that sell Rife Frequency generators. Do your research and make sure you’re getting the real deal. I trust the resources at Cancer Tutor.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Ozone therapy inhibits cancer cell growth Thu, 06 Jul 2017 01:38:17 +0000 We have all experienced it. Just after a lightning storm, the air is pungent with that smell and the atmosphere seems to be “alive with freshness.” What you are experiencing is the after-effects of Ozone. Nature uses ozone to cleanse the environment of contaminants ─ and health practitioners the world over since the 1800s have […]

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We have all experienced it. Just after a lightning storm, the air is pungent with that smell and the atmosphere seems to be “alive with freshness.” What you are experiencing is the after-effects of Ozone. Nature uses ozone to cleanse the environment of contaminants ─ and health practitioners the world over since the 1800s have used ozone for healing everything from dental infections to breast cancer.

What is ozone and how does it work to heal cancer?

Ozone (03) is a close cousin to Oxygen (02). The extra molecule makes 03 highly reactive and a powerful healing substance. Ozone is able to oxidize plaque and break down matter such as blockages inside blood vessels. It also can destroy cancer cells.

Doctors outside of the U.S. have known about and used ozone for decades.  In fact, in some many parts of the world, ozone is part of the established health care system. Cuban doctors use it to treat close to 50 different ailments and, in Germany, it is covered by health insurance.

“Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century,” says a 2011 Indian report published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine.  “Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects.”

It also has been proven to have a profound effect on cancer. Half a century ago, Nobel Prize-winning researcher Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the unique relationship between cancer and the oxygen molecule: “Cancer cells meet their energy needs by fermentation, not oxidation. Thus, they are dependent upon glucose and a high oxygen environment is toxic to them.”

Healthy cells, on the other hand, thrive in oxygen-rich environments. That is why ozone and the multitude of ozone therapies can be so effective on tumor cells. Ozone therapies infuse the body with oxygen, giving healthy cells a lift and destroying pathogens.

“We are seeing patients who were bedridden two years ago,” says Dr. Rilling Beyerle of the German Medical Ozone Society regarding the breast cancer patients he regularly sees. “[With ozone], they are becoming ambulatory. Their energy level is coming up. They are gaining weight.”

A study conducted more than 30 years ago and published in the journal Science found that ozone exposure, in a dose-dependent manner,  inhibited lung, uterine and breast cancer cell growth by up to 90 percent while non-cancerous cells were unaffected.

According to the late Dr. Robert Willner, O3 acts to strengthen healthy cells and destroy pathogens, including cancer cells, through several means:

  • It activates the enzymes involved in “free radical destruction”
  • It enhances metabolic detoxification
  • It increases red blood cell pliability and blood fluidity
  • It increases the production of white blood cells and strengthens their effectiveness in detecting and destroying foreign matter
  • It disrupts the cell wall  of pathogenic cells
  • It is a strong anti-bacterial and germicide, both externally and within the body
  • It stimulates the immune system in general

Holistic dental uses for ozone

“The beauty of ozone is that ozone works with mitochondria and increases ATP production,” says Dr. Fen-Hui Chen, a holistic dentist in La Jolla, California, who has extensive training in ozone therapies and uses it daily to treat her dental patients. “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Ozone can moderate the immune system … because ozone can produce ozonoid, an antioxidant that can conquer oxidative stress.”

Holistic dentists such as Dr. Chen are the perhaps the new pioneers of ozone use in the United States. In many states, ozone is still banned by law; currently, its medical use is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In dental settings, however, ozone is perfectly legal and is being used more and more for the prevention of dental infection after surgery and in other capacities.  Dr. Chen and others recommend ozone-infused oils (olive or coconut) for at-home oral oil pulling as well.

Ozone generators are available for your personal and home use, but be careful of substandard machines which can be dangerous. I recommend products by Longevity Resources since they have been an excellent track record and customer support service. Their machines are of the highest quality and their website contains dozens of informational articles. The Ozone Doctor website also has many resources and informational articles to help you understand the benefits of ozone therapy. I have personally used ozone therapy at home and have enjoyed the many benefits.

When ozone is used in coordination with a healthy breast diet and lifestyle, it can be a very powerful tool to stimulate and balance the immune system, oxygenate the blood, clean out pathogens and weaken unhealthy cells.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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7 ways that stress affects cancer growth Tue, 13 Jun 2017 20:21:54 +0000 Stress is not a friend to any individual who is on a healing journey with breast cancer. I have written about the connection between stress, immune impairment and tumor growth on many occasions and so have hundreds of other experts during the last decade. A study published in September 2015, however, presents a fascinating take […]

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Stress is not a friend to any individual who is on a healing journey with breast cancer. I have written about the connection between stress, immune impairment and tumor growth on many occasions and so have hundreds of other experts during the last decade.

A study published in September 2015, however, presents a fascinating take on the subject.  The joint team, which included both medical and psychological researchers from UCLA, the University of Texas, The University of Iowa and the United States National Cancer Institute, analyzed data which explains how the nervous system, and in particular the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), plays a major part in tumor metastasis when the body is under chronic stress.

Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System

The nervous system as a whole is comprised of a network of nerve cells and fibers that transmit impulses (i.e. communications) between parts of the body. While the parasympathetic arm of this system is involved in relaxation — the lowering of heart rate, the increase in digestive activity and the relaxation of muscles, among other things — the sympathetic arm is responsible for acceleration and constriction, especially when the body is engaged in a “flight or fight” response.

You can look at it this way: if your entire nervous system were a car, the parasympathetic would be the brakes while the sympathetic would be the gas pedal. Both of these systems have evolved to work together on an as-needed basis when the body is operating in an “ideal” environment.

How stress leads directly to cancer growth

Of course, most of us do not operate in an ideal environment. Unless we take the time to consciously de-stress, the pressures of daily life — deadlines, responsibilities, lifestyle choices and our own negative internal dialogue — most of us will find ourselves in “flight or fight” mode a majority of the time.

And this is where we can run into problems.

When we are chronically under stress (or perceived stress), the normal functions of the sympathetic nervous system can actually encourage cancer tumors to spread.

Chronic stress causes the over-amped SNS to begin to affect gene expression through what are called Molecular Mobility and Defense Programs (MMDPs). MMDPs are genetic programs that are set into motion when the SNS senses that the body is under threat; most importantly, MMDPs direct the signaling of adrenal hormones and adrenal receptor systems.” Once these systems get “turned on,” they create a cascade of chemical reactions which include the release of certain neurotransmitters as well as the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline.

After a short-term threat has passed (you escaped the lion or you got away from that mugger, for example), the body naturally goes back to chemical homeostasis within about an hour.

What new studies have discovered, however, is that the ongoing activation of MMDPs caused by chronic stress changes genetic codes to actually strengthen and grow tumors.

7 ways stress can impact cancer growth:

  1. Inhibit DNA Repair
  2. Activate inflammatory responses
  3. Encourage angiogenesis or increased blood flow to cancer cells
  4. Inhibit immune response
  5. Inhibit programmed cancer cell death
  6. Reduce the cytotoxic function of Natural Killer cells
  7. Stimulate “epithelial-mesenchymal transition,” one of the processes through which new cancer stem cells can be born and encourage the spread of cancer cells.

In vivo animal studies have shown that “behavioral stress can accelerate the progression of breast and prostate cancer, as well as ovarian carcinomas, neuroblastomas, malignant melanomas, pancreatic carcinoma and some haematopoietic cancers such as leukemia.”

Reduce your stress and heal your body

“Although SNS-mediated MMDP transcriptional activation might have been an evolutionarily adaptive response to threatening environments under ancestral conditions, it has also enabled the very different conditions of modern life to chronically stimulate biological stress responses that inadvertently facilitate the development and progression of cancer,” the joint report states.

This statement leads to the discussion of one characteristic of the SNS that is vital to understand. The SNS, unlike other systems that are involved in stress response in the body, is easily activated by the mere anticipation of a proposed threat. This could mean that incessantly worrying about that bill coming due or the next round of cancer-related tests could directly stimulate SNS-controlled tumor metastasis in your body.

The point of mentioning this is not to stress you out, even more, when it comes to stress! It is, however, to emphasize the vital importance of having a regular, daily stress-reduction protocol, including Chiropractic Care, meditation, EFT, exercise, emotional healing work , and body work such as massage.

Most of all, remember what science itself is telling you: If you are on a healthy breast journey, putting into motion a daily stress-reduction protocol is not an option, it is an absolute necessity.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Quercetin is a superstar cancer-buster Thu, 04 May 2017 17:10:35 +0000 The natural substance Quercetin is attracting a lot of attention these days for its anti-aging and immune-boosting qualities. Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid polyphenol and a super-antioxidant that is found in a broad spectrum of vegetables and fruits, everything from red onions and green tea to grape skins, apples and tomatoes. The fact that Quercetin […]

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The natural substance Quercetin is attracting a lot of attention these days for its anti-aging and immune-boosting qualities. Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid polyphenol and a super-antioxidant that is found in a broad spectrum of vegetables and fruits, everything from red onions and green tea to grape skins, apples and tomatoes.

The fact that Quercetin is a superstar among immunoprotective agents has been proven time and again in many studies, but what makes it so great as a healing force specifically against breast cancer?

Quercetin’s relationship to cancer

Quercetin is a strong chemoprotective natural compound for a wide range of cancers because of the multi-targeted way it relates to cancer cells in general. For example, for lung cancer, Quercetin users saw a 51 percent reduction in risk (and a 65 percent reduction amongst smokers). For colon cancer, there was a 32 percent reduction in risk and for stomach cancer, a 43 percent reduction.

Quercetin has the ability to stop the process that can turn healthy cells into malignant ones by protecting cellular DNA from mutations that can lead to cancer. It does this by literally “freezing” cancer cells, even if they are producing rapidly, and returning them back to an early stage of their development. This reversal process triggers apoptosis or cancer cell death. And as a preventative, Quercetin acts as a watchdog for abnormally signaling cell pathways which could potentially turn cancerous.

Quercetin is a true “chemo-preventative” substance: it works on multiple fronts so that cancer cells never even have a chance to form a tumor.

Quercetin’s effect on breast cancer

Specifically, in regards to Breast Cancer, research has discovered that:

  • Quercetin significantly affects the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) molecule in breast cancer cells, an important mediator in the inflammatory process;
  • Quercetin use in a dose-dependent manner inhibits angiogenesis, the process which can lead to new tumor growth, in breast cancer cells through a number of cellular pathways;
  • Quercetin has an effect on reproductive system sex hormone receptors. For breast cancer, in particular, Quercetin stimulates “beta” estrogen receptors, which are cancer-suppressing (“Alpha” estrogen receptors, on the other hand, are considered cancer-promoting);
  • Quercetin works with even more effectiveness against breast cancer in conjunction with other substances, including localized near infra-red hyperthermia as well as EGCG found in green and matcha tea.

Quercetin is also a “superstar” of chemoprevention because it is one of the rare substances that appears to have an apoptotic effect on the stem cells of certain cancers. Research has confirmed this effect on colorectal and pancreatic cancers directly. Although no studies have directly confirmed its effect on breast cancer stem cells thus far, the outlook is positive that one day the connection may be made considering its cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cells, in general, has already proven to be so high.

How to take Quercetin

Direct injection and oral administration of Quercetin alone or in conjunction with localized hyperthermia for those who are on a breast cancer journey is available through qualified holistic and integrative health centers and professionals. For health maintenance and as part of a preventative Healthy Breast protocol, however, quercetin is excellent to take in supplement form by itself or in combination with other complementary substances, such as Resveratrol (many quality supplement companies offer this combination).

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Fermented wheat germ extract for healthy cell metabolism Mon, 24 Apr 2017 19:05:32 +0000 In the late 1930s, a dangerous trend in the field of medical research was beginning. Researchers were experimenting with the use of mustard gas to treat cancer. Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who had won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his discovery of Vitamin C, saw the destruction that this toxin had caused in World War […]

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In the late 1930s, a dangerous trend in the field of medical research was beginning. Researchers were experimenting with the use of mustard gas to treat cancer. Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who had won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his discovery of Vitamin C, saw the destruction that this toxin had caused in World War I and was concerned. He knew that there had to be an alternative to what would turn out to be the beginnings of chemotherapy, i.e. using the most dangerous toxins on the planet to kill cancer cells (and healthy cells along with it).

Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi had a theory that certain compounds found in wheat germ may be able to stop the “rapid reproduction” that is so characteristic of most cancers. Because of politics and funding, it would be almost 60 years later that another visionary researcher would take up the research that Szent-Gyorgyi had started.

Today, there are close to 50 studies that confirm the effects Fermented Wheat Germ Extract (FWGE) has on several forms of cancer.

What is Fermented Wheat Germ Extract?

Technically, wheat germ can be thought of as the “embryo” of a wheat kernel. What makes it so special is that just a small amount is loaded with concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Here is a partial list of some of the essential nutrients found in wheat germ

  • B vitamins (folate, niacin, thiamin, B6 and others)
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Protein (close to 7g for 1 ounce)
  • Complex carbohydrates

Most importantly to those who are on the healthy breast path, when wheat germ is fermented with baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), it creates benzoquinones, in particular a substance called DMBQ. Without getting too technical here, it is this substance that may be so beneficial to cancer patients.

How may FWGE help me heal?

DMBQ in fermented wheat germ helps to promote cellular metabolism and boost the immune system. Thus, it is a boon for the growth and strength of healthy cells and a detriment to cancerous ones. Studies have discovered that when the FWGE (Fermented Wheat Germ Extract) product Avemar was used as an adjunct to conventional cancer therapies, it was able to enhance the effects of those treatments while at the same time lessening their side effects.

In a study published in the Hungarian medical journal Orvosi Hetilap (Medical Weekly), out of 170 individuals with colorectal cancer, only 3 percent suffered cancer re-occurrence when given 9 grams of Avemar a day while 17 percent of those who were given standard cancer treatment (chemotherapy or surgery or both) suffered cancer re-occurrence.

The 170 patients who took Avemar during their course of treatment also showed a 67 percent reduction in metastasis and a 62 percent reduction in overall morbidity.

Another study published in the journal Cancer Biotherapy and Biopharmaceuticals found that FWGE in conjunction with the ER+ breast cancer chemotherapy drug Tamoxifen “significantly increased apoptosis already 24 hours after starting treatment.”

FWGE appears to be so effective against cancer cells because is literally acts as a “biological bounty hunter” for them, especially cancer cells that may be “hidden” from the view of our body’s own natural killer cells. FWGE also boosts immune function in those over age 40 by helping to lessen the immune system degeneration that typically occurs with age, toxic overload and stress.

Metatrol: The latest generation in FWGE

In the 1960’s through 1980’s, Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi published his laboratory experiments in the American Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These studies point to how supporting healthy cells with FWGE can have substantial effects on cancer cells. Later, Hungarian biochemist Dr. Mate Hidvegi picked up where Szent-Gyorgyi had left off and was able to obtain a patent on FWGE, making it available to the public as a non-toxic, FDA-approved commercial health supplement for the first time.

Dr. Hidvegi’s “latest generation” product is called Metatrol. According to the company website, Metatrol has the ability to promote healthy cell metabolic regulation, redirect energy to healthy cells, support optimal immune system function and maintain healthy cell mass.

I have reviewed many of the studies related to FWGE and Metatrol and have been most impressed with the research behind FWGE in general and the purity of the products produced by Dr. Hidvegi and his company, American BioSciences Inc. It is a bit pricey but you only take 2 capsules per day. If you feel stuck in your progress on your healing journey, consider FWGE.

PS. It is gluten-free.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Detection: Is thermography the future for breast cancer? Mon, 24 Apr 2017 18:52:44 +0000 According to a recent study,  mammogram screenings may not lead to fewer deaths but may instead lead to over-diagnosis. The results were based on research where there were high levels of screening.  More tumors were diagnosed, but breast cancer death rates were no lower than in areas with fewer screenings. Clearly, if your goal is to adopt […]

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According to a recent study,  mammogram screenings may not lead to fewer deaths but may instead lead to over-diagnosis. The results were based on research where there were high levels of screening.  More tumors were diagnosed, but breast cancer death rates were no lower than in areas with fewer screenings.

Clearly, if your goal is to adopt early detection as part of your wellness journey, you need to add complementary tools into the mix to balance an over-dependence on mammogram screenings alone.

As many of you know, I believe that thermography is a complementary tool for very early detection. Also known as Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI), thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology that can alert your doctors to changes that could indicate early stages of breast disease.

Let’s face it: There’s no singular tool that is 100 percent accurate but when you add DITI with other complementary procedures, that’s when I believe the best evaluation of breast health can be made.

Is thermography worth adding to your self-care toolbox?

DITI is quite complex but here’s an idea of how it works:

  • Our body emits heat that is picked up and recorded with the DITI camera
  • Where there is inflammation, there is more heat that is generated
  • Increased inflammation in the breast can be a result of angiogenesis or the formation of new blood vessels that are feeding at tumor.
  • “More heat” is registered by the DITI camera and translated into an image through specialized software

Unlike mammograms, there is:

  • No radiation
  • No compression
  • No pain
  • No touching

With increasing evidence that inflammation often enhances tumor growth, DITI may have considerable beneficial value in the prognosis due to early detection, especially when angiogenesis is present in more than 90 percent of non-palpable tumors and 100 percent of palpable lesions.

The benefit of using DITI

Research scientists have concluded that thermography:

  1. Is useful not only as a predictor of the risk factor for cancer but also to assess the more rapidly growing neoplasms.
  2. Seems to detect active pre-cancerous breast signs six to eight years before any palpable mass appears.

I don’t know about you but I think those are two very powerful weapons to have in my holster.

A quick note about mammograms

According to the FDA, thermography is not a replacement for a mammogram screening and should not be used by itself to diagnose breast cancer. The two screenings are different — mammograms test structure and anatomy while DITI tests function and physiology.

I want to be clear that I’m not discouraging mammograms, but I am encouraging women to get the facts straight. Here are a few studies from the U.S. National Library of Medicine about Mammography:

  1. Low dose radiation increases breast cancer risk among high-risk women.
  2. Despite increases in breast cancer screenings in the U.S., the rate of diagnosis of early stage breast cancers has  not resulted in a reduction of late-stage breast cancers.
  3. Digital mammography is associated with overtreatment.
  4. Invasive breast cancer incidence is 57 percent higher in women undergoing mammography screenings.
  5. Reducing mammography screenings to every two years does not increase advanced breast cancer rates.

Next steps

I recommend finding an American College of Clinical Thermography approved clinic near you and learning more about thermography and how it may fit into your wellness journey. Remember that neither thermography, mammograms nor ultrasounds can be 100 percent accurate when it comes to diagnosing breast cancer, so it is advisable to use a few different methods and views.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Do you really know if you are cancer-free? Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:46:31 +0000 The doctor tells you the great news. “You are cancer-free. Nothing showed up on your scans and your bloodwork looks good. See you in a year for a checkup.” So goes the scenario, all over the world, until a few years later, when that “cancer-free” person discovers another lump or bump. According to John Hopkins […]

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The doctor tells you the great news. “You are cancer-free. Nothing showed up on your scans and your bloodwork looks good. See you in a year for a checkup.” So goes the scenario, all over the world, until a few years later, when that “cancer-free” person discovers another lump or bump.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, the highest risk of recurrence for breast cancer is during the first two years following treatment. Routine testing such as mammograms, MRIs, and PET scans are the typical ways that traditional medicine monitors women after their treatment. However, randomized controlled trials have found that routine testing for distant metastatic disease provides no benefit in survival or health-related quality of life.

Not only is this type of testing costly but it is very damaging at the same time. CT scans and mammograms emit serious amounts of radiation that can lead to DNA damage in an already compromised and weak body. They also produce more breast cancer stem cells, which are often very resistant to treatment.

Fortunately, there are many sensitive blood tests that can help you keep a pulse on what is going on in your body before another lump or bump is found.

Oncoblot Test
This is a blood test that measures the presence of the Enox 2 protein that only malignant cancer cells produce. No other cells in the body produce this type of protein, therefore, if the test determines the presence of the protein, you are producing cancer cells. Based on more than 20 years of research, the Oncoblot Test can detect 27 types of cancer in your body, as small as the size of a pin head!

Greece Test
Circulating Tumor Cells are cells that have been released from a tumor and are circulating in the blood stream. Keeping a measure on these cells can help you determine how aggressive you need to be in creating a protocol with evidence-based natural medicines. The Greece Test offers an “onco-count” which measures the number of CTC’s in the blood. Potent anti-cancer herbs such as blood root and foods like curcumin and broccoli sprouts have proven very effective in warding off cancer cells.

Cancer Profile
Cancer cells produce hormones that can be measured with sensitive technology. HCG is a broad spectrum tumor marker that is elevated about 80 percent of the time in all malignancies, regardless of where it is located. PHI is an enzyme that is one of the main causes of malignancy and cancer cell migration. It actually channels cells into low oxygen states and fermentation. It is an excellent marker for existing cancers.

If these tests are so powerful and helpful in early detection, why are they not offered by your traditional doctors? Great question! Without getting into the nitty-gritty of the multi-billion dollar cancer industry, traditional medicine is not real prevention and real early detection. They would not know what to do with it, since their approach is to affect visible tumors by cutting them out, radiating them and then eventually trying to poison them.

I have seen too many women suffer as a result of the recurrence of breast cancer after they have been told that they are “cancer-free.” Please share this information with someone that you know that may have been given that clean bill of health. You may be saving them a lot of heartache and future pain by ensuring that they are indeed cancer-free.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Who do you want on your healing team? Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:33:28 +0000 On your healthy breast journey, you are probably seeing a naturopath, taking supplements and following a healing diet. And you may also be utilizing the expertise of an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, a life coach, a conventional oncologist … or all of the above! Let’s face it: it takes courage and commitment to be truly empowered […]

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On your healthy breast journey, you are probably seeing a naturopath, taking supplements and following a healing diet. And you may also be utilizing the expertise of an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, a life coach, a conventional oncologist … or all of the above! Let’s face it: it takes courage and commitment to be truly empowered about your health.

The Doctor as Placebo
In our culture, we tend to put health professionals on a pedestal. Think about it: When you were sick as a child, your parents probably took you to see a doctor who would “make it all better” (usually by writing a prescription). Even as an adult, the subconscious believe of the doctor as the “ultimately authority” when it comes to your health may still exist on a subconscious level.

In fact, some researchers say that the overall attitude of the healing professional has a direct effect on patient outcomes. This makes sense. Through lack of attention, arrogance or a focus on negative outcomes, doctors have the ability to turn on stress responses that can lead to immune suppression. On the other hand, through caring attention and focus on positive outcomes, they have the power to elicit the relaxation response that can “turn on” healing for a vulnerable individual facing a scary diagnosis.

The ‘Healing Roundtable'
When it comes to healthy patient-professional relationships, Lissa Rankin, M.D., in her book Mind over Medicine, proposes what she and others call the “Healing Roundtable.”

“The Healing Roundtable is a collaborative process in which all health care practitioners involved in the care of the patient are equal players whose opinions matter. At the Healing Roundtable, the patient not the doctor presides as the utmost authority. While physicians may be invited to the Healing Roundtable, the invitation to be present does not grant doctors the right to give orders, negate the advice of others, disrespect others at the table or, most importantly, disregard the patient’s wishes.”

Setting up an actual meeting with all of your health care providers at the same time may not be practical. However, the vision of the “Healing Roundtable” can be a powerful tool to use as you choose the members of your “healing team.”

Imagine for a moment that you are seated at the head of the first meeting of your own healing team. Who do you want to be there? How do you want those present to act towards each other? Most importantly, how do you want them to treat you?

Write down your answers and review them often.

Questions to ask your healthcare providers

Here are some questions you may wish to pose to them during the course of your visit or during a separate meeting. Take note of their answers. Afterward, reflect on whether you can see them sitting at your “table”:

  • In addition to you, I am also seeing XYZ (healing professional) for this condition. Are you willing to collaborate and communicate with this/these professional(s)?
  • Are you willing to answer any questions I may have as we go forward?
  • Are you willing to be my partner in my healing journey?
  • Do you truly believe I can get better?

If you are working with a conventional medical provider, also consider these questions:

  • What are your views on nutrition and supplementation?
  • What lifestyle changes do you recommend I make?
  • What are my options if I decline XYZ treatment?

(For this question, you are checking to see if the M.D. is aware of other treatments outside of the traditional ones and you are determining if he or she is willing to work with you at all if you decline their treatment).

And if you are considering chemotherapy, ask your oncologist directly what specific things you can do to support your healthy cells during chemo, how the treatment will affect cancer stem cells and whether this would be the exact treatment they themselves would employ if they or a loved one were in your shoes.

Letting go of a healthcare provider

Consider saying goodbye to a healthcare provider if he or she is consistently hurried or distracted during your appointments, if they present you with only negative scenarios or if you simply do not feel safe in their presence. Trust your intuition!

Most of all, don’t be discouraged. As more people like you become empowered in regards to their health, doctors are “waking up” too — even within the halls of conventional medicine. Remember, you are a unique, intelligent human being that deserves to be treated with respect. The perfect team of caring healing professionals is out there just waiting for you!

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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Could magnesium deficiency raise risk of breast cancer? Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:23:05 +0000 Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency. The latest studies by the United States government state that approximately […]

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Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.”

Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency. The latest studies by the United States government state that approximately 68 percent of all Americans are deficient in this essential mineral and close to 20 percent are severely deficient, consuming less than half of the daily requirement. Research also shows a link between magnesium deficiency and cancer.

Adequate amounts of magnesium are essential for a healthy body. Here is just a few of the functions magnesium is responsible for:

  • Glutathione production;
  • Nerve and muscle function;
  • DNA and RNA synthesis;
  • Balancing electrolyte levels;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance and sleep quality (magnesium reduces cortisol levels, helping you relax);
  • Proper utilization of vitamins C and E as well as iodine;
  • Regulating inflammatory and pain responses in the body;
  • Providing protection from heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, mercury, and lead;
  • In addition, studies have shown that high levels of magnesium supplementation may inhibit cancer cell growth.

Magnesium for breast health and healing

A 2006 report published by the University of Minnesota concluded that diets rich in magnesium reduced colon breast massage magnesium cancer therapycancer occurrence in women. Brazilian cancer researchers found a link between low magnesium levels and critically ill cancer patients almost 20 years ago. Polish scientists made the connection between inadequate levels of magnesium and leukemia in the 1970s. In fact, doctors have been talking and writing about the cancer-healing properties of magnesium for almost 100 years. Currently, Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM is one of the most outspoken advocates of magnesium for healing and writes widely on the subject:

“The modern diet, with an overabundance of refined grains, processed foods, and sugars, contains very little magnesium. Even the magnesium inside whole grains and fresh vegetables has been declining steadily in recent years because of depletion of minerals in our soils, making magnesium supplementation necessary for most people.”

Dr. Sircus recommends the use of magnesium chloride, especially as magnesium chloride flakes, for bathing as well as magnesium in oil or gel form for rubbing into key areas on the skin. Here is a rundown of the best ways to use magnesium as part of your healthy breast protocol:

In the bath
Add magnesium chloride flakes to a bath for a relaxing soak. Make sure to use magnesium chloride flakes and not magnesium sulfate (found in regular Epsom salt). magnesium chloride is much more effective in smaller amounts as a detoxifier and electrolyte replenisher and will even aid the digestive process by balancing hydrochloric acid levels in the gut;

As an oil or gel
Transdermal application of magnesium oil or gel on the skin, and especially around the breast and colon area, can be very effective in getting the mineral into the system quickly. Taking the time to apply magnesium transdermally can also be a very calming process;

As a supplement
I prefer magnesium glycinate or magnesium in liposomal form. In these forms, the mineral is better able to be absorbed in your digestive system and is also less irritating to the gut; There is a blood test that you can order through your physician — RBC magnesium. This is a good indicator to see if you are deficient in magnesium.

As an enema
According to Dr. Sircus, some individuals have used a small amount of magnesium chloride flakes (1-2 teaspoons) in clean, filtered water as an enema in order to flood the body with healthy magnesium quickly. This method will bypass the digestive system altogether and go straight into the bloodstream.

In food
Green leafs like spinach and kale as well as most nuts, seeds, and beans contain high amounts of magnesium. Of course, always make sure that these foods are organic to get the most nutritional and mineral content out of them and also consider supplementing in one or more of the other ways mentioned above, especially if you are on a healing journey with breast cancer.

Don’t wait until your doctor tells you about magnesium to take action. For breast cancer prevention, choose healthy habits that do not deplete your magnesium levels now; daily alcohol consumption, for instance, will deplete your magnesium levels while raising your breast cancer risk by 30 percent.

In addition, transdermal and internal magnesium supplementation in the ways I have discussed above is absolutely vital if you are on a healing journey with breast cancer or breast cancer prevention. Use it in a supplement, oil, gel and bath flake form liberally. Not only will you be giving your body the healing advantage, but transdermal magnesium therapy can also be a very calming way to practice deep self-nurturing and self-care as well that can add tremendously to your healing.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal breast cancer naturally. To get your free 7-day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine, visit

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