Dr. Salvador Hernandez – Cancer Tutor https://www.cancertutor.com The Future of Cancer Research Wed, 13 May 2020 20:07:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Why IV Vitamin C is effective in cancer treatment https://www.cancertutor.com/why-iv-vitamin-c-is-effective-in-cancer-treatment/ Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:46:17 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=117432 In the 1970s, Linus Pauling observed that treatment with intravenous Vitamin C on patients with terminal cancer, followed by oral supplementation, had survival times four times longer than those not treated. However, two randomized clinical trials — Creagan, et al., 1979; Moertel, et al., 1985 — conducted at the Mayo Clinic with oral ascorbate alone […]

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In the 1970s, Linus Pauling observed that treatment with intravenous Vitamin C on patients with terminal cancer, followed by oral supplementation, had survival times four times longer than those not treated. However, two randomized clinical trials — Creagan, et al., 1979; Moertel, et al., 1985 — conducted at the Mayo Clinic with oral ascorbate alone showed no benefits.

Since then, most research has focused on treatment with intravenous ascorbate. This has led to a war of claims between Linus Pauling and the detractors of Intravenous Vitamin C therapy. [1]

What was behind the criticism of the findings of this famous Nobel-Prize-Winner scientist? The fact that no one could claim a patent over Vitamin C and thus be able to make money out of it.

Patients are looking for safe and affordable options to manage their cancer. Intravenous Vitamin C has that potential, based on basic research studies and clinical data. A potential obstacle is that pharmaceutical companies do not tend to fund vitamin trials because natural products cannot be patented. Because Vitamin C does not have a patent potential, its development will not be supported by the pharmaceutical industry.

Benefits for cancer patients

Cancer cells originate and thrive in a rich-in-free-radical environment. IV Vitamin C, however, is a potent antioxidant. which effectively fights free radicals and eliminates them from our body, preventing the new formation of cancerous cells and inhibiting the growth of existing tumors. [2]

IV Vitamin C also enhances the immune system. The presence of cancer in our bodies is not a coincidence nor a question of fate. Our immune system is constantly battling against all that is foreign to our bodies, even cells of our own that turn malignant. It takes a certain degree of immunodeficiency to allow the growth of cancer in us. Vitamin C, however, is very effective in keeping our immune system fit for the battle.

Vitamin C improves the quality of life. In studies conducted in the 70s and 80s by Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron and his colleagues suggested that large doses of Vitamin C (10 g / day injected intravenously for 10 days followed by at least 10 g / day orally indefinitely increased the well-being of patients, hence improving quality of life, energy levels, appetite and resilience to the adverse effect of other treatments. [3]

Vitamin C kills cancer cells. Cancer cells are no match for high doses of IV Vitamin C. The peak mMol concentration of Vitamin C reached by IV infusion, is selectively cytotoxic on cancerous cells, but does not cause any adverse effect on healthy cells, which also benefit from it. In recent studies, one by Bonuccelli, Lisanti et.al, and another by Lewis Cantley and collaborators at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, published in Science magazine in December 2015, has clearly shown that the contribution of increased levels of vitamin C in its oxidized form, dehydroascorbate, destroys human cancer cells carrying mutations in KRAS or BRAF oncogenes, which are present in more than half of colorectal tumors, and which are also especially refractory to treatment. The transcendence of this finding has had a tremendous impact on the science community. [4,5]

So, what do you think? Scientific evidence supports it, as well as the clinical experience of Verita Life. And we are not alone. It is being used in many hospitals and clinics around the world as a safe, effective and affordable element that has extraordinary benefits in the treatment of cancer.


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The importance of Full Spectrum Nutrition https://www.cancertutor.com/importance-full-spectrum-nutrition/ Sat, 10 Aug 2019 03:56:42 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=117396 Did you know the food you eat could make a significant difference in the outcome of your cancer treatment? Full Spectrum Nutrition supplies the body with nutrients, in the proper potency and proportion, to rebalance internal biochemistry to promote self-healing. Cancer patients and gastrointestinal hurdles A struggling digestive system will affect nutrition and is a […]

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Did you know the food you eat could make a significant difference in the outcome of your cancer treatment?

Full Spectrum Nutrition supplies the body with nutrients, in the proper potency and proportion, to rebalance internal biochemistry to promote self-healing.

Cancer patients and gastrointestinal hurdles

A struggling digestive system will affect nutrition and is a common complication for cancer patients. The incidence has been estimated at between 40% and 80% and is a figure that varies according to the type of tumor, location, clinical stage, and treatment. This pathological condition is associated with a decreased response and tolerance to anti-neoplastic treatment, deterioration in the quality of life, more extended hospital stays and a higher cost of healthcare, as well as lower survival rates. These facts support the urgent need to prevent or treat nutritional deficiencies promptly in patients with cancer. (1)

The evaluation of the gastrointestinal system of the patient should be carried out at the beginning and throughout treatment since it will indicate the effectiveness of the nutritional intervention.

Factors used in designing a Full Spectrum Nutrition plan include:

  • Functional Capacity
  • Metabolic Stress
  • Status of Patient Nutrition
  • Presence of Co-Morbidities (Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.)
  • The type of anti-cancer management to which you are being subjected
  • Body Mass Index
  • The kind of cancer you're fighting against

A hostile environment for cancer cells

When it comes to the integrative treatment of cancer, it is critical to provide the body with the proper nutritional elements. At Verita Life, our goal is to improve your chances of beating the disease, while at the same time creating a hostile environment for cancer cells inside you. (2)

After determining your nutritional and immunological weaknesses and strengths, our experts — including a highly qualified nutritionist — will design a personalized dietary regime.

When all these factors are taken into account, our goal is for each patient will have the highest possible nutritional advantage against this disease.

A variety of healthy foods will be available at our clinic, with a delicious menu designed by our nutritionist, carefully prepared by our kitchen personnel and supervised by our expert chef.

Bon appétit, friends!

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I.V. Glutathione for integrative cancer treatment https://www.cancertutor.com/glutathione-cancer-treatment/ Thu, 13 Jun 2019 05:13:53 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116188 Glutathione, also known as “the master antioxidant,” is a powerful substance produced and used by all cells in the body. Glutathione has a broad repertoire of clinically proven benefits for health. However, its levels can be compromised during disease, and cancer is, perhaps, the most glutathione-depleting disease there is. Glutathione deficiencies are common in patients […]

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Glutathione, also known as “the master antioxidant,” is a powerful substance produced and used by all cells in the body. Glutathione has a broad repertoire of clinically proven benefits for health.

However, its levels can be compromised during disease, and cancer is, perhaps, the most glutathione-depleting disease there is.

Glutathione deficiencies are common in patients with long-term diseases or exposed to high levels of oxidative stress by toxic substances. [1]

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is a peptide composed of three important amino acids, hence it is also called tripeptide. [1]

Researchers have suggested that cellular levels of glutathione could be used as a biomarker to determine life expectancy. [1, 2]

Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in the body. What makes glutathione unique is that it is found inside each of the cells in our body. Without glutathione, our cells cannot carry out their activities optimally. [1]

Glutathione does much more than simply inhibit free radicals. It also protects many systems and organs during disease or the deterioration that a disease entails.

Glutathione has been defined as a “defense agent against toxicity by xenobiotics” — that is, it protects against the harm of taking drugs, environmental pollutants and carcinogens. [1]

A deficiency of glutathione can manifest itself in the form of increased susceptibility to oxidative stress, which is thought to be involved in the genesis of a wide variety of diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and also cancer. [1]

The regulation of glutathione metabolism “could be a fundamental part in any strategy to provide health.” [1, 2]

Hence, glutathione deficiencies can lead to the onset of several diseases or the worsening of already present ones. There are several ways to increase its levels in the body, i. e. through the oral intake of it or nutraceuticals that are precursors of it like alpha lipoic acid, NAC, etc.

A powerful way of delivering glutathione to all tissues in your body is by I.V. infusion, a safe and efficient procedure when applied by a well-trained health expert.

How glutathione is beneficial for cancer patients

It is the most potent antioxidant. Oxidative stress is one of the contributing factors to the development of cancers. [3] Glutathione reduces the number of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the damage caused by oxidative stress in cells and DNA. [1, 2, 4] Glutathione protects against chronic diseases linked to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been related to diseases from cancer to neurodegeneration, among others.In addition to neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione has the incredible ability to “regenerate” other antioxidants in the body such as vitamin C and Vitamin E. [1]

It fights inflammation. A chronic inflammatory status of our body is a contributing factor to the development or worsening of cancer. [3] Glutathione is known to inhibit the production of most inflammatory cytokines. [1] Glutathione deficiency causes inflammation of the airways in mice. This inflammation was reduced and completely restored once glutathione was started. [1]
Glutathione inhibits the transcription factor NF-K, which increases several genes related to inflammation. [1]

It is an essential part of an integrative treatment for cancer. Glutathione is the most important actor in the regulation of life, proliferation, and death of cancer cells. Glutathione deficiency leads to an increase in oxidative stress damage that facilitates cancer progression. There is a correlation between the increase in glutathione intake and the decrease in the risk of mouth and throat cancer. [1]

Glutathione is also key in the repair of damage caused to cells and tissues by chemotherapy drugs in cancer patients (1). Glutathione is essential in the elimination and detoxification of carcinogenic substances. However, very high levels of glutathione, being an antioxidant, could reduce the effectiveness of certain chemotherapy drugs. So it is necessary to maintain a certain balance. That is, increase the levels without overdosing in case of chemotherapy. [1, 2]

At Verita Life, Glutathione forms just one part of our integrative cancer treatment program.

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Is medical tourism for integrative treatment worthwhile? https://www.cancertutor.com/medical-tourism/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:52:39 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116159 Millions of people are traveling abroad for healthcare services due to freedom of choice and affordability. Have you ever considered this possibility? As a young, recently graduated physician in 1986, little did I know that by moving to Tijuana I was getting immersed in the world of medical tourism. Thirty-three years later, it still evokes […]

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Millions of people are traveling abroad for healthcare services due to freedom of choice and affordability. Have you ever considered this possibility?

As a young, recently graduated physician in 1986, little did I know that by moving to Tijuana I was getting immersed in the world of medical tourism. Thirty-three years later, it still evokes warm feelings, remembering the hundreds of patients from all over the world I have had the immense privilege to treat. Without hesitation, I can say, the vast majority of these have been happy and satisfied they took the leap of faith to come to Tijuana seeking healthcare.

Freedom of choice here in Mexico allows medical institutions to ensemble treatment protocols which are both scientifically backed and highly effective, and at.a fraction of the cost of other countries. Over the last few decades, this multidisciplinary approach — which combines conventional western means of healing, with holistic and natural approaches has flourished, thanks to several clinics and hospitals.

Over my many years here in Tijuana, and thanks to the massive influx of patients demanding freedom of choice, I became familiar with therapies and healing methods such as laetrile, ozone therapy, naturopathy, chelation, etc., that were never taught to me in university. As well, I had the honor of learning from prominent scientists and practitioners in the fields of holistic medicine, homeopathy, and functional medicine.

Historically, it was back in the early 1960s when Mexico saw a boom in alternative cancer treatment clinics and hospitals. At the time, pioneers such as Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Harold Manner, Charlotte Gerson, and others used therapies such as the metabolic therapy, B-17, a variety of ozone treatments, Gerson therapy, etc., which started to build up Mexico’s still-growing reputation abroad. [1]

Geographically, Tijuana is strategically located on the northwestern-most point of Mexico, just across the border from San Diego. Travel-wise, both cities have airports with connections to the entire globe.

Through the years, the number of visitors to this region for health-related motives has been steadily growing. At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a yearly influx of about 250,000 medical tourists; in 2014 it got up to 800,000; in this 2019 the expectation is more than 2,000,000 visitors for healthcare reasons. [2] Something good must be happening in Baja!

assorted spices in spoons
Bernard Jensen

Nature Has a Remedy

Dr. Jensen has traveled the world on a quest to learn how other cultures deal with illness. This extraordinary book compiles much of the knowledge he gleaned and includes a wealth of information on dietary deficiencies, healthy circulation, herbs, tonics, exercise, and much more.

This vibrant healthcare industry has, in turn, promoted a high concentration of well-trained, certified professionals, and the development and availability of world-class facilities. In Baja, California, you can now find the most experienced professionals in complementary and alternative therapies in the world and it is this area of healthcare that a substantial number of foreign visitors look for when they come here.

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Dendritic cells: The awakening of your immune system https://www.cancertutor.com/dendritic-cells/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:19:53 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116155 What are the dendritic cells? Dendritic cells are phagocytes, a special type of immune cell found in tissues, such as the skin, which stimulate immune responses by presenting an antigen on its surface earlier than other cells of the immune system. The idea that the immune system has anti-cancer capabilities is not new. At the […]

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What are the dendritic cells? Dendritic cells are phagocytes, a special type of immune cell found in tissues, such as the skin, which stimulate immune responses by presenting an antigen on its surface earlier than other cells of the immune system.

The idea that the immune system has anti-cancer capabilities is not new. At the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Ehrlich proposed his theory of immunological surveillance for cancer. [1] According to Ehrlich, the tumor cells appeared spontaneously in the body and the immune system eliminated them. In fact, it seems that the efficacy of classical treatments also largely depends on the activation of immunological responses after the release of immuno-stimulatory molecules from necrotic cells.

The efficacy of immunotherapy against cancer depends on the immunogenicity of tumor cells to induce cytotoxic T responses. [2] Therefore, cancer cells should express immunogenic antigens that can become therapeutic targets. The first immunotherapies, available in the 60s, were directed against viral antigens expressed by oncogenic viruses.

However, only a low number of human cancers are caused by viral infections. In fact, the theory of the viral etiology of cancers could not explain the immunological responses generated against chemically induced tumors or the spontaneous regressions of cancers in people vaccinated against common pathogens or by administering adjuvants. These results demonstrated the existence of tumor antigens of non-viral origin. [3]

With the passage of time, it was discovered that cancer cells accumulated transformative mutations that resulted in genetic instability, increased cell survival, and uncontrolled proliferation. Many of the proteins affected in these mutations are transcription factors, intracellular signaling molecules (ras), cell division regulators and anti-oncogenes. The uncontrolled proliferation and the defects in the cellular DNA repair provoke even more mutations, which give rise to the aberrant expression of cellular proteins (mutated or not), conferring immunogenicity to the cancer cells. [4]

Immunotherapy against cancer with dendritic cells

Dendritic cells are the most effective and ideal antigen presenting cells for immunotherapy. Dendritic cells are easily differentiated from mouse bone marrow using recombinant GM-CSF, and also from human monocytes. These ex vivo production methods accelerated the progress of DC-based immunotherapy, as their number ceased to be a limiting factor.

Differentiated dendritic cells are phenotypically and functionally immature, which facilitates their manipulation. One of the great problems of immunotherapy against cancer, however, is the inefficient activation of effector T cells. Thus, vaccination with Dendritic cells seems to be the best option. The enhancement of their endogenous antigen presentation capabilities could break the natural tolerance against endogenous tumor antigens. [5]

assorted spices in spoons
Rene Chee and Edward Chee

Curing Cancer with Immunotherapy

This is the real-life story of Rene Chee, a biologist diagnosed with an aggressive cancer while working at Stanford University. After conventional treatment, she realizes it is a matter of time before her incurable cancer returns and takes her life.


The large-scale production of dendritic cells allowed its direct application in vaccination, after incubation with tumor antigens, either in the form of peptides or from tumor lysates. Another advantage of the ex vivo production of dendritic cells is the ease with which they can be genetically modified with viral and non-viral vectors. In addition, since its state of maturation can be controlled with relative ease, dendritic cells are ideal for immunotherapies.

Dendritic cells generated ex vivo have been used to generate T responses against infectious agents and cancer. The preclinical results in immunotherapy with DC-generated ex vivo have provided relevant data tools. [6]

No question, this field of research opens up an exciting and encouraging new horizon of cancer therapies and is something our patients at Verita Life already benefit from.

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A history of colon hydrotherapy https://www.cancertutor.com/colon-hydrotherapy/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 04:22:13 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116144 The procedure of colon hydrotherapy has been around for centuries with the Egyptians first using it around 1500 BC. The Egyptian papyrus method utilized a combination of purgatives, enemas, diuretics, heat, and steam, while both ancient and modern tribes from the Amazon, Central Africa and remote parts of Asia, have also used river water for […]

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The procedure of colon hydrotherapy has been around for centuries with the Egyptians first using it around 1500 BC. The Egyptian papyrus method utilized a combination of purgatives, enemas, diuretics, heat, and steam, while both ancient and modern tribes from the Amazon, Central Africa and remote parts of Asia, have also used river water for bowel cleansing.

The founding fathers of Western medicine, Hippocrates, Galenus, and Paracelsus too used and prescribed the use of enemas for cleaning the colon. By the 1920s into the 1960s, enemas had become standard practice in hospitals worldwide. [1]

What is modern colon hydrotherapy?

Modern hydrotherapy is a complete and deep clean-up technique applied to the large intestine using pressurized water. It implies the utilization of a sophisticated machine that regulates the pressure, temperature and amount of water that is carefully infused into the colon.

The process destroys mycosis (fungus) attached to the walls of the colon and helps to detoxify the intestinal lymphatic glands, thereby balancing the immune system and decreasing allergic symptoms.

By eliminating the fecal incrustations in the haustra (small pouches), hydrotherapy also favors peristalsis, improves the muscle tone of the colon and relieves constipation. [2]

During a session of colon hydrotherapy, several things happen: water temperature is alternated from cold to warm, abdominal massage is performed by the therapist while the implantation of herbs or probiotics can enhance efficacy and protect intestinal flora.

Hydrotherapy also favors the blood irrigation of abdominal organs, the neutralization of free radicals, and the use of butyrate by the colonocytes, which is essential to these cells for their proper functioning. As well, impurities adhered to the wall that are putrefied and sometimes stay for long periods inside the body, are eliminated from the colon.

For doctors and therapists, colon hydrotherapy provides important information about the digestive health of the patient and allows for the detection of intestinal parasites. It also provides optimal preparation of the colon, facilitating a more accurate study for medical diagnosis and minimizes discomfort caused by residual barium. Hydrotherapy is also highly valuable for the preparation of intestinal surgery patients, providing an optimal surgical environment.


For cancer patients, colon hydrotherapy is an excellent adjuvant treatment. [2] It helps eliminatory pathways in the liver and, of course, the colon, through which the body will get rid of damaging toxins and free radicals. As well, it fights inflammation, thus helping to reduce pain. 

When a patient is receiving conventional chemo or radiotherapy, colonics will protect him or her against some of the toxic effects of such therapies. At the same time, less toxicity will allow the patient to better benefit from the nutrients in food, and facilitate the action of the different nutraceuticals used in complementary medicine.

In general, colon hydrotherapy is very useful in cases of intestinal laziness, bloating, abdominal gas, diarrhoea, fecalomas, constipation, intestinal cleaning after radiology, endoscopy and surgery, mucus accumulation, localized inflammatory status, intestinal parasitosis, diverticulosis, IBS, complementary treatment of arthritis, cellulitis, obesity, inadequate weight regulation, detoxification, prevention of colon cancer, prevention of polyps, venous and lymphatic disorders, tired legs and for stimulation of the body's natural defences.

At Verita Life Clinics, colon hydrotherapy is a fast, effective, comfortable and hygienic method of detoxifying and treating cancer patients, and forms an important part of our integrative methodology. Patients who undergo this treatment regularly report an increase in energy, better sleep, feelings of lightness and overall lifting of mood, better digestion, and healthier bowel activity.

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What is Local Hyperthermia Therapy? https://www.cancertutor.com/local-hyperthermia-therapy/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 04:06:24 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116141 Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment whereby body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113 degrees). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and destroy cancer cells, usually causing minimal damage to normal tissues. [1] By destroying cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within […]

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Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment whereby body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113 degrees). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and destroy cancer cells, usually causing minimal damage to normal tissues. [1] By destroying cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within cells, hyperthermia can reduce tumors. [2]

Beneficial in cancer treatments

Hyperthermia is used most effectively in the context of comprehensive cancer therapies, which may even resort to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. [1, 3] Hyperthermia may increase the sensitivity of some cancer cells to radiation or damage other cancer cells that radiation cannot destroy. When hyperthermia is combined with radiation therapy, they are often administered one hour apart. Hyperthermia can also improve the effects of certain anti-cancer drugs.

Extensive clinical research has been conducted to study hyperthermia in combination with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. These studies have focused on the treatment of several types of cancer, including sarcoma, melanoma, and cancers of the head and neck, brain, lung, esophagus, breast, bladder, rectum, liver, appendix, cervix and the peritoneal lining, mesothelioma, and others (1, 3-7).

Many of these studies, although not all, have indicated a significant reduction in tumor size when hyperthermia is combined with other treatments. [1, 3, 6, 7] In view of all this, can you imagine what it can do in combination with nutritional, immunological approaches together with detoxification?

How is it done?

When local hyperthermia is used, heat is applied in a small area, such as a tumor, and various techniques are used to provide energy to increase the temperature in that area. Different energy sources can be used to apply heat, for example, microwave, radio frequency, and ultrasound.

Depending on where the tumor is located, there are several methods for the use of local hyperthermia. External approaches are used to treat tumors that are on or just below the skin. External applicators are placed around or near the region to be treated, and energy is concentrated in the tumor to raise its temperature.

 Safe and effective

Most normal tissues are not damaged during hyperthermia if the temperature stays below 111 degrees. However, due to regional differences in tissue characteristics, higher temperatures may be recorded at certain points. This can result in burns, blisters, discomfort or pain. [1, 5, 7]

Infusion techniques can cause tissue inflammation, blood clots, bleeding and other injuries to normal tissues in the area that was treated with perfusion; however, most of these side effects are temporary. This kind of risks is minimized when the therapy is applied by a well-trained health professional.

At Verita Life, local hyperthermia is just one protocol that forms part of its integrative cancer treatment program, with Chief Medical Director, Dr. Adem Günes, a world-renowned expert and researcher in this field.

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Nutrition is key in cancer battle plan https://www.cancertutor.com/nutrition-cancer-battle-plan/ Tue, 11 Jun 2019 20:30:04 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116127 The predilection of cancer cells for sugar was already appreciated by Ernst Freund, one of the first modern cancer researchers, in 1885. This first finding explains the diagnostic test in most solid tumors is the FDG-PET scanner, which detects the increased metabolism of glucose in cells. [1] In the early decades of the 20th century, […]

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The predilection of cancer cells for sugar was already appreciated by Ernst Freund, one of the first modern cancer researchers, in 1885. This first finding explains the diagnostic test in most solid tumors is the FDG-PET scanner, which detects the increased metabolism of glucose in cells. [1]

In the early decades of the 20th century, pioneers like Otto Warburg and Alexander Braunstein were already establishing the strong relationship between nutrients and diseased cells. Their research led to the development of new approaches to the treatment of various illnesses. Of course, it was also determined that cancer had a strong nutritional base, among its myriad of causes.

The nuanced work of these and other scientists lead us to the question of how much fat and what type should provide a diet for preventive or therapeutic purposes. To find out, the key is in the differences between healthy and diseased cells.

Healthy cells can obtain the energy they need from glucose, fat or protein. In contrast, cancer cells are only efficient at transforming glucose and can barely get energy from proteins and even less from fats.

This reality at the metabolic level is reflected in the relationship that exists between the incidence of cancer and diets rich in carbohydrates and total calories that lead to the elevation of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin — a major inducer of cell proliferation — and blood sugar.

Researchers again turn their attention to the metabolism of diseased cells, their hunger for sugar and the acidic environment they create to reproduce better.

And a diet that practically eliminates sugar (carbohydrates) as an energy source in favor of fat is considered a preventive and therapeutic strategy. [2]

According to human biology doctor Ulrike Kammerer, a researcher at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg (Germany) and co-author of Ketogenic Nutrition Against Cancer, the most appropriate food may be that of our farthest ancestors.

The hunter-fisher-gatherer peoples fed on what they hunted and fished and, therefore, obtained the energy of proteins and fats.

An example is the Innuits, the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle, who ate very fatty meats and fish, and who knew practically no cancer or cardiovascular diseases, as the European explorers proved.

Or the inhabitants of the Tokelau Islands, in Polynesia, whose main source of energy was the coconut, rich in fat, and who enjoyed great health until they began to consume the flour-based products that the Europeans brought.

Despite the obvious relationship between blood sugar rates and cancer, the official recommendation continues that carbohydrates contribute between 60 and 70% of daily calories (we inherit a culture based on grain reserves).

The advice is maintained even for cancer patients and they are only recommended to increase the proportion of fat and protein when they suffer weight loss and muscle mass, due to the progression of the disease.

Scientists who are supporters of the so-called “ketogenic diet” recommend replacing carbohydrates with fats. Natural foods rich in fats are metabolized without difficulty; they do not raise the sugar and reduce the chances that the genes related to cancer are activated. [3]

With a diet that includes them as the main energy ingredients, we can create an ecosystem in the body to reinforce the healthy parts, without benefiting the cancer cells, and even inhibiting them.

At Verita Life our in-house nutritionists, also personally design menus to suit each patient individually and their nutritional needs specifically.

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Chemosensitivity: Test driving your chemotherapy https://www.cancertutor.com/chemosensitivity/ Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:39:23 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116123 Doctors have a new ally to deal with cases of cancer patients who have two or more possible treatments: the chemosensitivity test. This is a laboratory test that measures the number of tumor cells that a certain cancer drug eliminates. The test is done after the tumor cells are collected from the patient’s body. These […]

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Doctors have a new ally to deal with cases of cancer patients who have two or more possible treatments: the chemosensitivity test.

This is a laboratory test that measures the number of tumor cells that a certain cancer drug eliminates. The test is done after the tumor cells are collected from the patient’s body. These cells are then cultured under strictly controlled conditions and then exposed to different kinds of anti-tumoral drugs. A chemosensitivity test can help you choose the best option or the best combination of cancer drugs for a specific patient’s case.

This procedure is very well capable of avoiding the frustration derived from the failure of chemotherapy agents and by identifying the most effective approach to a specific patient’s case. It can also help avoid the occurrence of harsh and unnecessary side effects by ruling out treatments which are not optimal in each specific case.

An excellent example of this kind of test was described by the research TAILORx on breast cancer, as presented in a recent ASCO Meeting. [1] The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) concluded that, among the genomic tests available, only Oncotype Dxha has enough data to be used in the choice about the use of chemotherapy. A similar judgment was expressed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) in updating its guidelines.

Despite all of this evidence, this kind of test is not covered by many of the national healthcare systems in the world.

Endowed with state-of-the-art technology, Chemosensitivity Laboratories are, however, spear-heading the field of biotechnology and chemosensitivity testing, to provide further information that enhances a cancer specialist’s ability to choose the most appropriate therapy for each individual patient. Key to the development is a unique machine that analyzes both tissues and each cell individually. A pioneer in this biotech area is American chemist Peter Andreotti. [2]

Of course, Oncology has very clear guidelines to treat each cancer, however, this technique is very useful to solve special situations.

There are some tumors in which there is more than one possible initial treatment; where one will serve the patient more than the other. In other cases, the tumor is so advanced that many treatments do not work and the best option should be further sought.

Analyzing cases of patients with triple negative breast cancer, for example, is very difficult to approach due to the limited options of treatment and the fact that cancer cells do not interact with hormone receptors. In particular, this is an area where scientists are looking at possible better treatment options and outcomes thanks to this test.

At Verita Life Clinics, this biotech test allows us to really be tougher on the Cancer and easier on the patient with no more blind spots when it comes down to selecting the right drug or combination of drugs. Our weaponry is more accurately aimed at the specific weaknesses of personal cancerous cells while we also work on improving the patient’s overall physical, psychological and nutritional health.

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Immunotherapy: Next major cancer treatment? https://www.cancertutor.com/immunotherapy-for-cancer-treatment/ Tue, 11 Jun 2019 15:07:03 +0000 https://www.cancertutor.com/?p=116119 Anything that has an accelerator must also have a brake, and the immune system is a perfect example of that. The main function of our immune system is to destroy the invading agents — viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites — but this also requires having armaments which, in the hands of the wrong commander, becomes a […]

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Anything that has an accelerator must also have a brake, and the immune system is a perfect example of that. The main function of our immune system is to destroy the invading agents — viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites — but this also requires having armaments which, in the hands of the wrong commander, becomes a lethal risk for its owner.

Arthritis, lupus, Type 1 diabetes and at least 50 other autoimmune diseases are caused when a patient's immune system exceeds its functions and reacts against its own cells. Conversely, immunodeficiencies open the door for infection and also cancer, since the immune system is slowing down.

Playing with this delicate balance, however, is one of the most promising lines of research against cancer and is known as immunotherapy.

There are two basic approaches in immunotherapy for cancer. One is the isolation of some proteins of the patient’s cancer, which are then used to stimulate the immune system and attack it. These forms of immunotherapy are highly effective on cancers such as prostate, colon, kidney, breast, skin, and others. [1] A second approach is to build a viral “smart bomb,” by engineering certain viruses to selectively invade and kill cancerous cells. When lysis (or cell breakdown) occurs, antigens then release express GM-CST, which further improves the immune response against that cancer. [1]

Many reputable institutions in the world have been conducting research in this field: The Cancer Research Institute, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, The Bloomberg-Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, NIH, MD Anderson Cancer Centers, and many others. Unfortunately, the reality is that FDA-approved immune therapies are slowly being released to the public, and at stratospheric prices.

But there is hope. In some areas of the world, freedom of choice in healthcare are making immunotherapies available and affordable.

At Verita Life, the combination of vaccines used during the treatment will differ from patient-to-patient, tumor-to-tumor and takes into consideration a wide range of factors, including a patient's nutritional status, family history, disease history, etcetera. In addition to vaccines, we also use peptides to stimulate the action of antibodies and immune cells, such as T-lymphocytes, Macrophages and more.

assorted spices in spoons
Rene Chee and Edward Chee

Curing Cancer with Immunotherapy

This is the real-life story of Rene Chee, a biologist diagnosed with an aggressive cancer while working at Stanford University. After conventional treatment, she realizes it is a matter of time before her incurable cancer returns and takes her life.


It’s no secret that cancerous cells are constantly developing within all of our bodies with the immune system constantly fighting back. How successful depends on a wide variety of factors, for example, chronic intoxication, viral infections, poor nutrition, stress, immunodeficiencies, etc.

With this in mind, we hand-tailor an individual approach during cancer treatment, which for us is paramount, including pinpointing exactly when and how the disease might have begun and redirected your immune weaponry to fight it.

The post Immunotherapy: Next major cancer treatment? appeared first on Cancer Tutor.
