Search Results for “melanoma” – Cancer Tutor The Future of Cancer Research Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:03:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The health benefits of water exercises for cancer patients Mon, 29 Jun 2020 19:08:24 +0000 If you’re a cancer patient or cancer survivor looking for a low-impact way to get your body moving, water exercises may be the solution. Unlike more strenuous workouts, water aerobics do not strain your muscles or joints. And as we’ll explain, water has a therapeutic way of refreshing your mind and reduces stress and anxiety. […]

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If you’re a cancer patient or cancer survivor looking for a low-impact way to get your body moving, water exercises may be the solution. Unlike more strenuous workouts, water aerobics do not strain your muscles or joints.

And as we’ll explain, water has a therapeutic way of refreshing your mind and reduces stress and anxiety. You will be invigorated and have a better sleep.

Physical activity is a piece of the puzzle that helps promote a healthy immune system. Diet and exercise are paramount in boosting your body’s immunity. While you can’t change your DNA, you can control how you fuel your body – with food and workouts.

For starters, water exercises provide a flexible environment for working out; you don’t have to worry about falling and hurting yourself in a pool. The water also reduces the impact exercises have on your joints and muscles.

So, slip on that swimsuit – no Speedos, please! – and let’s dip our toes into the pool to test the waters …

‘Find something called movement’

Cancer patients’ quality of life depends on a myriad of factors, including their overall health. Being physically active is a significant component of QoL. However, cancer patients and survivors often suffer from myofascial pain. This chronic and painful condition affects the connective tissue that covers the muscles.

There are many ways to be physically active, including rebounding, yoga, walking. If you suffer from myofascial pain syndrome, this may involve either a single muscle or a muscle group and not allow you to exert the energy to do those activities. [1]

During the 2017 Cancer Control Society annual meeting, biochemistry researcher Nick Delgado asked, “What is it you’re doing right now to prevent cancer?”

At the root of his question is the immune system – and physical activity plays a significant role.

“Our immune system is the key to being able to fight and overcome this very serious killer disease,” Delgado said. “I am also of the school that we follow a lifestyle that helps us to live healthier and better.

“I don’t believe it will ever be a world free of cancer completely. I think people always smoke. They’ll always abuse their body. They always want to eat meat,” says Delgado, who promotes a plant-based lifestyle.

For cancer patients who cannot put their bodies through running and jumping rigors, water aerobics may be beneficial for a healthier, more physically-active life.

“Start with walking, move up to jogging, move up to running,” Delgado said. “I have athletes. I have people who have not exercised a day in their life, who graduate to various forms [of exercise]; could be water exercise. You have to find something called movement. Move your body.”

The popularity of water exercises

A 2018 study aimed to establish exercise preferences among head and neck cancer survivors found that 33% of those queried were interested in water exercises. [2] Meanwhile, there is mounting scientific evidence that has shown physical exercise improves aerobic fitness, strength, physical activity levels, and quality of life.

Physical exercise, including water aerobics, reduces fatigue in cancer survivors, including breast cancer patients, during and post-treatment. Research also suggests other health benefits from physical activity during and post-cancer treatments. [3]

In 2012, 66 breast cancer survivors were randomly assigned into two groups: the Water group, who received a water exercise program, and the Control group, who received the usual care treatment for breast cancer. The research noted an 8-week water therapy program was useful for improving neck and shoulder/armpit pain and reducing the presence of trichorhinophalangeal (TRPS) in breast cancer survivors as compared with usual care.

TRPS is a gene that appears to help regulate healthy embryonic development and is found at high levels in virtually all forms of breast cancer. [4] Based on 2005 research, the TRPS-1 gene is associated with a rare, inherited genetic disease in which loss of the gene function results in muscle and bone deformities. [5] The gene is located in a region previously known to be associated with breast cancer and other oncogenes.

“Based on our findings, we believe that TRPS-1 is involved in the earliest stages of breast cancer,” says Laszlo Radvanyi, Ph.D., associate professor of breast and melanoma medical oncology at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

TRPS-1 is a DNA-binding protein that regulates how other proteins get produced. It also appears to be involved in recognition of steroids such as estrogen. Radvanyi speculates that the protein may help regulate cell growth and perhaps estrogen recognition.

Benefits of water exercises

Exercise may be associated with increased health-related quality of life in patients with cancer. Still, it is not prescribed as standard care during or after cancer treatment. A systematic review of methodological quality from 16 randomized controlled trials summarized the evidence.

The review determined that exercise has a direct positive impact on patients’ quality of life with cancer, during, and following medical intervention. The types of cancer studied included mixed, breast, lymphoma, colo-rectal, prostate, and lung cancer. The authors also noted exercise is a “clinically relevant treatment and should be an adjunct to disease therapy in oncology.” [6]

Furthermore, another study of 72 randomized controlled trials – 71 in adults and 1 in children – determined exercise had a moderate effect on reducing fatigue compared with a control intervention. Exercise also improved depression and sleep. [7]

In 2018, a study was launched to investigate whether patients who suffer from lower limb lymphedema after cancer treatments can benefit from water immersion exercise training to improve functional capacity, quality of life, and help control/diminish limb volume.

Aquatic exercise training programs allow moderate and vigorous-intensity activities for patients with lower limb lymphedema, increasing functional capacity and quality of life. Thus, immersion exercise does not appear to exacerbate lower limb lymphedema. [8]

“If you transition to a healthy lifestyle, you may not need the medications in short order. Your quality of life will improve dramatically,” Delgado said. “We know that exercise is important. We know that your emotional status is important. We know that better sleep is important.

“I can tell you this: If you suffer from allergies, cancer, infection, or inflammation, your white blood cells are the key to your total health and immune system.” (White blood cells are immune system cells that help protect against infectious diseases.) [9-10]

Types of water aerobics

Water aerobics place very little weight on the joints, which means people of all ages and varying levels of fitness can reap the exercises’ benefits. Water places an upward force on a person – buoyancy – and you can experience as much as 90% less weight when in the water. This makes water exercises an ideal activity for a low-impact water workout.

Aqua jogging is a low-impact exercise to get the heart pumping and blood flowing throughout the body. As simple as jogging through the water from one side of the pool to the other, aqua jogging also can be as simple as walking back and forth in the pool or marching in place in the pool.

Capitalizing on the resistance of the water, leg lifts work all of the muscles in your legs. Merely stand in the pool and lift one leg out to the side and back down. Repeat until your leg feels tired, then switch legs. This exercise also improves balance and strengthens your core.

Water push-ups build strength in your arms, chest, and shoulders – and there is not a lot of pressure put on your joints. To do these push-ups, stand along the side of the pool and place your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart on the edge of the pool. Bend your arms and lean in toward the wall, then push yourself back out. Repeat this exercise slowly and until your arms feel tired.


Are there health benefits to water exercises?

Among other benefits, water exercises can help improve the health of your heart. The water’s pressure helps in blood circulation, which reduces your blood pressure. This means less strain is on your heart while it is pumping blood. (Water exercises also can burn 500 to 1000 calories per hour!)

What type of exercises can I do in the water?

Among the most popular are jogging from one side of the pool to another, walking back and forth, or even marching in place. The water’s resistance is the key in each of these exercises. Other exercises include leg lifts and push-ups (against the side of the pool).

What should I wear while doing water aerobics?

A bathing suit – and toss on a T-shirt if that makes you more comfortable. Also, invest in a pair of water shoes with rubber soles, foam padding, and good ventilation. (And don’t forget to stretch before getting the pool!)

Should I eat before getting into the pool to exercise?

Yes, you should eat before any workout; food fuels your body! But make sure you’re stocking up  with the right nutrients. Fill your tummy and get a quick burst of energy by eating healthy: a banana, a green smoothie, etc.

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Celebrities who sought natural cancer treatments Mon, 04 May 2020 15:54:00 +0000 Stories abound of celebrities who turn to alternative and complementary treatments for any number of ailments. Best-known are those among the rich and famous who have faced a cancer diagnosis and chose treatment beyond the pale of conventional medicine.  Among those who have tried alternative protocols include actors, presidents, and technology geniuses. As with any […]

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Stories abound of celebrities who turn to alternative and complementary treatments for any number of ailments. Best-known are those among the rich and famous who have faced a cancer diagnosis and chose treatment beyond the pale of conventional medicine. 

Among those who have tried alternative protocols include actors, presidents, and technology geniuses. As with any cancer treatment – conventional or alternative – there are no guarantees, but it does raise the interesting question of why. Why, with advances in conventional medical technology, would those with the most exceptional healthcare access choose to look outside the box?

What's interesting is how this may or may not have influenced conventional medicine to begin rethinking how they view the treatment of cancer. For instance, an industry that used to destroy the immune system with chemotherapy now recognizes that building the immune system and overall health aids in the efficacy of conventional treatments.

In more recent years, it's come to replace the old methods, as was the case with President Jimmy Carter. His melanoma was treated exclusively with immunotherapy-, an approach holistic medicine has been touting for years. 

Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: breast cancer
Treatment: conventional and alternative medicine
Outcome: 30-year survivor

The co-star opposite John Travolta in the musical Grease has been battling breast cancer for nearly 30 years. During those three decades, she's learned not to rely solely on the advice and treatments of conventional medicine. 

Diagnosed in 1992, Newton-John had the entire arsenal of cancer assault mechanisms known to conventional medicine – mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy. Her cancer returned twice since, and she has decided against chemotherapy. And while Newton-John has incorporated radiation into her regimen, she's also emphasized a more holistic approach to what is now Stage IV cancer. By integrating holistic medicine practices, she's helped strengthen immunity, fight pain, and, she hopes, kill cancer.

These alternative treatments include extracts from cannabis and certain mushrooms, Vitamin B17, Vitamin D, and high doses of Vitamin C.

Newton-John has since opened the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre in Heidelberg, Australia. Patients receive an integrative approach to cancer treatment that incorporates conventional treatment with holistic practices.

Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: uterine cancer
Treatment: radical hysterectomy combined with an integrative approach
Outcome: cancer-free

The Jewish-American actress with the distinctive voice is famous twice: first for her semi-autobiographical show The Nanny and then for her resolute response to a cancer diagnosis.

During her final season of The Nanny in 1999, Drescher was beginning a new season of life and starting a new journey with her health.  

Eventually recognized by doctors as uterine cancer, her condition was addressed as peri-menopausal. This misdiagnosis delayed the treatment she needed while subjecting her body to treatments she did not need.

When she finally emerged from this long dark period of her life – which included a radical hysterectomy – Drescher found herself with a story to tell and a movement to lead. Her experience led to writing a book, Cancer Schmancer, and launching a foundation by the same name.  

Her celebrity became her platform not to raise money for foundations or institutions but rather to encourage reform in the way American's treated their health. She's using her platform to help people battle cancer before it begins by addressing lifestyle changes – diet, exercise, stress level, etc.

She supports a holistic view of medical care, strengthening the body to fight for itself rather than relying solely on what she calls the American “sick care system.”

Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: breast cancer
Treatment: lumpectomy, radiation, complementary/alternative medicine
Outcome: cancer-free

Following Suzanne Somers' breast cancer diagnosis in 2001, she addressed it the way most women do – surgery to remove tumors and radiation to zap the remaining cancer cells. But she decided against chemotherapy.

Instead of decimating her immune system, she decided to strengthen her body's natural defenses. The approach allowed her to weaken and kill cancer cells lurking in the shadows. She turned to a little-known drug called Iscador, a mistletoe extract that's shown in studies to kill cancer and bolster immunities. 

Through the years since her diagnosis, the Three's Company star has interviewed dozens of patients and doctors about cancer prevention through diet, detox, and natural cancer treatment protocols. She details her findings in the book Knock Out.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: skin cancer and colon cancer
Treatment: surgery plus laetrile supplementation and potential oxygen therapy
Outcome: full recovery; died of pneumonia in 2004

The 40th President of the United States was famously diagnosed with bouts of skin cancer, which he had surgically removed. And then, amid The Cold War tensions between the United States and Russia, President Reagan faced a threat from the inside. Inside his colon. Doctors identified and removed a cancerous polyp to prevent spread.  

So just weeks into his second term, surgeons resected two feet of The Gipper's large intestine. What isn't as widely known about the POTUS is that he decided against chemotherapy or radiation. 

There are reports that Reagan received intravenous treatments of laetrile, a compound also known as Amygdalin found in the seeds of apricots and other fruits. Reagan also may have received oxygen therapy. 

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: melanoma
Treatment: immunotherapy
Outcome: cancer-free

In 2015 Jimmy Carter sought treatment for metastatic melanoma using immune mechanisms that the natural cancer treatment community has highlighted for decades.

Utilizing the immunotherapy drug Keytruda, doctors made Carter's natural immune defenses “smarter” and more precise in attacking the abnormal cell growth in his brain and liver. Only a handful of years ago, conventional medicine would have performed a widespread annihilation of Carter's immune system while trying to wipe out cancer with chemical warfare and radiation. 

At 91 years old, Carter likely would not have even survived conventional cancer treatment – let alone cancer he was trying to treat. Now the mainstream medical community is developing and patenting drugs to strengthen and enhance the immune system. These modalities allow the body to fight without chemicals and procedures that would weaken its natural defenses.

Natural formulations like Beta 1 3D Beta Glucan and other natural immune-enhancing supplements have worked effectively by similarly helping the immune system target foreign bodies, including abnormal cell growth.

Immunotherapy in modern oncology is an encouraging development that affirms at least some practices of holistic medicine. The approach signals a turning point for conventional methods that historically have been governed more by industrial modalities than by health-focused innovation.

Tommy Chong

Tommy Chong cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: prostate cancer
Treatment: cannabis
Outcome: living

The Chong half of the 1970s comedy duo Cheech & Chong, Tommy Chong, says prison gave him prostate cancer, and his reason for jail time, in part, provided what he has called the cure. In 2003 he served 9 months for selling pot pipes and says he can trace his slow-growing prostate cancer to his time in prison. 

“I was totally healthy when I went in jail … and then while I was in jail, I was clean as a whistle, and I started having problems with my prostate,” he said in an interview with CNN. “So, yeah, I think I got [cancer] there.”

When he was diagnosed with the disease several years later, the then 74-year-old said he had given up smoking marijuana. But then he started using the plant in the form of suppositories to “treat” his cancer. 

Whatever Chong's motive in utilizing cannabis during his battle with cancer, the actor might have benefited himself in the fight. Some studies have shown that cannabinoids, chemicals found in cannabis, might program specific prostate cancer cells to stop growing and multiplying.   

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: pancreatic cancer
Treatment: lifestyle and diet changes, surgery, cutting-edge DNA sequencing
Outcome: survived for 8 years; died in 2011.

The illustrious mind behind Apple Inc. is perhaps viewed with the most medical suspicion among the many celebrities to address their cancer diagnosis with unconventional treatments.

Jobs undoubtedly is among the best known of these celebrities, in part because of the lengthy Walter Isaacson biography that detailed Jobs' diagnosis, subsequent treatment plans, and final years of life. And because of his illness, he also very visibly stepped down from his responsibilities as CEO of the most innovative tech company in history. 

So why would this technological genius eschew the medical technology available at the time to treat him? As he did with most areas of his life, Steve Jobs approached his diet and health in somewhat quirky ways. While working at Atari, for instance, he reportedly denounced daily showers and deodorant, believing that his diet would keep him from needing those conventional hygiene regimens.

So in 2003, when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer while being scanned for kidney stones, he followed the path he'd followed most of his life: the road less traveled. Instead of pursuing the conventional route of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, Jobs attacked his diagnosis by strengthening his body's ability to fight cancer. But this was not a haphazard decision. After all, the rare form of pancreatic cancer – islet cell carcinoma – was slow-growing and highly treatable.

He consulted with some of the best medical minds available. Still, he concluded that he would aggressively change his lifestyle instead of being cut open or zapped. About a recommended surgical procedure, he told one confidante: “I really didn't want them to open up my body.” 

It's easy to suggest that Jobs was just stubborn in his initial refusal of conventional medical treatments. His stubbornness and individuality branched into every decision he made. He also weighed the detriment of gambling with chemicals and surgery and the limits they might place on his ability to perform at optimal levels for whatever years he had left. 

There are few details available about exactly what Jobs did during the months that he treated his cancer. He was a relatively private man, but a few things are clear.

The lifelong adherent to a mostly plant-based diet became even more restrictive in his veganism and added to this discipline a regular intake of herbs, botanicals, and juices. He visited acupuncturists and also explored the spiritual side of physical healing.

Nine months into this treatment, a scan revealed his tumor had grown and had likely moved outside the pancreas. Perhaps he was disappointed, but he wasn't defeated. He finally went in for the recommended surgery to have the tumor removed. Then he turned his attention and vast resources to pursuing cutting edge, experimental treatments through MIT and Harvard. Among the testing was genetic sequencing of the tumor to treat it at the molecular level.   

“I'm either going to be one of the first to be able to outrun a cancer like this, or I'm going to be one of the last to die from it,” Jobs told Isaacson in early 2011. “Either among the first to make it to share or the last to get dumped.”

Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: ovarian cancer
Treatment: sought alternative treatment in Mexico
Outcome: died in 2005

After fighting alongside husband Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the struggle for civil rights, Coretta Scott King faced a battle with ovarian cancer in 2005. The diagnosis came while recovering from a stroke.

Doctors in the United States gave her very little hope for successful treatment through conventional medicine. So, she traveled to a clinic in Mexico, hoping alternative medical options might provide more promise. 

Sadly, Mrs. King was unable to make it to the treatment given the advanced stage of her diagnosis and other health issues. She passed away at the clinic in 2005.

Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: mesothelioma
Treatment: holistic treatment, immunotherapy, surgery
Outcome: died from pulmonary embolism

After making his film debut in 1953, Hollywood Legend Steve McQueen would go on to star in dozens of successful films and television shows. For more than two decades, McQueen made a name for himself as a rugged, tough guy on screen and in the Hollywood hills.

In 1979, doctors detected a cancerous mass on his lungs. McQueen's military career exposed him to asbestos, and a reported two-pack-per-day cigarette habit contributed to the mesothelioma that set up in his lungs.

McQueen and his medical team determined no conventional medical intervention could treat his cancer. He sought the opinion of alternative medicine practitioners, including a clinic in Juarez, Mexico. 

At the clinic, he was on a regimen of organic foods, high doses of vitamins, and intramuscular injection of animal cells. These increased the production of interferon, a protein that enables the body's natural defenses to ward off viruses and, presumably, fight cancer. 

Already weak from aggressive cancer, McQueen was recovering after surgery to remove a cancerous mass pressing on his lungs. He suffered an embolism that took his life less than one year after diagnosis.

Farrah Fawcett

Farrah Fawcett cancer diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis: anal cancer
Treatment: variety of conventional and alternative treatments
Outcome: short remission but eventual death in 2009

In 2006 the Charlie's Angels star was diagnosed with Anal Cancer, a form of cancer caused by an anal infection of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Fawcett's cancer went into remission following conventional treatment. But then cancer returned, so she turned to alternative therapies available in Germany.

Trying to avoid surgery that would require the use of a colostomy bag, she made six trips to Germany for treatments. Unfortunately, the disease spread to her liver during this time, and treatments became ineffective. She died of cancer in 2009.

Sharyn Wynters

Diagnosis: cancer and other health issues
Treatment: aggressive holistic diet and removal of toxins
Outcome: cancer survivor of more than 30 years

More than 30 years ago, Sharyn Wynters' life took a sharp turn after receiving some dire news about her health. She'd been Miss Pennsylvania, played a role in the original Batman television series, and was a successful fashion model. But then, in her 20s and with her career on the rise, she became a cancer patient.

Doctors painted a grim portrait of her future as they described the disease. Wynters, however, did not take this news with resignation. Instead, the career detour became a destination.

Instead of taking the absolute word of conventional medicine, Wynters was empowered to take control of the diagnosis. She began removing toxins from her household, cosmetics, clothing, foods, and even from the fillings in her teeth. Through whole-food and toxin-free living, Wynters saw her health slowly improve as she held cancer at bay.

During the course of recovery, she was immersed in the study of complementary medicine and became a practitioner herself, empowering others to take control of their health.

Lourdes Reynolds

Diagnosis: Hodgkin's lymphoma 2010
Treatment: vegan diet, aggressive lifestyle changes, complementary medicine
Outcome: survivor of more than a decade

At the height of her career, actress Lourdes Reynolds already had appeared in multiple television series and had recently landed an acting role on the CBS series Without a Trace. But in 2010, she also was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

She was given two options by her doctors: A) do nothing and let the cancer run its course or B) submit to conventional treatments that could include chemotherapy or radiation. Reynolds decided to pursue her own option: C) strengthen her own body’s ability to fight back by changing her lifestyle and her diet.

But instead of battling cancer behind the scenes and behind closed doors, Reynolds and her husband decided this battle was important to show the world, documenting step by step along the way of her treatment and recovery. The documentaries Create Option C and Option C chronicle Reynolds' life before cancer and the bold decision to forego conventional medicine.

She armed herself with knowledge about gene expressions, the mechanisms by which cancer “turns on.” She discovered research about the relationship between environment, diet, and lifestyle and the activation of certain gene expressions that produce abnormal cell growth. Through her vegan diet and a number of other radical changes in her day to day living, Reynolds has been successful in warding off what was once a death sentence.

Don Imus

Diagnosis: prostate cancer
Treatment: holistic medicine and dietary modifications
Outcome: lived for 10 years after diagnosis

A popular radio talkshow host of more than four decades, Don Imus was no stranger to controversy. And when diagnosed with Stage II prostate cancer in 2009, he embraced the controversy of a treatment regimen that veered away from conventional radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery in favor of a holistic approach.

Imus had struggled with alcoholism and had, in his final years, also suffered from emphysema. He had adopted a vegetarian diet in the early 1990s. Following his cancer diagnosis, he added such dietary items as habanero peppers and Japanese soy supplements.

For more than a decade Imus and his wife had hosted children with cancer at their New Mexico ranch, where these kids did manual labor and ultimately competed in a rodeo. Perhaps he decided that he’d rather fight cancer on his own terms – the way one might tame a horse, an animal Imus had both cherished and been injured by through the years. After 10 years, though, Imus succumbed to cancer in combination with other health issues.

Angie Lima

Diagnosis: breast cancer
Treatment: both conventional and complementary
Outcome: cancer survivor

When Angie Lima was diagnosed at 33 with breast cancer, she recalled stories of the grandfather she never met. He died of lung cancer before Angie was born. The chemotherapy and radiation he underwent ravaged and weakened his body; she vowed never to subject herself to these types of toxic treatment regimens.

As an avid and health-conscious athlete, Angie faced her diagnosis the way she faced any competitive challenge – with full attention and vigor. She pursued every possible holistic treatment possibility. This, of course, included a strict whole-food diet and incorporating essential oils, herbs, and other non-conventional treatments.

Eventually, though, she did use a number of other therapies including hypnotherapy, chemotherapy, IV therapy, immunotherapy, light therapy, and ultimately a mastectomy. She also maintains a strong faith in God as the ultimate healer of any disease.

Her cancer journey is chronicled in the documentary Hope for Breast Cancer.

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What is Local Hyperthermia Therapy? Wed, 12 Jun 2019 04:06:24 +0000 Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment whereby body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113 degrees). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and destroy cancer cells, usually causing minimal damage to normal tissues. [1] By destroying cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within […]

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Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment whereby body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113 degrees). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and destroy cancer cells, usually causing minimal damage to normal tissues. [1] By destroying cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within cells, hyperthermia can reduce tumors. [2]

Beneficial in cancer treatments

Hyperthermia is used most effectively in the context of comprehensive cancer therapies, which may even resort to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. [1, 3] Hyperthermia may increase the sensitivity of some cancer cells to radiation or damage other cancer cells that radiation cannot destroy. When hyperthermia is combined with radiation therapy, they are often administered one hour apart. Hyperthermia can also improve the effects of certain anti-cancer drugs.

Extensive clinical research has been conducted to study hyperthermia in combination with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. These studies have focused on the treatment of several types of cancer, including sarcoma, melanoma, and cancers of the head and neck, brain, lung, esophagus, breast, bladder, rectum, liver, appendix, cervix and the peritoneal lining, mesothelioma, and others (1, 3-7).

Many of these studies, although not all, have indicated a significant reduction in tumor size when hyperthermia is combined with other treatments. [1, 3, 6, 7] In view of all this, can you imagine what it can do in combination with nutritional, immunological approaches together with detoxification?

How is it done?

When local hyperthermia is used, heat is applied in a small area, such as a tumor, and various techniques are used to provide energy to increase the temperature in that area. Different energy sources can be used to apply heat, for example, microwave, radio frequency, and ultrasound.

Depending on where the tumor is located, there are several methods for the use of local hyperthermia. External approaches are used to treat tumors that are on or just below the skin. External applicators are placed around or near the region to be treated, and energy is concentrated in the tumor to raise its temperature.

 Safe and effective

Most normal tissues are not damaged during hyperthermia if the temperature stays below 111 degrees. However, due to regional differences in tissue characteristics, higher temperatures may be recorded at certain points. This can result in burns, blisters, discomfort or pain. [1, 5, 7]

Infusion techniques can cause tissue inflammation, blood clots, bleeding and other injuries to normal tissues in the area that was treated with perfusion; however, most of these side effects are temporary. This kind of risks is minimized when the therapy is applied by a well-trained health professional.

At Verita Life, local hyperthermia is just one protocol that forms part of its integrative cancer treatment program, with Chief Medical Director, Dr. Adem Günes, a world-renowned expert and researcher in this field.


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Vitamin C and Cancer: Why IVC exceeds norms Sun, 02 Dec 2018 15:32:53 +0000 For years, Dr. Thomas Lodi and I have been strong advocates for the IV use of Vitamin C (IVC) in the treatment of cancer. The science on IVC is not new and, in fact, has been around for quite some time.  Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron published their landmark study, Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive […]

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For years, Dr. Thomas Lodi and I have been strong advocates for the IV use of Vitamin C (IVC) in the treatment of cancer. The science on IVC is not new and, in fact, has been around for quite some time.  Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron published their landmark study, Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer, on IV Vitamin C in cancer more than 40 years ago in 1976. In this early study, Cameron and Pauling found that IVC increased the survival time of those who received a very low dose of IVC (10 grams) in those with advanced cancer compared to those who did not.

Even though Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for his work on Vitamin C, it was WJ McCormick that was the first to propose the benefits of Vitamin C in the treatment of cancer even earlier in 1954. Despite the long history of the study of IV Vitamin C and cancer, the research on IV Vitamin C in the treatment of cancer continues. The use of IV Vitamin C in cancer is currently being studied at numerous sites across the United States, including the University of Iowa, Thomas Jefferson University, the University of Kansas Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins University, throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

Intravenous Vitamin C is a natural, yet extremely powerful tool to directly attack cancer and yes, kill cancer cells. In general, patients with cancer have been shown to have significantly depleted levels of Vitamin C compared to individuals without cancer — modern-day metabolic scurvy if you will. The scientific evidence for the use of IV Vitamin C as a treatment option and a treatment adjunct in cancer continues to grow.

In fact, it is my opinion that the evidence for the IV use of Vitamin C in cancer is so strong, it should be considered a mainstay in any and all treatment plans in the treatment of cancer. I would even use the mainstream medicine words standard of care in reference to IV Vitamin C in the treatment of cancer. Not standard of care as defined by mainstream medicine, what everybody is doing, but instead use the standard of care that results from the overwhelming evidence that supports its efficacy and safety. There are a lot of cancer treatments used on people every day that can’t meet the level of evidence available for IV Vitamin C.

Why not just use oral Vitamin C? This gets technical, but an important question to answer. The simple answer is pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics is the study of the body’s absorption, distribution, metabolism and the excretion of drugs, which also includes vitamins/supplements. The perfect example is a very powerful antibiotic vancomycin. Oral and IV vancomycin have very different effects because of the different absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion properties of the IV and oral delivery.

It is not that one delivery method alone is outright better than another, but that the body processes the treatment therapy, drug in this example, which dictates and effects the therapy effectiveness. Pharmacokinetics can also apply to vitamins and in this case, Vitamin C. Know this next bit of information and you will know more than most doctors and empower your healing. Oral Vitamin C is limited by 2 significant factors.


First, Vitamin C has a maximum absorption rate of approximately 200 mg/hour. Most Vitamin C supplements far exceed 1,000 mg, let alone 200 mg. If one takes more than 200 mg oral Vitamin C, the vast majority of it is flushed out of the body not used. Second, and probably most important, oral Vitamin C has a very low peak plasma concentration, likely related to the first point. Oral Vitamin C will not raise plasma concentration significantly higher than 200 microMolar. The lowest plasma concentration that has been shown to be toxic to cancer cells is 500 microMolar with the target maximum cancer kill rate in the 10-20 millimolar range (see diagram to left from the riordanclinic).

In contrast, IV Vitamin C has been shown to reach peak plasma concentrations of 20-40 millimolar and higher. That is at least a 20,000 times higher peak plasma concentration with IV Vitamin C compared to oral Vitamin C. That is the power of pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics is also the reason why 2 follow up studies (published in 1975 and 1985) to Pauling’s original 1976 research found no benefit from oral Vitamin C, yet the research on IV Vitamin C that has followed has repeatedly shown benefit.

Benefits of IV Vitamin C in Cancer

The fact that a natural therapy has such significant evidence to support its use is surprising to a lot of people. In fact, when you look at the evidence with IV Vitamin C, the volume actually dwarfs much of the research that pushes many prescriptions drugs today. The published evidence for the benefit of IV Vitamin C in cancer includes:

  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Increased overall survival
  • Reduction in pain
  • Increased energy
  • Increased appetite
  • Decreased cancer-associated inflammation
  • Prevents cancer-associated sepsis
  • Combats infections (viral, bacterial, fungi)
  • Reduces side effects and toxicity of chemotherapy
  • Reduces side effects and toxicity of radiation
  • Augments the cancer kill rate of chemotherapy
  • Augments the cancer kill rate of radiation
  • Kills cancer cells
  • Allows a decrease in the dose of chemotherapy, yet maintains the same cancer kill rate
  • Improves surgery recovery time
  • Reduces post-surgery pain
  • May even decrease post-surgery cancer recurrence
  • Kills cancer stem cells (CSC)

All this benefit and it is non-toxic to healthy cells.

Most importantly, the IV use of Vitamin C has repeatedly been shown to be safe at therapeutic dosing as high as 300 grams daily. How does that compare to your average chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment for cancer? The safety, the increased quality of life and the increased overall survival alone are reasons all people battling cancer should receive IV Vitamin C. Any therapy that is safe, improves outcome, and reduces side effects should be an absolute must!

Is IV Vitamin C helpful in all cancer types?

Intravenous Vitamin C has been shown to be effective in both solid (i.e. brain, breast, prostate) and blood-borne cancers (i.e. leukemia, multiple myeloma) including:

  • Brain (Glioblastoma)
  • Ovarian
  • Lung (Non-small cell lung cancer)
  • Leukemia
  • Pancreatic
  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Melanoma
  • Liver
  • Colon
  • Bladder
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Multiple myelomas
  • Sarcoma

Many of these cancers are the worst of the worst and many of the studies showing benefit are in advanced cancer (Stage III and Stage IV). The IV use of Vitamin C has even been shown to be beneficial in smoldering myeloma, the pre-cancerous state of multiple myeloma.

IV Vitamin C is not created equally for all cancers and is definitely not a one-size-fits-all approach. The patient size, tumor burden (amount of cancer present), metastasis or spread of the cancer, the type of cancer, the aggressiveness of the cancer, and whether the cancer is the primary presenting tumor or is recurrent all play a role in determining the dose and the frequency of the Vitamin C. In addition, levels should be monitored to ensure that optimal Vitamin C levels are obtained and maintained for each individual. These are some of the many reasons that IV Vitamin C therapy must be continuously monitored by someone knowledgeable in the use of IV Vitamin C therapy in the fight against cancer. The one-size-fits-all approach never works, and the use of IV Vitamin C in the treatment of cancer is no different.

Cancer is a metabolic disease

Cancer is a metabolic disease. Cancer is rarely a genetic disease. What genetic changes that exist in cancer are likely the result of the metabolic dysfunction. Dr. Lodi does not like the word disease, so let's look at that word and see why. “Disease” is an early 14th-century word that was more descriptive than diagnostic. According to the Etymology dictionary, the original meaning of the word disease meant discomfort, inconvenient, distress. The actual two root words are “dis” (without) and “aise” (ease) which gives the actual root meaning of disease as “without ease.” Interestingly, in the late 15th century the meaning of the word disease evolved to mean “to make ill.” Since traditional medicine treatments are the third leading cause of death, how can medicine not be called a means to make ill, a means to create dis aise, a disease itself.


Did You Know

Benefits of Vitamin C

Everyone thinks of Vitamin C as the best vitamin to take to ward off colds. That will certainly help, however, it has other benefits, too. All the health benefits of Vitamin C can be gained both by eating foods rich in it as well as taking supplements.
Read more

The scientific literature really leaves little evidence for any other conclusion that cancer is anything but the result of metabolic distress. In fact, cancer is the body’s attempt to adapt, though this is a poor attempt, to the presence of a low oxygen environment, oxidative stress, and poor energy production. In the short-term, this adaptation pays dividends for survival, but in the long-term, this adaptation leads to the survival of very dysfunctional cells and what we know as cancer. The genetic defects often found in cancer are more often the result of massive metabolic dysfunction, than a foundational genetic defect. In many ways, genetic defects are the effect of rather than the cause.

I have had the pleasure of speaking at the same conference as Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, author of Cancer is a Metabolic Disease. Dr. Seyfried is extremely well published on the mechanisms of the dysfunctional metabolism of cancer. His 2015 article Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease, published in the Journal Frontiers In Cell and Developmental Biology, is a heavy, but very good read on the metabolic mechanisms behind cancer. In addition, Dr. Dominic P. D’Agostino at the University of South Florida spoke at the same conference on the use of the ketogenic diet in the management of metastatic cancer. Now, I have the opportunity to work with my good friend, Dr. Lodi, a pioneer in integrative oncology. These and other pillars in the cancer research community have helped to decipher the mechanisms behind the actions of IV Vitamin C in cancer and apply them to clinical practice. The combination of the knowledge of cancer metabolism and the mechanism and use of IV Vitamin C in cancer metabolism is a targeted, lethal combination in the fight against cancer.

To describe the mechanism of action of IV Vitamin C in cancer, I need to get a little technical so bear with me. Put on your thinking caps. Humans are one of several species that have lost the ability to make Vitamin C, hence what Vitamin C we have in our body comes through our diet and/or supplementation alone.  In addition, the human body has very limited capacity to store Vitamin C. This lack of productive capacity and lack of storage leaves most people with cancer with massive Vitamin C deficiency in what I call metabolic scurvy. One of the benefits of Vitamin C in the battle against cancer is that Vitamin C looks just like glucose.

Vitamin C is actually made from glucose by the enzyme gulonolactone oxidase. Humans lack this enzyme, which requires us to get continuous Vitamin C through our diet. As concerning as this enzymatic deficiency can be, this deficiency provides a silver lining in the fight against cancer. Cancer thrives in the typical glucose-rich environment of the western American diet. The elimination of simple sugars, excessive carbohydrates, and high process foods through the diet will starve the cancer of its primary fuel source — glucose. In the low glucose state induced by targeted nutrition plans, Vitamin C is readily taken up by the energy-starved cancer cells via the receptors SVCT1 and SVCT2 because of Vitamin C’s resemblance to glucose. In this case, Vitamin C is a stealthy metabolic time bomb for cancer cells. This is why nutrition is as much a part of treatment at an Oasis of Healing as the IV therapies are.

Is Vitamin C an antioxidant or a pro-oxidant?

Vitamin C, especially at the higher dosages, only obtainable through IV Vitamin C delivery, has been shown to be a potent pro-oxidant (not antioxidant) in cancer cells. It is this pro-oxidant activity of Vitamin C in cancer cells that generate high levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), such as H2O2, OH−, ·O2−, required to kill cancer cells. The key factor that separates cancer cells from healthy cells is that cancer cells lack certain enzymes, such as catalase and SOD, to handle these high ROS levels. Healthy cells retain appropriate catalase and SOD activity and are thus perfectly capable of handling the high ROS, hence Vitamin C functions as an anti-oxidant in healthy cells but as a pro-oxidant in cancer cells.

This high ROS presence in cancer then interacts with the high levels of Iron present in cancer cells and depletes the glutathione pool in the cancer cells. This leads to an intra-cellular oxidative stress death spiral within the cancer cells which triggers cell death (apoptosis) in the absence of the enzymes catalase and SOD. In addition, Vitamin C also behaves as an inhibitor of glycolysis. Glycolysis is a key pathway in the cell cycle of energy production and the primary mechanism of energy production in cancer cells. Vitamin C targets and blocks the activity of Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a key enzyme in glycolysis. This blockade of the GAPDH enzyme shuts down the cancer cells' favorite way to make energy. These functions make Vitamin C a potent anti-cancer therapy that leaves healthy cells unharmed. What a great combination and a novel concept!

Cancer Stem cells

Functional or integrative medicine is the new movement in medicine that seeks to identify the root cause(s) of dis aise for each individual. This movement is also a return to the roots of what a physician or doctor is — Docēre rāphè. Words have meaning and the historical meaning of the words provide perspective for a purpose. A purpose without a historical perspective is ripe for disaster. Rāphè is the Hebrew root word for physician which can be translated healer or “to heal.” Docēre is the Latin root word for the doctor which can be translated teacher or “to teach.” What is the historical perspective of a doctor? Of a physician? From a historical root perspective, a physician/doctor is one that teaches the body how to heal.

How is medicine doing in this historic mission to teach the body how to heal? As you might guess, not very good. Let the evidence speak for itself. According to data from the American Cancer Society, from 2013 to 2017, the number of deaths from cancer per year has doubled compared to new cases of cancer diagnosed over the same time frame. Despite all the new technologically advanced drugs and therapies that hit the market between 2013-2017, the diagnosis of cancer in 2017 was more terminal than a cancer diagnosis in 2013. That is an eye-opener and an indictment of the failure of physicians to hold to their historical calling—healers.

In the effort to find the root cause(s) of cancer to curb the disproportionate deaths from cancer to a diagnosis of cancer, Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) are the new frontier in cancer research and cancer therapy. Cancer Stem Cells are the ultimate back-up for cancer.  As the back-up, CSCs are thought to be the “root cause” of:

  • chemotherapy resistance
  • radiation therapy resistance
  • treatment failure
  • tumor recurrence
  • metastasis

For those affected by cancer, Cancer Stem Cells may be the difference between winning and losing. Make no mistake about it, we are all in this fight to win!

What is a cancer stem cell exactly?

In general terms, stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are capable, when signaled, to differentiate or change into specialized cell types. A lot of medical jargon I know; but specifically, in the case of cancer, cancer stem cells can be used as the ultimate back-up to reproduce the original cancer cells in all of its glory of metabolic dysfunction. It is the back-up of the worst metabolic kind of dysfunction in cancer instead of the optimal metabolic function of healing cells. Back-ups are often a good and required task for protection, but in this case, we would rather do without these back-ups. These cancer stem cell back-ups, if not destroyed, will lead to treatment failure and cancer recurrence. When cancer does recur from these cancer stem cells, it is more aggressive and progressive than the original cancer presentation. Cancer stem cells are a cancers secret weapon. It is the sequel that delivers in a very bad way.

Vitamin C and cancer stem cells

What does CSC’s have to do with Vitamin C? A recent study published in the journal OncoTarget helps to identify the connection. In this study, Vitamin C was found to induce oxidative stress and inhibit glycolysis (cell energy production using glucose) via the inhibition of GAPDH in cancer cells. This may not sound like anything new or exciting, as I highlighted this mechanism earlier, but cancer, metabolically speaking, has backed itself into a metabolic corner because of its metabolic inflexibility. Most view cancer as metabolically advantaged over healthy cells, but the exact opposite is true.

Healthy cells retain the metabolic flexibility to switch from glucose to protein, or even better fats, as the primary source of energy production as dictated by the environment. Cancer cells lack this metabolic flexibility, thus limiting a cancer cells ability to adapt to changing nutrient sources. This metabolic flexibility gives healthy cells the survival advantage over cancer cells if targeted therapy is employed to target cancer’s inflexibility and it’s sole reliance on glucose as a primary source of energy production. In the study, Vitamin C (at doses that can only be obtained through IV delivery) was found to kill CSCs. Vitamin C was compared to the experimental drug 2-DG and was found to be 10 times more potent than the experimental drug (2-DG) in killing CSCs. Remember that CSCs are the ultimate backup copy to provide regrowth of the cancer cells if needed. Kill the back-up, you forever kill the potential for recurrence. Other inhibitors of the CSC energy pathways found in this study were also Silibinin, an active component of milk thistle, and caffeine acid phenyl ester (CAPE) which comes from honeybee propolis.

Want more evidence?

A more recent study published in the journal Precision Oncology found that Vitamin C kills CSCs in the very aggressive Hepatocellular (liver) cancer. The reason? Cancer stem cells more readily absorbed Vitamin C because of its high uptake of Vitamin C compared to normal cells. This high uptake of Vitamin C occurred due to the high expression of the SVTC2 receptors (discussed above) on the CSCs compared to healthy cells or even cancer cells in general. It is one thing to have high plasma Vitamin C levels in the presence of high SVTC2 receptors, but starve the CSC’s of its primary energy source, glucose, and the perfect high demand situation is created. Couple this high demand with the high presence of Vitamin C in the plasma, which looks just like glucose, and the set up is in place for the perfect stealth delivery of Vitamin C. It is the perfect wolf in sheep’s clothing, but this time, in a good way.

A third study, published in the journal OncoTarget in 2017 found that IV Vitamin C was able to kill CSCs in those cancers that were found to be resistance to the antibiotic doxycycline. This well known and commonly prescribed antibiotic has been shown to be an effective therapy against CSCs in breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, pancreatic, melanoma, and glioblastoma cancers. Interestingly, doxycycline increases the sensitivity of CSCs to radiation and chemotherapy. Some cancers, however, can escape and become resistant to these effects of doxycycline. The use of IV Vitamin C in these doxycycline resistant cancers has been shown to be highly effective in killing CSCs.

These studies conclude that Vitamin C can be used to target cancer cells in the primary tumor, cancer cells in metastasis and the ultimate back-up — cancer stem cells (CSCs). In addition, Vitamin C also targets the cancer stem Cell’s energy pathways in the mitochondria as glycolytic inhibitors. The authors of the study published in the journal OncoTarget stated:

“Vitamin C may prove to be [a] promising agent for new clinical trials, aimed at testing its ability to reduce CSC activity in cancer patients, as an add-on to more conventional therapies, to prevent tumor recurrence, further disease progression, and metastasis.” 

I agree with the entirety of the statement, but ‘may prove’? How much evidence is needed? How much time is required? Vitamin C has been studied for its anti-cancer properties since its first proposed benefit in 1954! “Time reveals all truth”. Evidence and time have proven the truth of benefit of Vitamin C in the treatment of cancer.

Because of the presence of Cancer Stem Cells, the defeat of the primary cancer tumor is just the beginning of the battle against cancer. The battle must continue with lifestyle interventions to attack CSCs in the short-term and long-term to target a life-long, disease-free survival instead of just 5 years of disease-free survival. Disease-free survival is a traditional medicine term defined as 5 years without evidence of disease. What about 5 years and 1 day? What then?

A plan of attack that includes CSCs could help redefine the disease-free survival to 10, 15, 20 years and even beyond disease. It may even eliminate the use of the word disease as the focus of physicians in medicine, restore it to its original descriptive dis aise and restore physicians to their historical purpose — healing. If you don’t shoot for the stars, you will never reach the stars and beyond.

Learn more from Dr. Goodyear with this seven-part series at An Oasis of Healing

The post Vitamin C and Cancer: Why IVC exceeds norms appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Careers and Cancer: Your lifestyle may increase the risk Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:46:37 +0000 “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said. But getting from Point A to Point B, that’s life – and what you choose to do in life may increase your chance of cancer. (Spoiler alert: Your lifestyle may increase […]

The post Careers and Cancer: Your lifestyle may increase the risk appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said. But getting from Point A to Point B, that’s life – and what you choose to do in life may increase your chance of cancer. (Spoiler alert: Your lifestyle may increase the risk of disease; some careers and cancer seem to go hand in hand.)

You’re active, you eat right, you do what’s right in regard to expert recommendations. … And the oncologist says you have cancer. Fact is, your job may have more influence on cancer than doing all the “right” things.

Scary, isn’t it?

Did you know:

  • The International Association of Firefighters says cancer is the leading cause of death among firefighters. Thirty years ago, firefighters were most often diagnosed with asbestos-related cancers. Today, the cancers are more often leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma.

Fire departments in Boston, Calgary, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Toronto all report elevated cancer rates. The most aggressive cancers were oral, digestive, respiratory and urinary.

Learn more

  • Flight attendants get more breast cancer and melanoma – and non-melanoma skin cancer, uterine, gastrointestinal, cervical, and thyroid cancers are now seen at a higher rate in flight attendants. Air cabin crews receive the highest yearly dose of ionizing radiation on the job of all U.S. workers.

Among female flight attendants, the rates of breast cancer were about 50 percent higher than in women from the general population. Cancer rates in male flight attendants were nearly 50 percent higher for melanoma and about 10 percent higher for nonmelanoma skin cancers compared with men from the general population group.

Learn more

  • A 2014 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found people who spend more hours of the day sitting have up to a 66 percent higher risk of developing certain types of cancer than those who aren’t as sedentary. Dr. Graham Colditz noted, “It’s not enough to just be active – it’s also important to sit less.”

Sedentary behavior was associated with a 24 percent greater risk of developing colon cancer, a 32 percent higher risk of endometrial cancer, and a 21 percent increased risk of lung cancer.

Learn more

And what you do when sedentary can cause health issues. In 2009, researchers examined the link between blood pressure in children and their choice of inactive pastimes, including watching TV, using the computer and reading.

Of all the forms of inactivity they examined, television-viewing was the worst. It was linked to significantly higher blood pressure – the more TV kids watched, the higher their blood pressure – and the effect held true regardless of whether a child was heavy or at a healthy weight.

“These results show that sedentary behavior, and more specifically television-viewing, is related to blood pressure independent of body fat or obesity level,” said Dr. Joey Eisenmann, one of the study’s co-authors.

Importance of circadian disruption

In October 2007, 24 scientists from 10 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France, to assess the carcinogenicity of shift-work, painting, and fire-fighting.

About 15-20 percent of the working population in the U.S. and Europe is engaged in shift work that involves night work, which is most prevalent (above 30 percent) in the healthcare, industrial manufacturing, mining, transport, communication, leisure, and hospitality sectors. Among the many different patterns of shift work, those including night work are the most disruptive for the circadian clock.

That study also found the incidence of breast cancer was also increased in female flight attendants, who also experience circadian disruption by frequently crossing time zones.

Thales Y. Papagiannakopoulos

“Circadian rhythms are 24-hour oscillations that control a variety of biological processes in living systems, including two hallmarks of cancer – cell division and metabolism.”

Thales Papagiannakopoulos

More than 20 studies investigated the effect of constant light, dim light at night, simulated chronic jet lag, or circadian timing of carcinogens, and most showed a major increase in tumor incidence. No clear effect was seen for light pulses at night or in constant darkness.

A similar number of studies investigated the effect of reduced nocturnal melatonin concentrations or removal of the pineal gland (where melatonin is produced) in tumor development and most showed increases in the incidence or growth of tumors.

“The impact of environmental/physiologic factors on tumorigenesis remains poorly understood. A major consequence of a modern lifestyle is the disruption of circadian rhythms,” said Thales Y. Papagiannakopoulos, Ph.D.

“Circadian rhythm disruption by shift-work is associated with greater risk for cancer development and poor prognosis, suggesting a putative tumor suppressive role for circadian rhythm homeostasis. Circadian rhythms are 24-hour oscillations that control a variety of biological processes in living systems, including two hallmarks of cancer – cell division and metabolism.”

The link between sleep deprivation and cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO). One of its major goals is to identify the causes of cancer. The most widely used system for classifying carcinogens comes from the IARC.

Substances labeled as carcinogens may have different levels of cancer-causing potential. Some may cause cancer only after prolonged, high levels of exposure. And for any particular person, the risk of developing cancer depends on many factors, including how they are exposed to a carcinogen, the length and intensity of the exposure, and the person's genetic makeup.

In the past 30 years, the IARC has evaluated the cancer-causing potential of more than 900 likely candidates, placing them into one of the following groups:

  • Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 3: Unclassifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans
  • Group 4: Probably not carcinogenic to humans

Environmental factors can include a wide range of exposures, such as:

  • Lifestyle factors (nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity, etc.)
  • Naturally occurring exposures (ultraviolet light, radon gas, infectious agents, etc.)
  • Medical treatments (radiation and medicines including chemotherapy, hormone drugs, drugs that suppress the immune system, etc.)
  • Workplace exposures
  • Household exposures
  • Pollution

A person's risk of developing a particular cancer is influenced by a combination of factors that interact in ways that are not fully understood. Some of the factors include:

  • Personal characteristics such as age, sex, and race
  • A family history of cancer
  • Diet and personal habits such as cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption
  • The presence of certain medical conditions or past medical treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation treatment, or some immune-system suppressing drugs.
  • Exposure to cancer-causing agents in the environment (for example, sunlight, radon gas, air pollution, and infectious agents)
  • Exposure to cancer-causing agents in the workplace

Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to substances that have been tested as carcinogens in animal studies or found to be possibly carcinogenic in human studies. However, less than 2 percent of chemical or physical agents manufactured or processed in the U.S. have been evaluated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer for carcinogenicity.

Based on well-documented associations between occupational exposures and cancer, it has been estimated that 3-6 percent of all cancers worldwide are caused by exposures to carcinogens in the workplace. Using cancer incidence numbers in the U.S., this means that in 2012 (the most recent year available), there were between 45,872 and 91,745 new cancer cases that were caused by past exposure in the workplace.

15 jobs that can cause cancer

15 jobs that put you at a higher risk of cancer

The post Careers and Cancer: Your lifestyle may increase the risk appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer Wed, 30 May 2018 16:21:26 +0000 Waiting in line at the grocery store, you’ve seen the headlines touting the health benefits of the ketogenic diet. (Admit it, you look at those magazines too!) But did you know the modern keto diet has been around for almost 100 years? In 1921, Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic first used the diet […]

The post The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Waiting in line at the grocery store, you’ve seen the headlines touting the health benefits of the ketogenic diet. (Admit it, you look at those magazines too!)

But did you know the modern keto diet has been around for almost 100 years?

In 1921, Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic first used the diet to treat epilepsy. He coined the term “ketogenic diet,” and for almost a decade, the diet was widely used until anticonvulsants (antiepileptic or antiseizure drugs) became commonplace.

What makes the keto diet so enticing to many is that when the body reaches “ketosis,” it burns fat instead of carbs, glucose – the primary energy sources for the body.

You’re probably thinking, “Whoa! A fat-burning diet is just what I need!” And since cancer cells need sugar for energy, shouldn’t every cancer patient embrace the ketogenic diet?

Maybe – and no. Much like a relationship status on Facebook, it’s complicated.

As we’ll discuss, there are pluses and minuses to the keto diet. Truth be told, every diet has its talking points (and things no one wants to talk about.) You should have a frank conversation with a doctor or nutritionist before starting any diet.

Also, not all low-carb diets are the same. There is research that shows different mortality rates between animal-based, low-carb diets and plant-based, low-carb diets.

You also will read several words that start with keto – ketogenic, ketones, ketosis, and ketoacidosis. It will be easy to skim past k-e-t-o – but beware, each of these words is different especially ketoacidosis.

Now, there is a pause for caution. The high level of saturated fat combined with strict limits on fruits, vegetables, and grains is not optimum for long-term heart health.

So, are you ready to learn more about the hubbub regarding the keto craze?

What to know about the keto diet

Dr. Rusell Wilder used a ketogenic diet in a series of patients with epilepsy. His premise was that the keto diet could be as effective as fasting and maintained for a longer time.

Between 1941 and 1980, textbooks on epilepsy in children included the ketogenic diet, which was used extensively in the 1920s and '30s. In 1972, Dr. Samuel Livingston reported on more than 1,000 children that he had followed during previous decades. His research showed 52% of the patients had complete control of seizures, while 27% had improved control. [1]

The Epilepsy Foundation details the keto diet for children.

“The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, very low carbohydrate diet that promotes rapid weight loss,” notes Kristen Mancinelli, MS, RDN. “It consists of about 75-80% of calories from fat, 10-15% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs. This approach to weight loss has come in and out of favor over the years in line with ever-changing beliefs about the link between dietary fat intake, weight gain, and heart disease.

“We are now in a period where nutrition experts and policymakers are moving away from recommendations to lower fat intake and instead are advising individuals to reduce sugar consumption as a means to lose weight and promote optimal health.”

Your body’s primary fuel for energy is glucose. Glucose production comes from the carbohydrates we eat (bread, rice, pasta, sugar, certain fruits, and vegetables).

When you drastically reduce your consumption of glucose, the body starts looking for other sources of energy. It starts burning fat for fuel instead of glucose. Once your body starts running off of fat, it begins producing ketones and places your body in a state of ketosis.

What is ketosis

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your liver produces ketones and burns fat for energy instead of glucose. It typically takes between 7-30 days after starting the diet for your body to be fully in ketosis.

Physicians can do a blood, urine, or breath test to find out if you are producing ketones. Blood work is the most reliable and accurate way to measure ketones. It measures the amount of beta-hydroxybutyrate in your blood, which for nutritional ketosis, the ketone levels should be between 0.5-3 millimoles per liter. [2]

Home blood, urine, and breath kits can be expensive but are available online.

Symptoms of ketosis

  • Increased Ketones: can be measured at home or by your physician.
  • Bad breath: with ketosis, more acetone leaves the body, which causes bad breath.
  • Weight loss
  • Thirst (water loss): ketosis can lead to dehydration, which can cause muscle cramps and spasms. It is essential to increase your consumption of water and keep hydrated.
  • Change in sleeping habits (insomnia): this typically improves in a few weeks after adapting to the diet.
  • Headaches: remain a common symptom when starting the diet, as your body is adapting to consuming fewer carbohydrates along with possible dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. It is essential to consult a doctor if your headache doesn't go away.
  • Upset stomach and digestive issues: Some people experience constipation or diarrhea when starting the diet, but these symptoms should improve once adapted to the menu.
  • Fatigue and weakness: this is, again, typically short term. Studies have shown an increase in focus and energy after adaptation. [3]

Misconceptions of the ketogenic diet

One of the most common misconceptions of the keto diet is confusing the term ketosis for ketoacidosis.

Ketosis occurs when the body starts using fat as the primary source of energy instead of glucose, and the liver begins producing ketone bodies. This is a normal metabolic state.

However, ketoacidosis can be very dangerous. It happens when the blood starts breaking down fat too fast, and the liver produces an extreme number of ketones.

This can become life-threatening because the blood will become acidic. It most commonly occurs in patients who have diabetes, severe alcohol abuse, and also has occurred in patients during lactation. [4]

Symptoms of Ketoacidosis:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Muscle stiffness or aches
  • Headache
  • Decreased alertness
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dry skin and mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Fruity-smelling breath
  • A thirst that lasts for a day or longer

Another common misconception is that you have to eat meat on a ketogenic diet. There are ways to keep a vegetarian and a vegan lifestyle and still do the keto diet as long as you get enough plant-based protein.

The ketogenic diet and the Atkins diet are commonly confused as being the same. They are both low-carb diets, but the keto diet focuses more on healthy fats and is more restrictive than the Atkins diet.

The Atkins diet is a modified version of the ketogenic diet. During the Atkins diet, there are four stages during which you gradually increase carbohydrate intake – so much so that you would no longer be in a ketosis state of metabolism.

Regarding low-carb diets (not to be mistaken with the ketogenic diet), studies have shown a long-term, animal-based, low-carb diet can increase the mortality rate. However, a long-term, plant-based, low-carb diet suggested a lower mortality rate. [5]

“Dietary carbohydrate intake and mortality: a prospective cohort study and meta-analysis,” a 2018 study led by Dr. Sara Seidelmann with Brigham and Women's Hospital, noted:

“Low carbohydrate dietary patterns favoring animal-derived protein and fat sources, from sources such as lamb, beef, pork, and chicken, were associated with higher mortality, whereas those that favored plant-derived protein and fat intake, from sources such as vegetables, nuts, peanut butter, and whole-grain bread, were associated with lower mortality, suggesting that the source of food notably modifies the association between carbohydrate intake and mortality.”

Keto and cancer

Ketogenic diets mimic fasting, and the body responds to the lack of glucose by producing ketones as a source of energy.

Anecdotal data from case reports and small clinical trials show some promise regarding ketolytic and glycolytic enzymes in treating brain cancer. [6]

Bottom line: How the ketogenic diet affects cancer needs more research, including more extensive clinical trials.

Two clinical trials – ERGO: A pilot study of ketogenic diet in recurrent glioblastoma and Modified Atkins diet in advanced malignancies – final results of a safety and feasibility trial within the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System – have posted results. [7, 8]

The ERGO study followed 20 patients with recurrent glioblastoma. The researchers suggested a keto diet can be safely applied to these patients. However, they noted additional research is necessary to clarify a possible role of the ketogenic diet for glioblastoma therapy.

The modified Atkins diet study recruited 17 advanced cancer patients who were not on chemotherapy. Eleven of the patients met the criteria for the study. The results showed steroid intake affected optimal ketone and glucose levels. Still, survival improved in some melanoma and lung cancer patients. On the modified Atkins diet, patients who lost at least 10% of their body weight responded the best. Again, further studies are recommended.

Pluses and minuses of the keto diet


  • Potential to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation for some cancer types [9]
  • Creates an unfavorable metabolic environment for cancer cells
  • Preclinical and clinical studies show benefits for the use of a keto diet in combination with standard therapies
  • Enhances antitumor effects in patients doing chemo and radiation


  • Not enough human trials have been done [10]
  • The diet is notoriously hard to stick to long term
  • Many alternative therapies are not compatible with the keto diet
  • It is not recommended as a standalone diet (for cancer)
  • Can be easily confused with a low-carb diet if done wrong
  • Some studies have shown it to accelerate specific brain cancer and certain leukemias

Doctors recommend keto diets in certain circumstances: help control Type 2 diabetes and reduce childhood epileptic seizures. There is limited evidence that a ketogenic diet may help keep extra pounds off, but other studies rebuff that idea. [11]

The ketogenic diet is not for patients with pancreatitis, liver failure, fat metabolism disorders, primary carnitine deficiency, carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency, carnitine translocase deficiency, porphyrias, or pyruvate kinase deficiency.

Remember: “Yo-yo” diets, the ones that lead to weight fluctuation, are associated with increased mortality. [12] Discuss your nutritional needs with a doctor to ensure a balanced diet with fish, fruits, lean meats, nuts, olive oil, seeds, vegetables, water, and whole grains.

A ketogenic diet is not just low carb; the key is that it’s a low insulin diet.

Implementing KD and the Importance of Calculating Macronutrients

Figuring out and tracking daily macronutrients is extremely important when starting a keto diet. Macronutrients – more commonly called macros – consists of the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins you consume daily. This will directly impact your ability to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

It also will affect whether or not you stay in ketosis, which is the point of a ketogenic diet.

BMR Calculator (Basal Metabolic Rate)

After you find out what your daily macronutrient needs are, you will need to start tracking your food with a macro tracker. Many great apps and websites can simplify this process. Below are a few apps that are user-friendly and compatible with your iPhone or Android.  

Carb Manager – Keto Diet app (Free; iPhone and Android compatible) 

The Carb Manager app helps you count and keep track of your macros. Some other features include a keto calculator, food diary, nutritional tracker, water tracker, and exercise tracker. (free with in-app purchase options; iPhone and Android compatible) 

The app can count and track your macros, track custom meals, has a database of keto-friendly recipes, and connects to the Apple health app.

My Macros+ ($2.99; iPhone and Android compatible) 

The My Macros app can help track your goals by gram or percent, monitor weight, break down meals, track water consumption, and has a recipe database.

Dr. Linda Isaacs' perspective on the ketogenic diet

There are a wide variety of dietary recommendations available online, in books, or in practitioners’ offices, with different amounts of carbohydrates, fat, and protein, each purporting to be helpful to people in general and cancer patients especially. I frequently see patients who are completely confused about what they should eat. One unfortunate gentleman even told me that he had become afraid to eat, wondering if everything was poisonous, with detrimental effects on his weight.

My colleague of more than 20 years, the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, and I have treated many patients over the years with nutritional protocols based on the work of William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. Dr. Kelley was a brilliant clinician and observer, who deduced that different patients needed different diets. Depending on their condition and their innate physiology, Dr. Kelley might put one patient on lots of fruits and a wide array of vegetables, along with whole-grain products, eggs, dairy, and fish, but no red meat or poultry. Another patient might be told to eat fatty red meat, with lots of butter and root vegetables, but minimal to no fruit, leafy greens, or grains.

The dietary recommendations Dr. Kelley gave to patients were on a spectrum between these two extremes. All diets, though, emphasized the use of unrefined and unprocessed organic foods, and all included some vegetable juice made predominantly from carrots.

For cancer patients, the type of cancer typically correlated to Dr. Kelley’s dietary prescription. Patients with carcinomas (including the most common types of cancer such as lung, breast, colon, prostate) were told to eat a more vegetarian diet, while patients with cancers of the immune system such as leukemias and lymphomas were placed on a higher fat diet.

Different diets: remarkable, documented results

With this system, Dr. Kelley got remarkable results, as detailed in Dr. Gonzalez’s book One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley. Since this was the case, in our work, we continued to give different diets to different people, along with individualized supplement protocols and detoxification routines. And we continued to see remarkable results, as detailed in our published articles and in the books Conquering Cancer, Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Dr. Kelley advised his patients not to eat white flour, white rice, sugar, and other refined products. Such foods, he warned, were empty calories, devoid of the minerals and vitamins needed to process them, stripped of the beneficial fiber that helped maintain a healthy gut. But in the last decade, the phrase “cancer feeds on sugar” has spread wildly online and has been used as a rationale to eliminate not only white sugar and white flour, but also carrots, whole grains, and other foods that had previously been considered healthy.

Dr. Linda Isaacs

Cancer cells get their supply of nutrients from the blood, and it is not physically possible to get the blood sugar low enough to “starve” cancer.

Dr. Linda Isaacs

I believe this is an overreaction. I have patients who have thrived for many years, with cancers that should have killed them long ago, who have been drinking carrot juice and eating fruit and whole grain products the whole time. I have spoken with a patient treated by Dr. Kelley in 1975 for metastatic breast cancer, a condition incurable in orthodox medicine. She is alive and well more than 40 years later while eating a diet rich in carbohydrates. A draconian elimination of carbohydrates was not necessary for any of these patients.

Cancer cells get their supply of nutrients from the blood, and it is not physically possible to get the blood sugar low enough to “starve” cancer. The body fights hard to maintain blood sugar in a narrow range. If a patient eats no carbohydrates whatsoever, the protein in the diet will be turned into glucose; if a patient then eats no protein, the protein in the muscles will be turned into glucose. No matter what a patient does, cancer will still get its glucose.

Advocates of carbohydrate restriction may say that the benefits for cancer come about not by “starving cancer” but rather by preventing the elevation in insulin that is triggered by carbohydrate intake. Insulin spikes can be stimulatory to cell growth; the high sugar load of the Standard American Diet (SAD) causes high levels of insulin, which may lead to insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar (Type 2 Diabetes).

Overweight and obese patients are more likely to have such problems, and these patients should certainly take more care with their carbohydrate intake. But I routinely see new patients who are normal weight, or even underweight, who are terrified of eating a piece of fruit or whole grain bread because it will “feed cancer.” Their relief on being told to eat the fruit is palpable.

Teachings based on clinical observation

One concept I do believe is valuable in the teachings of the ketogenic diet advocates is intermittent fasting, which can be simply managed by not eating between dinner and breakfast the following morning, allowing an 11-12 hour window where no food is taken in. This is more typical of how our ancestors ate and how our bodies were designed to work. The gut uses this window to clean itself out. The Standard American Diet (SAD), which frequently involves an evening sitting in front of a screen munching snack foods, is not healthy.

The ketogenic diet is based on theory, along with studies done in cell cultures or laboratory animals in artificial environments. The cancer patient success stories I have read are unconvincing to me – they are few, short-term, and the patients were frequently combining the treatment with other modalities such as chemotherapy. Since I graduated from medical school, I have seen many treatment methods, orthodox and unorthodox, based on theory, that have not survived the acid test of proper investigation and clinical experience.

To their credit, the high-profile advocates of the ketogenic diet are pursuing such testing. I wish them well, and if they are successful, I will change my recommendations. But in the meantime, I will follow in the footsteps of Dr. Kelley, whose teachings were based on clinical observation, and who had the long-term success stories to back them up. And for you out there who are craving a piece of fruit, I suggest you eat it.

Dr. Linda Isaacs offers nutritional protocols for patients with many different conditions, or for those who wish to maintain their health. Learn more at

Summary of science

Ketosis is a state of metabolism that, in normal physiology, responds to low glucose availability (low carbohydrate diets or fasting) and provides additional energy to the brain in the form of ketones. Thus, a ketogenic diet is high in fat, moderate to low in protein, and very low in carbohydrates. This ratio of macronutrients causes the body to burn fat instead of glucose to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), otherwise known as energy, for the body.

In terms of cancer therapeutics, proponents of this regimen suggest that restriction of glucose leads to less energy production (via ATP) in cancer cells. This “energy sink” state is theorized to inhibit cancer growth and encourage cancer cell death. 

Pros: Animal studies using the ketogenic diet as a cancer treatment are promising, showing decreased tumor growth and improved survival rates. Clinically, the ketogenic diet has shown great success in controlling epileptic seizures.

As a complementary therapy – in addition to traditional treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, etc. – the ketogenic diet has shown promise in some cancers, with reduced tumor size, growth, and improvements in physical condition after 3 months of therapy.

Cons: There are few definitive, well designed clinical trials using the ketogenic diet as a cancer therapy. Additionally, there have been reports of the ketogenic diet accelerating the growth of certain leukemias and gliomas.


Although there are promising studies on the ketogenic diet, more research needs to be done. The keto diet has many contradictions and cannot be used in conjunction with most alternative protocols.

Anytime you are considering a dietary change, it is essential to speak with a physician, especially if you have cancer or other health conditions.


What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet is a low carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet that puts your body into a state of ketosis.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your liver produces ketones, and the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.

What are macros?

Macros are micronutrients; they consist of the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you consume daily.

What is the Ketogenic diet for cancer?

There is no one specific ketogenic diet that is currently recommended for cancer. The majority of the studies have been done in mice, and more human studies are needed.

Additional keto diet material

The keto diet and cancer: What patients should know.–what-patients-should-know.h00-159223356.html

Keto, Fat and cancer: It’s complicated.

Ketogenic Diet for Beginners Made Easy: The Ultimate Guide to “Keto.”

What is Ketosis, and is it Healthy.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

What are the differences between the keto and Atkins diets?

What are the signs of ketosis? Signs and Symptoms That You’re in Ketosis.

The post The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Let’s put an end to toxic cancer therapies Wed, 30 May 2018 19:53:35 +0000 I’ve always said that not all those involved in the cancer cash complex are horrible people. Some are truly looking for real answers and trying to save lives. Unfortunately, the use of toxic cancer therapies is what oncologists learn in medical school — and those blinders can be hard to shake. Still, I was shocked […]

The post Let’s put an end to toxic cancer therapies appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

I’ve always said that not all those involved in the cancer cash complex are horrible people. Some are truly looking for real answers and trying to save lives. Unfortunately, the use of toxic cancer therapies is what oncologists learn in medical school — and those blinders can be hard to shake.

Still, I was shocked beyond belief when a conventional oncologist stated that cancer can be prevented and beaten with a fully-functioning immune system. This gives me great hope for others out there.

Jedd Wolchok (Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) led the trial I’m talking about. I think it opened the door for incredible progress in natural, effective, and far less dangerous ways to treat cancer. These new antibody therapies treat the patient, not the tumor.

Now, some researchers that I respect have been edging towards this theory for many years (the wheels of change move painfully slow). However, conventional medicine is profitable so, despite the deadly side effects and limited effectiveness, the cut-poison-burn techniques remain the go-to for oncologists.

I mentioned one of these approaches in Cancer Research Secrets. Tagging chemo with an antibody that carried it directly to the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched. I admit, this method is far better. No toxic cancer therapies (chemo, radiation, or risky surgery) at all.

The right hero to beat an old villain

Unburdening your immune system is crucial to your whole-body health.

It is particularly effective in terms of the No. 2 killer in the world since you have thousands of potential cancer cells inside you at any given time.

It’s your immune system that takes care of them, destroying them before they have the chance to divide and spread out of control. This basic bodily function is your first line of defense when it comes to keeping cancer cells in check, no matter the tricks they play.

This new modality has been likened to re-booting the immune system.

Several patients with an advanced form of skin cancer have had their tumors completely disappear after treatment with new drugs that force tumor cells out of hiding. The patient’s own immune system can then recognize cancer and destroy it.

Results presented at one of the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago showed how three antibodies can blow cancer’s cover.


Did You Know

Free Resources

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
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Details of this ‘new’ modality

Even the strongest, fully-functioning immune system can be outfoxed because cancerous cells find ways to camouflage themselves from your immunity army.

In a perfect scenario, cancer cells are spotted by T-cells — immune system fighters that recognize and destroy the foreign material in the body. However, these damaged cells have evolved. They’ve discovered the ability to hide by sprouting a surface molecule called a ligand.

The ligand binds to and activates a receptor on the T-cells called PD-1, which causes chaos within the immune system. The T-cells fail to recognize the cancer cell as foreign and are fooled into mistaking tumors for normal tissue.

If there was an antibody that blocked the ligand from latching onto the PD-1 receptor, that would drag cancers out into the open where they can be gunned down by a scrappy T-cell army!
As it turns out, there are two effective antibodies able to block the ligand camouflage. Once the technique has been mastered, it will surely lead to hundreds more.

  • Antibody No. 1 — Lambrolizumab: In a study featuring 135 people with advanced melanoma — the most deadly form of skin cancer — 54 of the tumors more than halved in volume after treatment. Even more excitingly, 6 tumors disappeared altogether in six of the 57 people who were given the highest dose of this drug.
  • Antibody No. 2 — Nivolumab: Tumors more than halved in size and significantly decreased in in 21 of 53 people with advanced melanoma who took the drug alongside another drug. Cancer vanished completely within 12 weeks in three of the 17 people who received the highest dose. The results showed themselves fairly quickly, sometimes in as little as three weeks, according to Jedd Wolchok, who led the trial.

These antibodies are entering larger trials involving participants who have skin, kidney, lung, and brain cancers. Unfortunately, it will take years for these treatments to come to the market.
Dr. Wolchok explained that what makes these antibody therapies so exciting is that unlike toxic cancer therapies, such as radio and chemotherapy, they work by reviving the power of the patient’s own immune system.

Your immune system is key

The best way to treat disease is to get your own body to fight for you. For years, I’ve described cancer as a disease of the immune system. Therefore, the most successful treatments will be those which focus on boosting its function.

Toxic cancer therapies used day after day on millions of patients have the opposite effect. They attack all your cells and decimate your immune system! If you try to poison cancer cells, you’re going to poison healthy cells, especially immune system cells.

When it comes to poison or radiation, you cannot kill only the cancer cells. It’s an all or nothing approach with ridiculously low results and survival statistics. And yet, they remain the primary “treatment” of the disease.

Approaching cancer using your immune system is smarter and clearly going to have better (and longer lasting) results. If you power up your immune system, you’re going to have the best possible chance of knocking out cancer permanently.

4 pillars to empowering your immune system naturally

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Oxygen boosters
  • Emotional cleansing
  • Chemical cleanup

In an article for the British science journal New Scientist, Wolchok explained that antibody therapies, alongside other emerging strategies for reviving the immune system, are opening up a fresh chapter in cancer treatment. One that could rapidly expand the number of people being cured of the disease. “The immune system can sculpt itself around the spectrum of changes that is part of the genetic instability of cancers,” he says.

Big pharma’s role in non-toxic cancer therapies

All of this is excellent news for patients fighting cancer. The issue is that these therapies are now good news and the end of toxic cancer therapies is in sight.

However, as they always do, the big pharmaceutical companies will inevitably capitalize on these discoveries, add some slick marketing, and push it far and wide. If the initial results of these antibody therapies remain constant and viable, they will become the primary treatment used by conventional medicine — and they’re going to charge a fortune for it.

While disturbing, even outright disgusting, that is their nature. Maybe it will be covered by some insurance plans but probably not mostly because of the cost. Other countries not caught in the U.S. patent trap will be able to offer it. The poor, those without health coverage, and patients with advanced cancers will be left out in the cold yet again.

Despite my pessimism (realism), there is a silver lining. Take an important lesson from these studies and treatments that cannot be ignored! Looking after your immune system, nurturing it, loving it, is the very best health strategy you can employ.

More than two decades ago, I wrote that you live as long as your immune system lets you.

Take good care of yours and read more about bolstering your immunity in my book Cancer Research Secrets – because you must take charge of your health yourself. Pharmaceutical companies and the conventional medicine complex will never help you prevent or fight cancer without great financial cost.

Learn what you can do without them!

The post Let’s put an end to toxic cancer therapies appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Orthodox vs. Natural: Not all immunotherapy is equal Fri, 04 May 2018 02:07:58 +0000 There is nothing as frustrating as trying everything you know to do to keep your immune system boosted — superfoods, supplements, new exercise routines, and more — only to end up getting sick. Immunotherapy helps restore or improve the immune system to where it can attack cancer cells. The goal of immunotherapy is for the body […]

The post Orthodox vs. Natural: Not all immunotherapy is equal appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

There is nothing as frustrating as trying everything you know to do to keep your immune system boosted — superfoods, supplements, new exercise routines, and more — only to end up getting sick.

Immunotherapy helps restore or improve the immune system to where it can attack cancer cells. The goal of immunotherapy is for the body to knock out cancer. But if the immune system is unable to eradicate cancer cells, slowing or stopping the growth of cancer — and preventing it from spreading to other parts of the body — will make a significant difference in the quality of life.

You may be wondering: What is preventing the immune system from functioning properly? After you understand what is taking a toll on your immune system, there are a few immunotherapy options to consider.

Stress-related issues
One of the first things that could be affecting your immune system is stress. You may think you don't have that much stress in your life or that you have it all covered. What you may be overlooking are the daily stresses that can build into one major stress-filled reaction causing your immune system to be less effective.

Lack of hydration
If your body does not have the proper hydration, then it can't function properly. This puts stress on your organs, on your weight loss efforts, and on your immune system. Without proper hydration, your immune system basically is having to work without the key components it needs to function.

Sleep-related issues
You may think you are getting at least six hours of sleep a night, but just because you are sleeping does not mean you are sleeping well. You need to make sure you are getting deep sleep. If you are not getting solid, deep sleep this could be the reason your immune system is not working properly.

Still, there are cancer cases in which immunotherapy — manufactured immune system-boosting drugs or natural supplements — come into play. And these are not created equal, as you can imagine.

‘A turning point in cancer immunotherapy’

The National Cancer Institute defines immunotherapy as “a type of therapy that uses substances to stimulate or suppress the immune system to help the body fight cancer, infection and other diseases.”

Of course, the “substances” used to stimulate or suppress generally are subject to legal restriction; these are controlled substances, regulated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

A search for “cancer immunotherapy” in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database returns more than 81,000 results. One of the most relevant research papers is “Cancer immunotherapy: harnessing the immune system to battle cancer” by Yiping Yang, MD, Ph.D. He is a professor of medicine and immunology and a member of the Duke Cancer Institute.

As Dr. Yang noted in 2015: “The concept that the immune system can recognize and control tumor growth can be traced back to 1893 when William Coley used live bacteria as an immune stimulant to treat cancer, but the enthusiasm for cancer immunotherapy has been moderate due to limited clinical efficacy.

“The recent clinical successes of immune checkpoint blockade and chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapies represent a turning point in cancer immunotherapy.”

Fast forward three years. The efficacy of Big Pharma immunotherapy drugs – the ability to produce a desired or intended result – has been a mixed (but extremely profitable) bag.

assorted spices in spoons
Rene Chee and Edward Chee

Curing Cancer with Immunotherapy

This is the real-life story of Rene Chee, a biologist diagnosed with an aggressive cancer while working at Stanford University. After conventional treatment, she realizes it is a matter of time before her incurable cancer returns and takes her life.

Types of orthodox cancer immunotherapy

 Adoptive Cell transfer
This type of immunotherapy is relatively new, and researchers are looking into how well it works as a treatment for cancer.

Checkpoint Inhibitors
Checkpoint inhibitors are used to treat cancers such as melanoma skin cancer and lung cancer. Researchers also are looking at them in clinical trials for other types of cancer.

Cytokines are a group of proteins that are found naturally in the body and help to boost the immune system. Man-made versions of these proteins have been developed as a treatment for cancer.

Monoclonal antibodies (MABs)
Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced molecules engineered to serve as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance, or mimic the immune system's attack on cancer cells.

Vaccines to treat cancer
Cancer vaccines are a type of immunotherapy. Research in this area is at an early stage and vaccines are mainly available as part of clinical trials.

There also are numerous side effects of manufactured immunotherapy drugs:

  • Skin reactions
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Muscle aches
  • Shortness of breath (trouble breathing)
  • Swelling of legs (edema)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain from retaining fluid
  • Diarrhea
  • Hormone changes, including hypothyroidism
  • Cough
  • Death

Keytruda is a drug that may treat melanoma or lung cancer or head and neck cancer by working with the immune system. Keytruda can cause the immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in many areas of the body and can affect the way they work. These problems can sometimes become serious or life-threatening and can lead to death. In fact, a commercial for Keytruda spends 56 percent of its time — 50 of 90 seconds — reeling off side effects of the drug.

Merck and a smaller biotechnology company, Incyte, collaborated on testing Keytruda with epacadostat, Incyte’s experimental drug.

The drug sought to target a pathway, hijacked by cancer cells, that the developing fetus uses to protect itself against its mother’s immune system. It made scientific sense to combine the two drugs, but the companies revealed in April that it did not help patients.

CNBC reported:

  • Incyte’s new immunotherapy drug epacadostat failed to work in conjunction with Merck’s melanoma drug Keytruda.
  • Only a small group of patients react to immunotherapy, and cancer researchers argue this study took too broad of a sample.
  • The field of immunotherapy needs more research and may still offer value to patients.

Patients who received the combination had their cancer advance at exactly the same rate as those who got Keytruda alone. What’s more, patients who got the combo were 13 percent more likely to die.

However, a Merck-sponsored study showed combining Keytruda with chemotherapy nearly doubled the survival time of some lung cancer patients compared to patients treated with chemotherapy alone. The research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“I only treat lung cancer and I’ve been doing that for about 20 years,” said Dr. Jorge Gomez, director of thoracic oncology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “These drugs are very, very interesting. Now, not everybody benefits, unfortunately, but some of the people who benefit seem to benefit in a way we've never seen.”

Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment

Meanwhile, modern science has shown that William Coley’s principles were correct and that some cancers are sensitive to an enhanced immune system.

The “Father of Immunotherapy,” Coley went to Yale and graduated from Harvard Medical School. In 1891, he injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon, thought that the infection he produced would have the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor. He was successful – and that was one of the first examples of immunotherapy.

“Those who have scrutinized Coley’s results have little doubt that these bacterial toxins were highly effective in some cases,” said Dr. Lloyd J. Old, former associate director of Memorial Sloan Kettering, and also the Cancer Research Institute’s medical director from 1971-2011.

Dr. Oliver Sartor

“I was thinking, ‘My God, these tests that are used to drive clinical decision making are not worth a damn.’ These are peoples’ lives here. We are playing with the highest of stakes.”

Dr. Oliver Sartor

‘We are playing with the highest of stakes’

While “cancer immunotherapy” was named as 2013’s Breakthrough of the Year by Science, Dr. Yang said, “the success of these therapies illustrates the importance of careful decoding of basic immunology for successful clinical translation in treating cancer.”

 In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Oliver Sartor, assistant dean for oncology at Tulane Medical School, said that immunotherapy drugs are expensive. A popular drug he uses costs $9,000 per dose if used once every three weeks, and $7,000 if used once every two weeks.

Also, immunotherapy drugs can have severe side effects, including death. Once the immune system is stimulated, it may attack normal tissues as well as tumors. The result can be holes in the intestines, liver failure, nerve damage that can cause paralysis, serious rashes and eye problems, and problems with the pituitary, adrenal or thyroid glands. Side effects can arise during treatment or after the treatment is finished.

“I was thinking, ‘My God, these tests that are used to drive clinical decision making are not worth a damn,’ ” Dr. Sartor said. “These are peoples’ lives here. We are playing with the highest of stakes.

“For certain people, it is like, bingo, you give the drug to them and they have a long-lasting and positive benefit,” he added. “When our knowledge is not sufficient to inform our decisions, then we have an ethical conundrum.”

What does play a major role in Big Pharma’s thinking is money. Novartis is a Swiss multi-national pharmaceutical company. Novartis’ Institutes for BioMedical Research has an $8.93 billion research and development budget. It wasn’t even the world’s largest pharma R&D budget in 2017:

  1. Roche – $10.15 billion
  2. Merck – $10.1 billion
  3. Novartis – $8.93 billion
  4. Pfizer – $7.9 billion
  5. J&J – $7 billion
  6. AstraZeneca – $5.9 billion
  7. Sanofi – $5.42 billion
  8. Eli Lilly – $5.24 billion
  9. Gilead Sciences – $5.1 billion
  10. Bristol-Myers Squibb –$4.94 billion

That’s more than $70 billion — for only one year — in research and development among the top 10 pharmaceutical behemoths. R&D cost goes a long way toward explaining why Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Opdivo and Merck’s Keytruda carry a $150,000-a-year price tag.

According to Forbes, analysts forecast that Keytruda will generate sales of $11.3 billion in 2023, up from $3.8 billion today, while Opdivo will have sales of $9.7 billion that year, up from $4.9 billion today.

Dr. Roy Herbst, a Yale University oncologist, told CNBC there is no one-size-fits-all cancer solution. “You have to personalize immunotherapy,” he said. “You need to know who will benefit from drug A and who will benefit from drug B.”

“Chemotherapy remains the standard of care for the majority of [lung cancer] patients, and is a very poor standard,” said Dr. Leena Gandhi, lead author of a New York University-Langone study. In most cases, she said, chemo prolongs life by just a year or even less.

Dr. Norman Edelman, a senior medical advisor for the American Lung Association, said, “until very recently the treatment of lung cancer has been dismal.”

“Because most lung cancer is detected after it’s already spread, we get 5-year cures in less than 20 percent of patients using chemotherapy alone,” he said.

“But recently we’ve developed drugs that are tailored to the specific genetics of a patient’s tumor … it extended life for a small group of people, about 10 to 15 percent.”

Nonetheless, Nature noted that nearly 20 percent of publicly funded cancer clinical trials in the United States fail because investigators are unable to enroll enough participants in clinical trials for conventional immunotherapy drugs. (Physicians and patients often are frustrated with the sometimes-insurmountable requirements to join a study.)

Key to supplements: Know your body

OK, since Big Pharma’s immunotherapy drugs are a) expensive and b) not ready for prime time for the vast majority of cancer patients, what should you do?

Discuss with your doctor the benefits of naturally boosting your immune system. This is imperative whether you are treating cancer or changing your lifestyle to prevent cancer. A strong immune system is a bedrock for a healthy body.

Most people are aware of the types of things that we need to do in daily life to remain healthy. Eating right, exercise, quality sleep, and having proper elimination are just a few of the activities that come to mind.

But there is another important component – an expansive world inside each person populated by bacteria that have a powerful impact on human health, vitality, and longevity. It is our microbiome.

  • Lactobacillus: These bacteria are generally helpful because they are responsible for many of the digestive functions. Modern research has brought advancements with antibiotics, but studies have shown that antibiotics tend to have a harmful effect on the good or helpful populations of gut flora, so it might be necessary to supplement the bacteria by ingesting alternate sources of Lactobacillus. Many of these helpful strains can be found in foods such as yogurt, kefir and other fermented food types. There also are a number of probiotic supplements available.
  • Bifido-bacterium: Scientists now believe that more than three-fourths of our immune system is kept in our intestinal tract, with 500-plus species of bacteria. With such a large population of bacteria living in us, it should be of little surprise that we depend on them so heavily for the various functions they serve on a daily basis. Many Bifido bacteria reside within the colon and large intestine. These bacteria play a heavy role in controlling elimination, aiding in digestion, and even have the ability to repair damage from carcinogenic sources in the body.

Supplements can be taken in many forms including pills, liquids, and powders. The key to using supplements is to know your body: what your body is lacking, what it needs and how to achieve that goal without overdoing other vitamins and minerals you may not need.

A few immune-boosting supplements that fight off illness without taxing your body include:

  • Probiotics: When you get sick, your body may start to slow down and become sluggish, this includes your digestive tract. This means that toxins are being held in your body and could be harboring bacteria that makes it harder for you to get over the illness you are experiencing. Probiotics will help break down these toxins and flush your system and maintain healthy levels of gut bacteria.
  • Omega 3: The main reason to add Omega 3 to your system is due to how it interacts with white cells. The Omega 3 fatty acids help white cells to work at optimal levels to help fight bacteria. If you are taking Vitamin D supplements, the Omega 3 also will help the Vitamin D work at optimal levels. You can boost your Omega 3 supplement during times when you are sick with a cold or flu to help boost the immune system and the white cells working on the bacteria.
  • Vitamin C: Though Vitamin C helps build the immune system, it also works to flush your system while maintaining the lining of the stomach and intestines. You can take Vitamin C in many forms, but a juice or smoothie option will get the benefits into your system quickly and easily.

For the purest form of supplements, look for plant-based options (vegan on the label). For non-plant-based options, look for a non-GMO label. This is due to the growing process of GMO foods that can hinder the benefits of the naturally occurring herb, plant or animal supplement you are using.

Immune-boosting essential oils
You may not think of essential oils when you think about your immune system, however, the truth is our bodies to react to quality essential oils. The smell of these oils stimulates your mind and senses which triggers reactions in your body that directly affect your immune system.

  • Lemon essential oil is one of the go-to essential oil options that many people use to boost immunity. It is used in detox recipes and can easily be added to foods, juices, and smoothies. With lemon oil, you need to make sure it is food grade to use it properly and safely. Lemon oil is highly concentrated, so it should be used sparingly and not as you would a commercial lemon juice. It helps the body remove toxins from the system and kills bacteria that could cause issues with your immune system.
  • You may have heard of thieves’ oil if you have been dabbling in essential oils for any amount of time. This oil is a blended oil that contains cinnamon, cloves, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This is the go-to oil if you are looking for a superfood-style blend that does it all. You can use it in diffusers and directly on the body. One of the leading ways to use it, however, is for house cleaning. It helps to kill germs and bacteria to help reduce illness and keep your immune system working properly.
  • Peppermint oil is one that many people keep on hand because of the multiple ways it can assist your immune system in combating issues in the body. It helps with sinus pressure and pain relief, opening up nasal passages, congestion, cold and flu symptoms, and with easing an upset stomach. Keep in mind this is also a concentrated oil and should be used a drop at a time to achieve the desired effect.

The truth about cancer and essential oils

Colon cleansing
As we now understand, if your digestive system is not running at optimal levels, you could end up with problems. The more sluggish your digestive system, colon, and liver are, then the more likely it is that your body is holding toxins. These toxins can lead to minor issues such as fatigue or major issues such as leaky gut and other gut-related problems. To avoid this, and to boost your immune system, consider natural colon cleansing routines at least once a month. These can be simple superfood-based juices that can help flush your system and deliver vitamins and nutrients in the process.

Coffee enemas are a must in a toxic world

Chiropractic care
Total body alignment is vital for your immune system. If you are in pain, experiencing body aches and experiencing joint cramps then you could be taxing your immune system. It may be trying to counteract the issue and that can lead to further problems in your body. Seeing a chiropractor can help align your body, reduce inflammation and reduce joint issues.

An Inflammation Nation
Dr. Sunil Pai

An Inflammation Nation

Changing your daily routine and eating habits to restore and maintain your health can be challenging. But compared to surgery or extensive drug regimens with debilitating side effects, the effort is decidedly worth it. Here to make things a bit easier, Dr. Sunil Pai presents a 10-step guide to help you prevent and treat disease through diet and lifestyle changes, as well as through the use of natural anti-inflammatories. With extensive information on the production of food, pharmaceuticals, and dietary supplements, this remarkable resource pulls back the veil on what’s really in the foods and products you consume daily — and how they’re affecting your health.


Natural ways to boost your immune system

Colds and flu are the tip of the iceberg for many illnesses. You become even more exposed to different bacteria and viruses when you go to the grocery store, have children who attend public school or you become part of a community social-based organization. Basically, any kind of exposure to other people can lead to illness.

Keep in mind, you should be eating a healthy diet and maintaining a hygiene routine to help these natural methods work.

Increased superfoods
If you already have a healthy diet plan in place, consider adding superfoods. Make sure that you have at least a few meals a week, or even one a day, that have immune-boosting superfoods added to them. The easiest way to do this is to change up your morning or lunch routine to include or be limited to a superfoods juice or smoothie. This can be loaded with foods that can boost your immune system.

  • Garlic is one of the leading superfoods you should add to your diet if you are trying to boost your immune system. Garlic is used to help with colds, flu, congestion, and infections. You can use minced garlic in your cooking, add it to sauces, and even make it into a tea if you need immediate relief. You can find it in capsule form, though this may not give you the same benefit as raw garlic would.
  • Ginger is normally a superfood that is known to help with overall digestion and ease nausea. You may be wondering what the link between ginger and your immune system is. If you have poor digestion, sluggish digestion or issues with ulcers, these can cause your body to work overtime to combat toxins. The part of your body that works the hardest, in this case, is the immune system. Ginger helps soothe the stomach and helps the digestive tract move the toxins through which can take the pressure off your immune system and help boost it.
  • Inflammation is commonly recognized as one of the main causes of pain. However, inflammation is a process within the body that can lead to many illnesses and cases of physiological dysfunction. Turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory, can be made into a paste and added to warm milk. The milk can be taken daily to help reduce inflammation and allow the immune system focus on other issues in the body.
  • You may not think of a spice as being a superfood, but basil — a spice or herb depending on how you refer to it — can be vital. Basil offers massive healing properties to the body including soothing the stomach, nervous system, and reducing inflammation. All of these issues are connected directly to the immune system and how it protects the body. By using basil in green smoothies or as an additive in foods, you can help reduce issues in your nervous system and digestive system which in turn help to reduce the impact on your immune system.

Curcumin plays a vital role in fighting cancer

Top 5 Green ‘Superfoods’

Cancer-preventative powers of superfood kale

Benefits of taking a detox bath

In the busy world of today, people come in contact with an endless amount of impurities, toxins, poisons, pollutants, and other agents. These chemicals land on our skin, absorb into the fabrics we wear and are breathed into our lungs. As inevitable as this may seem, there are a few ways that we can reduce the exposure to these environmental impurities – and one of the best ways is through taking a detox bath.

First off, the most important part of doing a detox bath, is that you have to be hydrated. This will make it possible for you to reap the benefits of the bath and be sure that your systems are hydrated enough to be influenced by the heat of the water. Next, select your water additives. You can always add Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, or anything else that may have benefits you are looking for.

Bathing for cleanliness is only a small portion of the health benefits from this ancient innovation and pastime. For thousands of years, mankind has known that one of the most relaxing and soothing experiences that can be had is that of taking a warm, or hot bath.  Heat loosens muscle tissues that have been clenched by stress, as many people subconsciously carry stress in shoulders, backs, legs, and neck muscles.

How to effectively detox after cancer treatments

In daily modern life, the most common position for people is sitting. This means that toxins and other wastes can easily build up in the body causing blockages and other unpleasant ailments. In order to have a healthy body, it is important to work on clearing out your lymph system. One way this can be accomplished is by heating the body, thus making it easier for the lymph system to flow more freely.

Due to the acidic content of modern foods, swelling or inflammation in adults has reached epidemic levels. A long soak in warm or hot water can provide some relief by greatly reducing inflammation in joints and other tissues. A gentle, but firm rub while submerged can go a long way to improving circulation and arterial health.

How lymphatic massage helps your immune system

The body rids itself of wastes from the digestive system – but did you know the lymphatic system is a major system needed for proper waste removal?

The lymphatic system connects a group of tissues and organs that help carry wastes and foreign agents to locations where they can be eliminated from the body. There is one way you can help stimulate the process: lymphatic massage.

When you get a lymphatic massage, the stimulation of your lymph system causes lymph fluids to flow more efficiently. This allows dead cells, toxins, byproducts, and wastes to be carried from the tissues toward the lymph glands for filtering and purification. What is surprising, is that this action can have an actual effect on the immune system by increasing the production of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.

Beta Glucan for boosting your immune system

Exercising on a rebounder promotes the flow of lymph, thereby flushing the toxins.

“There are lymph channels throughout the entire body,” noted Albert Carter, an investigative journalist, professional trampolinist and the world’s foremost authority on rebound exercise. “You have three times as much lymph fluid in the body as you do blood. Lymph fluid has to circulate from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head, but it’s not connected up to the heart.

“The way the lymphatic system works is the lymphocytes, the white blood cells, are moved through the body via one-way valves. You’ve got these valves from the bottom of the feet upwards throughout the entire body – and the valves all point upwards. So when you move the body around, the lymph fluid is always moving in one direction, that is up towards the neck.

“At the top of the chest, you have the lymph valves that allow the lymph fluid to flow into the bloodstream, or back into the lymphatic system where it circulates back down into the body. By activating the one-way valves of the lymphatic system, you cause an increase in lymph circulation by 10 times of what the lymphatic system is able to circulate when you are sitting around doing nothing. So when you bounce on a rebounder, or jump on the floor, or use a jump rope, the one-way valves open and close about 100 times a minute, circulating the lymph fluid, removing toxins and getting the white blood cells to areas of the body they need to be.”

7 major health benefits of rebound exercise

In some cases, surgery, damage from accidents, a sedentary lifestyle, or other disruptions of an otherwise normal amount of healthy activity can cause a buildup of lymph. This can cause a sluggish system, especially for the immune system. A lymphatic massage can help jump-start lymph flow again, by helping to carry toxins that have collected in areas that haven’t been touched frequently.

Generally, when you get a lymphatic massage, it is performed by doing small circular motions in the direction of the heart. This helps the lymph to move with the pumping direction of the heart and can increase the flow of lymph to 10 times what your normal flow would be during rest or relaxation periods. Professionals have emphasized that the care protocol calls for slow, gentle touch, and the skin only needs to be stretched slightly to achieve the desired effect.

Improve your immune system with lymphatic drainage


Relatively speaking, conventional immunotherapy drugs are in the early stages. Some immunotherapies broadly activate the immune system and side effects can be mild and localized. However, others precisely target distinct tumor antigens and the side effects are more severe and systemic.

Also, the money spent on R&D and administering of some forms of Big Pharma immunotherapy limit their use to patients. Those who are fortunate enough to receive these therapies often pay a high cost, if insurance does not cover the treatment.

Meanwhile, there are natural immunotherapies with minimal cost that you can employ daily. Taking care of your body — eating healthy and exercising — and maximizing the immune system is paramount to treating and preventing cancer.

The post Orthodox vs. Natural: Not all immunotherapy is equal appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

The full story on EMFs: Research, dangers, and how to protect yourself Mon, 02 Apr 2018 15:51:51 +0000 Every minute of every day, you’re flooded with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). They are emitted by every electronic device in your home, office, child’s school, restaurants, on and on — and they aren’t as “harmless” as you’ve been led to believe. These modern advancements are putting you and your family’s health at risk. Sign up now […]

The post The full story on EMFs: Research, dangers, and how to protect yourself appeared first on Cancer Tutor.


Every minute of every day, you’re flooded with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). They are emitted by every electronic device in your home, office, child’s school, restaurants, on and on — and they aren’t as “harmless” as you’ve been led to believe. These modern advancements are putting you and your family’s health at risk. Sign up now for a free EMF Health Summit beginning Oct. 13!

In today’s technology-filled world, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs), invisible energy fields that affect us up to 24 hours a day. With the growth of wireless technologies, there are more questions every day, with the main one being: Are they safe?

While the wireless companies and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) claim they are, there are more independent studies coming out confirming these fields carry severe health complications for society, as well as harm the environment. Moreover, further digging uncovers how corrupt the FCC is, and that the organization gave up its power to protect the people against EMFs a long time ago.

Since the wireless industry’s growth has not stopped but sped up, it is time to arm ourselves with the knowledge to protect our families.

What we know today is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified EMFs as “group 2 carcinogenic: a possible carcinogen to humans,” based on studies that link cellphone use to brain cancer. Some scientists say this is not enough and urge WHO to change EMFs to a “group 1: carcinogenic to humans.”

“The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored,” stated Dr. Anthony B. Miller, professor, cancer researcher and long-time advisor to WHO.

But it is not just cellphones we need to be concerned about and the issue is associated with many diseases besides cancer. It is time to study the facts.


Since the 1990s, the growing popularity and technological evolution of cellphones have brought an increasing concern for health issues related to the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation they emit. From warnings against carrying phones in our pockets due to risks of infertility to recommendations on limiting daily cellphone use because of brain cancer risks, concerned consumers and activist groups have tried to warn society of the potentially high price we are paying to have and use this technology.

For the companies manufacturing smartphones and other smart devices (electronic devices that connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, 3G or other wireless protocols) this is largely about making money while avoiding and often purposely hiding the dangers.

Today, there are two opposing forces that are changing our technology-filled world. On one hand, the Tech Giants are pushing more smart devices to the average consumer. What started with smartphones and Smart TVs became an agenda for Smart Homes, creating an environment that will be fully run by and integrated with technology.

If having EMF radiation emitted from your cellphone, tablet, laptop, Smart TV, and Wi-Fi router is a huge health concern, can you imagine what happens if all of the home devices will be connected to a wireless network? If Smart Homes succeed, you will be able to access your fridge while out shopping to see if you ran out of eggs. While it may be convenient for some people, the price for this convenience is more than anyone has bargained for.

That’s why there is a second opposing force to this — scientists, doctors, consumers, and health activists who are trying to warn people about the damaging effects of this technology.

Brain cancers are on the rise, especially in children between the ages of 4 and 10 years, and their link to phone use is becoming impossible to ignore. Just last year Joel Moskowitz, Director and Principal Investigator at the Center for Family and Community Health at Berkeley’s School of Public Health, has revealed that the university was hiding scientific research linking cellphone use to brain tumors and infertility (the two biggest concerns discussed when it comes to cellphones).

Moskowitz confirmed the wireless industry goes to great length to keep this kind of information out of the public eye. He also said that it reminds him of other truths that were hidden from the consumers for a long time in the past.

“They've done a very good job at [hiding it], essentially following the same playbook that the tobacco industry used,” Moskowitz said.

Until the truth about cellphones and smart, wireless technologies is fully out in the open, there are many trustworthy sources (experts such as Dr. Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust and Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.) to use to arm yourself with information on the dangers of EMFs and how to protect yourself, your home, and your family.

What is EMF radiation?

EMFs are electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields are created due to the high and low voltage; magnetic fields are created with various electric currents. Invisible to the naked eye, EMFs are present everywhere in the environment from natural sources such as from thunderstorms. What is a growing problem is a high concentration of these fields from man-made sources: X-rays, cellphones towers, and Wi-Fi enabled technology. EMFs have various wavelengths and frequencies; higher frequency corresponds to shorter wavelength or distance. Every one of them has a different effect on the human body, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and they affect our pets and wild animals as well.

Both electric and magnetic fields are stronger closer to their source, which is why it is dangerous to live close to a cell tower or to place Wi-Fi routers in the bedroom or to keep a cellphone next to the head when sleeping. The farther we are from these EMF sources, the safer we are.

Different types of EMF radiation

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) varies from low to high frequency. There are extremely low frequency (ELF) fields with frequencies up to 300 Hz, intermediate frequency (IF) fields – between 300 Hz to 10 MHz, and radiofrequency (RF) fields. The effect of these fields on human health depends on the level, type, and duration of exposure. The magnetic field is often measured in microtesla (µT) units or in Gauss (G). [1 Gauss is equal to 100 Microtesla].

ELF fields are created by electrical power supply and appliances; RF fields are created by cellphones, television, radio, and even microwaves. Bluetooth enabled-devices (used to provide communication between these devices) also create RFs, between 2.4 GHz and 2.4835 GHz, just like a microwave.

From the longest to the shortest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum, the sources are:

  • subways systems
  • power lines
  • computer monitors
  • ultrasound
  • radio
  • television
  • cellphones
  • airport full-body scanners
  • microwave and satellites
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • GPS
  • (RFID can use low, high, and ultra-high frequencies)
  • Suntan beds
  • Dental Curing devices
  • X-rays
  • PET Scans

Everything before suntan beds is considered to be non-ionizing radiation, everything after ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation ionizes the molecules in the body, therefore setting electrons free. This has a potential to damage DNA. What about non-ionizing radiation? While many government agencies say there is not enough evidence to show harm, many scientists are proving them wrong.

Microwave energy between 30-300 GHz (which is non-ionizing) is used as a mainstream cancer “treatment,” which we know has its side effects and negatively affects the cells, and it doesn’t differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells. According to a study published in the International Journal of Oncology, these non-ionizing EMFs have “multiple biological effects.”

While all EMFs are harmful in some way, knowing the frequency of radiation is important when analyzing the risks. Power lines, for example, were one of the first ELF sources to blip on the radar of public concern. They can measure at 20 µT when standing right underneath them. As early as 1979, researchers have pointed out there is a possible link between living near power lines and leukemia in children. Another study has found that any long-term exposure higher than 0.4 µT can potentially double the risk of leukemia. (This was later confirmed by the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), a subsidiary of WHO).

Even without power lines, EMFs at home can easily reach 0.2 µT, and the number will keep growing based on how many new smart technologies we are introducing. And let's not forget the new 5G cellphone towers are coming soon.

In big cities, there are even more challenges and EMF hazards. For example, in Vancouver, there is the Cathedral Square Park which stands above an underground substation. Anyone walking in the park is exposed to radiation between 0.2 µT to 10 µT – way above the radiation levels linked to leukemia. Can you imagine that some parents might take their children to this park on a regular basis without any idea what it is doing to their health?

Then walking back home, they are exposed to cellphone towers, and then at home to EMFs from different devices.

How is this permitted? Sadly, most official safety guidelines are based on outdated science that does not even come close to predicting the increasingly negative effect all of the new technology brings.

Besides the ELFs, IFs, and RFs, many devices at home produce thermal radiation: radiation emitted by all objects with a temperature above absolute zero. Thermal radiation often leads to burns, sometimes bad enough to require hospital treatment.

According to a study published by Hindawi regarding Case Reports in Emergency Medicine:

Aerodigestive tract burns represent a rare but potentially devastating injury pattern throughout the world. Although the majority of these injuries do not require intervention, these burns have the potential for poor outcomes. Traditionally this disease has been caused by superheated gases found in explosions or fire-related injury. However, as technology advances, it brings novel methods for an injury that require physician awareness of potential hazards. We describe a case of laryngeal and esophageal thermal burn caused by a microwave heated food bolus.

Cancers are the first concern when it comes to EMFs, followed by fertility issues. But there are many more health problems that are not often talked about.

Health risks of EMF-emitting technology

It has been well-established that short-term exposure to high levels of EMFs above 100 µT is dangerous, but now scientists are coming to a conclusion that there is no safe limit of EMFs when it comes to long-term exposure of at least 10 years.

In 2012, the BioInitiative Working Group (BWG) released a 1,557-page report on low-frequency EMFs and their health dangers based on the work of many independent scientists, researchers, and experts in this field. The main reason for all of the health issues, as they explain in detail, is because humans are “bioelectrical systems.” Our bodies are functioning based on internal bioelectric signals and artificial EMFs can disrupt any and all of the body’s normal processes.

“There may be no lower limit at which exposures do not affect us. Until we know if there is a lower limit below which bioeffects and adverse health impacts do not occur, it is unwise from a public health perspective to continue “business-as-usual” deploying new technologies that increase ELF and RF exposures, particularly involuntary exposures,” the report concludes.

Involuntary exposure includes inserting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities in devices that one may not need connectivity for: like cameras and television sets, not to mention refrigerators. It also includes cellphone towers that can be put up close to someone’s home without their knowledge of the potential health risks.

It’s bad enough to chance health risks while doing something you choose to do; it’s another issue when it is done to you without your knowledge or permission…especially when the health risks are this severe. (With proper knowledge of the issue, however, you can protect yourself and your loved ones).

“For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment — an electromagnetic soup — that essentially overlaps the human nervous system,” said Michael Persinger, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at Laurentian University.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

Besides a huge list of known disorders that EMFs may trigger or even cause, EMFs are also the culprit for a new type of diagnosis with symptoms that do not fit any disease, yet are life-altering. This diagnosis is accepted by the medical community and is best described by WHO.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS is a disorder characterized by various symptoms related to EMF exposure. These can be:

  • Skin issues: redness, burning
  • Fatigue
  • Concentration problems
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Digestive issues

WHO, however, fails to consider all of the research done and suggest these individuals protect themselves from EMFs. Instead, as always, they are only focused on treating the symptoms.

A court case in France, however, has previously recognized EHS as a disability when granting a 39-year-old Marine money for her debilitating symptoms. After winning the case, Ms. Richard said: “We know how to make much less polluting technologies. That said, it’s a political choice,” suggesting that the tech companies can make safer technologies; they just don’t care to.

In her case, her symptoms changed her life but were not life-threatening. In other cases, EMF can increase the risk of very severe diseases.

EMFs and brain tumors and cancers

“While the government has deemed RF radiation to be safe, there is no current significant research to make this claim,” a Swedish study stated.

More than a dozen independent studies have linked RF radiation from cellphones and other EMF-emitting devices to increased risk for brain tumors. It has been shown that those who used a cellphone for at least 10 years had higher rates of tumors. The risk was magnified if they usually talked on the same side of the head. When they switched sides, the risk was increased by 20 percent, but when they talked on one side only — the risk increased by 200 percent.

Another study linked brain tumors to professions who receive EMF exposure such as electrical workers.

Famous brain cancer stories and cellphone radiation

The recent case of Sen. John McCain’s brain cancer (glioblastoma) has raised questions on whether his disease was linked to cellphone use. Like most other politicians, he spent a whole lot of time talking on the phone. Scientists have calculated that brain tumors caused by radiation can take 10-15 years to develop; since many people started using smartphones around that time, it is possible that we will see an increase of brain cancers in the future (we already have seen in it in children and one study suggests that cellphone use doubles the risk).

A 2017 study found a significant correlation between cellphone use and glioma (glioblastoma, McCain’s cancer is a type of glioma). Another study found that when male rats are exposed to nine hours of daily cellphone radiation for two years, they develop malignant tumors, including gliomas. Finally, a 2010 paper confirmed that using a cellphone on one side of the head leads to cancer. After 10-years of talking on the phone for just 30 minutes a day, study subjects had a 40 percent increase in glioma risk. Most of us talk on the phone more than that, and McCain likely spoke on the phone for longer than 30 minutes a day for business matters.

Another famous brain cancer story is of Johnnie Cochran, a prominent attorney most know for the O.J. Simpson trial. Cochran passed from a brain tumor and his doctor suggested that it may have been linked to his cellphone use. Dr. Keith Black, the head of neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, has told CNN that he believes cellphones do indeed cause cancer and that scientific research will show what he is already seeing in his patients.

“One of the studies that is very concerning has been a story out of Europe that looked at a long-term exposure to the use of cellphones over a period of 10 years,” he states. “And when patients or people were exposed to over 2,000 hours of cellphone use — which is about an hour a day for 10 years — that study reported about a 3.7-fold increase in the risk of developing brain cancer.”

Cochran used his cellphone on one side of his head — the left — side and his tumor was on the left. This is not only confirmed by the 2010 study described above, but also seen in real life in Dr. Black’s patients.

“There have been some studies that show a correlation between the side that you use a cellphone on [and] the side that you develop a brain tumor on…We see tumors developing in the location – close to the location that people do use cellphones,” he said.

These two famous cases remind us to keep out phone use to a minimum and switch which sides of the head we use when talking.

EMFs and childhood leukemia

When it comes to cancers, EMFs affect more than adults — children are also at risk, maybe an even bigger risk because their bodies are more vulnerable.

As previously discussed, there has been evidence that living near power lines has been associated with higher risk of childhood leukemia, a blood cancer, and the most common cancer in children.

A 2015 report by the European project ARIMMORA, after looking at the data associating leukemia with EMFs, recommended that all child centers, kindergartens, and schools be built away from high voltage power lines.

Since power lines are low-frequency EMFs, other ELFs were also classified as possible human carcinogens by WHO.

Another study has shown that these ELFs increase the risk of leukemia at much lower levels than the safety standard allows. A WHO report concluded, based on two pooled analyses, that at a 0.3 to 0.4 µT EMF exposure two times more children may get leukemia than at lower exposures.

This level of exposure is not rare. For example, if a child (or an adult) sleeps with an electric blanket, they will be exposed to between 1 µT to 2.5 µT. A television produces a field of 2 µT. Talking on the phone can reach a 3 µT exposure.

Today, more than ever, it is important to keep EMF emitting devices away from where the child sleeps and turned off at night. These include cellphones, tablets, computers and laptops, Wi-Fi routers, and video game consoles.

“There is little doubt that exposure to ELF causes childhood leukemia,” the BWG report stated.

Childhood leukemia is on the rise, which is why we need to guard the children against EMF exposure. Even when the exposure is too low to cause cancer as a child, the many years of early exposure for a not-fully-developed organism can lead to other cancers as an adult.

EMFs and other cancers

Adult leukemia: While children are at the highest risk of cancer when living near power lines, it was also found that adults who live not farther than 300 meters from a power line were also at a higher risk for leukemia. The 2007 study in the Internal Medicine Journal points to the conclusion that living near a power line as a child can cause cancer as an adult.

Breast cancer: The occurrence of breast cancer was increased in numerous studies not only in women but also in men when they were exposed to EMFs.

“The evidence from studies on women in the workplace rather strongly suggests that ELF is a risk factor for breast cancer for women with long-term exposures of 10 mG and higher,” according to the MWG report.

Studies have shown that EMFs between 6 and 12 mG can get in a way of melatonin’s protective effect on the body, therefore permitting the growth of breast cancer cells. Long-term exposure to ELFs reduces melatonin in the body, leaving it vulnerable.

Prostate cancer: Workers who were exposed to higher frequencies were reported twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as those exposed to lower levels of EMFs.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Chances of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma were also increased for workers exposed to EMFs.

Skin cancer: Living next to power lines was reported to increase the chance of malignant melanoma. EMFs also have been linked by some studies to thyroid, stem cell, lymph node, and eye cancers.

EMFs and DNA damage

One of the reasons for EMF radiation potentially causes or increases the risk of different cancers is because it may damage DNA. DNA damage may lead to cancer cells multiplying rapidly and not dying. DNA damage can be caused by many environmental factors, including exposure to toxic chemicals. Some studies have provided evidence that both ELFs and RFs can negatively affect the genes, therefore disrupting the body’s biological processes. This can not only lead to cancer but many diseases, especially chronic ones.

When the European research program called REFLEX did tests on DNA, they found significant changes in biological functions. They documented altered genes and genotoxic effects in the cells. “Genotoxic effects and a modified expression of numerous genes and proteins after EMF exposure could be demonstrated with great certainty,” the researchers found.

Most importantly, while some claim that EMFs from cellphones is too low to do harm, this research has shown that cells react negatively to RF exposure of SAR levels 0.3-2 W/kg. Most cellphones fall in between these numbers. iPhone 6, for example, measures at 1.18 W/kg when 5mm away from the body (talking distance).

EMF and the immune system

Just as ELFs and RFs can damage the cells on the DNA level, they can also mess with the immune system. When our natural defense system encounters an unwanted exposure, be it a chemical, a virus or EMFs, it sends out signals and produces responses to warn the body of the threat and get rid of it. When constantly exposed to these environmental hazards, there is a constant production of stress responses without an actual way to fix the problem. This leaves the body in a vulnerable state that leads to inflammation and a heightened risk of allergic responses. It’s no wonder that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is sometimes referred to as EMF-allergy.

The body releases inflammatory substances to try to fight EMFs, and this can lead to allergy-like reactions: skin issues and allergic hypersensitivity.

EMFs and fertility issues

After the issue of cellphones and brain cancer, the other big one that most have probably heard of is cellphones hurting reproductive health. There has been a growing concern that men carrying a cellphone in a pants pocket (without an EMF-protective case) have a lower sperm count. This has been confirmed by at least 10 different studies on humans which have shown very similar results, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

All of these studies conclude that cellphones stored in pockets lead to:

  • Lower sperm count
  • Decreased sperm vitality
  • Sperm damage
  • Oxidative stress
  • DNA damage

This is a growing issue as currently about 15 percent of couples of reproductive age cannot conceive, and in half of the cases it’s due to fertility issues in men.

A study in the Fertility and Sterility Journal found that one-quarter of the sperm stop swimming after being exposed to Wi-Fi for just four hours. “We speculate that keeping a laptop connected wirelessly to the internet on the lap near the testes may result in decreased male fertility,” researchers said.

Other studies suggest that not only carrying a cellphone but also talking on the phone lowers the sperm count. A 2005 study has shown that men who talk on the phone for longer than an hour a day have 17 percent fewer sperm than men who talk for less than 15 minutes.

There have not been good studies done to look at the reproductive health of women and cellphones, but many studies have shown how it negatively affects the fetus and its development (continue reading about this topic below under Children’s Health.)

EMFs and suicides

EMF exposure does not only affect physical and mental health (brain function) – emotional health is also disturbed. A few studies have found a link between EMFs and depression and suicides.

A study published in The Western Journal of Medicine looked at 140,000 male electricity workers and found a strong association between their exposure to EMFs and suicides. Another couple of dozen studies point to the same conclusion: “Low-intensity, non-thermal microwave EMFs produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects.”

These effects include depression and anxiety. Suicides are more common with severe exposures, such as of those working on power lines; living under one may also increase the risk.

EMFs and children health: ADHD, autism

Not only are the FFC guidelines not strict enough, they are also based on studies done on 200 adults 20 years ago. Children are likely to be more severely affected by the same devices all around us.

The American Academic of Pediatrics wrote a letter to the FCC urging them to look into the issue, saying the “current FCC standards do not account for the unique vulnerability and use patterns specific to pregnant women and children.”

Children’s bodies are more susceptible to any type of harm, including EMFs. They are more vulnerable than adults; therefore we need to be even more cautious exposing children to EMFs.

We have already discussed children’s leukemia, but this is not the only life-altering disease to worry about. Some studies have suggested that in some cases ADHD and even autism can be linked to EMF exposure.

ADHD has similar symptoms to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, a condition acknowledged by the WHO as a new diagnosis caused by EMFs. Both conditions cause:

  • Problems concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral problems
  • Sleep issues

A 2008 Danish study looked at 13,000 children and their mothers’ phone use, both during the mothers’ pregnancies and after birth. What was found is that cellphone exposure increases the risk of emotional problems in children by 80 percent, same goes for hyperactivity and problems communicating with peers.
And when it comes to autism, some studies have also found a correlation.

A 2009 study by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discovered that mothers exposed to EMFs during their pregnancies and children exposed to EMFs when sleeping are both contributing (and maybe even causative) factors to neurological issues in children, including autism.

Protecting children from EMFs is of utmost importance. This starts before the child is born by shielding the mother from radiation while pregnant. When the child is born, make sure they get the room with the lowest EMF levels (measure it yourself), turn off Wi-Fi when you are not using it (choose corded internet), keep cellphones, tablets and even baby monitors away from children.

A 2014 report summarizes well why children are at bigger risk than adults and need to be protected:
Children absorb more radiation than adults.

Fetuses are even more vulnerable than children, which is why pregnant women need to be careful to not expose themselves to EMFs.

Electronic devices should not be used as toys for a toddler to play with.

EMFs and other health issues

Brain Function and the Nervous System: EMF exposure has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease (nervous system disorders), according to a report on “Extremely Low Frequency Fields” by WHO. Just like with breast cancer, melatonin can protect the brain from these two diseases, and ELFs reduce melatonin, therefore increasing the risk for a disease. Long-term ELF exposure also changes the body’s calcium levels and produces oxidative stress, which then damages the body because of toxicity.

Laboratory studies have shown that the nervous system is sensitive to ELFs (and that is true for humans and animals). One of the studies confirming this was led by Dr. Nora D. Volkow, a brain imaging scientist. She and her team found that even the lowest levels of EMFs affect the brain. The changes in the brain could be seen in PET scans after just a 50-minute phone call.

This and other studies have confirmed that cellphone use can alter brain activity and brain function; it can also hurt memory and abilities to learn and think fast. This issue can have one of the biggest consequences on society. If the larger population is at risk for decline in cognition, no matter how small, the sheer number of people affected would produce immeasurable harm on the health and economy in the country.

Other health effects:

Migraines and vertigo: A 2009 Danish study examined 420,095 adults and found that long-term cellphone use contributed to 10-20 percent increased risk of being hospitalized for migraines and vertigo episodes.

Asthma: A 2011 study found that children born to mothers who were exposed to stronger EMFs have three times more risk of developing asthma.

Enzyme issues: A 2014 study on cows has shown that EMF exposure can decrease or even disable functions of some enzymes.

Vision loss: A study on rabbits who were exposed to common electronics has shown that the thermal waves can damage the cornea.

Insomnia: When airport surveillance operators were studied in 2013, it was found that their exposure to high-frequency EFs led to insomnia, as well as anxiety and depression.

Headache: A 2017 report linked cellphone use to headaches based on 40 different studies.

Long-term exposure to EMFs has caused people to have the following symptoms:

  • grogginess
  • dizziness
  • problems concentrating
  • tinnitus
  • fatigue
  • problems with balance
  • pain
  • inflammation
  • aging too fast
  • hormonal issues
  • liver damage

Human body is electric

Humans are highly susceptible to EMFs because the human body is a conductor of electricity; it allows electricity to flow through it. It also produces electricity to communicate between cells. Even the heart wouldn’t beat without this electricity! The body relies on electricity for survival, so it comes as no surprise that being affected by electromagnetic fields on a daily basis messes up all of its normal functions.

Dr. Robert Becker, called “the father of electromedicine,” spent his lifetime studying the human body and its connection to electricity. At first, he was laughed at, but after he succeeded at using electricity to grown bones his research started to get noticed by some.

As early as the 1970s, he started warning people that EMFs are harmful and yet no one listened. Today, his research that was way ahead of his time is extremely timely.

“The greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be a far greater threat on a global scale than warming, or the increase of chemical elements in the environment,” he wrote.

Read more on the subjects in the book “The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life” by Robert Becker and‎ Gary Selden.

Variables that heighten health risk

There are many variables that come into play when it comes to calculating your personal risk of EMFs affecting your health.

The first one is age. Children and teens are more susceptible to both DNA damage and the radiation disturbing the body’s natural processes and causing inflammation, which leads to many other conditions. Unborn fetuses are at high risk of developmental issues when exposed to EMFs. Children absorb radiation more and accumulate it over time, which can lead to issues immediately or far in the future.

Pregnant women should guard themselves against EMFs, not just for the health of their unborn child, but also to prevent a bigger risk of miscarriage.

Other populations that are more vulnerable to EMFs include the elderly and people who are already sick or malnourished. Because EMFs affect the body on the cellular level, these groups of people do not have enough strength in their bodies to protect from DNA damage and inflammation. If DNA damage happens, their bodies do not have enough energy to fix the damage.

Another group under a bigger risk are workers who are constantly around electromagnetic fields: subway workers, cellphone network operating technicians, power line technicians, and many others. For everyone else, the risk factors include levels of exposure, time and frequency of exposure, and location and distance from the source of radiation.

Using the following electrical items also increases the risk: cellphones, computers, cooking appliances, hair dryers, and sewing machines.

Worst personal and household items for EMR

The USA Environmental Protection Agency recommends to not exceed the EMF exposure of more than .5-2.5mG (Milgauss) for safety. However, most home appliances measure much higher than that when standing right next to them. Whenever possible, stand at least three feet away from any electronics and devices.

Believe it or not, one of the worst sources are hair dryers. At a 4-inch distance from the body, you can be exposed to between 60 and 20,000 mG. When it comes to choosing a hairdryer or any other item for your home, do your research and choose the ones with the lowest possible levels of EMF. For example, Barbar ECO8000 hair dryer measures at 4.1mG. Still higher than the EPA’s recommended safe limit, but much lower than its competitors.

Other items with highest mG include:

  • Fluorescent lamp: 400-4,000 mG
  • Vacuum cleaner: 230-1,300 mG
  • Microwave oven: 100-500 mG
  • Blender: 50-220 mG
  • Washing machine: 8-200 mG
  • Television: 5-100 mG
  • Airplane: 50 mG
  • Coffee maker: 6-29 mG
  • Computer: 4-20 mG

These EMF measurements are of simple appliances and has not even taken Wi-Fi or Bluetooth into account, and soon, most will have that capability – adding extra layers of radiation to using them.

Here are some of the worst items in your home, and how to minimize your risk when using them.

EMF source: cCellphones and smartphones

Cellphones are becoming one of the biggest hazards of the 21st century. For starters, we use them all the time. Statistics show that a regular person looks at the phone about 46 times every day, spending up to five hours on it. But even when not using it, the phone is likely next to us, in our pocket, and even next to our heads when sleeping (it is so important to keep your phone away or even turned off when sleeping!)

Studies have shown that sleeping next to a cellphone leads to poor sleep and impaired memory and learning abilities. When talking on the phone, its radiation easily penetrates the head. This is even more dangerous for children, whose skull is still much thinner than adult skulls.

Studies show that talking on a phone for at least 30 minutes a day can increase the risk of brain cancer, but it can also lead to the following side effects and health issues:

  • Cardiovascular stress
  • Changes in brain activity
  • DNA damage
  • Eye problems
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Melatonin insufficiency
  • Memory problems

To protect yourself while using a cellphone, the experts recommend to:

  • Use hand-free options such as speakerphone, regular headphones (not Bluetooth), or video call – anything that will keep the phone away from your head.
  • Never put the phone in your pocket unprotected. Get an EMF-blocking case for it, or put it on a belt clip. Keep it as far away from your body as possible.
  • Avoid using the cellphone when it only has one bar. To compensate for low-signal, the device will emit more radiation.
  • Never put your cellphone next to your head when sleeping. Keep it as far away as possible, or better yet, put it on airplane mode.
  • Switch the side of the head you are using to talk on the phone. Studies have shown that switching it up has 10 times less negative effect than using the phone on the same side of the head all your life.
  • Choose texting over talking.
  • Do not encourage children to start using cellphones young. Their bodies are not fully developed and have fewer barriers that protect them from environmental dangers including EMF radiation.
  • Buy a cellphone with the lowest SAR rating (Specific Absorption Rate).

Choosing a phone with the lowest SAR

SAR is a measurement of the rate RF is absorbed by the body. The lower the SAR, the safer the cellphone is. SAR value is important to know about talking phone calls or sending text messages. When using 4G or Wi-Fi the RF levels will be higher. Nonetheless, buying a cellphone with low SAR is better.

Here are 10 phones recommended by PhoneRated that have a low SAR value, but are also from top rated cellphones (the list has been updated in January 2018). The SAR value is when the phone is next to the ear.

  • The Samsung J7 Max (0.71 SAR)
  • The Kyocera DuraXE (0.53 SAR)
  • The Samsung Galaxy J3 (o.618 SAR)
  • The Samsung Galaxy j7 pro (0.567 SAR)
  • The ZTE Max Duo LTE (0.46 SAR)
  • The Ulefone Power (0.323 SAR)
  • The LG V30 Plus (0.71 SAR)
  • The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 4 (0.51 SAR)
  • The Ulefone Future (0.226 SAR)
  • The Yezz Andy 5T (0.278 SAR)

And then there are some phones have the highest SAR level. EMFAcademy has made a list of cellphones with the heist SAR level. These are:

  • Motorola Droid Maxx (1.54 SAR)
  • Motorola Droid Ultra (1.54 SAR)
  • Motorola Moto E (1.50 SAR)
  • Alcatel One Touch Evolve (1.49 SAR)
  • Huawei Vitria (1.49 SAR)
  • Kyocera Hydro Edge (1.48 SAR)
  • Kyocera Kona (1.45 SAR)
  • Kyocera Hydro XTRM (1.44 SAR)
  • Nokia Asha 503 (1.43 SAR)
  • BlackBerry Z30 (1.41 SAR)

Carrier network plays a role in radiation exposure

A much less-known piece of information is the growing evidence that the type of the carrier one uses affects the levels of EMFs emitted by the phone as much as the type of phone itself.

“Network technology plays a major role in determining the level of radiation to which a mobile device user may be exposed,” revealed the EWG. Yet the FCC is hiding the information from the consumers.

No matter what phone and carrier you have, there are ways to minimize your EMF exposure coming from that phone.

EMF-protection for the phone

No matter how low the SAR level is, each phone still emits various amounts of radiation — way worse if the phone is using a 4G network, is connected to Wi-Fi, or is using a GPS.

To minimize your exposure to EMFs while using or even just carrying the phone, you may want to purchase a protective sleeve or case.

SafeSleeve makes anti-radiation cases for phones (as well as tablets and laptops) that block up to 99 percent of all radiation as tested by FCC accredited labs. It uses a military-grade material to block radiation so you can talk on the phone safely. It also protects you from radiation when the phone is in your pocket or lying next to you.

LessEMF also collects great items for sale to protect the consumers from cellphones EMFs and other sources. You can purchase an air tube headset to use when talking; a shielding phone pouch to protect your head during phone calls and your body when carrying the phone around; or a shielded cellphone holster – useful for men who do not want to keep carrying the phone in their pockets.

EMF source: Wi-Fi

Using Wi-Fi is now the most popular way to connect to the internet. At home, most of us no longer have corded internet. Coffee shops, airports, and even major supermarkets offer free Wi-Fi to their customers. (France has Wi-Fi in most public parks around Paris). Wi-Fi, like other EMF sources, promotes tumors and cancers, and lead to other diseases.

“Wi-Fi could have a variety of negative health effects,” Moskowitz said, such as neurodevelopmental and reproductive issues.

While escaping it in public places may be an impossible task, at home, there are ways to protect ourselves from it. If you cannot get or do not choose to get wired internet (while it is still possible!) there are ways to use Wi-Fi more safely.

  • Keep your Wi-Fi router as far away from living spaces as possible.
  • Turn it on only when you are using it.
  • Absolutely turn it off at night.
  • Buy A JRS Eco-WiFi Router. It is a safer alternative that uses lower EMF functionality.
  • Disable Wi-Fi on your phone, tablet, laptop, Smart TV, printer, and other devices when not using them.
  • Buy Signal Tamer, adjustable shielding pouch for Wi-Fi Router that reduces radiation.

Smart Meters:

Smart Meters are one of the newest additions to our home EMFs, and until a few years ago not many knew of their existence. Smart Meters are a part of s “smart grid,” a wireless utility grid that allows data to be transported from each household to the utility companies.

This switch from older meters (which were not wireless) caused a lot of controversies when these meters started catching on fire, and there has been the talk of these meters charging the household more money. These issues are no longer in the news, and it seems that most people forgot that now almost every one of us has a smart meter next to our home, and this meter creates a huge EMF.

The Smart Meter is as bad as a cellphone, but you cannot turn it off, and you never asked for one. There is not much you can about this right now. Mainly, locate the smart meter and measure its field, and try to avoid these areas in your house. You can also buy a Smart Meter shield to block the microwave signals it emits. For further information about this subject, watch the documentary “Take Your Power Back.”

EMF Source: Computers, Laptops and Tablets

Computers, laptops, and tablets emit EMFs in various ways.

In a desktop computer, the radiation is coming from the computer tower, which you can cover with a magnetic foil wrap to reduce EMFs. It comes from the desktop, which can be protected with a screen shield. Lastly, any wireless parts, a keyboard or a mouse, cause extra unnecessary radiation. Be sure to purchase wired ones instead (and choose low EMF options).

In a laptop, a high electromagnetic field is emitted from underneath it. Never put your laptop on your lap without a protective pad that blocks radiation. Radiation also comes from the keyboard. You may want to choose to shield the keyboard completely and buy a safer USB one to connect to it.

Tablets and iPads should be placed in a protective pouch when not in use, and the pouch can be used to place it between you and that tablet when it is on your lap. Just like with laptops, you do not want to place any EMF sources directly on your body.

All of the products for shielding can be found on

EMF source: personal care devices

What may come as a surprise to many is that some of the most hazardous EMF sources are a few personal care products: hair dryers, electric shavers, and electric toothbrushes. According to WHO, the first two are the top sources of EMF radiation in the home, primarily because they are used so close to the body.

The only solution to this is to avoid using these products whoever possible. Let your hair dry naturally, use a regular shaver, and a good old toothbrush.

Home appliances:

At home, there are many appliances that emit EMFs: like your TV, toaster oven, stereo, and many others. The main thing to do is keep as much distance as possible from these items when they are in use. The level of radiation is lower the farther you are from the source.

It is important to stay away from a microwave when using it or better yet, throw it out completely. Microwaves use radio waves between 300 MHz and 3 GHz. With age, they can leak radiation through the door when it gets old or damaged, according to WHO. If you use a microwave, replace it when needed, or get a convection oven instead. Just make sure to stand at least 10 feet away from it when it is on.

It is also wise to stay away from all smart electronic, such as a smart refrigerator, voice-controlled virtual assistants, smart security cameras, a smart thermostat, smart pet cameras and any devices you can access with your phone. They have a wireless connection that emits unnecessary radiation.

Measuring and minimizing EMFs in your home

Every home is different based on the surrounding area, your neighbors, and devices you have at home. Do you live close to a cell tower? Do you live in an apartment complex with only thin walls between you and your neighbors and their electronics? Do you use Wi-Fi or a Smart TV at home? Do you have a Smart Meter? All of these factor into how much radiation you are exposed to at home.

Given all the variables, the best way to know is to purchase devices to measure EMF levels yourself. There are two devices most commonly used for this task. The first is the Trifield Flat Frequency Meter, which measures magnetic, electric, and analog radiation from house wiring, microwaves, light switches, cars, TVs, computers, and other electronics. To get a sense of how your household devices affect your body compare the radiation measurement at different distances: stand with the measuring device really close to the object such as microwave then step back to see how far you need to be to minimize the exposure while it is in use.

The second popular measurement device is Acoustimeter. This one measures RFs from Wi-Fi routers, laptops, cellphones, tablets, smart meters, and other smart technology. As an experiment, measure the radiation coming from your cellphone when it is on, but every connectivity it has is off (WiFi, wireless network, Bluetooth, and GPS). Then play around with turning on just one a time to see which one is the worst.

Phones are the safest in airplane mode, but that only works if you are keeping a phone around to make calls (have to exit the plane mode), not to receive them. We recommend keeping the phone on, but turning off all of its other functions: most importantly, Wi-Fi and 4G. This is the safest compromise we have found. The phone then loses its smart functions, but the radiation is minimized. Whenever you need to use the smart functions, such as apps or the internet, only then should you turn 4G or Wi-Fi on, but try to limit that also to do only what is absolutely necessary, then turn everything off again.

EMF exposure outside your home

It is possible to protect your home from EMFs or at least to minimize their impact. But when you go outside, you are confronted with forces you cannot control.

The biggest issue in the outside world today is cellphone towers.

Cellphone towers in your neighborhood

With the increase of cellphone use and new phone carriers popping up, there is also an increase of cell towers that are being built to keep the signal strong. These towers are used for Wi-Fi, wireless 4G networks, and Bluetooth devices. While it may be good for making phone calls, it is definitely bad for your health.

Each tower has different heights, and the tallest ones can reach as far as 45 miles over level terrain. The closer you are to a tower, the worse it is for your health. While harder to avoid when driving around (especially in big cities), it is important to live and work as far away from one as possible.

You can locate cell towers in your neighborhood by going to This site also shows cell towers that are planned to be built for the future, so that if you are moving, you can do your research and know what to expect.

Cell Tower Politics: FCC corruption and wireless lobbying

Reports have shown for years that cell towers may not be as “safe” as the industry claims they are. A 2010 review published by Harvard University found that “some research does exist to warrant caution in infrastructure siting.” One of the studies reviewed found that the closer people live to a cell tower, the worse is their symptoms of nausea, eye problems, depression, problems concentrating, dizziness, lower libido, and even difficulties moving. A study in Egypt had the same findings. Indian scientists Sivani Saravanamuttu and D. Sudarsanam reported changes on the cellular level that lead to these health issues.

These studies are dismissed and ignored by the wireless industry and the FCC. The FCC, due to high levels of lobbying, are closing their eyes to any potential problems, and letting the wireless companies do what they want. Starting with The Telecommunication Act of 1996, “the most lobbied bill in history,” the FCC has started to give their power away. Corruption is at the heart of the cell tower take-over.

Cellphone manufacturers and wireless service providers have their own lobbying group called PCIA: The Wireless Infrastructure Association and many of its members, including the CEO are former FCC employees. It’s one of the biggest revolving doors. The CTIA (an organization representing the whole wireless industry) credits the Clinton Administration in giving them the green light for this exponential growth – the grows that soon brings 5G towers, closer to your home and stronger than ever.

High-radiation 5G cellphone towers

When the 3G towers first came to Europe in the early 2000s, many people started feeling ill. Then came the 4G LTE network that gave the users more capabilities for a faster internet and a way to stream videos. The new technology came with a price; 4G cell towers had higher power and therefore higher radiation level.

Now in 2018, we see the newest trend of new 5G towers. They will have even more powerful signal, thus even more radiation. And the most concerning is that there will be more of them, and they will be able to be legally installed close to people’s homes.

The new 5G grid is set to be completed by 2020. California already has seen its share of towers in the plans — 50,000 of them, and people have been protesting. “Neighborhoods would be seeing something the size of refrigerators going up on street poles and could say nothing to stop it,” said San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo to CBS News San Francisco.

Multiple bills have been popping up in the Senate: some to allow 5G towers to be built without the residents’ permission, while other bills attempt to protect the public. The best thing you can do now is aware of the bills that are being passed and voice your opinion about them.

Full-body scanners at the airport

The last EMF source outside your home to be aware of is the full-body scanners at the airport. These machines have been installed at every airport after 9/11 to see through the person’s clothes in case they are hiding a questionable object. The machines that to date have not caught a single terrorist are not only “unreliable,” according to TSA itself, but they also subject everyone who flies to a high-dose of radiation.

The TSA claims they are safe, and yet they refuse to make these scanners available for independent testing. Scientists and cancer experts are questioning the machines’ health safety.

“There's no real data on these machines, and in fact, the best guess of the dose is much, much higher than certainly what the public thinks,” said John Sedat, a biochemistry and biophysics professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). When flying, ask to “opt-out” of the scanner and request a manual pat-down instead.

Signs of EMF pollution in the environment

The signs of EMF-caused destruction in our world are visible not only to human health, and the health of pets, but is also evident in our environment.

Have you seen birds that “forgot” to migrate during the winter? Birds use the Earth’s natural magnetic field to help their annual migration, to know where to go and when to go. German researchers found that today the birds are simply confused by the electromagnetic “noise” in their environment. Their natural navigation functions start making mistakes. This has led to birds either not migrating at all or migrating in the wrong, random direction.

“It’s significant because we found a very clear, repeatable effect of electromagnetic noise made by electrical equipment that prevents a bird, in this case, a European robin, from using its magnetic compass,” said Henrik Mouritsen, one of the study’s co-authors. This is not the only negative effect the birds are experiencing.

A 2005 study looked at storks that suddenly exhibited aggressive behavior as well as reproductive issues, and problems with coordination. The study linked it to EMF exposure from phone masts. Same researchers found other studies with the same conclusion but for different bird species.

While birds fly long distances and are exposed to different levels of EMFs depending on their location, what about animals who stay in the same spot all of their lives? When exposed to cellphone radiation during pregnancy, 32 percent of calves developed cataracts caused by oxidative stress, according to a Swiss study.
Chicks, when hatched after exposure to microwave radiation, developed deformities.

The list of animals affected by RFs continues.

Tadpoles lost coordination and experienced a high mortality rate of 90 percent after being exposed to EMFs from three sources 140 meters away. Antarctic krill, just like birds, were found completely disoriented. Ants lost their memory. It has also been suggested that the fast disappearance of bees may be partly due to the EM pollution. Also affected are: butterflies, cockroaches, and flies.

Finally, even plants show the damaging effect of EMFs.

Duckweed was observed to produce a stress response when exposed to 400 and 900 MHz radiation (microwaves). Same happened to tomato plants. Rose bushes stunted their growth. A 2016 study concluded that EMF exposure affects the plants’ ability to grow and fight off diseases, pests, and fungus because the radiation changes their metabolism, thus disturbing normal functions.

It’s evident that EMF pollution is hurting humanity and our environment. So why is the government not doing anything?

Concerned scientists and activists speak out

In 2015, almost 200 scientists from all over the world signed an open letter to the United Nations urging them to make stricter regulations regarding cellphones, Wi-Fi, and other devices emitting EMFs.

“We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based on peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include — but are not limited to —
radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infrastructures used in the delivery of electricity that generates extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF),” their letter states.

Health agencies of six nations (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Finland, and Israel) have also spoken for the reduction of EMF exposure, especially when it comes to children. The Vienna Medical Association (Austria) has cautioned children under 16 years of age against using cellphones at all.

All of this led to the European Parliament to pass a resolution urging countries to change their safety standards – lower allowed exposure limit. A few places around the world have proposed safer, stricter laws regarding cellphone radiation. However, this is still not enough. The tech companies are creating more and smarter technologies, all of which emit EMFs. The U.S. agencies have also mainly ignored any concerns (most likely because of money). Actually, the FCC has previously removed some warnings about EMFs from their sites completely.

Investigative journalist Norm Alster published a report called “Captured Agency” in 2015 to show that the FCC is completely in the hands of the wireless industry, which is why the regulations set in place are not to protect the consumer. Therefore, we, as consumers, need to learn how to protect ourselves.

How to minimize EMF risks

Eliminate as many radiation sources as possible

  • Fix wiring issues in your home.
  • Unplug cords and cables when not using them.
  • Move furniture on which you sit away from walls – there is almost always some level of EMF coming from inside the walls.
  • Get rid of light dimmers, they produce unnecessary EMFs.
  • If you ever use a microwave (it’s better to use a conventional oven to heat up meals), stand at least 10 feet away from it.
  • Disable Bluetooth devices when not using them.
  • Use headphones to talk on the phone.
  • Try to avoid using artificial light. Instead, wake up early with the sun, and go to bed when it’s late.
  • When you do use artificial light, avoid EMF-emitting (and mercury-emitting) CFL light bulbs. Instead, purchase Incandescent bulbs.
  • During evening hours, the blue light from screens can negatively affect you melatonin level, which disrupts your sleep cycle. Wear blue-light blocking glasses after dark when you watch TV or work on your laptop or phone. Alternatively, you can install a program called f.lux on your computer that will make the screen emit less blue light during dark hours.
  • Stay away from modern gadgets that require electricity, when there are manual alternatives. (Use a mop instead of a vacuum, go for a real bike ride instead of one at the gym).
  • Avoid using electric blankets, heaters, fans, and other electric products.
  • Buy protective shielding for your bedroom (sheets, canopy, floor mats, and other products with built-in EMF-shielding materials. (View many options on Less
  • Get a xZubi for your phone and every home device. This hologram made from rare paramagnetic materials absorbs and neutralizes EMFs.

Lifestyle changes to protect yourself

  • Make sure to get enough nutrients and sleep to keep your body in best shape to protect itself from EMFs and other environmental hazards.
  • Keep your body clean by elimination all of the toxins from your diet and home; and detox to get rid of accumulated toxins.
  • Take probiotics for intestinal health. The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland found that healthy gut bacteria can help mitigate the effect of EMFs.
  • Eat foods that are full of antioxidants to fight off free radicals. These foods include blueberries, broccoli, cilantro, walnuts, and asparagus.
  • Avoid mold; it grows faster in EMF-filled environments.
  • Wear a crystal Q-link, which restores your natural energy.
  • Use Epsom salt baths to ground yourself.

Protect yourself when you sleep

  • The main thing is that you have to keep your bedroom as EMF-free as possible. That means turning off Wi-Fi when you sleep (even if it is on the other side of the house); turning off all your electronics in the room, and unplugging them, and turning off your cellphone, or putting it on airplane mode and placing it far away from your head.
  • You need to make sure that your bed is in a safe location.
  • Do not sleep with your head close to an electrical outlet.
  • Never sleep on the other side of the wall of a powerful EMF source, such as a computer, a fridge, or a smart meter.
  • If you live in an apartment and your bedroom wall separates you and your neighbors, use an EMF measuring device to see the RF reading around your bed. You want to make sure your neighbors do not have a Smart TV or another EMF source on the other side of your bed, without you realizing. If the EMF measurements are high where you sleep, it is time to move your bed, and if needed, the whole bedroom.
  • Buy a Wi-Fi timer that turns off your modem automatically after a set amount of time.

Dirty electricity in the home

EMF pollution in the home creates dirty electricity: all of the power lines and wiring inside the home create fields that radiate your home space.

  • Like other EMF related hazards, this can lead to headaches, sleep issues, fatigue, heart issues, a weakened immune system, mood swings, and an increased risk for chronic illness.
  • The main causes of dirty electricity are smart meters, LED light bulbs, light dimmers, wiring, and of course, electrical and wireless devices in the house.
  • The best way to reduce dirty electricity is to buy filters you plug into the wall outlets, such as the ones made by Stetzer and Greenwave.
  • To find out more on this subject, read “Dirty Electricity: Electrification and The Diseases of Civilization” by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH.

How to detox from EMFs

Because it is becoming impossible to avoid all EMF radiation at home and outside, it is important to detox your body from it. One way to do so is to unplug completely for as long as you can – turn off your phone for a week and take a camping trip out into the woods, where there is no signal.

It has been shown that the oxidizes stress caused by EMFs can disappear when the body is in an EMF-free space. However, a long-term EMF exposure will not be fixed by one hike. Instead, it is best to take frequent breaks to unplug from technology and its EMFs.

Another way to detox is to use grounding or earthing techniques. Earthing is connecting to Earth energies by walking barefoot on the earth, and when needing shoes – wearing shoes with natural soles. Dr. Stephen Sinatra has explained that because the earth is negatively charged, it gets rid of any free radicals from the body, including the ones caused by EMF damage.

What seems to be quite simple can carry great benefits, and these have been proven in numerous studies. A 2012 review in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health concluded that earthing is an effective way to defeat stress, and help heal from inflammation, pain, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, and many other common disorders.

When unable to go outside, it is recommended to use earthing products that can have a similar effect on the body. There are grounding wrist straps, socks, gloves, and mats; as well as earthing sandals and other types of shoes. This world might be full of health hazards, but with the right tools and information, nothing is impossible, and great health is very reachable.

Frequencies that are good for you

To end this article on a good note, let’s talk about EM frequencies that are actually good for you. Because Earth has a magnetic field of its own, there are frequencies that are not only safe but beneficial for human health. Earthing using Earth’s frequency is just one example.

Another example is Schuman Resonance, a frequency that is used to protect against harmful EMFs that is commonly used by NASA for their astronauts. They made the Schumann Simulator which created a magnetic pulse similar to Earth’s natural frequency and this mitigates the negative effects from outer space.

Other devices created for restoring healthy frequencies in the body are Ondamed Biofeedback machine and EVOX. The first fixes any damage that has been on the body by EMFs in the environment. The latter rebalances he body on an emotional scale, fighting stress, depression, and even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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The FCC and the media with have been underplaying the dangers of EMFs and ignoring the evidence from independent sources. The research on this topic has been spread out across different journals, and some of the best studies left barely noticed by the community. But there is a lot of information to share with others, to let them read the studies and see for themselves why the growing EMF issue is affecting us all.

From cancers and fertility issues to symptoms that affect our lives, an EMF-concentrated world may lead to a society with lower brain functionality; that is constantly fatigued, and that is more likely to develop chronic illnesses.

The worst effect would be felt on the children. When the same amounts of radiation are inflicted upon the children’s undeveloped bodies and brains, more cases of behavioral and developmental issues can arise. And even if the negative effects are not noticed in childhood, the years of early EMF exposure can lead to severe problems as adults.

EMFs surround us at home: cellphones, laptops, smart TVs, smart technologies, microwaves, and household electronics; and outside: power lines and cell towers.

There are ways to limit the exposure, to avoid some EMF sources, and to mitigate the negative effects of EMFs on the body by using protection devices and keeping the body in the healthiest state. To do that, we have to reveal the truth, and take it upon ourselves to take care of the health of ourselves and our families with the information we have.

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Histamine double-edge sword in the formation and progression of cancer Thu, 29 Mar 2018 17:59:45 +0000 Our body has two distinct methods of clearing things that could bring it harm: our immune system kills living toxins (bacteria, virus, parasites) and our detoxification pathways clear non-living toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, drugs). We have one other system that sits somewhere in the middle between the immune and the detoxification systems that helps with […]

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Our body has two distinct methods of clearing things that could bring it harm: our immune system kills living toxins (bacteria, virus, parasites) and our detoxification pathways clear non-living toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, drugs). We have one other system that sits somewhere in the middle between the immune and the detoxification systems that helps with both: the mast cells.

What is histamine?

Mast cells make a chemical called histamine which has numerous, distinct, beneficial roles. As part of the immune response, histamine doesn’t kill bad guys itself. It draws fluid to tissues by rendering capillaries more permeable making it easier for immune killer cells to ‘ride the waves’ with a nasty bacteria to destroy. Histamine’s immune and detoxification connection runs deep as its functions vary depending on tissue site and specific receptors on the outside of cells to which it binds.

In the brain, histamine can keep us awake, is involved in our reflex reaction to pain, temperature changes, vibration, and hormone balance. It affects our appetite, helps control gastric secretions helping balance blood pH, and serves as a gatekeeper for neurotransmitters that balance mood, concentration, and focus. [1-4] This makes sense if you think about it. If exposed to an infection, a chemical irritant, something that stimulates pain, or a dangerous vibration felt in the legs or feet, one would need to wake the brain to increase circulation, and flee such harm, buffer the blood to maintain life, and alert us to a possible threat.

Dr. Kevin Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986 and has been studying alternative cancer care for more than 18 years.
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Histamine so serves in “flight or fight” mechanism to ensure life. Its role in the periphery demonstrates this as well. If histamine attaches to one receptor (there exists four main histamine receptors, H1, H2, H3, and H4 with different functions) it is vasoconstrictive enabling quick movement of blood to extremities to fuel muscles for a quick ‘get away’. Attaching to a different receptor, histamine dilates small vessels and constricts the bronchial tubes as an immediate protective “freeze” mode. It enhances a hypersensitivity to harmful stimuli creating its most known response – the histamine rash and itch. This would serve to keep us safe from poisonous fauna and teach us that those berries are possibly not edible.

Histamine and inflammation

However, histamine, when created in excess, over a period of time, will create an environment of chronic inflammation, disturbing cell-to-cell communication and thereby changing its function. Cell function is dependent on their interaction with the environment. If we think of individual cells as people, an organ could be equivalent to a crowded stadium gathered to observe a football game. Communication to your friend seated next to you may be relatively easy during slow play and more challenging when the home team is guarding the 1-yard line. The roar lifts, chants of “de-fense” try to drown out the opposing quarterback’s play call, and one can barely hear themselves think as you stand, scream, cheer, and cover your ears. A touchdown is scored and silence calms the saddened crowd. All sit. Equilibrium ensues.

If we could liken this scenario to cells in the milieu of the body with thousands upon thousands of conversations taking place, sodas being ordered from barkers selling cold beer and peanuts, opposing fans arguing, people shuffling between rows and hundreds of other activities we would need to envision a million stadiums with hundreds of millions of observers to understand the complexity of the human body. Think of how difficult is communicate when the opposing team has the ball at the 1-yard line and this is similar to a cell receiving correct information in a chaos of chronic inflammation.

How histamine works

When histamine levels increase both within and between the cells, causing fluid to accumulate, our body responds with an intricate system to remove the water and regain equilibrium. It signals a special gene called the HNMT gene to make an enzyme that quickly drops histamine levels and fluids decrease accordingly. The crowd sits during a lull in the game. So it is, when we are exposed to allergens, histamine is released, bringing a washing of fluid, the HNMT gene makes its histamine-degrading enzyme, and tissues are cleansed, the cells are bathed, and balance is achieved. This cycle of the histamine cleanse helps us get rid of things that we eat and breath that is not beneficial.

Histamine’s relationship with the stress response brings a bit of clarity on how the system can go wrong. In its protective role in the “flight, fight or freeze” response, histamine is released with an uptick of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The SNS controls adrenal output and cortisol release. When we perceive danger, SNS stimulation protection raises blood pressure, shunts blood to extremities, and dilates pupils enabling us to best survive the assault. All functions considered non-essential to survival are suppressed. Our brain conserves energy. One need not reproduce when chased by a tiger – shut that down. A tiger is going to eat me; who cares if I die from mercury poisoning in 10 years, shut down detoxification! I’m soon to be food to a predator, stop all wasted energy on digestion, immune function and fighting chronic disease.

Histamine and cancer

By now you’re probably understanding how the modern, chronic predators of running a business, raising a family, stressful, abusive relationships, paying the bills and filling out tax forms can influence cell communication and our ability to fight disease. One could argue that modern society has created its own tigers and even rewards the increased productivity gained by the chase. The downfalls of such a system are evidenced in the rise of chronic disease including cancer.

Higher histamine levels together with its stimulation of the H4 cell receptors have been reported in many different tumors including melanoma, colon, pancreatic, and breast cancer. Moreover, histamine content increased unequivocally in other human cancer types such as ovarian, cervical and endometrial carcinoma in comparison with their adjoining normal tissues suggesting the participation of histamine in carcinogenesis.

Histamine’s story worsened when recent studies noted that most malignant cell lines express their own histamine-synthesizing enzyme, L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC) and contain high concentrations of endogenous histamine that can be released to the spaces between the cells. [5]

Why would a cancer cell want to create commotion and disturb communication between itself and the body? One might theorize that histamine may regulate diverse biological responses related to tumor growth. Growing cancers require angiogenesis, cell invasion, migration, differentiation, stunted apoptosis and modulation of the immune response, indicating that histamine may be a crucial mediator in cancer development and progression. Many cancers have even revealed a much higher concentration of histamine receptors on their cell membranes, further suggesting that histamine stimulates proliferation.

So, is histamine ‘good' or ‘bad'?

This paper is to reveal, once again, that no bodily function should be labeled as “good” vs “bad”. It is an imbalance, usually due to some environmental force acting on the body, that creates undesirable circumstances. If the imbalance tips histamine levels towards cancer proliferation, how can we target histamine in cancer therapy? One would immediately think that pharmacological anti-histamines might be in order, however, anti-histamine medications only target H1 and H2 histamine receptors. So, while they may reduce a stuffy nose, they do nothing to help a cancer patient. Novel approaches need to be investigated to help target H4 receptors, alter and their ligands.

Here are a few ideas we are beginning to implement at Conners Clinics:

  • The use of DAO enzyme both orally and as a rectal suppository. DAO is the specific enzyme made by the HNMT gene in the tissues as well as the ABP gene in the gut cavity. The problem with oral dosing has been its failure to be absorbed and enact any benefit to the tissues. Genetic aberrations (SNPs) or defects (mutations) may result in a lesser ability to produce such enzyme, a decreased capacity to clear histamine and a tendency to histamine related disorders including (possibly) cancer.
  • The DAO enzyme requires flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as its cofactor and FAD requires the B-vitamin riboflavin (B2) for its synthesis. So, adding a whole-food source of B2 may also be in order.
  • A novel use of Rife frequencies in an attempt to regain the normal synchronicity of over-productive mast and basophil cells.
  • Use of relatively higher dose, unique enzymes (beta glucanase, chitinase, xylanase, alpha galactosidase, phytase, astrazyme, serratiopeptidase, peptidases, and proteases) orally to aid in the reduction of histamine stimulating antigens in the digestive tract, break biofilms (histamine-responsible) surrounding the cancer, and help bond to receptor sites on the cancer.
  • Coupling nutritional therapies with Sauna Therapy which has been shown to decrease mast cell activation [6]
  • Stimulation of parasympathetic receptors to reduce sympathetic dominance and lower histamine release.
  • Cognitive, mindful, meditation and prayer
  • A deeper look at genetic pathways gives us other clues to assist DAO production. The HNMT and ADH genes require supplemental zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, and thiamine. niacin
  • Quercetin, a natural compound found in apples, onions, and capers is a wonderful natural histamine reducer. Unfortunately, it is poorly absorbed (about 1 percent); use as a suppository may prove more beneficial.
  • Holy Basil, Milk Thistle, and EGCg (from green tea extract), Aloe, Bromelain, Stinging Nettle, Pine Bark Extract, Marshmallow Root, Bitter Orange, and Licorice can be helpful as may Ellagic acid found in raspberries, strawberries, walnuts, mango kernel, and pomegranate.

Contact Dr. Conners by visiting or calling (800) 209-4833.

The post Histamine double-edge sword in the formation and progression of cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.
