Search Results for “sarcomas” – Cancer Tutor The Future of Cancer Research Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:37:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cardio workouts and cancer: Finding what works for you Thu, 23 Jul 2020 03:32:11 +0000 “Get your blood pumping!” The sentiment goes hand-in-glove with putting your body in motion. For cancer patients, especially those using chemotherapy and radiation, improved cardio could be a factor in an improved quality of life. We have discussed the health benefits of walking, water exercises, rebounding, and yoga for cancer patients. Beyond that, there is […]

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“Get your blood pumping!” The sentiment goes hand-in-glove with putting your body in motion. For cancer patients, especially those using chemotherapy and radiation, improved cardio could be a factor in an improved quality of life.

We have discussed the health benefits of walking, water exercises, rebounding, and yoga for cancer patients. Beyond that, there is a more profound discussion: your heart and lungs as the foundation of training.

Many people focus on the idea that muscles are a sign of strength; bodybuilders and weightlifters are muscular, right?

While fitness buffs are outwardly prime examples of muscle-sculpting, inside, they equally try to maximize “cardio.” The focus is on four pillars: strength, cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and body composition. (More on these later from a “sculptor of the stars.”)

So, we're going to look at a couple of ways that cardio, the exercise, and cardio, the system, work within cancer patients. Key to both is the cardiovascular system – heart and circulatory system – and the respiratory system – lungs, mouth, nose, throat, voice box, and windpipe – which run in conjunction with each other.

Why is “cardio” – the joint effort of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems – so crucial to overall health, especially in cancer patients? Let’s first look at the why in light of problems that may arise from chemo and radiation.

If you are using a natural or integrative cancer treatment, the cardio workout aspect of your overall health already should be part of your daily routine.

In either case, cardio training is beneficial to your overall health. So, what are you waiting for?

What is cardiac toxicity?

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. A side effect of chemo is healthy cell death, some of which may also be in and around the heart. When these chemicals damage the heart, it is called cardiac toxicity.

Examples of cardiac toxicity include:

Acute coronary syndrome – damage to blood vessels, which decreases blood flow to the heart, can cause a heart attack.

Cardiomyopathy – a weakened or enlarged heart muscle that may result in changes to heart rhythm or heart failure.

Congestive heart failure – the heart cannot pump enough blood throughout the body and may lead to a heart transplant.

Myocarditis – swelling of the heart that may lead to changes in heart rhythm or heart failure.

Pericarditis – inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, which may cause heart failure.

What causes cardiac toxicity?

Anthracyclines – a type of antibiotic that comes from certain types of Streptomyces bacteria used to treat many types of cancer, including bladder, bone, breast, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, lymphoma, sarcomas, skin, and stomach. The chemo drugs that most commonly cause heart damage are anthracyclines: Cerubidine, Doxil, Ellence, Idamycin PFS, and Valstar.

Cyclophosphamide –an alkylating agent chemo drug that also can damage the heart. Cyclophosphamide is typically used to treat bone, breast, leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, ovarian, sarcomas, and skin cancers.

Targeted therapy – these drugs also can cause heart damage. Examples of targeted therapy drugs include Avastin, Herceptin, Nexavar, Sutent, and Tykerb.

Radiation therapy – Many breast, lung, and lymphoma cancer patients receive radiation therapy to the chest. This way, radiation can damage the vessels that bring blood to the heart.

Can cardio exercises help cancer patients?

In 2012, the University of New Mexico examined how exercise impacted cancer patients’ quality of life during treatment. The study involved data from 56 trials with 4,826 participants. The researchers reported the positive effects of exercise were more pronounced with moderate- or vigorous-intensity programs. [2]

A 2018 UK study of 33 unique trials covering 3,257 patients found that aerobic exercise improves prognosis and quality of life after chemotherapy. Four of the trials reported reduced chemotherapy toxicity. [3]

Obviously, more research is needed to determine the impact of exercise on chemotherapy. Still, we do know that cardio is a significant part of overall health.

Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of certain cancers and many other conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Weight-bearing exercises, like walking, help decrease the risk of osteoporosis. [4]

Exercise advice from a pro’s pro

If you’re a movie buff, the name Corey Calliet probably doesn’t come to mind. But if you’ve watched Michael B. Jordan in Fantastic Four, Black Panther, or Creed, you know Calliet’s work. He’s the man responsible for training Jordan.

“I got into fitness and nutrition because I wanted to look good for the girls,” Calliet admits. “My first want for training was the aesthetic part. I wanted to look good – abs, nice arms, good chest.”

Calliet initially set his sights on becoming a bodybuilder before deciding to have a more significant impact on the world at large. “I became addicted to [bodybuilding]. I found out I can change everything about my life by focusing on my body, my nutrition.

“Now, I look at myself as an artist, not a trainer,” he adds. “It’s a unique craft. A light bulb came on, and I started to transform people into what they want.”

Calliet says he is more than a trainer, noting to clients he’s also a friend, counselor, and therapist to clients. “People think the physical change is more important than the inside,” he says. “You have to change their heart, their mind, their soul. They have to commit.”

He also notes cardio is key to burning fat. He says your body uses stored glycogen to fuel your workout session. After weight training, a cardio workout will tap into fat for energy.

Calliet’s core training focus has three aspects:

Fasted Cardio – Calliet recommends 30 to 45 minutes of cardio in the morning before eating.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – incorporate weights, bands, or your own body weight. Do the exercises for 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Rinse and repeat. The 30-on, 30-off process increases metabolism.

Cardio Post-Weight Training –30 to 45 minutes of cardio after weightlifting increases the potential for burning fat.

Basics of cardiovascular fitness

Your body adapts to the type of training you do. When the body gets into a routine, it is harder to achieve sustained results. Vary your cardiovascular activity!

Bike riding, swimming, speed walking, running can all be cycled weekly. Your workouts will be challenging and effective in keeping your body in motion.

A heart rate monitor is a crucial piece of equipment for dialing in your cardiovascular training. Try to exercise within 60-80% of your maximum heart rate to achieve the optimal physiological results.

Be sure to enjoy appropriate rest intervals. Set your exercise intervals and have a work:rest ratio of 1:4. If you sprint on a bike for 15 seconds, rest for 60 seconds.

Your body will adapt to your workouts. The goal is to work for more challenging sessions as time goes on.

Low-Impact Cardio Workout

Intermediate Cardio Workout

Advanced HIIT Cardio Workout


What are the benefits of cardio workouts?

Cardiovascular training has physiological and psychological benefits. Cardio boosts metabolism, aids weight loss, increases breathing rate, and raises the heart rate. Cardio also strengthens the heart muscle and improves the amount of blood the heart can pump around the body. Also, muscles receive more oxygenated blood; this assists in removing waste products (i.e. lactic acid). Cardio releases endorphins, which help relieve stress.

How much cardio training should I do?

It depends on your level of fitness. If you are a beginner, start with 10-20 minutes of cardio three times a week. Gradually build up to 30 minutes and above most days a week. The reality is that your goals are not like anyone else's. Do it at your pace (but do challenge yourself)!

Should I vary my cardio training?

Mix it up! Your body will get used to certain exercises and your fitness will plateau. If it's hard to get motivated, alter your workouts. Something as simple as moving your workouts outside (or inside) will help to keep you engaged.

What if I also want to do weight training?

Definitely try to do weight training before cardio workouts. Weight training is a quicker, high-intensity workout and your body will use glycogen for energy. The cardio workout will use fat for energy.

What is an HIIT workout?

High Intensity Interval Training is a top fitness trends. HIIT involves fast, intense bursts of exercise, followed by quick recovery periods, or low-intensity activity. (The main benefit: an elevated metabolism and the body keeps burning fat after the workout is completed.)

The post Cardio workouts and cancer: Finding what works for you appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Pet cancer types and treatments Tue, 13 Mar 2018 20:45:19 +0000 Every year, more than 12 million dogs and cats are diagnosed with cancer. The main culprit seems to be the manner in which we have treated our environment and the lifestyle of convenience that we have adopted. We look for ready-made, quick solutions for everything — for ourselves and for the pets we bring home. […]

The post Pet cancer types and treatments appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Every year, more than 12 million dogs and cats are diagnosed with cancer. The main culprit seems to be the manner in which we have treated our environment and the lifestyle of convenience that we have adopted. We look for ready-made, quick solutions for everything — for ourselves and for the pets we bring home.

Signs of cancer in pets

It is imperative that due attention is paid to even subtle behavioral and physical changes in pets for ruling out or confirming the prevalence of cancer. Many types of cancer can be effectively treated if they are attended to in the early stages.

Some of the signs that may indicate cancer as an underlying cause are easily shortlisted for 10 symptoms:

  • an abnormal swelling that refuses to go away even after treatment;
  • a sore, lesion or a wound that does not heal within a reasonable time period;
  • weight loss despite sufficient diet;
  • incessant bleeding or discharge from an opening in the body;
  • difficulty in urinating or passing stools;
  • chronic diarrhea or vomiting;
  • loss of stamina and difficulty in breathing;
  • subtle changes like increased sleep, lack interest and refusal to play;
  • bad smell;
  • refusal to eat for more than two days.

Most of the symptoms can be observed while grooming your pet. Any abnormal sign that was not there when you last groomed your dog or cat should be brought to the notice of the veterinarian. Nine times out of ten it may turn out to be a minor ailment but that should not reason to be negligent. Remember that early detection can save the life of your pet.

Types of cancer in dogs and cats


Lymphoma, one of the four major types of cancer, is a neoplasm (an abnormal growth that serves no purpose) of the lymph tissue. It is commonly known as lymph cancer or lymphosarcoma and is almost always malignant. Lymph cancer usually occurs in middle-aged dogs and cats and one of the major indications is the prevalence of one or more lumps just under the skin. A physical examination would normally reveal that the peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged and firm.

While there is no evidence of a link between the leukemia virus and canine lymphoma, feline cancer of the lymphatic system is normally associated with the leukemia virus. The fact that lymphoma is more prevalent in certain breeds is indicative of a genetic predisposition for this type of cancer. Besides this, like all other types of cancers, there is no specific cause known for lymph cancer in dogs.

The most common form of lymphoma is multi-centric and therefore it appears at several sites at the same time. In normal conditions, lymph nodes are difficult to feel under the skin. The indication of lymph cancer comes in the shape of enlarged lumps that can be felt easily under the skin.

In some cases, the symptoms of lethargy, loss of appetite, increased thirst and urination and loss of energy appear before the lumps can be felt. Multi-centric lymphoma can potentially spread to the liver and demonstrate the symptoms of liver cancer in dogs.

Other types of lymphomas present different symptoms:

  • Lymphoma in the alimentary canal is associated with diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and lethargy. Cutaneous lymphoma is rare and affects the skin.
  • Lymph cancer in the mediastinal, the part of the thoracic cavity between the lungs that contains the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, and thymus, shows as a tumor in the front part of the chest leading to fluid retention and difficulty in breathing.
  • Extra-nodal lymphoma pertains to other parts of the body including eyes, the central nervous system, bones, heart, kidneys, bladder and the nasal cavity where the lymphatic system can be potentially affected by cancer cells.

Aspirates from the lymph nodes are sent to the pathological lab to establish the malignancy of the lumps Blood tests, x-rays and a biopsy of the lymph tissues are some of the other tests that may have to be performed for effective diagnosis.

Without treatment, lymph cancer results in the death of the dog or cat within four to six weeks. Chemotherapy protocols are well defined for treating lymphomas as they are the most commonly treated cancer in pets. Most pets respond favorably to anti-cancer drugs and there is an approximately 84 percent chance of abatement and increase in the survival time.

Intestinal Cancer

Intestinal cancer throws up symptoms that are similar to symptoms caused by inflammation or obstruction in the intestinal passage. This makes early detection a difficult task. Although they form a small percentage of all feline cancers and cancers in dogs, prognosis ranges from poor to very poor depending upon the location of the tumor.

The common types of cancers that can develop in a pet’s intestines include:

  • Lymphoma — neoplasm of lymph tissue that is most predominant in cats.
  • Mast Cell Neoplasia — cancer that causes single or multiple lesions in the small intestines.
  • Adenocarcinoma — a malignant tumor that originates from the glandular epithelium.
  • Other intestinal neoplasms such as rectal and colon tumors.

Lymphoma is the most common form of intestinal tumors in pets followed by carcinomas and mast cell tumors. Like the symptoms of liver cancer, intestinal tumors also remain concealed due to the general nature of symptoms.

Bladder Cancer

Canine and feline urinary tract infection is a common occurrence. In some cases, however, the symptoms may indicate bladder cancer. The important signs of the prevalence of growth in the bladder are similar for urinary tract infections in dogs and cats. This hampers an early detection of the tumor. Usually, it is severe infections that do not respond to antibiotics that end up under further investigation, leading to late detection.

Benign tumors of smooth muscle and polyps that occur in the bladder are very rare. These can be removed surgically and usually do not recur. Small masses that do not invade healthy tissue can also be removed surgically.

But in the case of cancerous growths, the cancer is found in parts of the bladder from where it is difficult to remove due to the fact that bladder cancer is invasive and affects the bladder walls. In addition, by the time it is diagnosed the cancer cells are found to have metastasized or spread to other parts of the body.

Treatment rarely cures bladder cancer and the fundamental goal is to provide temporary relief for the temporary periods to give a better quality of life to the dog. Although bladder cancer is more common among older dogs, UTI in puppies should also be investigated thoroughly to be on the safe side.

Skin Cancer

The skin is the biggest organ in the body. It is also the most common organ that can develop carcinoma.

The name skin cancer is a general classification of different types of tumors that include any uncontrolled growth of cells in:

  • the skin;
  • skin glands;
  • hair follicles;
  • supportive fat and connective tissues.

Metastasis that occurs in the skin as a result of cancer in other parts of the body is not termed as skin cancer because it originates elsewhere. Skin cancer in dogs is less likely to be malignant than in cats. Even in cats skin cancer is most likely to be seen in older cats between 6 to 14 years of age.

The known causes of skin cancer are:

  • light or white color of the skin;
  • excessive exposure to sunlight;
  • feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV);
  • genetic.

Skin cancers appear mostly as lumps under the skin or as lesions that do not cure. This often leads to abnormal behaviors like scratching or chewing the affected area. Squamous cell cancer, a type of skin cancer, often leads to redness of the area and crusty skin.

Detection of skin cancer is relatively easier as compared to other cancers because the symptoms are easily visible. For example, looking for the symptoms of liver cancer in dogs and cats is a tedious process of keen observation to identify multiple signs.

Regular examination needs to be made of your pet’s skin to be able to notice certain signs like:

  • tumors or lumps under the skin;
  • blemishes, scaly areas or change in color;
  • the progress of the above changes noticed earlier;
  • color changes and irregular areas in the cat’s eyelids, lips and the mouth’s interior.

An occasional massage and grooming with a fine comb help in being able to catch the abnormality immediately.

Diagnosis involves laboratory examinations of:

  • an aspirate of the tumor;
  • a piece cut off from the tumor;
  • blood and urine;
  • X-Rays to establish if metastasis has occurred.

If your pet is white in color or has a white nose and ears you can minimize the risk by protecting the animal from sunlight. You can also ask your veterinarian about the use of sunscreens on light colored ear tips or patches of white on its coat.

Nasal Cancer

While a serious nasal discharge may only be a sign of infection caused by bacteria or viruses, a mucoid, purulent or bloody nasal discharge can be indicative of nasal cancer in your pet.

The nasal cavity in dogs and cats is a complex structure consisting of nostrils that open up in two air passages that are lined with scrolled spongy bones called turbinates. A clear serous discharge coming out from both the nostrils may also be caused by the presence of small mites, but mucoid and purulent discharges need to be investigated since they can be signs of any of the following:

  • foreign matters such as grasses or weeds that may have entered the nose while sniffing;
  • dental infections, especially in the roots of upper teeth;
  • fungal infection;
  • nasal cancer.

If blood is present in the discharge, it is almost certain that the cause is either a fungal infection or nasal cancer that is taking root in the passage. Cats with a fungal infection in the nose must be checked for the prevalence of feline cancer or the leukemia virus. A final diagnosis is done only after ruling out that the bleeding is not caused by violent sneezing since that can also result in temporary bleeding.

Nasal cancer usually occurs as paranasal sinus fibrosarcomas (a sarcoma derived from fibroblast cells, often able to generate collagen) or paranasal sinus chondrosarcomas (a malignant neoplasm of cartilage cells). Both types of sarcomas grow slowly but are progressive and invasive in nature.

Diagnosis of nasal cancer involves routine blood and urine tests, biochemical profiling, biopsy, and CT scans.

Apart from the nasal discharge and bleeding, other symptoms that dog owners should keep a watch out for include:

  • excessive sneezing;
  • tears;
  • bad breath;
  • loss of appetite for a long period;
  • facial deformity;
  • bulging eyes;
  • seizures that indicate metastasis to the brain.

Nasal tumors usually do not respond to chemotherapy and other anti-cancer drugs. Surgery is also a difficult procedure since the structure of the nose is extremely complex making it difficult to remove the tumor from the nose. Radiation therapy is available in select cities and veterinary schools but this method usually reduces the size of the tumor only.

It is dangerous to ignore treatment as nasal tumors can spread to the brain and cause seizures and the condition may also breakout through facial bones and distort the pet’s appearance permanently.

Like all types of tumors, the cause behind nasal tumors is also not known. As with the symptoms of liver cancer in pets, your observation of the symptoms and detection are the only ways to institute medical intervention in early stages to manage nasal cancer in pets.

Additional Types of Pet Cancer

Cancer can occur in almost any organ of the body. The most common cancers that have been found to afflict pets are cancerous tumors (solid mass of abnormal cells) and leukemia (blood cancer).

  • Basal cell tumors can be malignant or benign and start from the epithelial (membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body) layer of the skin. It requires invasive surgery for removal of the tumor and, in most cases, it usually cures the pet.
  • Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of cartilage cells. It can occur in the nasal and paranasal passages and nearby concavities or in the larynx and trachea. This type of cancer is more prevalent in dogs than cats and requires chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery for effective treatment. Tumors in the larynx sometimes require the removal of the entire larynx. A passage is then created through the neck that opens in the trachea.
  • Eyelid tumors — Pets are also prone to develop tumors on the eyelids although it is less common in cats than in dogs. Outdoor pets, white pets, and pets that remain in the sun fall under the high-risk category. Eyelid cancer usually originates from the lymphocytes. They can also form into mast cell tumors. Eyelid tumors rub against the cornea and lead to frequent conjunctivitis and excessive eye discharge.
  • Fibrosarcoma (fibroblastic sarcoma) is a malignant tumor derived from fibrous connective tissue and is characterized by immature multiplication of different types of cells. It affects the connective tissues of the skull, pelvis, and ribs. Fibrosarcoma is very rare and different from the commonly known bone cancer (osteosarcoma).
  • Tumors associated with the ear can be of different types. Some may be malignant while the others can be basal cell tumors also. They are commonly seen in middle-aged or older pets.
  • Hemangiosarcoma is a rare, rapidly growing and highly invading variety of cancer. It is malignant cancer in which the tumor is filled with blood. This tumor finally ruptures causing the pet to bleed to death. Hemangiosarcoma has mostly been observed in the spleen and the heart but it can also invade the bones.
  • Hepatic Neoplasia (another name for liver tumor) is actually quite rare in cats, not so in dogs. Exposure to carcinogens increases the risk of liver cancer. The symptoms of liver cancer in dogs and cats usually indicate the prevalence. Some of the signs of liver cancer that you may notice are excessive vomiting, reduced appetite, pale gums, distended stomach, jaundice or breathing disorders.

Treating cancer in your pet

There are two ways in which cancer treatment in pets can be approached. The first is the conventional treatment. Conventional treatment is typically invasive. Cancer treatment is toxic and options like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are beset with side effects.

Treating cancer, including canine and feline cancers, with chemotherapeutic drugs is beset with dangers. Most veterinarians are against the use of these drugs since the effects are sometimes worse than the ailment. Most veterinarians suggest chemotherapy if the dog owner insists and is adamant to prolong the life of his dog, irrespective of its quality.

The other approach is the holistic approach, which targets the underlying cause of the disease and attempts to cure it. A holistic approach is suggested to help in uprooting the disease from its roots. The basic principle behind a holistic approach is that no disease occurs without a cause. A holistic approach treats symptoms as reflections of the body’s effort to heal itself or as the results of the causes of the disease.

Conventional pet cancer treatments

The most common therapies for cancer treatment include:

  • Surgery, partial or total excision of a tumor, has limited success ratio in cases where cancer has spread to various organs in the body.
  • Chemotherapy, the use of drugs to kill cancer cells, has serious toxic side effects.
  • Radiation therapy, the use of high-intensity radiation, cannot guarantee that only cancer cells will be targeted.

There has been a significant development in the field of discovering newer therapies for treating cancer. Drugs and techniques that target only cancerous cells and spare the normal cells are in different stages of development and are being termed as ‘magic bullets’. Some of these therapies include the following:

Gene therapy

This is a process of introduction of foreign DNA into a cancerous cell. After the foreign gene is incorporated and expressed by cancerous cells, it attempts to kill cancerous cells, attract substances from the immune system to fight cancer cells, suppress formation of tumors and make normal cells resistant to drugs that are used to kill cancer cells.

Anti-angiogenic drugs

These drugs work on the theory that cancer cells are dependent on a process called angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a process of formation of blood vessels which facilitates the division of cancerous cells. It also allows the tumors to attain a solid structure. For this purpose, many cancerous cells excrete molecules to activate angiogenesis. Natural and synthetic inhibitors that restrict the formation of blood vessels are in the process of preclinical studies and have been found to be extremely effective.

Not all types of cancers give prior noticeable indications, the way the symptoms of liver cancer in pets surface as diarrhea, vomiting, bloated stomach and lethargy. Pet cancer, including feline cancer, is a fatal disease and even a seemingly successful treatment can have a debilitating effect on the quality of life of the pet during and after treatment.

There are also some more complicated therapies in the process of development, but it appears that it will be quite sometime before an ideal cure for cancer is found. However, there is still a lot of scope in developing existing modes of treatment so as to at least limit side effects and provide a non-recurring cure for one of the most dreaded diseases.

A significant limitation of conventional drugs is in the field of recurrence. There is a great amount of heterogeneity within the cells of a single tumor. As the tumor increases in size, some of the cells get lesser blood supply causing them to divide at a reduced pace compared to others in the same tumor. This results in making some cells resistant to drugs and they can survive even after the patient is cured of the disease. These cancerous cells remain dormant for a time and lead to recurrence of cancer at a later stage.

On the other hand, surgery has a different set of limitations. Pet cancer has the uncanny property of surfacing when it has already metastasized to neighboring, distant and even vital organs. This either rules out surgery or, at best, results in partial excision of a tumor making chemotherapy and radiation necessary.

Total excision is only possible in cases of a benign tumor, which is, in most cases, harmless. On the other hand, any increase in the dosage of chemotherapeutic drugs or time of radiation exposure has an accompanied and corresponding risk of an increase in toxicity.

Pet owners need to make an educated decision based on the general health of the dog and the risks involved. In fact, owners have to strike a balance between compassion, quality of life after treatment and benefits likely to be derived from treatment.

Alternative pet cancer treatments

Clear environmental toxins

The first step should be to clear the pet’s environment of all potentially carcinogenic materials and chemicals. Change his environment so that there is no contact with harmful pesticides, chemicals, and toxic materials. Clean the household where remnants of these tend to accumulate. Throw out the plastic feeding bowl and use ceramic or metal. Start giving filtered water to the pet.

If you are looking for a better quality of life rather than just adding to the number of years, you may look toward a holistic treatment for cancer. Some natural, holistic treatments for pets include:

  • Essiac Tea is a cancer treatment that we have noticed that is frequently used with pets. You can order Essiac Tea.
  • The Kelmun Protocol (baking soda and maple syrup) has done very well at shrinking tumors. It is both a highly alkaline protocol and it contains a “trojan horse” (maple syrup) to allow the baking soda to target cancer cells. The dose of baking soda should be 1 teaspoon for pets over 60 pounds and for pets less than 60 pounds a proportionately lower dose. It should be combined with juicing (e.g. carrot juice with a tablespoon of beet juice) and “green drinks” and hopefully an electromedicine protocol, such as the High RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier (which does not need “skin” to make a connection).
  • Homeopathy
  • Herbs including astragalus, mistletoe, withania somnifera (ashwagandha), and milk thistle.

Strengthening your pet’s immune system

The real defense against cancer and for that matter any other disease is the body’s immune system. If the immune system is strong, it follows that these cells are killed or reabsorbed before they can cause cancer or threaten overall health. If the immune system is weak, treatment only results in temporary remission of the disease only to reoccur.

If the reason behind cancer was known then it would have helped a great deal in finding a definite cure for the deadly disease. But apart from the fact that there are certain carcinogens that cause cancer, very little is known about what causes cancer. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of cancer in dogs and the feline cancer-causing lot of concern to pet owners.

It has been suggested that there is a high probability of some cancer cells present in a body. A perfectly conditioned and healthy body does not let cancer take root. It is the immune system of the body that inhibits these cancer-causing cells from multiplying.

When the body is unhealthy, the immune system triggers off certain changes in the body to fight back. When cancer takes root, the immune system causes certain symptoms to appear in the body. These symptoms are basically the body’s mechanism to fight back in order to self-heal.

As cancer progresses, the self-healing process can go awry. The body cannot handle the constant “war” situation. With changing priorities of the body system, the normal growth processes are compromised. A diet that can strike a balance in priorities of attending to cancer and the routine growth processes can be of great help in prolonging the life of a pet.

Nutrition for pets with cancer

Your pet’s body requires a typical diet that is compatible with his structure and needs. It should be kept in mind that human food is not always good for the animal. A pet who suffers from cancer requires specific nutrition that can allow him to fight back the disease and continue the other regular body functions.

It is not too optimistic to believe that the right nutrition can help in treating cancer in pets. And a certain combination of nutrients can also help in preventing cancer. Additionally, it can help ensure a better quality of life if cancer has already set in.

There is a strong correlation between nutrition and cancer. Commercial foods available in the market contain a preservative and synthetic substances that may be carcinogenic and may cause harm to the process of healthy cell multiplication. Home cooked and organic food is best for your pet’s health. If home food is not an option, opt for healthy foods for pets that are available in health stores. Before buying make sure that they do not contain hormones, pesticides or antibiotics.

You may also choose to give therapeutic level supplements of antioxidants, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Many herbs also help in fighting cancer and can be given directly or along with a meal. Discuss with your veterinarian and select a few herbs and natural foods that are rich in zinc, selenium and Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil or flaxseed oil have anti-cancer properties and increase oxygen uptake to cells.

Not much research has been conducted to understand how diets can manage or prevent cancer from occurring in pets. Whatever research is available suggests that a diet that provides the following substances in sufficient quantities can be of help:

  • Vitamins C, D, and E along with beta-carotene and chemical compound of Vitamin A known as retinoids;
  • minerals like selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, lead, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine and germanium;
  • enzymes that help in immunization against cancer-causing pathogens. These are available as oral preparations;
  • green and black tea is believed to have cancer-inhibiting properties and can be introduced in the pet’s meal.

Cancer treatments and surgery can drain the energy out of a patient. If the energy levels dip to extremely low levels a condition known as cancer cachexia occurs. One of the symptoms of liver cancer in pets is a loss of appetite and extreme weight loss. Managing the amount of energy spent and supplementing with a healthy diet are the best ways of countering the condition.

Supplements for the immune system

Cod liver oil is usually favored by veterinarians for its high Vitamin A, D, and Omega 3 fatty acid content. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy mucous membranes in eyes and ears. It also keeps the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts in proper operable conditions. Vitamin D, on the other hand, helps in the effective metabolism of calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone density.

Fish oils like cod liver oil are natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are necessary to maintain overall health. Many commercial diets for dogs and cats contain Omega 6 fatty acids in higher than recommended proportions, which can prove to be harmful. The Omega 3 fatty acids in cod liver oil act as a balancing factor and counters the harmful effects of Omega 6 acids.

Fatty acids, to be effective, should be in the form of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and are thus termed as essential fatty acids. Fish oils, including cod liver oil, are natural sources of these forms of fatty acids. Plant-based oils need to be converted from Alpha-linolenic Acid (LNA), a process that requires huge amounts of LNA for the required amount of EPA and DHA.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for some critical functions the body must perform to maintain health:

  • transport and metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • normal brain development and functioning;
  • maintaining vision;
  • adrenal functioning;
  • regulate the immune system.

Herbs like aloe vera, Echinacea, astragalus, goldenseal, elder, and garlic are suggested to play a role in maintaining a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system helps in preventing certain diseases that often cause problems in the health of your dog or cat.

It is important for pet owners to learn more about this aspect of animal health so that early treatment may be given to avoid further complications.

The natural and holistic approach to maintain immune system health is always preferred as natural remedies can be included in the routine diet without fear of major side effects. Despite this, some herbs are not recommended in certain conditions and in undiluted form. It is better to use herbs after gathering full information or under the supervision of a certified herbalist.

Pet Cancer Sites

Tony Isaacs has a website for pet cancer (primarily for dogs). He does NOT recommend oleander products because they are too hard on their digestive tracts.

What he does use is inositol/IP6, colloidal silver, etc.

The Best Years in Life Website

General pet cancer sites:

Pet cancer discussion sites:

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Reducing copper level possible intervention for cancer Fri, 26 Jan 2018 17:51:25 +0000 Recent literature is pointing to a correlation of higher tissue levels of copper in some cancers. Since some cancers can feed off of copper, as the element is necessary for rapid replication, speculation lends toward reducing copper levels as a possible intervention for cancer patients. Copper is an essential nutrient for many cellular functions. However, […]

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Recent literature is pointing to a correlation of higher tissue levels of copper in some cancers. Since some cancers can feed off of copper, as the element is necessary for rapid replication, speculation lends toward reducing copper levels as a possible intervention for cancer patients.

Copper is an essential nutrient for many cellular functions. However, studies have shown that nearly every cancer up-regulates copper and can use it to promote further growth. When measured, many cancer patients have elevated serum copper levels and a higher copper to zinc ratio than normal control. This contributes to tumor burden, advances the disease, and decreases survival rates. Some chemotherapy regimens add copper, knowing that cancers draw on it for continued replication and therefore may drag the chemotherapy with it to help kill the cancer cells.

It has been shown that copper levels may raise during active disease and fall in states of remission. Depleting copper levels may also decrease circulating tumor cells and help in stabilizing the replication rate. Environmental factors that may increase human exposure to copper include: copper consumed in supplements, copper in drinking water both from natural occurrence from soil and from copper pipes in household plumbing, copper cookware, and others. Individuals who are estrogen dominant, zinc deficient, and have adrenal insufficiency may also be at higher risk of exhibiting excess copper (6-15).

Genes and copper absorption

There are certain genes that regulate copper’s absorption and access to a cell. The SLC1 gene encodes for a protein found in the cell membrane that enables copper’s transportation in and out of a cell. Studies suggest that homozygous defects on this gene leaves excess copper in the extracellular matrix where, through a process known as the Fenton reaction, excess free radicals are generated which possibly damage cells and gobble up essential nutrients like selenium and zinc. All this is very important for the cancer patient because free radicals are a major cause of cancer, and zinc and selenium deficiencies are common in most cancers.

Dr. Kevin Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986 and has been studying alternative cancer care for more than 18 years.
Cancer Tutor Verified Clinic
Conners Clinic
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A study evaluated serum zinc, copper, and the Cu/Zn ratio in 84 patients with pulmonary lesions before surgery and in 100 healthy normal controls [1]. There were 20 patients with benign and 64 with malignant lung tumors. The mean Cu/Zn ratio was significantly higher in malignant tumors (2.24 ± 0.78) than in benign tissue (1.63 ± 033). In the normal group, the Cu/Zn ratio was significantly lower (1.43 ± 0.29). Patients with advanced disease (Stage III or higher) had higher Cu/Zn ratio than patients in Stages I and II (2.65 ± 0.86 versus 1.9 ± 0.27). These findings suggest that Cu/Zn ratio may be used as a diagnostic test in cancer patients as it appears that, at least in some cancers, copper levels are up-regulated and zinc levels down-regulated.

The ATOX1 gene encodes for a copper chaperone that plays a role in copper homeostasis by binding and transporting cytosolic (within the cell) copper to ATPase proteins in the trans-Golgi network for later incorporation to the ceruloplasmin (the major copper transporter in the blood) [2]. This protein also functions as an antioxidant against superoxide (a dangerous free radical) and hydrogen peroxide, and therefore, defects in this gene may play a significant role in cancer carcinogenesis. ATOX1 defects may lead to excess copper levels in the blood and may be associated with a greater efficacy of blood-born cancers such as leukemia and myeloma.

The copper efflux transporter ATP7A gene encodes for a protein to enable copper absorption and is overexpressed in some cisplatin-resistant ovarian carcinoma cell lines. One study [3] showed that ATP7A was expressed in some of the most common human malignancies, including prostate (7 of 7), breast (10 of 10), lung (8 of 8), colon (5 of 8), and ovary (6 of 7), as well as in a wide variety of other types of malignancy suggesting that cancer cells may become dependent on increased copper for survival.

Another study revealed ATP7A staining was detected in 28 of 54 ovarian carcinomas meaning that increased gene activity was present and patients with increased ATP7A expression exhibited poorer actuarial survival. Although ATP7A is not detectable in most normal tissues it is expressed in a considerable number of common tumor types.

Similarly, the ATP7B gene provides instructions for making a protein called copper- transporting ATPase 2. This protein is part of the P-type ATPase family, a group of proteins that transport metals into and out of cells by using energy stored in the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP7B was found to be overexpressed in human gastric carcinomas as well as other cancers including breast [4]. Therefore, increased expression of ATP7 genes has been found to trap copper inside cancer cells allowing some cancers to ‘feed’ and increase the replication rate.

The CP gene encodes for the main copper transport protein in the blood, ceruloplasmin. It is suggested to have a role in cancer since it is involved in angiogenesis (creation of new blood vessels) and neovascularization (new vessels feeding a growing cancer), two essential components for continued growth and metastasis in cancer.

In order to understand the role of ceruloplasmin in malignant cells, one study isolated and sequenced a human ceruloplasmin cDNA clone. They investigated the ceruloplasmin gene expression in human colon and breast cancer cell lines. The poly (A)+ RNA from human colon (WiDr) and human breast (MCF-7) cancer cell lines was analyzed for the presence of ceruloplasmin mRNA. The Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of a 3.7 kb band of ceruloplasmin mRNA in these cell lines. Dot blot analysis revealed that ceruloplasmin mRNA is at least three fold more abundant in tumor cells as compared to normal rat liver cells. This data suggests that some cancers show a sharp increase in ceruloplasmin and copper activity.

The study also revealed that both copper and ceruloplasmin levels were increased significantly in the cancer patients as compared to controls [5]. Serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels are known to increase in several malignancies such as osteosarcomas, some gastrointestinal tumors, and lung cancer.

A study on primary brain cancer revealed serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels in 40 patients concluding that copper and ceruloplasmin represent a good complement to some other nonspecific parameters in evaluating the activity of malignancy and the therapeutic results since rises in copper and ceruloplasmin directly relate to increased growth.

While I understand that the above is quite technical and admittedly boring, extrapolation of useful clinical information may help many cancer patients.

Possible intervention

Given the aforementioned data on copper, the question both patient and practitioner may want to ask is this: Could clinical intervention to help decrease copper levels in cancer patients increase survival outcomes?

I believe that, though continued research may be necessary, reducing copper levels in cancer patients is important. This can be accomplished through chelation with homeopathy or other chelating agents, novel use of off-label medications that reduce copper levels, and wise use of nutrients like zinc and selenium whose levels appear to have an inverse relationship with copper.

In our practice we test for copper levels and since we began doing so, we’ve been astonished to find that most cancer patients benefit from using nutrients to reduce copper levels. We have found that homeopathic dosing works best and believe that it has improved outcomes. We have also coupled this with increasing selenium and zinc levels through both oral and topical applications.

Cancer has a notorious appetite and its use of copper, iron, glutamine, methionine, glucose, lactic acid, and other metabolites as a fuel source need continued research. However, I believe there is ample data to suggest novel approaches to reduce such fuel sources and help tumor burden in many patients.

Contact Dr. Conners by visiting or calling (800) 209-4833.

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Coley’s Toxins returning to forefront of immunotherapy Thu, 09 Feb 2017 19:26:05 +0000 Chances are you have never heard of Coley's Toxins. However, scientists are reviving William Coley's methods to try different types of bacteria to encourage the immune system to fight tumors. In 1891, Coley injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon, thought that the infection he produced would have […]

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Chances are you have never heard of Coley's Toxins. However, scientists are reviving William Coley's methods to try different types of bacteria to encourage the immune system to fight tumors.

In 1891, Coley injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon, thought that the infection he produced would have the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor. He was successful — and this was one of the first examples of immunotherapy.

During the next 40 years, as head of the Bone Tumor Service at Memorial Hospital in New York, Coley injected more than 1,000 cancer patients with bacteria or bacterial products. These products became known as Coley's Toxins. He and other doctors who used them reported excellent results, especially in bone and soft-tissue sarcomas.

Dr. William Coley
William Coley

Despite his reported good results, Coley's Toxins came under a great deal of criticism; many doctors did not believe his results. This criticism, along with the development of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, caused Coley's Toxins to gradually disappear from use.

“Those who have scrutinized Coley’s results have little doubt that these bacterial toxins were highly effective in some cases,” said Dr. Lloyd J. Old, former associate director of Memorial Sloan Kettering, and also the Cancer Research Institute’s medical director from 1971-2011.

However, the modern science of immunology has shown that Coley's principles were correct and that some cancers are sensitive to an enhanced immune system.

In 2014, scientists injected innocuous strains of C. novyi bacteria into 16 dogs who had soft-tissue sarcomas and even one person with a rare type of cancer. The bacteria shrank the size of the tumors; in a few of the animals, the tumors completely disappeared. [1]

In 2015, scientists modified a strain of salmonella to attack tumors in mice. [2]

Not only is Coley known as the “Father of Immunotherapy,” he also became the model for the present-day clinician-scientist. Born in 1862, Coley went to Yale and graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1888.

Dr. Lloyd Old

“Those who have scrutinized Coley’s results have little doubt that these bacterial toxins were highly effective in some cases.”

Dr. Lloyd J. Old

Memorial Sloan Kettering

He was dismissed by the scientific community because his methods of treatment and patient follow-up were not consistent, and many colleagues could not believe his good results. Again, in light of recent discoveries in immunology, some of his observations were correct — and his theories may have much to offer today.

Now, 126 years after Coley's Toxins made its mark, scientists are using salmonella in immunotherapy research. A study, Two-step enhanced cancer immunotherapy with engineered Salmonella typhimurium secreting heterologous flagellin, was published in Science Translational Medicine, in which mice were injected with a strain of engineered salmonella that infiltrated the tumors. [3]

Salmonella thrives in environments with no oxygen, and tumors have no oxygen and a lot of dead cells the bacteria can feed on. The tumor is “a very favorable home for salmonella,” said Roy Curtiss III, a professor at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine, who also has studied the use of salmonella as a cancer therapy. “It’s a good food supply.”

The tumor is “a very favorable home for salmonella,” Roy Curtiss III, a professor at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine, told The Verge. Curtiss also has studied the use of salmonella as a cancer therapy. “It’s a good food supply.”

“It shows that what was done 120 years ago with Coley’s Toxins deserves to be revisited again today, using bacteria as an adjuvant to stimulate the immune system to fight cancer,” Saha said. “I think it’s a very important modality, and one that we should continue pressing forward on to learn more about.”


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Propranolol repurposed to treat soft tissue sarcomas Wed, 18 Jan 2017 22:07:38 +0000 Propranolol, a drug used to treat high blood pressure, is being repurposed for soft tissue sarcoma treatment in Europe. The European Commission recently granted propranolol Orphan Drug Designation, a status assigned to a medicine intended for use against a rare condition. The medicine must fulfill certain criteria for designation as an orphan medicine so that it […]

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Propranolol, a drug used to treat high blood pressure, is being repurposed for soft tissue sarcoma treatment in Europe. The European Commission recently granted propranolol Orphan Drug Designation, a status assigned to a medicine intended for use against a rare condition. The medicine must fulfill certain criteria for designation as an orphan medicine so that it can benefit from incentives such as protection from competition once on the market.

Propranolol is a beta-blocker. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins). Propranolol is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory conditions. It also is used to treat or prevent heart attack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

“People with soft tissue sarcomas have a very poor survival rate,” said Brad Bryan, Ph.D., a biomedical scientist at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso. “Four out of 10 patients with the cancer will die and are in urgent need of new treatment options.”

According to a news release by TTUHCS, propranolol's ability to treat angiosarcoma — a lethal form of soft tissue sarcoma — originally was discovered by Bryan's TTUHSC El Paso lab. In his study, Bryan used cell lines and animal models to show that propranolol could fight angiosarcoma and remarkably reduce the growth of tumors; the results were published in a 2013 PLOS One paper. [1]

Angiosarcoma is a cancer of the inner lining of blood vessels, and it can occur in any area of the body. The disease most commonly occurs in the skin, breast, liver, spleen, and deep tissue.

In a 2015 JAMA Dermatology article, Bryan described treating a patient with angiosarcoma — who only had months left to live — and bringing the tumor down to undetectable levels. What's more, the treatment had little to no side effects. [2]

Several scientists across the world have reported similar results since then, testing propranolol on their own patients with angiosarcoma.

“What surprised us the most about this new treatment is the fact that we got 100 percent clinical response, which is defined as either tumor regression or stabilization of the disease,” said Eddy Pasquier, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Aix-Marseille. “This is not a cure in the sense that most patients will eventually see their disease progress, but this level of response is still very impressive, especially in this patient population with a very bleak prognosis; we're talking patients whose prognosis was roughly one year, give or take a few months.”

Propranolol also is relatively cost efficient. Developed in the 1960s, today propranolol is a generic drug and costs about $4 a month. Compare that to current prescription drug therapies for sarcomas that can cost about $10,000 a month.

“Treating soft tissue sarcoma can easily top $100,000 to $200,000,” Bryan said. “While propranolol will certainly not replace these treatments, our data show it improves the ability of the treatments to work — all at the cost of a generic co-pay.”

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GcMAF Immunotherapy for Cancer Tue, 01 Nov 2016 15:38:16 +0000 GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor) is a vitamin-D binding protein that occurs naturally in the human body and plays an important role in the health of your immune system. It has various functions including activation of immune defense cells and anticancer activities [1]. Your body produces GcMAF in order to activate macrophages, which are immune […]

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GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor) is a vitamin-D binding protein that occurs naturally in the human body and plays an important role in the health of your immune system. It has various functions including activation of immune defense cells and anticancer activities [1].

Your body produces GcMAF in order to activate macrophages, which are immune cells responsible for fighting infections, destroying cancer cells, and inhibiting tumor growth. 

However, cancer cells and tumors are known to secrete an enzyme called nagalase, which blocks the production of GcMAF in the body and prevents the immune system from attacking cancer cells [2]. As cancer develops, nagalase levels have been shown to build up in the blood of cancer patients, which results in the deactivation of macrophages, suppression of the immune system, and disease progression [3] [4].

Immunotherapy is a new strategy in the treatment of cancer and an emerging area of cancer research [1]. GcMAF was discovered in the 1980s by Nobuto Yamamoto, while the first research papers showing its immune stimulating and antitumor effects were published in the 1990s. It is a promising yet unapproved immunotherapy with the reported ability to act as a macrophage activating agent in the treatment of cancer [5].

There is scientific evidence to support its potential efficacy and safety as an immunotherapy in small-scale human studies, but there has been controversy surrounding the treatment and some researchers are skeptical [5]. Large-scale clinical research is still needed and the long-term effects are currently unknown.

Historical Perspective

The idea of stimulating the immune system to treat cancer dates back to the early 1900s, but it was not until the 1950s with the discovery of tumor-specific antigens (substances that activate an immune response against tumors) that there was a resurgence of medical interest into immune therapies [6].

To understand the origins of GcMAF as an immune therapy for cancer we have to go back to the late 1980s in Philadelphia, USA. At this time, Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto, PhD, a well respected US-based Japanese researcher, wrote a paper on blood components involved in the activation of macrophages [7].

This study would form the basis of later research papers, which proposed that GcMAF was the natural activator of macrophages in mammals and that injection of GcMAF may enhance the immune response to cancer in humans [8] [9]. Yamamoto carried out studies on GcMAF in mice with Ehrlich ascites tumor (aggressive type of cancer) and demonstrated significantly increased survival rates [10].

In 2008/2009 Yamamoto published four papers claiming successful treatment of cancer and HIV patients with GcMAF [11] [12] [13] [14]. The results appeared too good to be true. Later, in 2014, the Anticancer Fund non-profit educational and research support organization wrote a letter highlighting inconsistencies and major issues with Yamamoto’s research [15]. Three out of the four studies were retracted due to the use of unestablished metrics (such as serum nagalase levels) to define successful treatment, which could not be accepted by the scientific community.

Despite controversy and reported problems with Yamamoto’s later work, there has been ongoing research into the use of GcMAF as an immunotherapy for many different cancer types in small-scale case studies in patients [5]. Some researchers remain optimistic about the potential of medications like GcMAF, which can inhibit immunosuppressive factors such as the enzyme nagalase [5].

A 2022 review of Yamamoto’s research on GcMAF claims that his work deserves widespread renewed attention both for cancer and HIV treatment [6]. According to the reviewer, Yamamoto’s data demonstrates that GcMAF is a highly specific activator of macrophages with the therapeutic potential to reduce nagalase levels in cancer patients [6].


GcMAF has shown some promise of efficacy and safety in humans, but only in studies of questionable quality due to the use of unconventional metrics to evaluate results and with small sample sizes. There has been controversy and issues flagged with some of the scientific research on GcMAF [16]. Double-blind randomized clinical trials with larger sample sizes (in the hundreds or thousands) are still needed to determine efficacy and long-term safety.

In 2008 Dr. Yamamoto published research on successful GcMAF treatment for patients with colon, breast and prostate cancer (stage of disease not reported) [11] [12] [13]. 

These studies were with small sample sizes (8 with colon cancer, 16 with breast cancer and 16 with prostate cancer). Two of the studies were later retracted. Patients had undergone conventional treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation prior to GcMAF treatment [16]. Serum nagalase levels were used as an indicator of tumor burden. Success was claimed based on reduced nagalase levels and no tumor recurrence after many years in all patients, which was not sufficient evidence to support claims of efficacy as a primary cancer treatment [15].

A 2013 study on advanced cancer patients with diverse cancer types reported that all patients showed a significant decrease of serum nagalase activity after receiving weekly injections of GcMAF [3]. Reduced nagalase levels were associated with improved clinical conditions and no adverse effects were reported. However, the study was a non-controlled retrospective analysis and results cannot be claimed as indicative of a cause-effect relationship of GcMAF administration and improved disease outcomes [3].

A 2017 review collated results from 12 studies and case reports from 2008-2016 of GcMAF treatment for cancer patients with a range of different cancer types including colon, thyroid, lung, liver, thymus, pancreatic, bladder, ovarian and tongue [5]. The review evaluates what it deems to be credible research on the treatment. However, all studies are with very small sample sizes and many include other alternative cancer therapies, which means it is not possible to identify a single causative agent for improvement. The review states that clinical investigations have demonstrated the efficacy of GcMAF as a macrophage activating factor and calls for further research into the application of the promising new immunotherapy. The authors claim that the efficacy and safety of the drug warrants FDA approval and that there are non-scientific reasons preventing approval [5].

A 2022 critical overview of Dr. Yamamoto’s controversial studies delves deeply into his findings and calls for renewed scientific attention on research into GcMAF [6]. While Yamamoto’s claims of success and research methodology came under fire in the oncology community, his data shows direct correlation between GcMAF treatment and the activation of macrophages in cancer patients. His results also demonstrate reduction of nagalase levels after GcMAF therapy, which could indicate therapeutic potential as an immunotherapy [6].

Potential Applications

In the current scientific literature, the term ‘immunotherapy’ for cancer refers to a select group of treatments including immune checkpoint inhibitors, immune cell therapy, therapeutic antibodies, vaccines and immune-modulating agents – all of which have potentially serious adverse effects [6].

Immunotherapy with GcMAF has been shown to be free from adverse effects in the research to date and shows promise in small-scale studies for diverse applications [6]. There is some evidence to indicate that GcMAF may have therapeutic benefits for different cancer types and a wide range of other conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), endometriosis, osteoporosis, autism, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [2]. However, there is low certainty surrounding efficacy and safety due to a lack of definitive clinical evidence.

Patient selection is important when it comes to GcMAF therapy as the antitumor effects of the treatment vary depending on the type of cancer and stage [5]. Preliminary research shows potential benefits for patients with prostate, breast, colon, liver, stomach, lung (including mesothelioma), kidney, bladder, uterus, ovarian, head/neck and brain cancers, fibrosarcomas and melanomas [5].

GcMAF has been reported to have better results in the treatment of undifferentiated tumor cells (such as adenocarcinoma) than with differentiated cells (such as squamous carcinoma cells) in test tube studies and also in patients [3] [5]. Anemia and other blood disorders can confound the efficacy of GcMAF. Therefore, the treatment has been indicated for non-anemic patients only [5].

In the last decade, the existence of cancer stem cells (tumor cells that can drive new tumor growth and cause relapses) has been demonstrated and may explain why recurrence is frequently observed after conventional cancer treatments. Research into GcMAF shows that it could help in the elimination of the last residual cancer stem cells and serve to prevent disease recurrence [6].

GcMAF may also be of benefit for patients with advanced or resistant cancer where conventional treatment has not been successful. However, for the therapy to be effective it is important that the patient's immune system is still intact [6]. Furthermore, given that the immune system has a limited ability to break down and eliminate large tumors, surgery or radiation to remove the bulk tumor mass is generally required prior to GcMAF immunotherapy [6].

In summary, there is early evidence to suggest that GcMAF could be used in the treatment of cancer to modulate the immune system and prime it to eliminate cancer cells. However, any claims of a wonder molecule that is a safe and effective cancer treatment in its own right are unfounded. Preliminary research supports its potential application as an immunotherapy to help prevent recurrence after standard of care treatments. However, further clinical research is still needed.

Risks and Side Effects 

To date there have been no adverse effects reported in the scientific literature from the use of GcMAF in small studies in humans [5] [6]. Early research indicates that it may be safe, but the treatment is considered experimental at this stage. Given that GcMAF is not FDA approved there could be risks of contamination and other confounding factors. Long-term clinical studies have not been carried out to prove safety. Therefore, safety and risks of side-effects are currently unknown.


Is GcMAF an effective cancer treatment?

There is currently insufficient scientific evidence to claim that GcMAF is an effective cancer treatment. Early research shows it may be beneficial as an immunotherapy to help boost immune function and mitigate the chances of recurrence after standard of care treatments. However, the treatment is experimental. 

Is GcMAF safe?

There have not been any serious adverse effects reported in the scientific literature. However, there is limited research on GcMAF. The long-term effects and safety of the treatment are currently unknown at this stage.

How is GcMAF administered?

GcMAF is administered as an injection under the skin or into the muscle. It is normally given once or twice a week for a period of several months or longer depending on the patient's individual requirements. 


[1] Inui, T., Makita, K., Miura, H., Matsuda, A., Kuchiike, D., Kubo, K., … & Sakamoto, N. (2014). Case report: a breast cancer patient treated with GcMAF, sonodynamic therapy and hormone therapy. Anticancer research, 34(8), 4589-4593.  

[2] Saburi, E., Tavakol-Afshari, J., Biglari, S., & Mortazavi, Y. (2017). Is α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase the key to curing cancer? A mini-review and hypothesis. J BUON, 22(6), 1372-1377. 

[3] Thyer, L., Ward, E., Smith, R., Branca, J. J., Morucci, G., Gulisano, M., … & Pacini, S. (2013). GC protein-derived macrophage-activating factor decreases α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase levels in advanced cancer patients. Oncoimmunology, 2(8), e25769.  

[4] Eric Matamoros, M. (2017). GcMAF: a polemic or a highly promising molecule?. World Scientific News, 65, 20-36. 

[5] Saburi, E., Saburi, A., & Ghanei, M. (2017). Promising role for Gc-MAF in cancer immunotherapy: from bench to bedside. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 8(4), 228. 

[6] Albracht, S. P. (2022). Immunotherapy with GcMAF revisited-A critical overview of the research of Nobuto Yamamoto. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications, 100537. 

[7] Yamamoto, N., Ngwenya, B. Z., Sery, T. W., & Pieringer, R. A. (1987). Activation of macrophages by ether analogues of lysophospholipids. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 25(3), 185-192. 

[8] Yamamoto, N. (1996). Structural definition of a potent macrophage activating factor derived from vitamin D3-binding protein with adjuvant activity for antibody production. Molecular immunology, 33(15), 1157-1164. 

[9] Yamamoto, N., & Naraparaju, V. R. (1998). Structurally well defined macrophage activating factor derived from vitamin D3 binding protein has a potent adjuvant activity for immunization. Immunology and cell biology, 76(3), 237-244. 

[10] Yamamoto, N., & Naraparaju, V. R. (1997). Immunotherapy of BALB/c mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor. Cancer research, 57(11), 2187-2192. 

[11] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., & Yamamoto, N. (2008). Immunotherapy for prostate cancer with Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Translational oncology, 1(2), 65-72. 

[12] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., Nakazato, H., Yamamoto, N., & Koga, Y. (2008). RETRACTED ARTICLE: Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 57(7), 1007-1016. 

[13] Yamamoto, N., Suyama, H., Yamamoto, N., & Ushijima, N. (2008). Retracted: Immunotherapy of metastatic breast cancer patients with vitamin D binding protein derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF). International journal of cancer, 122(2), 461-467. 

[14] Yamamoto, N., Ushijima, N., & Koga, Y. (2009). Retracted: Immunotherapy of HIV infected patients with Gc protein derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF). Journal of medical virology, 81(1), 16-26. 

[15] Ugarte, A., Bouche, G., & Meheus, L. (2014). Inconsistencies and questionable reliability of the publication “Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophages-activating, GcMAF” by Yamamoto et al. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 63(12), 1347-1348. [16] Arney, K., (2008). “Cancer cured for good?” – Gc-MAF and the miracle cure. Cancer Research UK, [Updated 10/05/15].

What do you believe would happen if researchers learned a cure for chronic diseases including cancer? Would it be broadcasted across the globe in celebratory fashion? Would there be any attempts made to cover up the discovery? Could you imagine that doctors who have used the cure successfully would be murdered over their findings?

Several doctors linked to a potential cure known as GcMAF have been found dead within the last year. Reports of their deaths are blamed on suicide, heart failure, and other mysterious links. Family, friends, and coworkers surrounding these doctors have no reports of physical or mental illness that in any way would have arisen suspicion.

Could GcMAF be the link between these doctors' sudden deaths and what is GcMAF?

Dr. David Jockers

David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist, and corrective care chiropractor. He owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.
Dr. Jockers on Cancer Tutor

Five Things to Know About GcMAF

1. GcMAF is naturally occurring in healthy people but is significantly depleted in individuals with abnormally functioning immune systems. The presence of GcMAF has been studied in immunotherapy treatment to boost the immune response and possibly inhibit and prevent cancer.

2. GcMAF is responsible for activating macrophages. When GcMAF is not present, macrophages are not stimulated thus weakening the immune response. Critical neural macrophages are microglia, which supports the immune system by defending against invasive threats to the central nervous system.

3. Vitamin D defends the immune system from an attack by chronic disease. Without Vitamin D, GcMAF cannot be produced. GcMAF contains binding proteins and cellular receptors requiring Vitamin D activation. GcMAF activates macrophages which act as the body’s surveillance team against destructive agents and infection.

4. Clinical studies show that the administration of GcMAF to patients with cancer has its successes. Patients categorized as having an “incurable” cancer and disease were also administered GcMAF. These patients, even at a late stage in the progression of the disease, exhibited effective anticancer immunotherapy success.

5. Reportedly, using GcMAF treatment in children with autism has been shown to improve the endocannabinoid system and eliminate symptoms of autism. GcMAF treatment improves not only receptor activity but gene expression as well.

What Is GcMAF?

A Vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor, GcMAF is a regulatory protein that supports the immune system [4]. GcMAF is naturally occurring in healthy people but is significantly depleted in individuals with abnormally functioning immune systems. The presence of GcMAF has been studied in immunotherapy treatment to boost the immune response and possibly inhibit and prevent cancer.


Did You Know

Holistic Doctor Deaths's Erin Elizabeth is a long-time activist, author, and public speaker:

“Some of the biggest skeptics, those who rolled their eyes at the first few deaths, are now wondering if there isn’t a connection. There have been theories, from GcMAF to CBD oil, but I don’t think all doctors used both of these treatments. I’m not convinced either is the smoking gun, but might hold part of the answer. … I hope they are never forgotten and that others will carry on their work and not live in fear.”

Holistic Doctor Death Series

GcMAF immunotherapy success

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet presented findings of treating more than 11,000 patients with various chronic illnesses using GcMAF immunotherapy. He had an 85 percent success rate with 15 percent of patients seeing the full remission of their illness. Only 15 percent of individuals did not exhibit any response to the treatment.

Dr. Bradstreet’s death was ruled a suicide while practicing medicine in Georgia. Those close to Dr. Bradstreet say that he exhibited no suicidal behaviors or depression. He was found in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest. His death is believed by many to be a murder as a consequence of his knowledge involving GcMAF therapy.

The FDA raided Dr. Bradstreet’s clinic on June 18 seizing virals of GcMAF. Following the raid Dr. Bradstreet fled to a hotel in North Carolina near Lake Lure. The FDA would deem his practice “unethical science” and would have been indicted to face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty.

Dr. Bradstreet’s hotel room was not yet prepared for him and he never checked in. His dead body was found in Chimney Rock three miles away from the hotel hours later. Nearby police found a handgun and reported his death a suicide. Bradstreet’s family and supporters continue to conduct their own private investigations under the assumption that his death is much more than a suicide.

With such a powerful governing force mandating what scientific medical practice is ethical or not, why would Dr. Bradstreet continue to advocate for GcMAF therapy? Read on to learn how this incredible therapy can be used for treating autism, chronic illness, and cancer.

Healthy immune response depends on macrophages

GcMAF is responsible for activating macrophages. When GcMAF is not present, macrophages are not stimulated thus weakening the immune response. A lack of available macrophages causes homeostatic imbalances and the unsuccessful completion of tissue repair.

Critical neural macrophages are microglia and are found in the brain and spine. Microglia supports the immune system by defending against invasive threats to the central nervous system which create damage. Microglia is one of the central nervous system’s first lines of defense. [1]

GcMAF and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is critical to the total health of the human body and defends the immune system from an attack by chronic disease. Researchers continue to underestimate the role that Vitamin D plays in supporting biological activities. This powerful nutrient has only recently being analyzed for its role in influencing GcMAF availability and function. [4]

Without Vitamin D, GcMAF cannot be produced. GcMAF contains binding proteins and cellular receptors requiring vitamin D activation. Vitamin D3 must be converted into GcMAF by a key biological reaction in the body. A carbohydrate is bonded with Vitamin D3 through a process called glycosylation. GcMAF then activates macrophages which act as the body’s surveillance team against destructive agents and infection. [1]

GcMAF linked to improved autism symptoms

Autism is well supported in research and is primarily characterized by immune dysfunction. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in children show a significant decrease when treated with GcMAF due to improved macrophage activity. [1]

Before birth, an unborn child’s defense system is significantly influenced by genetics and environmental factors. During pregnancy, Vitamin D is a critical nutrient required to promote the development of the child and his lifelong health.

Vitamin D is critical for pregnancy

Essential biological functions require Vitamin D. The central nervous system is dependent on Vitamin D for the following processes: [1]

  • Neurogenesis: Synthesis of new brain cells
  • Neuroplasticity: Essential for emotional thought and cognitive thinking
  • Neuroprotection: Involves the preservation of the central nervous system against degeneration and disorders like multiple sclerosis

Without proper Vitamin D absorption, the development of the central nervous system and the immune system is not sufficient and linked to autism disorders. In pregnant women, Vitamin D3 has been found in studies to decrease the risk of miscarriages and infertility by inhibiting the auto-immune response of natural killer cells. [7, 1]

GcMAF stimulates the endocannabinoid system

A critical part of a person’s health is the endocannabinoid system. This system closely interacts with the immune system regulating homeostatic functions. It is found in glands, organs and immune cells located all over the body. [2] Autistic individuals have been shown to have altered endocannabinoid pathways along with abnormal macrophage defense systems. These combined problems consequently lead to an altered immune response. [1]

Reportedly, using GcMAF treatment in children with autism has been shown to improve the endocannabinoid system and eliminate symptoms of autism. GcMAF treatment improves not only receptor activity but gene expression as well. [1]

The endocannabinoid system is also responsible for regulating mood and controlling anxiety. These diseases that follow are linked to the improper functioning of the endocannabinoid system:

  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stroke
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis

Immune dysfunction associated with abnormal enzymatic activity

People with autoimmune related disorders have a high amount of the enzyme nagalase. Elevated levels are linked to autism spectrum disorders, viral infections like HIV and AIDs, cancer and lupus. [1, 3, 5]

Both researchers and physicians can use the concentration of the nagalase enzyme in cancer patients to better understand the severity of a tumor. It is possible that malignant cells stimulate nagalase activity which in turn shuts down the production of GcMAF. [3]

Nagalase inhibits macrophage activation. It reduces GcMAF activity by stimulating immunosuppression pathways and reducing active macrophage. However, research supports that nagalase does have its limitations. It is possible to strengthen the health of the immune system and repair the trauma done by nagalase activity.

Nagalase cannot block cancer detection

Fortunately, the nagalase enzyme cannot prevent an immune attack from happening when an intruder has previously been detected. Nagalase is unable to bully pre-existing GcMAF when it detects cancer cells. Nagalase can only prevent the production of GcMAF. For this reason, GcMAF can be injected into the body or intravenously administered and is biologically identical to pre-existing GcMAF. [3]

GcMAF treatment inhibits cancer growth

Clinical studies show that the administration of GcMAF to patients with cancer has its successes. These benefits include: [5, 6]

  • Improved immune response resulting from stimulated macrophages, lymphocyte activity, and elevated levels of platelet and red blood cells
  • Suppress cancer growth such as by inhibiting the use of blood vessels for tumor growth
  • A decrease in tumor receptors involved in cancer metastasis

Patients categorized as having an “incurable” cancer and disease were also administered GcMAF. These patients, even at a late stage in the progression of the disease, exhibited effective anticancer immunotherapy success. Some successes include the complete eradication of cancer following a short 6-month treatment and other patients exhibited reduced nagalase activity and tumor size. [3, 8]

Dr. Steve Hofman reports that several cancers were treated with GcMAF in clinical studies. These cancer types he includes are: [3]

  • Ovarian
  • Follicular lymphoma
  • Colorectal
  • Bladder
  • Neck and head cancers such as the larynx and tongue

GcMAF activated macrophages destroy tumor cells

The spleen holds 50 percent of both macrophages and monocytes. Following GcMAF treatment, the direction of blood flow to the spleen increases along with other biological components that stimulate a healthy immune system. [8]

Macrophage activity increases engulfing cancer cells in a process known as phagocytosis. The development of more cancer cells is also inhibited. GcMAF supports this cellular “eating” activity in the presence of tumors. [4] Simply said, activated macrophages are found in the presence of cancer cells.

GcMAF activated macrophages increase cancer cell death through another natural, healthy process called apoptosis. Cancer cell debris remains the only remnants to the malignant cell left behind. [4]

In vitro studies utilizing GcMAF treatment show the full eradication of cancer cells following only 7 days. [4] Further research must be established in order to understand how the body is naturally equipped to use GcMAF to prevent and cure cancer. Anecdotal evidence however significantly supports GcMAF immunotherapy treatment.

GcMAF functions in synergy with other compounds

Findings of GcMAF therapy after one week by the Immuno Biotech Treatment Centre show that tumor volume decreases by an average of 25 percent. This clinical data supports that the diameter and cell volume of a tumor is reduced. [6]

The Immunocentre of Europe suggests that GcMAF is an effective tool that can destroy cancer cells instantly. GcMAF treatment has been shown to rebuild an effective immune system in an individual anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months on average. [8]

Certain compounds also have shown to work in synergy boosting the anticancer treatment properties when combined with GcMAF. Together, these vital compounds and biological components repair a damaged immune system helping any individual overcome chronic disease and cancer.

Oleic Acid: When oleic acid supplementation was integrated into GcMAF therapy, several benefits occurred. The immune system improved significantly sooner and there was also evidence for a greater reduction of tumors. [6] Oleic acid is just one building block essential for optimal GcMAF structure and function. [8]

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 supplementation is recommended in doses of 10,000 to 20,000 IU per day. Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient required for immune system health and boosts the effects of GcMAF treatment.

Where to look for GcMAF immunotherapy

As you may have expected, GcMAF treatment is not available in the United States for commercial purchase. GcMAF remains an unapproved drug by the FDA and is a primary reason why this governing body interjected in Dr. Bradstreet’s practice.

Although some clinics offer this life altering therapy, many do not advertise this due to FDA restrictions. However, products from a medical organization in Japan can be purchased online. The manufacturing company Saisei Mirai has tested a serum formulation of GcMAF that can be injected into a patient and is also available in an oral bovine colostrum form.

GcMAF and colostrum

Bovine colostrum derived components have been found to activate GcMAF. Also known as a type of “first milk” produced in mammals including humans, colostrum has high concentrations of immunoglobins that function to build a newborn’s immune system. These components of colostrum have been found to stimulate GcMAF in people battling fatigue and life-threatening infections. [9]

A high-quality grade colostrum can be purchased from a capsule or powder formula produced from grass-fed cows or goats. The immunoglobin matrix makes this dairy product containing whey and casein tolerable by most individuals sensitive to dairy.

How to Supplement

To improve the efficiency of its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, it is best recommended to consume this supplement between meals. Although swishing and swallowing the powder may be the most effective approach, taking pills offers an easier alternative.

The mouth and throat contain specific immunological lymphoid tissue highly concentrated with macrophages. Mixing colostrum powder with water and swishing it around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes can activate macrophages and help you absorb immunoglobins sublingually. [10]

Following this timeframe, swallow the powder and water. Doing so helps boost macrophage activity and is recommended for individuals who suffer from immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes.

Bravo Yogurt stimulates GcMAF

Bravo Super Probiotic Yogurt is now being promoted for its health benefits on activating GcMAF. This special type of yogurt must be ordered online and is not available in stores.

The producer calls this yogurt “a harmonious natural symbiosis of active cultures and yeasts known to mankind for thousands of years. Unlike commercial fermented milk products that claim to stimulate the immune system and contain 2 to 6 microbial strains, Bravo Probiotics contains more than 40 microbial strains.” [11]

Recommended guidelines for consumption are:

  • Eat ½ cup of the yogurt in the morning or following a high fibrous meal.
  • Swish the yogurt in your mouth from 30 to 60 seconds and then gargle before proceeding to swallow. This action stimulates immunoglobulin compounds to the lymphoid tissue in the mouth and throat.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for an hour following its consumption to ensure maximum activity of the probiotics and immunoglobins throughout the digestive tract.

Lifestyle factors influence healthy GcMAF levels

Individuals viewed as healthy are presumed to synthesize about 10,000 cancer cells daily. [8] GcMAF targets these cancer cells for destruction. It is absolutely essential for you to optimize your GcMAF levels in your body in order to achieve health and the full healing potential your body can offer.

Individuals who supplement with GcMAF are further encouraged to take oleic acid through olive oil and avocados. They are also recommended to consume high doses of Vitamin D3. These individuals should drink no less than 2 liters of water daily including herbal teas each day. A low carbohydrate diet such as a ketogenic diet with healthy fats and essential proteins are shown best suitable to delay the development of cancer growth. [6]

Prevent your risk of developing cancer and chronic disease by opting to live a healthy lifestyle.

Guidelines to lower your risk of disease

The following tips will help you stimulate GcMAF synthesis and maximize your body’s natural healing and health promoting abilities. These guidelines are recommended for you to follow to build a defensive titanium immune system: [3, 4, 6, 8]

  • Receive healthy amounts of Vitamin D3 daily. This nutrient is vital to total health. Vitamin D deficiency is a leading cause of autoimmune complications and is associated with autism and cancer amongst a variety of other conditions and diseases.
  • Limit your sugar intake. Sugar promotes tremendous disadvantages and complications to human health. Avoid simple sugars like sweet treats but also complex sugars from starch and grains which are broken down into simple sugars as well. Both forms of these sugars feed cancer cells.
  • Eliminate all wheat and forms of it in your diet as well as lectins which promote cancer.
  • Eat a diet rich in optimal nutrients including a variety of vegetables, white meat and wild-caught fish. Diets deficient in essential trace minerals and amino acids cause reduced GcMAF levels and sub-optimal health.
  • Avoid soy milk as this product limits the absorption of trace minerals.
  • Avoid the additive carrageenan found in much of today’s products in stores. This additive is a thickening agent and has been shown to inhibit GcMAF activity. In comparison, carrageenan is like the previously discussed GcMAF inhibiting enzyme nagalase.
  • Eliminate all artificial sweeteners from your diet. These sugar substitutes weaken the immune response. Choose plant-based sweeteners like Stevia instead.
  • Two of the most important factors linked to cancer development are a lack of exercise and oxygen. These two life-promoting factors do more than influence your body’s figure but they reduce your risk of cancer by stimulating healthy compounds. As an example, cortisol is decreased when your body exercises thus limiting stress and anxiety. In men, high cortisol levels are associated with a reduction in testosterone and is a risk factor for heart problems.
  • When possible, avoid the need for a root canal. Unlike root canals, tooth extraction is not associated with the disruption of the immune system and is less likely to promote chronic sickness.
  • The Immunocentre of Europe offers a treatment plan to naturally promote GcMAF production in your body. To follow their guidelines avoid all immune suppressing substances like steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cortisone. The treatment plan also advises against the use of radiation therapy and experimental drugs with known adverse health effects and many other unknown health consequences.
  • Environmental contaminants increase the toxicity of your body inhibiting optimal immune functioning and should be avoided. Eliminate all toxic lifestyle habits such as smoking which increases the risk for carcinogenic abnormalities and chronic disease.
  • Reduce stress to your body at all costs to build a titanium immune system. Individuals diagnosed with disease or cancer typically recall a recent life-changing event that caused a severe shock to their bodies. Stress is like a bullet hole in your titanium defenses which provides malignant and cancerous cells the opportunity to release enzymes preventing GcMAF from exerting its full potential.


GcMAF immunotherapy treatment has shown amazing potential to treat a variety of chronic diseases as well as cancer and autism. The FDA appears to be responding to this information with increased terror towards leading experts in the field like Dr. Bradstreet.

Was Dr. Bradstreet killed for his understanding of GcMAF and its potential to cure disease? Or was the stress and threat of imprisonment enough stress to cause Dr. Bradstreet to shoot himself in the chest? Will we ever know the answer?

Regardless of investigation reports, you can reap the benefits of GcMAF therapy in your own home by benefiting from high-quality bovine colostrum and Vitamin D3 supplementation. Follow a low-carb, ketogenic diet and live a healthy lifestyle.

The post GcMAF Immunotherapy for Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Gallbladder Cancer Tue, 02 Aug 2016 16:33:10 +0000 The gallbladder is obviously helpful to our bodies, but it is not necessary to live. There are many people who go on to live normal lives after having their gallbladder removed. Gallbladder cancer starts in this small, pear-shaped organ located under the liver behind the right lower ribs. In adults, the gallbladder is typically about […]

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The gallbladder is obviously helpful to our bodies, but it is not necessary to live. There are many people who go on to live normal lives after having their gallbladder removed.

Gallbladder cancer starts in this small, pear-shaped organ located under the liver behind the right lower ribs. In adults, the gallbladder is typically about 3-4 inches long and about an inch wide. The gallbladder concentrates and stores bile which is made in the liver. This bile helps our bodies digest fats in foods as they travel  through the small intestine.

About 90 percent of gallbladder cancers are adenocarcinomas, which are cancers that start in glandular cells.

Papillary adenocarcinoma, which comprises about 6 percent of all gallbladder cancers,  is a type of gallbladder adenocarcinoma that usually has a better prognosis than most other gallbladder adenocarcinomas due to the fact it is not as likely to grow into nearby lymph nodes or the liver.

Other types of cancer can develop in the gallbladder, including small cell carcinomas, adenosquamous carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and sarcomas, but these are not common.

Gallbladder Cancer Causes & Symptoms
Causes & Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer

Researchers do not know the exact cause of most gallbladder cancers. However, there seems to be a link between these cancers and gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Approximately 80% of those with gallbladder cancer have gallstones or an inflamed gallbladder at diagnosis.

Studies have shown that people with a first-degree relative with gallbladder cancer have five times the risk of developing bladder cancer than those who do not have a relative who has had it. Because gallbladder cancer is so rare, even when the risk is increased by five times, it still remains very small.

Gallbladder cancer does not typically present with symptoms until the later stages of the disease. Gallbladder cancer symptoms include:
• Nausea and vomiting
• Abdominal pain
• Jaundice
• Gallbladder enlargement
• Abdominal swelling
• Weight loss
•  Loss of appetite

Who Gets Gallbladder Cancer
Who Gets Gallbladder Cancer

The American Cancer Society’s estimates for gallbladder cancer and nearby large bile ducts in the United States for 2016 are:

  • About 11,420 new cases diagnosed: 5,270 in men and 6,150 in women
  • About 3,710 deaths from these cancers: 1,630 in men and 2,080 in women

Of these, a bit less than 4 in 10 (about 4,000 cases) will be gallbladder cancers.

Unfortunately, gallbladder cancer is usually not diagnosed until it has advanced and causes symptoms, with only about 20% of all gallbladder cancers being found in the early stages before it has spread beyond the gallbladder.

Gallbladder cancer is found more often in older people than in younger people.

Gallbladder Cancer Prognosis
Prognosis if You Have Gallbladder Cancer

For treatment purposes, doctors often use a simpler system based on whether or not cancer can likely be removed (resected) with surgery:

• Resectable cancers are those that doctors believe can be removed completely by surgery.

• Unresectable cancers have spread too far or are in too difficult a place to be removed entirely by surgery.

Generally speaking, most Stage 0, I, and II cancers and possibly some stage III cancers are resectable. Most Stage III and IV tumors are unresectable.

However, this also depends on other factors, such as the size and location of cancer and whether a person is healthy enough for surgery.

The 5-year relative survival rate for gallbladder cancer:

• Stage I – 50 percent
• Stage II – 28 percent
• Stage III – 7-8 percent
• Stage IV – 2-4 percent

Conventional medicine’s main types of treatment for gallbladder cancer include:
• Surgery
• Radiation therapy
• Chemotherapy
• Palliative therapy

How to Prevent Gallbladder Cancer
How to Prevent Gallbladder Cancer

There is no known way to prevent most gallbladder cancers. Many of the known risk factors for gallbladder cancers, such as age, ethnicity, and other risk factors, are beyond our control.

There are lifestyle decisions you can make to lower the risk of developing gallbladder cancers, including maintaining a healthy weight by being active and eating a healthy diet: vegetables; fruits; whole-grain bread, pasta, and cereals; fish; poultry; and beans. Also, you should limit processed meat and red meat.

Immune System Health
Immune System Health

A healthy immune system remains your body's best defense. Not only is a weak immune system a major reason patients have cancer — and cancer itself can further weaken the immune system.

Beta glucans help regulate the immune system, making it more efficient. In addition, beta glucans stimulate white blood cells (lymphocytes) that bind to tumors or viruses and release chemicals to destroy it.

Beta Glucan has been approved in Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Taiwan as an immunoadjuvant therapy for cancer. In fact, helping with cancer is just the beginning with Beta Glucan. There have thousands of studies showing the product can protect against infections, lower your cholesterol, lower blood sugar, reduce stress, increase your antibody production, heal wounds, help radiation burns, overcome mercury-induced immunosuppression (like Thimerosal, used as a preservative in vaccines), help with diabetes, and even naturally prevent metastasis (or the spreading of your cancer).

Harvard Medical School suggests following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy:

• Don't smoke.
• Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.
• Exercise regularly.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Control your blood pressure.
• If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
• Get adequate sleep.
• Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
• Get regular medical screening tests for people in your age group and risk category.

More Information: Building the Immune System

Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet

Your diet plays a role in a healthy immune system. The top vitamins your immune system needs to perform include:

Vitamin C — helps to repair and regenerate tissues and aids in the absorption of iron
• Vitamin E — a powerful antioxidant that helps your body fight off infection
• Vitamin B6 — supports adrenal function and is necessary for key metabolic processes
• Vitamin A — aids immune function and helps provide a barrier against infections
• Vitamin D — modulates cell growth, promotes neuromuscular and immune function, and reduces inflammation
• Folate — key in development of red blood cells (a lack of Folate can make the body susceptible to cancer)
• Iron — helps your body carry oxygen to cells
Selenium — slows the body's overactive responses to certain aggressive forms of cancer
• Zinc — slows the immune response and control inflammation in your body

Sources: American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research UK

The post Gallbladder Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Sarcoma Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:28:47 +0000 Sarcoma is cancer that originates in supporting tissues including bones, muscles, fat, cartilage, and other connective tissues. Soft tissue sarcomas can develop in any part of the body. Sarcomas that develop on the arms or legs account for 43 percent of all sarcomas, while 34 percent develop on the internal organs, and 10 percent on […]

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Sarcoma is cancer that originates in supporting tissues including bones, muscles, fat, cartilage, and other connective tissues. Soft tissue sarcomas can develop in any part of the body. Sarcomas that develop on the arms or legs account for 43 percent of all sarcomas, while 34 percent develop on the internal organs, and 10 percent on the chest or back. It is rare that a sarcoma will develop in the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of soft tissue sarcoma include fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma.  Types of bone sarcomas include osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma.

With sarcomas accounting for less that 1 percent of new cancer cases, sarcomas are very rare.

Sarcoma Causes & Symptoms
Causes & Symptoms of Sarcoma

Radiation is the most common risk factor for sarcomas.

Other known risk factors for Sarcomas include:

• chronic lymphedema
• certain inherited diseases such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome and von Willebrand disease
• people with HIV
• exposure to certain chemicals (ie: arsenic, phenoxy acetic acids, chlorophenols, vinyl chloride)

Lifestyle issue including smoking, consuming alcohol, exercise and diet are not contributing risk factors for sarcomas.

Soft tissue sarcomas can develop as a visible lump or mass. Generally, they cause no pain or swelling, and may not be noticeable until they become quite large. Soft tissue masses are common and can be caused by many things other than cancer, so it is important to visit your physician for a proper diagnosis.

Pain can be associated with some bone sarcomas, but this is not always the case.

Who Gets Sarcoma
Who Gets Sarcoma

Sarcomas can develop in both adults and children, with different types being more common in children, including Rhabdomyosarcoma, while others are more common in adults, including gastrointestinal sarcoma. People who were treated with radiotherapy for other types of cancers have a higher risk of developing soft tissue sarcomas. HIV patients also have a higher risk of developing sarcomas.

Sarcoma Prognosis
Prognosis if You Have Sarcoma

When all types of sarcoma are included, there is a 50 percent 5-year survival rate for patients. However, this number includes sarcomas with a less favorable survival rates such as Kaposi sarcoma.

5 Year Survival Rates for soft tissue sarcomas:

• Stage I — 83 percent
• Stage II and III — 54 percent
• Stage IV — 16 percent

Survival rates at the 10-year marker are only slightly worse which indicates that at the 5-year cancer-free mark, most sarcoma patients are cured.

Survival rates for sarcomas on the arms or legs has a more favorable outcome that when it develops in other areas of the body.

Conventional medicine’s main types of treatment for Sarcoma include:

• Surgery
• Radiation therapy
• Chemotherapy
• Targeted therapy
• Palliative therapy

Immune System Health
Immune System Health

A healthy immune system remains your body's best defense. Not only is a weak immune system a major reason patients have cancer — and cancer itself can further weaken the immune system.

Beta glucans help regulate the immune system, making it more efficient. In addition, beta glucans stimulate white blood cells (lymphocytes) that bind to tumors or viruses and release chemicals to destroy it.

Beta Glucan has been approved in Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Taiwan as an immunoadjuvant therapy for cancer. In fact, helping with cancer is just the beginning with Beta Glucan. There have thousands of studies showing the product can protect against infections, lower your cholesterol, lower blood sugar, reduce stress, increase your antibody production, heal wounds, help radiation burns, overcome mercury-induced immunosuppression (like Thimerosal, used as a preservative in vaccines), help with diabetes, and even naturally prevent metastasis (or the spreading of your cancer).

Harvard Medical School suggests following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy:

• Don't smoke.
• Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.
• Exercise regularly.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Control your blood pressure.
• If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
• Get adequate sleep.
• Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
• Get regular medical screening tests for people in your age group and risk category.

More Information: Building the Immune System

Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet

Your diet plays a role in a healthy immune system. The top vitamins your immune system needs to perform include:

Vitamin C — helps to repair and regenerate tissues and aids in the absorption of iron
• Vitamin E — a powerful antioxidant that helps your body fight off infection
• Vitamin B6 — supports adrenal function and is necessary for key metabolic processes
• Vitamin A — aids immune function and helps provide a barrier against infections
• Vitamin D — modulates cell growth, promotes neuromuscular and immune function, and reduces inflammation
• Folate — key in development of red blood cells (a lack of Folate can make the body susceptible to cancer)
• Iron — helps your body carry oxygen to cells
Selenium — slows the body's overactive responses to certain aggressive forms of cancer
• Zinc — slows the immune response and control inflammation in your body

Sources: American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research Society

The post Sarcoma appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Step 1: What is Cancer? Wed, 11 Nov 2015 10:24:36 +0000 Welcome to Cancer Tutor. Our extensive database of science-based, peer-reviewed material is here to guide you through this season of your life. First, be thankful; you are alive during a time when information can literally save your life! There are volumes of studies and thriver testimonials to help shed light on your cancer journey. Integrative […]

The post Step 1: What is Cancer? appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Welcome to Cancer Tutor. Our extensive database of science-based, peer-reviewed material is here to guide you through this season of your life.

First, be thankful; you are alive during a time when information can literally save your life! There are volumes of studies and thriver testimonials to help shed light on your cancer journey.

Integrative cancer treatments – those that combine the best of natural regimens and conventional approaches – have made significant strides in recent decades. Many of the top cancer researchers are probing how to better utilize integrative treatments for cancer.

At Cancer Tutor, we are committed to providing this information free of charge to those who seek it. We will not put a price on your health. When we learn of new clinical trial results, we will share.

We do not make claims regarding treatments. We present the information in an unbiased manner and welcome those who disagree to have a conversation based on scientific facts – not a “gut feeling” or because “someone said.”

We're glad you've come to Cancer Tutor for answers. We look forward to helping address your needs, to provide information for caregivers, and to be a respected outlet for all health care providers to exchange ideas for the betterment of cancer patients.

You’ve heard of cancer. Likely there are people in your family who have faced cancer. But what is cancer, really? Until you are faced with reality, cancer is something that happens to someone else. And then, the doctor said three words — “You have cancer …” — that change your life. Immediately your mind began to race: What about my family? What about my job? Why me?

But cancer is not a death sentence.

Among your options are natural and integrative treatments that have been used to treat the disease. These natural cancer treatments have been documented to be helpful and can be less expensive than traditional chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Before you begin treating cancer, you need to understand what cancer is. Then you can approach treatment with a solid base of knowledge and understanding.


Did You Know

Why is treating cancer so hard?

The cellular and genetic description of cancer is only part of the story. In fact, it is a simplistic argument that has shaped the cancer therapy industry for decades — arguably, in the wrong direction. Thinking of cancer as a genetic anomaly allows the logical conclusion that targeting the anomalous cells can eliminate cancer. That thinking has proved fallacious over time. It is not just that it is difficult to therapeutically differentiate between the cancerous and non-cancerous cells. Scientific evidence today points to a much more complex environment that regulates the growth of cancer that must be tackled to ensure lasting results against the disease.

To truly understand cancer, you have to first know that cancer cannot exist in isolation — it exists and grows in the environment that we know as the body. Everything we do to the body can have a positive or negative effect on the growth of cancer. Cancer creates its own micro-environment, and the increasingly altered environment then feeds back cancer.

At the core of cancer lies a single word: intelligence. Cancer cells are intelligent. It is a proven fact that they can rapidly recruit healthy cells to create large masses that we know as tumors. It is also known now that obliterating large tumor masses can and usually does leave behind cancer stem cells that carry within them the entire information needed to replicate tumors. The resulting tumors tend to be more aggressive and resistant to therapy.

That is why to truly treat cancer, we have to look past killing the cancer cell. We must be able to modify the environment that provides the “fertile soil” for its growth so that cancer finds it increasingly difficult to set root. We must re-energize the immune system so that it does not remain an ineffective, silent bystander while cancer grows. The body has all the information it needs to beat cancer — it has been doing this task from the day each of us was born. Somewhere along the way, our body’s defenses get overwhelmed. That is why knowing how to restore the body’s ability to defend itself becomes a central theme in holistic cancer medicine.

All cancers begin in cells

So what is cancer? It begins with cells, the basic building blocks of the body. There are many different types of cells, and they make up all of the tissues and organs in the body. Within each cell are thousands of genes that act as a command center for the cell. Genes provide instructions for what role the cell will play in the body. Each gene has a unique job to perform either by itself or in combination with other genes.

Otto Warburg discovered that the flavins and the nicotinamide were the active groups of the hydrogen transferring enzymes. This, together with the iron-oxygenase discovered earlier, gave a complete account of the oxidations and reductions in the living world. The discovery opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He showed, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop even in the absence of oxygen.

“[Warburg] determined the definition of a cancer cell is one with low adenosine triphosphate,” Cancer Tutor founder Webster Kehr said. “Every cell in your body creates an enormous amount of ATP every second; the ATP is the energy of the cell. The definition of a cancer cell is that something is blocking the creation of ATP energy in the cell.”

Cells divide to make new cells and replace damaged or old cells. As cells duplicate, they pass along copies of their genetic material to the new cells.

The process of cells dividing and passing along genes is usually well controlled, ensuring that the right kinds and numbers of cells are present for the different parts of the body to function correctly. The body and the cells can usually recognize when something has changed in a cell and will work to repair or destroy the abnormal cell.

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer develops when the body’s normal control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and cells grow out of control, forming new abnormal cells. These cells may form a mass of tissue — a tumor. (However, some cancers, such as leukemia, do not form tumors.)

All cancers begin in cells. Cancer starts with changes in one cell or a small group of cells. Usually, we have just the right number of each type of cell. This is because cells produce signals to control how much and how often the cells divide. If any of these signals are faulty or missing, cells may start to grow and multiply too much and form a lump (tumor). Where cancer starts is called the primary tumor.

Gene mutations are cellular

For cancer to start, certain changes take place within the genes of a cell or a group of cells.

Different types of cells in the body do different jobs, but they are basically similar. They all have a control center called a nucleus. Inside the nucleus are chromosomes made up of long strings of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA contains thousands of genes, which are coded messages that tell the cell how to behave.

Each gene is an instruction that tells the cell to make something. This could be a protein or a different type of molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid). Together, proteins and RNA control the cell. They decide what sort of cell it will be, what it does, when it will divide, and when it will die.

Normally genes make sure that cells grow and reproduce in an orderly and controlled way. They make sure that more cells are produced as needed to keep the body healthy.

Sometimes a change happens in the genes when a cell divides. The change is called a mutation. It means that a gene has been damaged or lost or copied twice. Mutations also can happen by chance when a cell is dividing. Some mutations mean that the cell no longer understands its instructions and starts to grow out of control.

Mutations in particular genes may mean that too many proteins have been produced and trigger a cell to divide. Or proteins that normally tell a cell to stop dividing may not be produced.

Some genes get damaged every day, and cells repair them. But over time, the damage may build up. Once cells start growing too fast, they are more likely to pick up further mutations and less likely to be able to repair the damaged genes.

Most common forms of cancer

While trying to get your head around “what is cancer,” understand that it can occur anywhere in the body. In women, breast cancer is most common. In men, it’s prostate cancer. Lung cancer and colorectal cancer affect both men and women in high numbers.

There are five main categories of cancer:

Carcinomas begin in the skin or tissues that line the internal organs and are the most common type of cancer. They are formed by epithelial cells, which are the cells that cover the inside and outside surfaces of the body. There are many types of epithelial cells, which often have a column-like shape when viewed under a microscope.

Sarcomas develop in the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle or other connective tissues. These are cancers that form in bone and soft tissues, including muscle, fat, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and fibrous tissue (such as tendons and ligaments).

Leukemia begins in the blood and bone marrow. These cancers do not form solid tumors. Instead, large numbers of abnormal white blood cells (leukemia cells and leukemic blast cells) build up in the blood and bone marrow, crowding out normal blood cells. The low level of normal blood cells can make it harder for the body to get oxygen to its tissues, control bleeding, or fight infections.

There are four common types of leukemia, which are grouped based on how quickly the disease gets worse (acute or chronic) and on the type of blood cell cancer starts in (lymphoblastic or myeloid).

Lymphomas start in the immune system. This cancer begins in lymphocytes (T cells or B cells). These are disease-fighting white blood cells that are part of the immune system. In lymphoma, abnormal lymphocytes build up in lymph nodes and lymph vessels, as well as in other organs of the body.

Melanoma is cancer that begins in cells that become melanocytes, which are specialized cells that make melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color). Most melanomas form on the skin, but melanomas can also form in other pigmented tissues, such as the eye.

In all types of cancer, some of the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues.


Did You Know

Most cancers have four stages:

Stage I usually means that a cancer is relatively small and contained within the organ it started in.

Stage II usually means cancer has not started to spread into surrounding tissue but the tumor is larger than in Stage I. Sometimes Stage II means that cancer cells have spread to lymph nodes close to the tumor, depending on the type of cancer.

Stage III usually means the cancer is larger. It may have started to spread into surrounding tissues and there are cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the area.

Stage IV means cancer has spread from where it started to another body organ. This is also called secondary or metastatic cancer.

Sometimes doctors use the letters A, B, or C to further divide the number categories — for example, stage 3B cervical cancer.

More about common cancers

Carcinomas that begin in different epithelial cell types have specific names:

• Adenocarcinoma is cancer that forms in epithelial cells that produce fluids or mucus. Tissues with this type of epithelial cell are sometimes called glandular tissues. Most cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate are adenocarcinomas.

• Basal cell carcinoma is cancer that begins in the lower or basal (base) layer of the epidermis, which is a person’s outer layer of skin. Squamous cell carcinoma is cancer that forms in squamous cells, which are epithelial cells that lie just beneath the outer surface of the skin. Squamous cells also line many other organs, including the stomach, intestines, lungs, bladder, and kidneys.

• Squamous cells look flat, like fish scales, when viewed under a microscope. Squamous cell carcinomas are sometimes called epidermoid carcinomas.

Transitional cell carcinoma is cancer that forms in a type of epithelial tissue called transitional epithelium, or urothelium. This tissue, which is made up of many layers of epithelial cells that can get bigger and smaller, is found in the linings of the bladder, ureters, and part of the kidneys (renal pelvis), and a few other organs. Some cancers of the bladder, ureters, and kidneys are transitional cell carcinomas.

Osteosarcoma is the most common cancer of bones. The most common types of soft tissue sarcoma are leiomyosarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, liposarcoma, and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.

Leukemias begin when large numbers of abnormal white blood cells (leukemia cells and leukemic blast cells) build up in the blood and bone marrow, crowding out normal blood cells. The low level of normal blood cells can make it harder for the body to get oxygen to its tissues, control bleeding, or fight infections.

There are two main types of lymphoma:

• Hodgkin lymphoma — People with this disease have abnormal lymphocytes that are called Reed-Sternberg cells. These cells usually form from B cells.

• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma — This is a large group of cancers that start in lymphocytes. The cancers can grow quickly or slowly and can form from B cells or T cells.

Multiple myelomas are cancer that begins in plasma cells, another type of immune cell. The abnormal plasma cells, called myeloma cells, build up in the bone marrow and form tumors in bones all through the body. Multiple myelomas also are called plasma cell myeloma and Kahler disease.

Also, central nervous system cancers develop in the brain and spinal cord. There are different types of brain and spinal cord tumors. These tumors are named based on the type of cell in which they formed and where the tumor first formed in the central nervous system. For example, an astrocytic tumor begins in star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes, which help keep nerve cells healthy. Brain tumors can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer).

Malignant vs. benign tumors

Cancerous tumors are malignant, which means they can spread into nearby tissues. As these tumors grow, some cancer cells can break off and travel through the blood or the lymph system to other places in the body and form new tumors far from the original tumor.

Unlike malignant tumors, benign tumors do not spread into nearby tissues. Benign tumors can sometimes be quite large. When removed, they usually don’t grow back, whereas malignant tumors sometimes do. Unlike most benign tumors elsewhere in the body, benign brain tumors can be life-threatening.

Cancer cells are also often able to evade the immune system, a network of organs, tissues, and specialized cells that protect the body from infections and other conditions. Although the immune system normally removes damaged or abnormal cells from the body, some cancer cells are able to “hide” from the immune system.

Tumors also can use the immune system to stay alive and grow. For example, with the help of certain immune system cells that normally prevent a runaway immune response, cancer cells can actually keep the immune system from killing cancer cells.

To start with, cancer cells are contained within the body tissue from which they have developed — the lining of the bladder or breast ducts. Doctors call this superficial cancer growth. It may also be called carcinoma in situ.

The cancer cells grow and divide to create more cells and will eventually form a tumor. A tumor may contain millions of cells. All body tissues have a layer keeping the cells of that tissue inside called the basement membrane. Once the cancer cells have broken through the basement membrane it is called invasive cancer.

As the tumor gets bigger, the center of it gets further and further away from the blood vessels in the area where it is growing. So the center of the tumor gets less and less of the oxygen and the other nutrients all cells need to survive.

Like healthy cells, cancer cells cannot live without oxygen and nutrients. So they send out signals, called angiogenic factors, that encourage new blood vessels to grow into the tumor. This is called angiogenesis. Without a blood supply, a tumor can't grow much bigger than a pinhead.

Once cancer can stimulate blood vessel growth, it can grow bigger and grow more quickly. It will stimulate the growth of hundreds of new capillaries from the nearby blood vessels to bring it nutrients and oxygen.

As a tumor gets bigger, it takes up more room in the body. Cancer can then cause pressure on surrounding structures. It can also grow directly into body structures nearby. This is called a local invasion. How cancer actually grows into surrounding normal body tissues is not fully understood.


Did You Know

Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Benign tumors
• Usually grow quite slowly;
• Don't spread to other parts of the body;
• Usually have a covering made up of normal cells,

Benign tumors are made up of cells that are quite similar to normal cells. They will only cause a problem if they
• Grow very large;
• Become uncomfortable or unsightly;
• Press on other body organs;
• Take up space inside the skull (such as a brain tumor);
• Release hormones that affect how the body works.

Malignant tumors
• Are made up of cancer cells;
• Usually grow faster than benign tumors;
• Spread into and damage surrounding tissues;
• May spread to other parts of the body in the bloodstream or through the lymph system to form secondary tumors. Spreading to other parts of the body is called metastasis.

The spread of cancer

Cancer may just grow out in a random direction from the place where it started. However, tumors can spread into some tissues more easily than others. For example, large blood vessels that have very strong walls and dense tissues such as cartilage are hard for tumors to grow into. So locally, tumors may grow along the path of least resistance — they take the easiest route.

The place where cancer starts in the body is called primary cancer or primary site. If cancer cells spread to another part of the body the new area of cancer is called secondary cancer or a metastasis. Some cancers may spread to more than one area of the body to form multiple secondaries or metastases.

If the cancer cells go into small blood vessels they can then get into the bloodstream. They are called circulating tumor cells.

Researchers are currently looking at using blood tests to find circulating tumor cells to diagnose cancer and avoid the need for tests such as biopsies. They also are looking at whether they can test circulating cancer cells to predict which treatments will work best for each patient.

The circulating blood sweeps the cancer cells along until they get stuck somewhere. Usually, they get stuck in a very small blood vessel called a capillary. Then the cell must move through the wall of the capillary and into the tissue of the organ close by. The cell can multiply to form a new tumor if the conditions are right for it to grow and it has the nutrients that it needs.

Out of many thousands of cancer cells that reach the blood circulation, only a few will survive to form secondary cancer (metastasis).

Some cancer cells are probably killed off by the white blood cells in our immune system. Other cancer cells may die because they are battered around by the fast-flowing blood.

Cancer cells in the circulation may try to stick to platelets to form clumps to give themselves some protection. Platelets are blood cells that help the blood to clot. This may also help the cancer cells to be filtered out in the next capillary network they come across so they can then move into the surrounding tissues.

Cancer and the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is a network of tubes and glands in the body that filters body fluid and fights infection. It also traps damaged or harmful cells such as cancer cells.

If cancer cells go into the small lymph vessels close to the primary tumor they can be carried into nearby lymph glands. The cancer cells may get stuck there. In the lymph glands, they may be destroyed but some may survive and grow to form tumors in one or more lymph nodes. Doctors call this lymph node spread.

Micrometastases are areas of cancer spread (metastases) that are too small to see. Some areas of cancer cells are too small to show up on any type of scan. For most cancers, the doctor can only say whether it is likely or not that a patient has micrometastases.

For a few types of cancer, blood tests can detect certain proteins released by the cancer cells. These may give a sign that there are metastases in the body that are too small to show up on a scan. But for most cancers, there is no blood test that can say whether cancer has spread or not.

So what is cancer?

Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases, and it can develop almost anywhere in the body. As a cancerous tumor grows, the bloodstream or lymphatic system may carry cancer cells to other parts of the body. During this process, known as metastasis, the cancer cells grow and may develop into new tumors.

One of the first places cancer often spreads is to the lymph nodes — tiny, bean-shaped organs that help fight infection. They are located in clusters in different parts of the body, such as the neck, groin area, and under the arms.

Cancer also may spread through the bloodstream, to the bones, liver, lungs, or brain. Even if cancer spreads, it is still named after the area where it began. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is called metastatic breast cancer, not lung cancer.

Often, a diagnosis begins when a person visits a doctor about an unusual symptom. The doctor will talk with the person about his or her medical history and symptoms. Then the doctor will perform various tests to find out the cause of these symptoms. Many people with cancer have no symptoms, though. For these people, cancer is diagnosed during a medical test for another issue or condition.

Sometimes a doctor diagnoses cancer after a screening test in an otherwise healthy person. Examples of screening tests include colonoscopy, mammography, and a Pap test. A person may need additional tests to confirm the result of the screening test.

For most cancers, a biopsy is the only way to make a definite diagnosis. A biopsy is the removal of a small amount of tissue for further study. After a biopsy, your health care team completes several steps before the pathologist makes a diagnosis. A pathologist is a doctor who specializes in interpreting laboratory tests and evaluating cells, tissues, and organs to diagnose disease.

Additional sources: National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research UK, American Institute for Cancer Research

The post Step 1: What is Cancer? appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Treatments for weak cancer patients Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:21:25 +0000 Should weak cancer patients eat meat, fish, etc.? Many times I have worked with cancer patients who thought they should not eat meat, fish, etc. Whether a person can eat these things depends on one key issue: Are they using Kelley Enzymes or Proteolytic Enzymes? If they are talking these enzymes, as part of their […]

The post Treatments for weak cancer patients appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Should weak cancer patients eat meat, fish, etc.?

Many times I have worked with cancer patients who thought they should not eat meat, fish, etc. Whether a person can eat these things depends on one key issue: Are they using Kelley Enzymes or Proteolytic Enzymes?

If they are talking these enzymes, as part of their cancer treatment, then they should not eat meat, fish, etc.

If they are not taking these enzymes, they can eat all the meat and fish they want to.

The only reason for not eating meat is because the enzymes in the pancreas will be used up when a person eats meat. But if a person is not depending on these enzymes in their cancer treatment, there is no reason not to eat meat and fish especially if the patient is weak.

Electromedicine Cancer Treatments

Electromedicine treatments can not only be used by those who cannot eat, but also by those who cannot drink. However, it takes time to obtain these devices and they do not work extremely fast. The High RF Frequency Generator systems revert cancer cells into normal cells, kill microbes in the bloodstream and kill microbes inside the organs (which is the “root cause” of the cancer). Thus they are an amazing cancer treatment for anyone, though it should not be used as the only cancer treatment.

The High RF Frequency Protocol should be used for several months, no matter what else the patient uses. The High RF Frequency Generator is a long-range treatment device.

Note that there are two different kinds of products, the High RF-Frequency Protocol – Plasma and the High RF Frequency Protocol – 10 Watt. The Plasma device is always recommended because it is the most powerful, but it is required for those with cancer above the chest (e.g. brain cancer), and who have dangerous tumors. It is also highly recommended for those with lung cancer, lymphomas and leukemias.

See this article for more information (and where to purchase a “High RF Frequency” device): High RF Frequency Generators

You will need the step-by-step, color-coded button-by-button, instruction protocols on how to use either High RF Frequency Generator device for cancer. It is 44 page document. You can email us for a copy.

The Bob Beck Protocol

Because the High RF Frequency Protocol is required with this treatment, for those who can afford it, the Bob Beck protocol is optional. It would be good to use the Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Sota calls the Blood Purifier the “Silver Pulser”) just before going to bed at night. In fact, for squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, sarcomas, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and uterine cancer the Bob Beck Blood Purifier, used for two hours just before bedtime, is highly recommended.

(Note: If the person uses the High RF Frequency Generator plasma device, they do not need the Magnetic Pulser, only the Blood Purifier (aka Silver Pulser).

The Bob Beck protocol removes microbes from the bloodstream. Nothing does that as well as the Beck protocol. By doing this the immune system is supercharged and the immune system takes care of the cancer cells.

The only reason the Bob Beck Protocol is not a primary cancer treatment is that it takes too long for the immune system to be rebuilt. However, it can be a supplemental treatment for any patient because all patients need their blood cleaned of microbes.

It is not important to start the Bob Beck protocol immediately. Start the other things in this Overnight Cure For Cancer before you start the Bob Beck protocol because it is a long-range protocol.

The Bob Beck device(s) should be used for at least a year. Bob Beck Protocol

Nutritional protocols (required even if you use electromedicine)

First, important nutritional protocols to deal with weakness are Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). They are an incredible way to get energy into the patient quickly. The nice thing about these items is that a build-up is not necessary.

ALA and LDN should be used together (i.e. they are synergistic).

I should also note that if you use a search engine, there are “infusion centers” that administer ALA and you could also search for “LDN doctors” to see if there is one near you.

The recommended source of LDN is the Belmar Pharmacy. A doctor or D.O. prescription is required. Try to find a doctor who is sympathetic to natural medicine. You can order via Internet at:

Note: Be sure to order “NON-slow release and no calcium carbonate filler” when ordering.

LDN Vendor

There are a couple of LDN organization that have useful information, such as where to find an LDN doctor:

LDN Science

LDN Organization

Here is a vendor of Alpha Liphoic Acid:


In addition. LDN and Milk Thistle (herb) are very good to protect the liver. Milk Thistle is good for the liver anyway, but LDN enhances it. Milk Thistle is available at any health food store.

Additional ideas

Here are more ideas for dealing with a weak cancer patient:


This product contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, etc. It is incredible as a energy producer.

MSM/Vitamin C and/or MSM/CS and/or MSM/LIPH and/or Echinacea Protocol

These are taken orally, by PEG Tube or by I.V. (choice of patient).

LIPH must be put in plastic bottles and should never touch the glass, not even for a moment.

The purpose of this protocol is two-fold: first, revert cancer cells into normal cells and second, to help keep the blood free of microbes. This is critical for all cancer patients, but especially for squamous cell carcinoma, any type of sarcoma, melanoma and uterine cancer patients.

Here are the articles on the MSM/Vitamin C, MSM/Colloidal Silver and MSM/LIPH:
MSM and Vitamin C
MSM and Colloidal Silver


A superb nutritional protocol that can get past the lactic-acid blockade. It can energize cells.



A homeopathic product (meaning the structure of the water has been changed) that energizes cells. This product can actually change the way a cell processes energy. It floods the cells with Redox Signaling reactive molecules.It is important to work with Dr. Carpenter in setting the doses.

MSM/LIPH (or LIPH by itself)

May help with weakness as it can help flush both lactic acid and microbes out of the bloodstream. It is so inexpensive it is certainly worth a try.

Oceans Alive (marine phytoplankton)

Contains an enormous number of minerals and other key nutrients from the ocean. Totally natural fuel for your mitochondria.

Marine phytoplankton is a unique super-nutrient from the ocean that provides the body with an increase in residual energy that builds up significantly when it is ingested on a daily basis. A team of European doctors, botanists and microbiologists spent many years and millions of dollars researching 40,000 species of marine phytoplankton in the ocean to determine the best species in each category to use for bio-fuel, aqua culture and ultimately human consumption. Only four species of marine phytoplankton were found to be beneficial for human consumption and based on nutritional profiles, one species was super beneficial and was the single species chosen for production.

Fucoidan (Optional due to cost)

Fucoidan (optional due to cost)

Fucoidan article

Aloe Arborescens

Aloe Arborescens is highly nutritious anti-cancer protocol. Unfortunately, it includes honey so it may not be usable by patients on PEG tubes.

Here is the link:

Aloe Arborescens article

There is a website and book on Apple Cider Vinegar which may recommend different doses:
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Mineral Oils and/or Mineral Water

Another recommended protocol is a mixture of liquid zinc, magnesium & selenium. Take the recommended daily dose of the vendor (the dose depends on what brand you buy so look at the daily dose on the bottle).

If you want to use a magnesium oil instead of liquid ionic magnesium, see this:

Magnesium Oil Vendor

This protocol can be done orally, by PEG Tube or by I.V. (choice of patient).

Fruit Juices

The fruit juices (e.g. Welch's Grape Juice) must be 100% juice and have ZERO added sugar. Also, do NOT get orange juice as it actually excites the microbes in the bloodstream, etc.

But any mixture of fruit juices is fine as long as it does not include added sugar or orange juice.

Juice Plus. Juice Plus was formulated for weak patients and has been around a long time. It can and should be used with any other product.

Noni Juice, Mangosteen juice and Moringa oleifera are all excellent cancer treatments and will help energize cells.

Enive Vibe Liquid or Vibe Fruit Sensation, an amazing liquid supplement

Vegetable Juicing

A quart of carrot juice, with a little beet juice mixed in, has cured many cancer patients and is no doubt a very good way to help a weak cancer patient.


While there are already many anti-oxidants in this protocol, quercetin is not just an anti-oxidant but adds other benefits, such as the ability to kill cancer cells, especially if combined with green tea.

Budwig Diet

If you are on the Cellect-Budwig protocol, the Budwig Diet is part of the protocol. But if you are not on the Cellect-Budwig, the Budwig protocol is designed to energize cells, among other things. It is a very good protocol for weak patients. Remember the one rule: no antioxidants within 2 hours, on both sides, of the Budwig protocol. Many of the things in the Dirt Cheap Protocol, for example, are anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants can neutralize the Budwig if taken within two hours.

Cachexia Theory

Many of the products in the above sections will deal with cachexia, or at least are not affected by lactic acid, in one way or another.

Of some concern is getting nutrients past the “lactic acid” blockade that will energize cells or kill microbes. This lactic acid blockade is the main reason cancer patients get “cachexia.”

My personal philosophy about the lactic acid blockade is to quickly kill cancer cells or revert them into normal cells so these cells no longer create lactic acid. But let us discuss some other related concepts.

I wanted to make one comment: water will always get past the lactic acid blockade. Why is this important?

Because many homeopathic products are “vibrating water,” meaning the body (e.g. lactic acid in this case) simply thinks they are water.

LIPH (which is homeopathic), chlorine dioxide and ASEA, for example, can easily get past the lactic acid blockade to get to the cells. The body “thinks” that LIPH, chlorine dioxide and ASEA are simply water.

If the patient knows a homeopath, it might be good to ask this person what “vibrating water” products they have (that have not already been mentioned) that energize cells or kill microbes.

DMSO and MSM actually help flush out some of the lactic acid. Thus, MSM / LIPH has absolutely no problem getting to the weak cells, plus it helps flush some lactic acid out. Ditto for MSM/Vitamin C.

Cannabis oil formula (effective on advanced cancer patients)

From an email:

The oil they use is essentially Rick Simpson oil. So the patient doesn’t need to go to Oregon if they already have Rick Simpson oil. Stoney Girl Gardens sell and make their own strains of “Rick Simpson Oil” — however, the protocols they have developed for the Flax Oil Enema Protocol, and the Cannabis-Budwig Protocol, will work with any cannabis oil.

Dealing with the Cachexia cycle

A major cause of weakness is a “cycle” between the cancer cells and the liver, which consumes enormous amounts of energy and leaves large amounts of lactic acid in the bloodstream.

What happens is that the cancer cells consume glucose and excrete lactic acid which ends up in the bloodstream. The lactic acid travels to the liver. The liver converts the lactic acid into glucose. The glucose then travels to the cancer cells and the cycle starts over. Both ends of this cycle consume large amounts of energy, which can make the cancer patient weak.

Dealing with cachexia (the lactic acid cycle)

Hydrazine Sulphate

Hydrazine sulphate (also spelled: hydrazine sulfate) is by far the premier treatment for cachexia. Cachexia is the lactic acid cycle whereby:

  • cancer cells create lactic acid from glucose, which goes into the blood and
  • the liver converts lactic acid into glucose which goes into the blood.

While this cycle may seem harmless, this cycle consumes a massive amount of energy and literally kills about half of all cancer patients. Hydrazine sulfate blocks the cycle at the liver. Cesium chloride can stop the cycle at the cancer cells.

The only bad news with regards to liquid hydrazine sulfate is that there are many very strict safety rules about its safe use.

Here is an article on the safe use of hydrazine sulfate and how to obtain it:
Article on Hydrazine Sulfate


Advanced cancer patients who cannot eat almost always have advanced cases of cachexia, meaning the lactic acid cycle. Not only is the cycle itself deadly, but the lactic acid blocks many nutrients from reaching the non-cancerous cells.

D-Ribose is used by body-builders who have lactic acid buildup in their muscles. D-Ribose can get energy to cells which are robbed of energy by the lactic acid blockade.

D-Ribose is available at most health food stores and is required for advanced cancer patients. If in pill form, it may need to be crushed and put into liquid form.


MSM is another cancer treatment which helps cancer patients which cachexia. However, MSM will actually help any cancer patient because it is considered one of the “oxygen” protocols that help stop the spreading of cancer. Molecule for molecule it contains twice as much oxygen as hydrogen peroxide.

MSM also helps control the lactic acid itself.

Safety warning

If a person's digestive tract is already COMPLETELY blocked, they should immediately stop all alternative cancer treatments until the situation is completely resolved by the medical profession. Do not depend on alternative cancer treatments to reverse existing blockages.

If a person's digestive tract is PARTIALLY blocked by a tumor or other obstruction, then they should be careful not to use an alternative cancer treatment which will increase swelling or inflammation in the colon. Some alternative cancer treatments can cause tumors to temporary swell by up to 50 percent.

For cancer patients who cannot eat whole foods

This article is for cancer patients who have had severe damage to their digestive tract, jaw, or for any other reason cannot eat whole foods. Many of these cancer patients:

  • Cannot eat whole foods, or
  • Their digestive tract cannot absorb the nutrients in the foods they can eat, or
  • They are fed through a feeding tube of some kind, or
  • They are fed through an I.V.

In days past there were very limited choices for cancer patients who could not eat and/or digest foods. However, today the reader would be amazed at the number of highly potent cancer treatments available to those who cannot eat whole foods.

Today, when someone says a cancer patient cannot eat whole foods, it is possible to put together a treatment as potent as any that requires eating whole foods.

Some of the items in this article will apply to all cancer patients. However, some of the items in this article will not apply to every situation.

If you are on a feeding tube or an I.V., check with your doctor or nurse as to which of these substances can actually be used in your situation. Some things, such as the hydrogen peroxide bath, the essential oils, etc. can be applied directly to the skin and do not require a feeding tube or an I.V.

Today's treatments which can be used by advanced cancer patients who cannot eat whole foods fall into one of five categories:

  1. liquid (most of which can be put in an I.V.),
  2. thick liquid (liquid but not thin enough for an I.V. – e.g. carrot juice),
  3. electromedicine,
  4. ultraviolet light,
  5. transdermal (e.g. hydrogen peroxide baths or DMSO protocols)

In addition to everything on this page, also see #7 in the Reference Manual. The Reference Manual is updated more often than this article so it will always be more up-to-date:
Reference Manual (see #7)

In addition to all of this, the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment contains a rich assortment of items which are converted into liquid form before they are taken. So definitely see the Breuss article and then come back to this page for even more ideas.
Breuss Total Cancer Treatment

Use your imagination when eating

Many of the things in the “cancer diet” can be juiced. The list of protocols which can be put together for juicing cannot be made exhaustive because human innovation knows no limits. Here is the “cancer diet” article, meaning the foods which can and cannot be eaten by cancer patients:
The “Cancer Diet”

The keys to innovation are to understand the following:

  • Can the substance but mixed in or blended in with a liquid,
  • Can the substance be absorbed by the skin,
  • Can the substance be inhaled (an essential oil, for example),
  • Can the substance be put in an I.V.,
  • and so on.

Since most people in this situation are Stage IV patients, I would recommend after reading this web page that they go to my Stage IV article and let their imagination run wild.
“Stage IV” alternative cancer treatment

Major treatments which are primarily liquid or electromedicine

Cesium Chloride [with Rubidium and Potassium]

The key parts of the cesium chloride cancer protocol, with rubidium and potassium, are things that can be taken as liquids. In fact, they can be taken transdermally (i.e. through the skin). Since the key nutrients are ionic liquids, they can be taken through an I.V. or feeding tube.

One thing to note is that the frequency generator (mentioned next) and cesium chloride protocols cannot be used together. This means you will have to decide which protocol to use because only one of them at a time can be used.

One reason this protocol is listed first is that the major vendor of the products provides free telephone support to the patient and/or caregiver.

Since this is a major cancer treatment which has been around for more than 30 years, there is a special article on this protocol:
Cesium Chloride / Alkaline Protocol

Frequency Generators [electromedicine]

A major problem with not being able to eat is that key nutrients and supplements may not be able to be taken in high enough volumes for the treatment of cancer. When a cancer patient cannot eat whole foods, the ability to get rid of cancer cells must go beyond or outside of what the patient can eat or drink. A key answer to their dire situation is go outside of the body and use electromedicine to safely get rid of cancer cells.

The correct electromedicine device and protocol can revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells (note: it has been known for more than 100 years that cancer was caused by a very special pleomorphic microbe which lives inside of cancer cells).

The most commonly used electromedicine device for cancer is a “frequency generator.” The original “Rife Machine,” which Dr. Royal Rife himself invented, was a frequency generator. Some modern-day frequency generators are far superior to the original Rife frequency generator. Scientists have now been able to replicate the Rife technology.

A special article on frequency generators has been written:
Frequency Generator Article

Cellect-Budwig (thick liquid)

This is one of the most potent of the alternative cancer treatments, by itself. However, much of the highly potent Cellect-Budwig protocol can be used by cancer patients who cannot eat. In fact, Cellect itself can be taken by someone who cannot eat, but may not be able to be used by someone on a feeding tube and definitely not by someone fed by an I.V.

Here is a web page which provides information on this protocol:
Cellect Budwig Protocol

Here is an article which uses the Cellect-Budwig protocol as its base protocol, but adds several other liquid protocols. This article shows how to put together a complete protocol, though all of the products cannot be used by someone who cannot eat:
Cellect Budwig – Complete Protocol

Other treatments/supplements which are primarily liquid


Fucoidan is not only a superb protector of non-cancerous cells, it also contains a molecule which kills cancer cells. Sixteen ounces of Fucoidan a day is considered a cancer treatment by itself.

Here is an article with more information and a link to a vendor:
Fucoidan – Information and Vendor

Aloe Arborescens

This aloe protocol has been used in Brazil for many years. The treatment then went over to Europe and has now reached the United States.

For all but the most advanced cancer patients, it is a superb cancer treatment by itself. For an advanced cancer patient, it should be a supplemental protocol for every alternative cancer treatment.

See this article for more information:
Aloe Arborescens

Another oxygen treatment is HBOT, or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This is not considered a cancer treatment, but it is an excellent way to slow down the spread of cancer. Cancer cannot spread very well in a highly oxygen or highly alkaline environment. HBOT requires a licensed professional with the right equipment. Do a Google search using: HBOT and the name of your state or city.

Further information on hydrogen peroxide can be found in this article:
Hydrogen Peroxide information


Liquid laetrile, high dose Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide and ozone injection bottle treatments are commonly used with I.V.s in clinics. Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is also commonly used at clinics.

In Germany and to a lesser extent in Mexico, hyperthermia is another choice which can be used by those who cannot eat.

Laetrile is actually more effective if it is given by I.V., but this procedure will probably have to be found offshore (e.g. Mexico).

Hydrogen Peroxide can also be given by I.V. and in some cases it is far more effective if it is given by I.V. (e.g. for emphysema patients).

Ozone infusions amount to extracting blood from the patient, bombarding it with ozone to oxygenate it, and then putting it back into the patient.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT), which has evolved to the point it no longer requires a patient to be put into an insulin coma, may also fit into this category.

Other ideas for those who cannot eat whole foods

Converting supplements into a powder

One of the best ideas I have seen regarding taking pills and capsules is to put all of your non-liquid supplements into a blender and mix them into a powder. You can use a flour sifter to get the capsule shells out of the powder.

Important Note: The heat generated by some blenders can destroy the nutrient value of some substances. Make sure you do not put heat-sensitive items in a blender.

If you make large batches, you can refrigerate the powder and take the right proportion daily. For example, if you put 10 days worth of pills in the mixture, then take 1/10 of the powder every day.

Coral Calcium

Advanced cancer patients almost always have cancer which is fast-spreading; if for no other reason that the volume of cancer cells in the body.

Alkalinity is helpful in slowing down this spreading of cancer. If a person is not using cesium chloride, calcium can also help slow down the spread of cancer. This product supplies alkalinity, trace minerals, calcium and magnesium, and many other vitamins and minerals.

Here is a vendor of capsules (which I assume can be broken apart):
Coral Calcium – Barefoot vendor

Robert R. Barefoot is also a co-author of the book: The Calcium Factor

Spirulina and Chlorella (pills or thick liquid)

For someone who cannot eat whole foods, it is essential that they get needed protein. Spirulina is your answer. Both spirulina and chlorella provide a lot of things needed by cancer patients. The trick is to buy them in a form such that they can be mixed with water. This would most likely be the capsule form which can be broken apart and the insides mixed with water. In any case, talk to your vendor about your situation and what they suggest. Here is a recommended list of vendors by someone who has dealt with a lot of these vendors:

Note that chlorella may cause diarrhea if you build up to the vendor recommended dosage too quickly.

The “Greens” (thick liquid)

The “greens” (e.g. barleygrass juice, wheatgrass juice) are absolutely critical to any cancer diet. Fortunately, in one way or another, even someone who cannot eat whole foods can consume these items. These also are FOODS, thus there is no limit to how much you can take. See my article:
Wheatgrass article

Vegetable Juice (thick liquid)

This may require some filtering (the less the better), but the combination of carrot juice (1 quart a day), beet juice (at least 1 cup a day), beetroot juice, and other key vegetables, is one of the best cancer treatments on earth. See my article for details:
Raw Food diet

The Brandt Grape Cure (thick liquid)

It may require a filter, but anyone can consume grape juice or grape mush. The problem with grape juice is that if too much of it is consumed too quickly it can cause nausea. Some people cannot tolerate any grape juice. Do the best you can, but if you sip it slowly, over long periods of time, you may be able to get a significant amount down. See my grape cure article for more information:
Grape Cure article

The Super Fruit Juices

There are many super fruits on earth (Fucoidan is actually a seaweed product). However, the three that I know of are: Noni Juice, Mangosteen and Wolfberry Juice. All of these provide super levels of antioxidants and cancer killing substances. My strongly endorsed vendors for these products are:

Some minor amount of filtering may be necessary, but usually it is not necessary.

Ionized Water and Ionized Water Baths

It is easy, but somewhat expensive, to buy water ionizers. However, it is possible (I don't know if anyone has actually done this) that by putting a gallon or more of ionized water in your bath, it could accomplish the same thing, or more, than what a hydrogen peroxide bath can accomplish.

The good thing about ionized water, however, is that you can take it straight. It is best to also make the water alkaline if you are going to drink it. See my article:
Ionized Water article

Essential Oils

This is a an area of superb potential for cancer patients who cannot eat. Essential oils are one of the best ways to get antioxidants into the blood stream. They are also a good way to get oxygen into the cancer cells. However, I have not had the time to do a lot of my own research.

Here are a few books worth looking at if you are interested in this area (and please let me know what you find):

  • Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR) by Essential Science Publishing
  • Essential Oil Integrative Medical Guide by Dr. Gary Young
  • Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley
  • Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart Ph.D.

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